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目的分析2008年新疆精河县麻疹发病的流行病学特征。方法根据中国免疫规划信息管理系统的资料,对精河县2008年麻疹的流行病学特征进行描述流行病学分析。结果 2008年全县确诊麻疹病例103例,主要发生在2~4月;6岁及以下为麻疹高发年龄组,发病30例,占病例总数的29.13%;无免疫史者和免疫史不详者占69.90%;流动人口病例数占14.56%。结论小年龄组常规免疫工作和大年龄组儿童的麻疹疫苗复种工作急需加强,8月龄及以下婴儿正在成为麻疹控制中的一个焦点,应尽可能提高外来流动儿童的免疫覆盖率,并加强疫情监测,预防麻疹暴发。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市闸北区麻疹流行病学特征,为加速控制和消除麻疹提供依据。方法对上海市闸北区1999-2008年麻疹疫情资料进行描述流行病学分析。结果1999~2008年闸北区麻疹发病185例,无死亡病例,平均年发病率2.31/10万;外来人口发病率是本区人口发病率的16.11倍;3~8月发病人数占总发病人数的78.92%;男女病例数之比为1.08∶1;10岁儿童占总发病数的51.89%;≥20岁成人占总发病数的37.84%;本区人口发病以成人为主,≥20岁病例占56.14%,外来人口发病以儿童为主,10岁占58.59%。无免疫史,免疫史不详者分别占总发病数的56.76%和28.65%。结论加强对外来人口的管理、提高麻疹疫苗及时接种率和2剂次免疫率是控制和消除麻疹的工作重点,同时应加强麻疹的监测,开展成人麻疹疫苗免疫接种工作。  相似文献   

目的分析2005─2014年甘肃省武威市麻疹发病的流行病学特征及防控措施,为全面消除麻疹采取针对性的措施提供依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法分析2005─2014年武威市麻疹发病资料,了解其发病与流行病学特征。结果 2005─2014年武威市共报告麻疹确诊病例791例,无死亡病例,年平均发病率4.34/10万,不同年份发病率差异有统计学意义(χ2=70.30,P0.05);发病高峰为4─7月,报告病例599例,占病例总数的75.73%,不同月份发病率差异有统计学意义(χ2=36.88,P0.05);总体呈小年龄组人群发病为主的模式特征,5岁以下儿童发病486例、占病例总数的61.44%;流动人口发病275例,占病例总数的34.77%;病例中有麻疹免疫史占63.08%,无免疫史占17.70%,免疫史不详占19.22%。结论武威市麻疹发病率总体处于散发水平,对适龄儿童及时、完整地开展麻疹疫苗接种、完善麻疹监测体系、积极开展医院和校园内培训、探索新模式管理流动人口,是控制并消除麻疹的有效手段。  相似文献   

目的分析2004-2009年安岳县麻疹发病与流行趋势,为控制和消除麻疹提供依据。方法对2004-2009年安岳县麻疹监测系统确诊的632例病例进行流行病学分析。结果 2004-2006年麻疹发病率呈下降趋势,2007年发病数显著上升,且呈现散发与局部暴发并存的态势。2008年3月全县开展8月龄1~5岁儿童普种麻疹疫苗,疫情得到明显控制,2009年发病数仅有3例。发病高峰集中在3-7月;病例中有免疫史的占30.54%,无免疫史和免疫史不详的占44.78%和24.68%。结论麻疹初免及加强免疫接种不及时、流动儿童增多是造成麻疹发病上升的主要原因。提高麻疹疫苗接种质量和及时接种率,加强流动人口管理是控制麻疹暴发和流行的重要手段。  相似文献   

目的 总结麻疹病例流行病学特征,为麻疹的预防和控制提供重要依据.方法 收集全区所有医疗机构2004-2007年诊断为疑似麻疹病例个案257份,采集病例血清,作麻疹IgM检测.采用卫生统计学方法分析麻疹发病特点.结果 麻疹IgM阳性189例,阳性率为73.54%.95%的发病年龄在7月龄至15岁之间,发病季节以春夏季为主,3~7月发病占全年的85.19%.结论 该地区麻疹发病人群以儿童为主,且流动儿童明显高于常驻儿童.发病年龄有前移和后移两种趋势,在15岁以下儿童每3年开展一轮麻疹疫苗强化免疫,非母乳喂养的婴儿在6月龄初种麻疹疫苗是很有必要的.  相似文献   

目的了解甘肃省天水市麻疹发病情况,为制定有效的防控措施及消除麻疹提供依据。方法收集并整理中国疾病预防控制信息系统中麻疹监测信息报告管理系统2013—2017年甘肃省天水市报告的麻疹病例数据,用SPSS17.0进行统计学分析。结果2013-2017年天水市麻疹年均发病率1.90/10万,报告发病率2016年最高(4.68/10万)、2014年最低(0.91/10万),差异有统计学意义(χ^2=218.58,P<0.05);发病集中在4—7月(170例),占病例总数的54.14%,发病数5月最多(58例)、占18.47%,其次是7月(43例)、占13.69%;7个县(区)均有发病,张家川回族自治县发病率最高(6.54/10万),差异有统计学意义(χ^2=217.77,P<0.05);病例年龄0~79岁,其中15岁及以上病例数最多、占37.58%;男女发病性别比1.09∶1,差异无统计学意义(χ^2=0.55,P>0.05);以散居儿童为主、占56.37%,免疫史0剂次的病例最多、占63.38%,8月龄~组中0剂次70例、占75.27%,8月龄及以上组有1次免疫史的占7.96%、2次免疫史占4.46%。结论天水市应做好疫苗的常规免疫和补充免疫工作,建立牢固的免疫屏障;应加强麻疹预防知识的宣传教育,提高适龄儿童接种麻疹疫苗的及时性,降低发病率。  相似文献   

目的通过对麻疹发病情况进行分析,了解麻疹流行病学特点,为控制麻疹提供科学依据。方法对库车县2008年1-6月各级医疗卫生单位诊断的571例麻疹病例进行描述流行病学分析。结果2-3月是麻疹的高发季节,发病占全部病例的80.73%。发病年龄集中在3岁以下儿童,占总病例数的66.90%。免疫史调查526例中有麻疹免疫史136例(25.85%),无免疫史254例(48.30%),免疫史不详136例(25.85%)。结论加强麻疹疫苗的常规免疫,尤其要提高接种的及时率和流动儿童的接种率。  相似文献   

目的 分析2009—2020年甘肃省庆阳市麻疹监测数据,了解麻疹流行特征,为修订防控策略提供依据。方法利用中国疾病预防控制信息系统—麻疹监测信息报告管理系统,收集2009—2020年现住址为庆阳市的麻疹病例资料,采用描述流行病学方法统计分析。结果 2009—2020年庆阳市共报告麻疹病例266例,年均报告发病率0.98/10万;发病呈明显的季节性,高峰在4—7月;2014—2016年各县(区)均出现发病高峰,其中2016年合水县最高为13.91/10万;发病年龄主要在5岁以下,占66.16%,1岁以下婴儿占43.98%;发病人群以散居儿童为主(165例、占62.03%);含麻疹成份疫苗接种0剂次、1剂次、2剂次及以上、免疫史不详占比分别为58.65%,22.93%,16.61%,2.26%。结论 庆阳市的合水县、西峰区是重点发病地区,以散居儿童为主的免疫规划适龄儿童是预防接种的重点人群;庆阳市应加强重点地区适龄儿童MCV及时接种和漏种儿童查漏补种,积极防控学校及托幼机构麻疹暴发疫情,以早日实现消除麻疹目标。  相似文献   

陶建华  胡国胜 《地方病通报》2005,20(2):38-38,40
目的探讨新疆生产建设兵团农一师控制麻疹的策略和措施. 方法对1990~2001年农一师麻疹发病情况进行分析. 结果 859例麻疹发病者中本地人口发病637例,其中有10例死亡,外来人口发病222例.本地病例和外地病例中均以学龄前儿童为主,占74 %,≤6岁儿童526例,占61.2 %,7~10岁儿童172例,占20 %,15~30岁150例,占17.45 %.发病季节高峰在3~5月,每隔3~5年流行一次;1991年本地以沙井子民族农场为主的沙井子片区发生麻疹暴发流行疫情波及22个单位,发病377例,其中死亡9例. 结论麻疹流行的主要原因是当地存在较大免疫空白区,加之人员流动、未免疫和未复种麻疹疫苗人群的积累.  相似文献   

目的了解2009~2011年新疆阿克苏地区麻疹流行特征,探讨麻疹流行特征和发病特点。方法对2009~2011年阿克苏地区的麻疹监测资料进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2009~2011年阿克苏地区累计报告51例麻疹病例,年均发病率2.06/10万;由于经过2008年麻疹强化免疫,不同年份间发病率的差异无统计学意义(χ2=6.00,P>0.05);3~5月为发病高峰,占总报告病例数的68.6%。结论新疆阿克苏地区麻疹病例中成人和未到免疫年龄段人群占较大比例,具有双向移位特征;要达到消除麻疹目标,在提高适龄儿童常规免疫接种率、疫苗成功率以及加强麻疹监测系统灵敏性的同时,建议适时开展成人强化免疫工作和提前麻疹疫苗初次免疫时间,进而达到消除麻疹的目标。  相似文献   

目的了解云南省巍山县麻疹流行病学特征现状,为预防和控制麻疹提供参考依据。方法收集2002—2012年巍山县麻疹发病资料和麻疹疫苗接种资料,应用描述性流行病学方法进行统计分析。结果2002—2012年麻疹发病共68例,无死亡病例,年平均发病率2.01/10万;2005—2008年出现6起暴发痰睛;2009年后发病大幅度下降。年发病高峰期为1—3月;15岁以下儿童发病50例(73.52%),7岁以下的儿童发病28例(41.12%);散居儿童24例(35.29%),学生28例(41.76%),农民12例(17.65%);仅28例有麻疹疫苗免疫史,无免疫史18例,免疫史不详22例。结论巍山县麻疹流行情况存在波动且伴随暴发,应该重点提高易感人群的麻疹疫苗接种率。  相似文献   

There are an estimated 234,000 cases of measles and 13,851 measles-related deaths per year in Mali. In 1998 and 1999, 548,309 children aged 9-59 months were vaccinated against measles during mass campaigns in urban centers across Mali. After the first campaign, measles incidence decreased by 95% in districts encompassing vaccinated urban centers and by 41% in nonvaccinated districts. There was no shift in the proportion of cases by age group in vaccinated centers. Measles in vaccinated districts after the campaign was likely related to persistent transmission in age groups not targeted for vaccination and among children living in nonvaccinated districts. The second campaign (1999) did not change the incidence of measles in vaccinated compared with nonvaccinated centers. Urban mass measles vaccination probably did not affect overall measles transmission in Mali. Mass vaccination of all children in Mali, targeting a larger age group, will be necessary to reach measles control objectives.  相似文献   

The objective of our paper is to review the epidemiology of measles in Singapore and the impact of the measles vaccination program on the control of measles. Our review will form the basis for a critical appraisal of our future measles control program. We analyzed the trend of reported measles cases in relationship to measles vaccination coverage from 1981 to 2004 using routine measles notifications and measles vaccination data submitted to the Ministry of Health and the National Immunization Registry, respectively. We determined the measles vaccine efficacy using data from epidemiological investigations of reported institutional measles outbreaks. The herd immunity of the population against measles was accessed through three seroepidemiological surveys that we conducted in 1989/1990, 1993 and 1998. In addition, we collected blood specimens from every clinically diagnosed case of measles notified to the Ministry in 1998/1999 to for measles-specific IgM antibodies in order to evaluate the proportion of clinically diagnosed cases of measles that were laboratory confirmed. The incidence of measles has decreased significantly since 1981 as a result of increased vaccination coverage of 89-93% following implementation of compulsory measles vaccination in 1985. However, resurgences still occurred in 1992/1993 and 1997. With the implementation of the two-dose measles vaccination schedule, the annual number of laboratory confirmed cases of measles to date has been less than 150. Vaccine efficacy of the trivalent MMR vaccine based on institutional outbreak investigations was consistently above 92%. We also found that the overall seroprevalence of the population to measles has decreased from approximately 91.5% in 1989/1990 to 1993 to 77.9% in 1998 (mainly in children < 4 years old) and that only 7% of clinically notified cases of measles were serologically confirmed to be positive for measles. Achieving a vaccination coverage of more than 95%, tightening our MMR vaccine delivery system and strengthening surveillance of measles are essential components which must be addressed in order to interrupt measles transmission in Singapore.  相似文献   

In 1999-2001, a national measles control strategy was implemented in Uganda, including routine immunization and mass vaccination campaigns for children aged 6 months to 5 years. This study assesses the impact of the campaigns on measles morbidity and mortality. Measles cases reported from 1992 through 2001 were obtained from the Health Management Information System, and measles admissions and deaths were assessed in six sentinel hospitals. Measles incidence declined by 39%, measles admissions by 60%, and measles deaths by 63% in the year following the campaigns, with impact lasting 15 to 22 months. Overall, 64% of measles cases were among children <5 years of age, and 93% were among children 相似文献   

We studied the occurrence of measles in vaccinated children from an urban area of Guinea-Bissau where measles causes high mortality. Vaccinated children who developed measles required more-intense exposure to become infected (they had a higher ratio of secondary cases [infected in the house] to index cases [infected outside the house]), had a lower mortality among secondary cases, and were less infectious (they generated fewer secondary cases than did unvaccinated children with measles). The attack rate among vaccinated children was significantly higher in households in which someone died of measles. Both severity of infection and development of measles in vaccinated children were related to intensity of exposure. Vaccine efficacy was 72%, and 33% of cases occurred among vaccinated children; however, most mothers remained confident that vaccinated children get milder measles. Moreover, there was significantly greater vaccination coverage among younger siblings of vaccinated children who had contracted measles than among other children in the community.  相似文献   

Burkina Faso conducted mass measles vaccination campaigns among children aged 9 months to 4 years during December 1998 and December 1999. The 1998 campaign was limited to six cities and towns, while the 1999 campaign was nationwide. The last year of explosive measles activity in Burkina Faso was 1996. Measles surveillance data suggest that the 1998 urban campaigns did not significantly impact measles incidence. After the 1999 national campaign, the total case count decreased during 2000 and 2001. However, 68% of measles cases occurred among children aged 5 years or older who were not included in the mass vaccination strategy. During 2000 and 2001, areas with high measles incidence were characterized by low population density and presence of mobile and poor populations. Measles control strategies in Sahelian Africa must balance incomplete impact on virus circulation with cost of more aggressive strategies that include older age groups.  相似文献   

目的了解甘肃省天祝县2009年风疹流行情况,为防制风疹提供依据。方法对天祝县2009年报告的风疹病例进行流行病学分析。结果天祝县2009年报告风疹417例,报告发病率为178.06/10万,病例中学生352例,占84.41%;幼托儿童33例,占7.91%;发病高峰为4~7月,占88.94%;病例中5~14岁和15~19岁分别占67.15%,25.18%;共发生15起风疹暴发,发病388例,占全部风疹病例数的93.05%;有风疹疫苗免疫史者6例,占1.44%;无免疫史或不详者411例,占98.56%。结论风疹暴发的主要原因与风疹疫苗接种率低有关,预防和控制的重点在5~19岁人群,采取风疹疫苗应急接种为主的综合措施可有效控制风疹暴发。  相似文献   

A middle-scale epidemic of measles was occurred in Chiba Prefecture, from the beginning of the year in 2000 to September. The Chiba epidemiological surveillance of tuberculosis and infectious diseases committee conducted an investigation of the vaccination history of measles patients, to obtain the prevailing situation of measles and the efficacy of the vaccination. This report summarized results of the epidemiological investigation of measles vaccination history. A total of 1,665 cases were reported during the period. The ratio of the under 1-year-old (who usually do not receive measles vaccine) to all reported cases was 11.4%. The ratio of the vaccinees for the reported cases was 11.8% and this ratio increased in the 5 years old or over. In particular, the 9-year-old age group (26.2%), and 10-14-year-old age group (23.3%) showed a higher ratio than the other age groups. These results indicate that early vaccine inoculation to the under 1-year old group and improvement of the vaccination rate are necessary to prevent measles epidemic. The results also suggest revaccination to higher age groups might be effective.  相似文献   

In Mexico, measles occurred in a cyclical endemic-epidemic pattern until the early 1970s. Beginning in 1973, routine vaccination augmented by mass vaccination campaigns led to a decrease in the incidence of measles until the 1989-1990 regional pandemic, when the measles attack rate rose to 80 cases per 100000, resulting in 5899 deaths. Since the pandemic, measles elimination efforts in Mexico have resulted in increasing coverage to >95% among children aged 1-6 years with 2 doses of either measles or measles-mumps-rubella vaccine since 1996 and in coverage of 97.6% among children aged 6-10 since 1999. Surveillance data suggest that the transmission of indigenous measles virus was interrupted in 1997. After almost 4 years without measles cases, in April 2000, measles virus was reintroduced into Mexico and 30 laboratory-confirmed cases were reported. Detection of relatively few cases in nonprogrammatic age groups affirms the high immunization coverage and the sensitivity of measles surveillance in Mexico. We conclude that the specific strategies adopted for measles elimination have enabled Mexico to eliminate the endemic transmission of measles.  相似文献   

Measles incidence, vaccine efficacy, and mortality were examined prospectively in two districts in Bissau where vaccine coverage for children aged 12-23 months was 81% (Bandim 1) and 61% (Bandim 2). There was little difference in cumulative measles incidence before 9 months of age (6.1% and 7.6%, respectively). Between 9 months and 2 years of age, however, 6.1% contracted measles in Bandim 1 and 13.7% in Bandim 2. Even adjusting for vaccination status, incidence was significantly higher in Bandim 2 (relative risk 1.6, P = .04). Even though 95% of the children had measles antibodies after vaccination, vaccine efficacy was not more than 68% (95% confidence interval [CI] 39%-84%) and was unrelated to age at vaccination. Unvaccinated children had a mortality hazard ratio of 3.0 compared with vaccinated children (P = .002), indicating a protective efficacy against death of 66% (CI 32%-83%) of measles vaccination. These data suggest that it will be necessary to vaccinate before age 9 months to control measles in hyperendemic urban African areas.  相似文献   

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