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Chromosome size polymorphisms of Leishmania donovani   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A minimum of 22 chromosomes were found in all Leishmania donovani stocks examined by orthogonal field alternation gel electrophoresis (OFAGE). Chromosome sizes ranged from approximately 270 to 4000 kb. Certain chromosomes were polymorphic in size between stocks and chromosomes present in some stocks had no apparent equivalent in others. Specific polymorphisms were useful in distinguishing the subspecies L. d. donovani, L. d. infantum and L. d. chagasi and African L. donovani stocks but there were karotypic differences within these taxa. Radiolabelled DNA derived from whole chromosomes was hybridised to OFAGE Southern blots. Chromosome 1 of L. d. donovani was homologous to two larger chromosomes in all stocks. Chromosome 2 of certain L. d. chagasi and L. d. infantum stocks was homologous to both chromosomes 2 and 3 of L. d. donovani: this suggested that translocation between chromosomes may have contributed to the size polymorphisms. The smallest chromosome seen (270 kb) was unique to the African stock HU3. It was not homologous to small chromosomes in L. d. donovani, L. d. infantum or L. d. chagasi. The small chromosome did hybridise to two small chromosomes in another African stock, Khartoum, and to a large chromosome present in all stocks. The beta-tubulin gene was mapped to chromosomes 21/22, 13 and 7 with strongest hybridisation to 21/22. alpha-Tubulin was mapped to chromosomes 9. The alpha- and beta-tubulin arrangement was highly conserved.  相似文献   

In vitro cultured promastigotes of virulent (V) and avirulent (A) cloned lines ofLeishmania major, and the parental isolate LRC-L137, were examined with respect to morphology, cell size, growth rate, and apparent DNA content. Growth rates of all lines were comparable and both virulent (V121, LRC-L137) and avirulent parasites (A12, A52, A59) exhibited a progressive decrease in apparent DNA content with time in culture, as measured by incorporation of Hoechst Dye 33342. The four cloned lines and the parental isolate showed differences in the content of morphological variants and in the mean body length. Morphologically, there were similarities between A12 and A52 and between A59 and V121.Promastigote populations were also examined for the expression of the target antigen of a previously characterized monoclonal antibody, WIC-79.3. This antibody binds to a membrane antigen that is also present in culture supernatants ofLeishmania of A1 serotype. Three different assays with culture supernatants all showed that V121, A59, and A12 were high producers with LRC-L137 and A52, low producers. Similar variation in expression of the 79.3 target antigen was detected in intact organisms of the various lines by immunofluorescence with flow cytometry. No simple correlation was found between the expression or release of the WIC-79.3 target antigen and virulence. The virulence or avirulence of all cloned lines for BALB/c mice remained stable. The data are discussed in terms of differentiation stages ofL. major promastigotes and the continuing search for morphological and biochemical markers of virulence.  相似文献   

Molecular karyotypes for 5 stocks of Leishmania major were derived by pulsed-field gradient gel electrophoresis and transverse alternating field electrophoresis. Chromosome sizes obtained by the two methods agreed within less than or equal to 50kb. A set of 10 size-concordant chromosome bands between approx. 350-1000 kb was found in all stocks, plus a variable number of polymorphic chromosomes. Cloned gene probes, and DNA purified from individual chromosomes, hybridized to individual size-concordant chromosomes in different stocks, indicating a high degree of sequence homology among bands of similar size. Since the stocks were isolated over a 25-year period in a wide geographic area, we interpret these size-conserved chromosomes to be characteristic of the L. major karyotype. We were unable to identify irreversible genomic rearrangements in Leishmania cloned from the midgut of sandflies or cultivated from the skins of infected mice, which might have explained the origin of the size-variable chromosomes. For stocks that are maintained in the laboratory, the molecular karyotype appears to be a stable characteristic of a cloned population of Leishmania.  相似文献   

We have studied the molecular karyotypes of 21 strains and 14 clones of Leishmania infantum using pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). We detected a high degree of polymorphism within this species, with 'strain-specific' patterns for most isolates, even within a restricted endemic area. Variations relate to both the size of chromosomes (270-2600 kb) and their number, which can vary from 24 to 31 between closely related isolates. This polymorphism does not correlate with isoenzyme analysis. Small size variations between homologous chromosomes of different strains are suggestive of DNA amplification/deletion events. Strains are also shown to be multiclonal, with slight differences between most clones, but with a predominant clone concealing the others in PFGE analysis. The analysis of these data leads to the hypothesis of occasional genetic exchange by nuclear fusion in Leishmania, as recently shown in the related protozoan Trypanosoma brucei.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis in promastigotes of Leishmania major and L. donovani   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The requirement of protozoan parasites for pre-formed purines affords the opportunity for quantitation of nucleic acid synthesis from incorporation of radioactively labeled purines into DNA and RNA. We have developed rapid and simple assays to quantitate DNA and RNA synthesis in promastigotes of Leishmania major and L. donovani from the incorporation of [3H]hypoxanthine. DNA but not RNA synthesis in L. major or L. donovani promastigotes was inhibited by aphidicolin (50% inhibition by 0.2-0.3 microM) and by hydroxyurea (50% inhibition by 0.3-0.5 mM). The inhibition of DNA synthesis by aphidicolin or hydroxyurea was reversible when the inhibitor was removed 2, 4 or 24 h after its addition. Several well-characterized agents that inhibit DNA synthesis in mammalian cells, 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine (araC), 9-beta-D-arabinofuranosyladenine (araA), phosphonoacetic acid, novobiocin and N2-(p-n-butylphenyl)guanine (BuPG), failed to inhibit DNA synthesis in promastigotes of L. major even when used at very high concentrations, demonstrating differences between DNA replication components of parasite and host.  相似文献   

Amastigotes of Leishmania major were isolated from infected mice and radiolabeled for 2 h with [3H]galactose. An acidic [3H]glycoconjugate was extracted from a dilipidated residue fraction with the solvent water/ethanol/diethylether/pyridine/NH4OH (15:15:5:1:0.017). The radioactivity labeled glycoconjugate was found to possess the following characteristics that were similar to the lipophosphoglycan extractable from promastigotes: (i) migrated as a broad band upon electrophoresis on SDS polyacrylamide gels; (ii) deaminated with nitrous acid; and (iii) hydrolyzed with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. Furthermore, analysis of the aqueous soluble material released by the latter enzyme revealed a negatively-charged [3H]polysaccharide intermediate in size compared to the analogous portions of LPG isolated from non-infective and metacyclic promastigotes. Most importantly, the [3H]polysaccharide was found to contain phosphate and was susceptible to mild acid hydrolysis, establishing that the intact molecule is a lipophosphoglycan. A structural difference, however, was found in the major, mild acid-generated fragment of the amastigote phosphoglycan, which was larger in size and not as anionic as the analogous fragment from the promastigote phosphoglycans. These results indicate that the amastigotes do express a lipophosphoglycan, but that it is structurally distinct from its promastigote counterparts.  相似文献   

The effect of whole body sublethal gamma irradiation on the subsequent growth of Leishmania mexicana mexicana and Leishmania major was studied in CBA/Ca and BALB/c mice. Whereas BALB/c mice are highly susceptible to both parasites developing non healing progressively growing lesions at the site of cutaneous infection, CBA/Ca mice develop small healing cutaneous ulcers following subcutaneous infection with L. major but non healing lesions following subcutaneous infection with L.m. mexicana. Prior whole body sublethal irradiation of CBA/Ca mice, but not BALB/c mice, resulted in strong resistance against infection with L.m. mexicana: no lesions developed at the site of cutaneous infection. Irradiated BALB/c mice did, however, develop small lesions which healed when infected with L. major. The protective effects of irradiation coincided with the development of delayed type hypersensitivity. Both naive and sensitized nylon wool purified lymphocytes could restore susceptibility to L. major in irradiated BALB/c mice but only lymphocytes from long term infected donor mice adoptively transferred a non healing response to irradiated CBA/Ca mice infected with L.m. mexicana. Non-irradiated, L. major infected, CBA/Ca mice, but not similarly treated BALB/c mice, were found to be resistant to subsequent infection with L.m. mexicana. On the other hand, irradiated BALB/c mice infected with L. major were resistant to subsequent infectious challenge with L.m. mexicana. We suggest that the susceptibility of CBA/Ca mice to L.m. mexicana is under the control of an as yet unidentified gene which is not dependent on the generation of T suppressor cells and is bypassed by previous infection with L. major. Therefore, BALB/c mice immunized against L. major by prior sublethal irradiation are also resistant to L.m. mexicana.  相似文献   

Promastigotes of the intracellular protozoan parasite Leishmania major invade mononuclear phagocytes by a direct interaction between the cell surface lipophosphoglycan found on all Leishmania species and macrophage receptors. This interaction is mediated by phosphoglycan repeats containing oligomers of beta (1-3)Gal residues specific to L. major. We show here that although amastigotes also use lipophosphoglycan to bind to both primary macrophages and a cell line, this interaction is independent of the beta (1-3)Gal residues employed by promastigotes. Binding of amastigotes to macrophages could be blocked by intact lipophosphoglycan from L. major amastigotes as well as by lipophosphoglycan from promastigotes of several other Leishmania species, suggesting involvement of a conserved domain. Binding of amastigotes to macrophages could be blocked significantly by the monoclonal antibody WIC 108.3, directed to the lipophosphoglycan backbone. The glycan core of lipophosphoglycan could also inhibit attachment of amastigotes, but to a considerably lesser extent. The glycan core structure is also present in the type 2 glycoinositolphospholipids which are expressed on the surface of amastigotes at 100-fold-higher levels than lipophosphoglycan. However, their inhibitory effect could not be increased even when they were used at a 300-fold-higher concentration than lipophosphoglycan, indicating that lipophosphoglycan is the major macrophage-binding molecule on amastigotes of L. major. In the presence of complement, the attachment of amastigotes to macrophages was not altered, suggesting that lipophosphoglycan interacts directly with macrophage receptors.  相似文献   

We show that lipophosphoglycan (LPG) on the surface of amastigotes of Leishmania major is antigenically and biochemically distinct from promastigote LPG. A rabbit antiserum raised against the amastigote integral membrane fraction detected LPG spanning the region of Mr 55,000-100,000 on Western blots of the amastigote integral membrane fraction, but did not recognize the promastigote integral membrane fraction. WIC 79.3, a monoclonal antibody which recognizes L. major metacyclic promastigote LPG, did not recognize the amastigote integral membrane fraction on Western blots. The antigen recognized by this rabbit antiserum was shown to be LPG by its migration pattern on SDS-PAGE, the presence of terminal galactose residues, recognition by a monoclonal antibody to LPG, WIC 108.3, the biosynthetic incorporation of label from [3H]glucose and [32P]phosphate, a hydrophobic chromatography elution profile similar to promastigote LPG, and the presence of a lipid anchor sensitive to phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. The temporal regulation of LPG expression during parasite differentiation was studied in vitro. During amastigote-to-promastigote transformation, the amastigote-specific form of LPG disappeared after subculture at 48 h. The WIC 79.3 epitope was not detected by Western blotting on transforming parasites until 48 h in culture. During promastigote-to-amastigote transformation, the amastigote-specific form of LPG was detected 12 h after infection. WIC 79.3 epitopes gradually diminished over 48 h. The results demonstrate the developmentally regulated expression of an antigenically distinct LPG on amastigotes of L. major.  相似文献   

The in vivo virulence patterns of promastigote populations defined on the basis of agglutination by the lectin peanut agglutinin (PNA) were studied for various cloned lines of Leishmania major. Promastigotes derived from logarithmic-phase cultures, which were routinely 100% agglutinated at 100 micrograms of PNA per ml, were relatively avirulent for BALB/c mice. The relative virulence of stationary-phase promastigotes appeared to be attributable to the proportion of nonagglutinable (PNA-) promastigotes contained within these populations. Purification of PNA- organisms from stationary cultures provided for each clone the most virulent inoculum, supporting the view that this change in lectin binding accurately reflects the development of infective metacyclic stage promastigotes. By studying this marker, we found that there was considerable variation in the degree to which different strains and clones underwent metacyclogenesis during growth. Examination of a reportedly avirulent L. major clone revealed that metacyclogenesis was unusually delayed and inefficient for this clone, but that those PNA- promastigotes which could be recovered from late-stationary-phase cultures were virulent for BALB/c mice. The loss of virulence associated with frequent subculture could also be attributed to a drastic diminution in metacyclogenesis potential over time. A clone which yielded over 90% PNA- promastigotes during growth within passage 1 generated fewer than 10% PNA- promastigotes during growth by passage 94. Subcloning of late-passage attenuated promastigotes yielded a clone for which no PNA- promastigotes could be generated during growth, and an infective population could not be derived from this clone. Thus, metacyclogenesis does not appear to be stable for even cloned lines of Leishmania promastigotes, and virulence comparisons between different strains and clones can be meaningfully made only if the metacyclic populations contained within the respective inocula are determined.  相似文献   

The RAD51 gene is a homologue of Escherichia coli recA which plays a central role in homologous recombination and DNA repair. This paper describes the identification of the RAD51 gene from the trypanosomatid parasite Leishmania major. The LmRAD51 gene codes for a 377 amino acid polypeptide with a predicted molecular mass of 41259 Da that is highly homologous to the Rad51 family of proteins. Recombinant L. major Rad51 protein (LmRad51) was over-expressed in a bacterial expression system, purified to homogeneity and shown to bind DNA and exhibit DNA-stimulated ATPase activity, consistent with previously reported biochemical characteristics of Rad51 protein. Although LmRad51 expression is below the level of detection in exponentially growing cultures of Leishmania, high levels of LmRad51 mRNA and protein expression can be detected following exposure to the DNA-damaging agent phleomycin. LmRAD51 is one of the first examples of a DNA damage-inducible gene to be characterised in Leishmania, and will be invaluable in studying the contribution of homologous recombination to Leishmania virulence.  相似文献   

The arabo-african zymodem MON-26 was identified for the first time in an autochtonous patient from Mali. L. major has been previously identified in this country but it was in European patient and it was zymodem MON-25.  相似文献   

The role of glycosylinositol phospholipid 1 (GIPL-1) of Leishmania (Leishmania) major in the interaction of promastigotes and amastigotes with macrophages was analyzed. Monoclonal antibody MEST-1, which recognizes glycolipids containing terminal galactofuranose (Galf) residues (E. Suzuki, M. S. Toledo, H. K. Takahashi, and A. H. Straus, Glycobiology 7:463-468, 1997), was used to detect GIPL-1 in Leishmania by indirect immunofluorescence and to analyze its role in macrophage infectivity. L. major promastigotes showed intense fluorescence with MEST-1, and GIPL-1 was detected in both amastigote and promastigote forms by high-performance thin-layer chromatography immunostaining by using MEST-1. Delipidation of L. major promastigotes with isopropanol-hexane-water eliminated the MEST-1 reactivity, confirming that only GIPL-1 is recognized in either amastigotes or promastigotes of this species. The biological role of GIPL-1 in the ability of L. major to invade macrophages was studied by using either Fab fragments of MEST-1 or methylglycosides. Preincubation of parasites with Fab fragments reduced macrophage infectivity in about 80% of the promastigotes and 30% of the amastigotes. Preincubation of peritoneal macrophages with p-nitrophenyl-beta-galactofuranoside (10 mM) led to significant ( approximately 80%) inhibition of promastigote infectivity. These data suggest that a putative new receptor recognizing beta-D-Galf is associated with L. major macrophage infectivity and that GIPL-1 containing a terminal Galf residue is involved in the L. major-macrophage interaction.  相似文献   

The initiation of Leishmania major infection in susceptible BALB/c mice is regulated by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). To examine further the mechanisms of IFN-gamma-dependent regulation of the establishment of L. major, we studied the characteristics of the infection in severe combined immunodeficient (scid) mice. In the first 2 weeks of infection, we observed a delay in the development of the lesions in the footpads and lower numbers of parasites in scid compared with BALB/c mice. By week 5 after infection, the size of the leishmanial lesion was similar in both strains of mice, but the number of parasites in scid mice was 100-fold higher than in BALB/c. Treatment with anti-IFN-gamma during the establishment of L. major did not alter the course of infection in scid mice, while it exacerbated lesion development in BALB/c mice. Macrophages from scid mice were unable to kill L. major when stimulated with IFN-gamma in vitro, and produced lower levels of nitric oxide compared with macrophages from susceptible BALB/c or the resistant C57Bl/6 mice. We examined whether delayed lesion development in scid mice was due to their inability to mount appropriate inflammatory responses. While significantly fewer nucleated cells were present in the footpads of scid mice compared with BALB/c, 2 and 3 weeks after infection, no difference in inflammatory response between scid and BALB/c mice was observed in response to L. major antigen in the footpads. In contrast, there was a dramatic increase in the number of cells in the popliteal lymph nodes of BALB/c mice. Decreased inflammatory responses of scid mice in the footpad (at the site of infection) may contribute to slower development of leishmanial lesions during the first 2 weeks of infection.  相似文献   

Passage of cloned ultraviolet (UV) radiation-induced fibrosarcomas with regressor phenotype through 500-rad-irradiated syngeneic mice resulted in their conversion to transplantable progressor tumors. A similar conversion in tumorigenic phenotype (regressor leads to progressor) was found to be inducible in vitro by coculturing a cloned regressor tumor with normal splenocytes, but not with splenocytes from tumor-immune or UV-irradiated animals. Recloning of regressor and converted progressor tumor lines yielded regressor and progressor phenotype subclones, respectively, suggesting a degree of stability in their growth phenotype. Although all of the cloned progressor tumors tested were found to be cross-reactive with related regressor tumor lines, suggesting that related clones share a similar tumor-specific transplantation antigen, the progressor clones appeared to be less immunogenic than the regressor clones. Potential mechanisms that influence this conversion in tumorigenic phenotype are discussed.  相似文献   

Lipophosphoglycan (LPG) of Leishmania is a polymorphic molecule comprising an alkylglycerol anchor, a conserved oligosaccharide core and a species-specific polymer of oligosaccharide repeats joined by phosphodiester bonds. This molecule, together with the membrane polypeptide gp63, has been implicated as a parasite receptor for host macrophages. To examine the role of LPG in parasite infectivity glycosylation variants of Leishmania major were generated by chemical mutagenesis of a virulent cloned line V121 and variants with modified LPG selected using the galactose-specific lectin Ricinus communis II (RCA II). Twenty RCA II-resistant primary clones were generated. Analysis of LPG profile by immunoblotting using LPG-specific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies revealed that some of the clones were LPG-deficient. Three clones that did not bind any LPG-specific antibodies but expressed normal levels of the Mr 63 000 glycoprotein (gp63), a second parasite receptor for host, were chosen for detailed studies.

All three clones expressed, at least to some extent, a surface molecule which could be labeled by mild periodate oxidation and sodium borotritide and behaved like LPG by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. All clones also bound a well-characterized monoclonal antibody L157 directed to the core oligosaccharide of LPG, but did not bind another monoclonal antibody, CA7AE, to an epitope on a repeating unit shared by Leishmania donovani and L. major LPG. A third monoclonal antibody, 5E6, recognizing LPG on the surface of wild-type V121 promastigotes bound only to RCA II-resistant clone 3A2-C3 and was restricted to an internal structure. The LPG molecule that this clone expressed was a form of LPG by its chromatographic behavior and by its monosaccharide and alkylglycerol composition. Clone 3A2-C3 was the only one to infect mice in vivo and survive in macrophages in vitro, albeit at a much reduced rate compared to wild-type V121 promastigotes. The data suggest that some form of LPG may be necessary to ensure parasite infectivity.  相似文献   

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