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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of torsional rigidity and dynamization on fracture healing in a medullary nailed rat femoral model. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized study in male Wistar rats with a diaphyseal osteotomy/fracture. METHODS: Reamed cannulated nailing was performed in sixty rats. One group (twenty rats) received unlocked nails (UL group) and another group received nails with proximal and distal locking that was dynamized after twenty days (DL group). The third group was statically locked (SL group). A fourth group of twenty rats served as the control group. After randomization, the femurs of ten rats in each group at six and twelve weeks were studied clinically, radiologically, and biomechanically, and bone mineralization was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). RESULTS: Radiographs in two planes revealed clearly visible fractures at six weeks, and at twelve weeks bridging callus was apparent in all three treatment groups. The callus area in the UL group was significantly larger at six weeks than in the other groups, and at twelve weeks the UL and DL groups had larger callus areas than the SL group. Biomechanically, UL nails had reduced maximum bending load at six and twelve weeks, while DL nails had increased fracture energy at six weeks compared with SL nails. Bone mineral content and bone mineral density in the callus segment and diaphysis were increased with DL nails at six weeks. CONCLUSION: This animal study indicates that (a) interlocked nailing has a beneficial effect on bone healing and (b) although dynamization may have a beneficial effect on the quality of early bone healing, (c) dynamization does not increase the rate of bony union. The clinical implication is that routine early dynamization of locked femoral fractures may not be indicated, reserving dynamization to cases of delayed union.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of age on the biomechanical properties of healing tibial fractures was studied by comparing the fracture healing in 2-year-old male Wistar rats with the fracture healing in 3-month-old male Wistar rats after 40 and 80 days of healing. There were no significant differences in the mechanical parameters after 40 days of healing, but after 80 days, a considerable delay in the fracture healing process was noted in the old rats compared with the young adult rats when evaluated by maximum load, maximum stress, stiffness, and energy absorption in a three-point bending procedure. In the contralateral, nonfractured bones, the tibiae from the old animals sustained higher loads and had higher stiffness than the bones from the young adult animals, but stress values, elastic modulus, and capacity for energy absorption was much lower in the old animals.  相似文献   

Högel F  Schlegel U  Südkamp N  Müller C 《Injury》2011,42(7):667-674
Intramedullary nailing is a well-established method for stabilisation of long-bone shaft fractures. It is still a controversy as to whether the procedure should be done by an unreamed or reamed technique.In the present animal study, 24 sheep were treated with intramedullary nailing. Midshaft fractures (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthese (AO) type 42-A2/3) were created. Eight sheep were treated with an unreamed nailing technique (UN), a further eight sheep underwent tibia nailing by the reamed technique using the conventional AO reaming system (RC) and in a further eight sheep, reamed nailing was performed using an experimental reaming system (RE). Intra-operatively, the intramedullary pressure was measured and, during a healing time of 10 weeks, the growth of callus formation was labelled with fluorescence markers after 4 and 6 weeks. After 10 weeks, the animals were euthanised and the quality of fracture healing was determined by recording stiffness in torsion, antero-posterior and mediolateral bending and the load at yield. In addition, the callus formation at the fracture zone was evaluated by fluorescence microscopy and macroradiographs.The results showed a decrease of intramedullary pressure when reamed nailing was performed with the RE (72.5 mmHg) system compared with the conventional AO reaming system (227 mmHg). Mechanical testing did not reveal any significant differences either for torsional or bending stiffness or for load at yield for any of the three procedures. Histological evaluation showed a similar callus formation for the UN group and the RE group. Callus formation in the UN (65 mm2) and RE (63 mm2) groups showed a higher increase during the first 6 weeks than those treated with the conventional AO reaming system (27 mm2). This means that, especially during the first weeks of fracture healing, damage to the bone by the reaming process can be reduced by reaming with a reaming device with lowered cutting flutes and smaller drive-shaft diameter.Intramedullary pressure can be significantly reduced by using reaming systems with reduced drive-shaft diameters and deepened cutting flutes. In the early phase of fracture healing, callus formation can be influenced positively when using the RE system.  相似文献   



Diaphyseal forearm fractures are common in children and adolescents. Intramedullary fixation with flexible nails has a high success rate. Complications related to the insertion of the radial nail include injury to the superficial branch of the radial nerve and rupture of the extensor pollicis longus (EPL) tendon.

Materials and Methods

We report a series of nine patients who sustained an EPL injury related to the insertion of an elastic intramedullary nail into the radius.


All nine patients underwent operative management, consisting of either EPL release, EPL direct repair, or tendon transfer (using extensor indicis proprius). In all cases, the nail entry site was directly related to the location of EPL. In many of the cases the EPL dysfunction occurred early on but it’s recognition was often delayed.


Based on our findings, we recommend the use of a radial entry point. For surgeons who prefer the dorsal entry point, we recommend that they use an incision which allows visualisation of the extensor tendons and that any post-operative EPL dysfunction is addressed promptly.  相似文献   

Objectives  This study investigated the hypothesized beneficial effect of low-dose irradiation (LDI) on fracture callus mineralization in a rat model. Methods  Seventy-two male Sprague–Dawley rats were averagely randomized into LDI group (rats treated with LDI) and SHAM group (rats treated with sham irradiation). Right after either LDI or sham irradiation, a standardized closed fracture on the right femur was established. At 2, 3 and 4 weeks postfracture, 12 rats in each group were euthanized. Fracture callus was assessed by using radiography and MicroCT for callus bridging, peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) for quantifying bone mineral content (BMC) and cross sectional area (CSA), confocal laser scanning microscopy for measuring area fraction of fluorescence labeling (AFFL) and four-point bending test for examining mechanical properties. Results  The CSA and AFFL were found to be 22 and 33% smaller in the LDI group compared to the SHAM group at 2 weeks (P < 0.05 for both), whereas the BMC and AFFL were 15 and 34% higher in the LDI group at 3 weeks (P < 0.05 for both). The changing patterns were consistent with the findings in 3-D MicroCT reconstructions. The mechanical parameters (Max-Load, Stiffness and Energy) were also 18, 30 and 24% higher in the LDI group than in the SHAM group at 3 weeks (P < 0.05 for all). At 4 weeks, there was no difference found for all assessments between the two groups. Conclusion  The results indicated LDI promoted mineralization at the stage of hard callus formation in a rat fracture model.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to evaluate contributing factors affecting deep infection and fracture healing of open tibia fractures treated with locked intramedullary nailing (IMN) by multivariate analysis.

Materials and Methods:

We examined 99 open tibial fractures (98 patients) treated with immediate or delayed locked IMN in static fashion from 1991 to 2002. Multivariate analyses following univariate analyses were derived to determine predictors of deep infection, nonunion, and healing time to union. The following predictive variables of deep infection were selected for analysis: age, sex, Gustilo type, fracture grade by AO type, fracture location, timing or method of IMN, reamed or unreamed nailing, debridement time (≤6 h or >6 h), method of soft-tissue management, skin closure time (≤1 week or >1 week), existence of polytrauma (ISS< 18 or ISS≥18), existence of floating knee injury, and existence of superficial/pin site infection. The predictive variables of nonunion selected for analysis was the same as those for deep infection, with the addition of deep infection for exchange of pin site infection. The predictive variables of union time selected for analysis was the same as those for nonunion, excluding of location, debridement time, and existence of floating knee and superficial infection.


Six (6.1%; type II Gustilo n=1, type IIIB Gustilo n=5) of the 99 open tibial fractures developed deep infections. Multivariate analysis revealed that timing or method of IMN, debridement time, method of soft-tissue management, and existence of superficial or pin site infection significantly correlated with the occurrence of deep infection (P< 0.0001). In the immediate nailing group alone, the deep infection rate in type IIIB + IIIC was significantly higher than those in type I + II and IIIA (P = 0.016). Nonunion occurred in 17 fractures (20.3%, 17/84). Multivariate analysis revealed that Gustilo type, skin closure time, and existence of deep infection significantly correlated with occurrence of nonunion (P < 0.05). Gustilo type and existence of deep infection were significantly correlated with healing time to union on multivariate analysis (r2 = 0.263, P = 0.0001).


Multivariate analyses for open tibial fractures treated with IMN showed that IMN after EF (especially in existence of pin site infection) was at high risk of deep infection, and that debridement within 6 h and appropriate soft-tissue managements were also important factor in preventing deep infections. These analyses postulated that both the Gustilo type and the existence of deep infection is related with fracture healing in open fractures treated with IMN. In addition, immediate IMN for type IIIB and IIIC is potentially risky, and canal reaming did not increase the risk of complication for open tibial fractures treated with IMN.  相似文献   

目的探明骨质疏松性骨折愈合程度与骨量、骨结构与力学性能的相互关系,以期能为临床治疗提供科学指导与理论依据.方法选择8月龄雌性SPF级SD大鼠130只,随机分为2组:骨质疏松性骨折组(OPFM)与一般性骨折组(CFM),每组各65只.手术方法建立骨质疏松性骨折与一般性骨折的实验模型,于术后1、2、4、6、8、12、16周作骨痂组织形态计量学、骨密度与力学性能测试等观察.结果①骨痂组织骨组织形态计量学结果发现:OPFM组成熟小梁骨占骨痂面积比CFM组小,且小梁骨厚度变薄、小梁骨间距较宽;同时骨小梁动力学参数显示:OPFM组骨小梁表面荧光标记百分比(LS)较CFM组低,而骨矿化沉积率(MAR)却较高.②骨密度(BMD)测定显示:两组BMD值8周时均达到高峰(P>0.5),随后均降低,OPFM组下降尤为明显;12周时两组间差异有显著性(P<0.05).③骨痂组织扭转力学强度测试结果表明:8、12周OPFM组扭转强度均较CFM组低.结论在骨质疏松性骨折修复过程中,骨痂组织的有机成份组成、显微结构、骨矿代谢与骨量的异常改变导致了其力学强度乃至骨折愈合质量的降低,是再次骨折发生的主要原因.  相似文献   

Vascular reorganization and return of rigidity in fracture healing   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The present study addresses the relationship between vascular reorganization and the biomechanical changes occurring during canine long bone fracture healing. A middiaphyseal osteotomy of the radius was performed, and angiographic studies were carried out using India ink injections from 2 to 12 weeks postosteotomy. The radii were harvested, subjected to nondestructive four-point bend testing on an Instron, and then sectioned and cleared according to the Spaltholtz technique. The observed microangiographic patterns were correlated with the calculated rigidity values. Quantitative bone blood flow measurements around the osteotomy were performed on a different group of animals, using the radiotracer microsphere technique, at 3, 6, and 9 weeks postosteotomy to correlate with our qualitative microangiographic results. We demonstrated a direct and predictable relationship between the phase of vascular reorganization and the rigidity. This correlation was present even in our delayed union specimens.  相似文献   

Earlymobilizationandweightbearingplayimportantrolesinminimizingtheamountofbonelosstoachievegoodhealingafterbonefracture.1Areliableandnoninvasivemethodforevaluatingfracturehealingcannotonlyhelpdecidewhentostarweightbearing, butalsohelpdetecttheimpairedboneunionearlytopreventdelayedunionsornonunions.However, objectivequantitativemethodsforearlyevaluationoffracturehealinghavenotbeendevelopedyet. DualenergyX rayabsorptiometry(DEXA)isoneofthemostaccuratemethodsformeasuringbonemassinvivo. Itismain…  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the effect of autocontrol micromotion locking nail ( AMLN ) on experimental fracture healing and its mechanism. Methods: 16 goats undergoing both sides of transverse osteotomy of the femoral shafts were fixed intramedullary with AMLN and Gross-Kempf (GK) nail, respectively. The follow-up time was 7, 14, 28 and 56 days. Roentgenographic, biomechanical, histological, scanning electromicroscopic and biochemical analyses were done. Results: (1) The strength of anticompression, antiflexion and antitorsion in the fractural end in the AMLN-fixed group was higher than that of GK nail-fixed group; whereas, the rate of stress shelter in the fractured end decreased significantly (P<0.01). (2) The content of the total collagen, insoluble collagen, calcium and phosphate in the AMLN-fixed group was higher than that in the GK nail-fixed group (P<0.05). (3) Histological observation and quantitative analysis of calluses revealed that AMLN could promote the growth of bridge calluses and periosteum calluses. Hence the facture healing and remolding process achieved early, which was much better than traditional GK nail fixation. (P<0.05). (4) 7-14 days postoperation, the calluses of AMLN-fixed group was flourish and camellarly arranged and the collagen fibril formed constantly in the absorption lacuna of bone trabecula. 28-56 days postoperation, the collagen fibril was flourish around the absorption lacuna and was parallel to the bone's longitudinal axis. Active bony absorption and formation were seen, so was remolding and rebuilding. Haversian system was intact and the bony structural net was very tenacious because of the deposition of calcium salt. None of the above findings was observed in the GK nailfixed group. Conclusions: The design of AMLN accords well with the plastic fixation theory. As the geometry ametabolic system constituted by the intramedullary fixation instruments and the proximal and distal end of the fracture is very firm and stable, the disturbance to the physical stress distributed in the fractural end is light. The generation and conduct of the intermittent physical stress between the fractural parts could reach the balance between stress conduct and stress protection. The feature that the healing and remolding take place at the same time speeds up the fractural healing process.  相似文献   

去势对骨折早期愈合过程的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 通过对去势大鼠股骨骨折模型愈合早期骨痂的组织学、骨密度以及转化生长因子β1(Transforming growth factor beta 1.TGF-β1)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(basic fibroblast growth factor,bFGF)、骨形态发生蛋白-2(bone morphogenetic proteins-2,BMP-2)合成变化的观察.探讨骨质疏松骨折早期愈合过程的变化。方法 将60只雌性SD大鼠分为去势组和对照组,3个月后制成股骨干骨折模型.伤后不同阶段处死.分别进行组织学、骨密度以及TGF-β1,bFGF,BMP-2免疫组化染色方法观察。结果 大鼠去势后3个月全身骨密度检查证实去势组骨质疏松形成。骨折后第3d两组均开始形成原始骨痂;第4~6周,去势组骨痂比对照组少,且软骨痂比例较高.骨密度较低,免疫组化染色显示,在两组间bFGF、BMP-2的表达与分布、高峰出现与持续时间差异无显著性.去势组骨小梁附近表达TGF-β1的成骨细胞数目减少,结论 骨质疏松使大鼠骨折早期骨痂的数量与质量降低,自软骨性骨痂至骨性骨痂演变过程减缓.对骨折愈合过程的影响与BMP-2、bFGF的表达无明显关联。TGF-β1在成骨细胞中的表达减少可能是引起骨质疏松骨折愈合质量下降的因素之一.  相似文献   

Early period of fracture healing in ovariectomized rats   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Objective. To evaluate the effect of osteoporosis on fracture healing through observing the hlstomorphological changes, bone mineral density of callus and expression and distribution of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1 ), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)and bone morphogenetic protein.2 (BMP-2) in ovariectomized rats. Methods. Sixty female Sprague-Dawley rats ( aged 12 weeks and weighing 235 g on average ) were randomly divided into an ovariectomized (OVX) group (n =30) anda sham-operated (SO) group ( n = 30). Ovariectomy was performed in the OVX rats and same incision was made in the SO rats. Three months later, fracture of femoral shaft was made on all the rats. Then they were killed at different time points. Callus formation was observed with histological and imethods. Results: A reduction in callus and bone mineral density in the healing femur and a decrease of osteoblasts expressing TGF-β1 near the bone trabecula were observed in the OVX rats 3-4 weeks after fracture.Histomorphological analysis revealed a higher content of soft callus in the OVX rats than that in the SO rats.Immunohistochemistry results showed that no remarkable difference in expression and distribution of BMP-2 and bFGF between the OVX and SO groups was found. Conclusions: Osteoporosis influences the quantity and quality of callus during the early period of fracture healing. The effect of osteoporosis on fracture healing has no relationship with the expression of BMP-2 or bFGF. The decreased expression of TGF-I31 in osteoblasts may cause a decrease in quality of facture healing after osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Background Revascularization of a fracture depends on fracture stability and fracture gap conditions. The aim of the study was to determine quantitatively the revascularization and tissue differentiation in an animal model with different fracture gaps and controlled biomechanical conditions.Materials and method The study was performed on ten sheep with an osteotomy on the right metatarsal. The fracture was stabilized by an external fixator that allowed adjustable axial interfragmentary movement. Two groups of five sheep each were adjusted to a medium sized gap (M, 2.1 mm) and a large gap (L, 5.7 mm) under comparable interfragmentary strain (30–32%). The animals were killed after 9 weeks, and the metatarsals were prepared for undecalcified histology and analysis of tissue differentiation and vessel distribution.Results Group M showed significantly more revascularization (M=1.62, L=0.85 vessels/mm2), more bone formation (M=37.2%, L=13.9%) and less fibrocartilage tissue (M=18.1%, L=39.1%) than group L. Larger vessels (>40 m) were found mainly in the medullary channel, and smaller vessels (<20 m) mainly in the peripheral callus. Histologically, group M showed partial bony bridging of the osteotomy gap, and the group L had delayed healing.Conclusion A good reduction of a fracture with small interfragmentary gaps is important for its revascularization and healing.  相似文献   

目的 观察糖尿病大鼠骨折后血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)的变化。方法 70只清洁雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为对照组和链脲佐菌素(stz)诱导的速发型糖尿病组,线锯锯断两组大鼠左胫骨后复位外固定。于骨折后1、2、3、4、6、8周取静脉血保留血清;大鼠左下肢X线片观察骨折愈合情况;取骨折断端组织行HE染色光镜观察、免疫组织化学检测VEGF;酶联免疫吸附分析法(EHsa)检测血清VEGF。结果 糖尿病组4周可以看见纤维骨痂,8周才有较多骨性骨痂出现,较对照组明显滞后;HE染色镜下观察糖尿病组骨形成滞后;3周VEGF免疫组织化学灰度值两组间差异有统计学意义,(实验组142.8±3.8;对照组128.0±5.5,P〈0.01);两组血清中VEGF差异元统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论 糖尿病大鼠骨折后血清中VEGF未减少,局部组织VEGF含量低是导致糖尿病大鼠骨折愈合差的原因之一。  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to develop a novel technology to enhance tendon‐to‐bone interface healing by trypsinizing and mineralizing (TM) an intrasynovial tendon allograft in a rabbit bone tunnel model. Eight rabbit flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendons were used to optimize the trypsinization process. An additional 24 FDP tendons were stratified into control and TM groups; in each group, 4 tendons were used for in vitro evaluation of TM and 8 were transplanted into proximal tibial bone tunnels in rabbits. The samples were evaluated histologically and with mechanical testing at postoperative week 8. Maximum failure strength and linear stiffness were not significantly different between the control and TM tendons. A thin fibrous band of scar tissue formed at the graft‐to‐bone interface in the control group. However, only the TM group showed obvious new bone formation inside the tendon graft and a visible fibrocartilage layer at the bone tunnel entrance. This study is the first to explore effects of TM on the intrasynovial allograft healing to a bone tunnel. TM showed beneficial effects on chondrogenesis, osteogenesis, and integration of the intrasynovial tendon graft, but mechanical strength was the same as the control tendons in this short‐term in vivo study. © 2015 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 33:468–474, 2015.  相似文献   

目的本研究旨在探讨高频率低能量的振动力学刺激对骨质疏松性骨折愈合的影响。方法59只大鼠建立大鼠卵巢切除骨质疏松模型,建模成功后构建股骨骨折模型,并随机分为振动力学刺激组和对照组。骨折后第5天开始对振动组使用高频率低能量振动平台(35Hz,峰振幅0.3重力加速度)行每天20min的振动力学刺激,对照组则行假治疗。每周摄X线片观察骨折愈合的情况,并采用显微计算机断层扫描和生物力学测试评估骨痂生成的情况及其力学属性。结果 X线随访显示,振动组的骨折愈合速度和愈合率均优于对照组。前者新生矿化骨痂的体积在治疗后第2周和第4周时均显著高于后者。第8周时,振动组成熟骨痂的体积以及整体的力学强度均显著优于对照组。结论高频率低能量振动力学刺激可促进骨质疏松性骨折的愈合。  相似文献   

降钙素对卵巢切除大鼠股骨骨折愈合的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察降钙素对卵巢切除大鼠股骨骨折愈合的作用,为临床上治疗骨质疏松性骨折提供实验依据。方法50只雌性、14周龄SD大鼠共分成5组,每组10只。分成假手术组(Sham,G1),双侧卵巢切除术组(OVX,G2),假手术+骨折组(Sham+F,G3),卵巢切除术+骨折组(OVX+F,G4),卵巢切除+骨折+降钙素药物组(OVX+F+CT,G5),骨折组大鼠均采用右股骨中段横行骨折,髓内针固定;降钙素采用皮下给药,隔日1次(16IU·kg^-1)。所有大鼠于术后4周杀死,取右侧股骨标本。然后,分别进行CR摄片、组织形态学观察,并应用双能X线骨密度仪(DEXA)测量右股骨整体、远段和中段骨密度以及BMP-2免疫组化观察,并应用病理图像分析仪对BMP-2免疫组化进行光密度测量。结果(1)OVX组与Sham组比较,BMD显著下降。(2)OVX+F+CT组与OVX+F组比较:骨痂mBMD显著增高;BMP-2的表达无显著性差异。结论降钙素对OVX大鼠股骨骨折具有明显促进骨折愈合的作用,加速编织骨向板层骨的演变过程。  相似文献   

如何提高老年人骨折愈合及骨折病的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :探讨如何提高 70岁以上老年人骨折愈合的因素及骨折病防治的措施和方法。方法 :( 1)老年人骨折后仔细了解骨折前疾病史并积极预防和治疗 ,对患有严重的心血管疾病和呼吸系统疾病由专科协同治疗 ;( 2 )早期有效的手术治疗方法 ;( 3 )鼓励早期肢体运动 ;( 4 )预防骨质疏松、关节退变、肌肉萎缩等骨折病。结果 :本组随访 2 5 8例 ,随访时间 1~ 5年 ,平均随访时间 3 .8年。死亡 8例 ( 3 .10 % ) ,恢复自主生活能力199例 ( 77.13 % ) ,部分恢复生活能力 3 2例 ( 12 .40 % ) ,失去生活能力 19例 ( 7.3 6% )。骨折愈合情况 :除死亡 8例外 ,2 5 0例进行定期随访 ,8~ 10个月骨折愈合 2 2 5例 ,10个月以上骨折愈合 2 5例 (其中包括慢性感染影响骨折愈合3例 ) ,内固定松动 6例 ,内固定断裂 4例。结论 :对老年人骨折在内科疾病的有效管理监护下 ,早期进行手术治疗 ,减少老年人骨折后并发症 ,积极进行肢体功能锻炼 ,能有效的提高骨折愈合和老年人日后生活质量。  相似文献   

Epari DR  Schell H  Bail HJ  Duda GN 《BONE》2006,38(6):864-870
In this sheep study, we investigated the influence of fixation stability on the temporal and spatial distribution of tissues in the fracture callus. As the initial mechanical conditions have been cited as being especially important for the healing outcome, it was hypothesized that differences in the path of healing would be seen as early as the initial phase of healing.

Sixty-four sheep underwent a mid-shaft tibial osteotomy that was treated with either a rigid or a semi-rigid external fixator. Animals were sacrificed at 2, 3, 6 and 9 weeks postoperatively and the fracture calluses were analyzed using radiological, biomechanical and histological techniques. Statistical comparison between the groups was performed using the Mann–Whitney U test for unpaired non-parametric data.

In the callus of the tibia treated with semi-rigid fixation, remnants of the fracture haematoma remained present for longer, although new periosteal bone formation during early healing was similar in both groups. The mechanical competence of the healing callus at 6 weeks was inferior compared to tibiae treated with rigid fixation. Semi-rigid fixation resulted in a larger cartilage component of the callus, which persisted longer. Remodeling processes were initiated earlier in the rigid group, while new bone formation continued throughout the entire investigated period in the semi-rigid group.

In this study, evidence is provided that less rigid fixation increased the time required for healing. The process of intramembranous ossification appeared during the initial stages of healing to be independent of mechanical stability. However, the delay in healing was related to a prolonged chondral phase.  相似文献   

目的 本研究旨在探讨全身性的高频率低能量振动对骨折愈合的作用.方法 建立大鼠闭合性股骨骨折髓内固定模型(n=55),并随机分为治疗组(n=28)和对照组(n=27).骨折后第5天开始对治疗组使用高频率低能量振动平台(35 Hz,峰振幅0.3 g)治疗,对照组则行假治疗.采用二维(X线)及三维(显微计算机断层扫描)的影像学方法和生物力学测试对骨折愈合的情况进行评估,并行统计学比较分析.结果 治疗后2周治疗组新生的矿化骨痂在上维及三维定量分析中均明显多于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001和P=0.014).治疗后4周治疗组的骨折愈合率(85.7%)高于对照组(57.1%),骨折愈合的生物力学属性也优于埘照组,差异有统计学意义(P=0.023).结论 高频率低能量振动可刺激骨折部位骨痂的生成及矿化,从而促进骨折愈合.  相似文献   

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