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Allopurinol is the drug most widely used to lower the blood concentrations of urate and, therefore, to decrease the number of repeated attacks of gout. Allopurinol is rapidly and extensively metabolised to oxypurinol (oxipurinol), and the hypouricaemic efficacy of allopurinol is due very largely to this metabolite.The pharmacokinetic parameters of allopurinol after oral dosage include oral bioavailability of 79 +/- 20% (mean +/- SD), an elimination half-life (t((1/2))) of 1.2 +/- 0.3 hours, apparent oral clearance (CL/F) of 15.8 +/- 5.2 mL/min/kg and an apparent volume of distribution after oral administration (V(d)/F) of 1.31 +/- 0.41 L/kg. Assuming that 90 mg of oxypurinol is formed from every 100mg of allopurinol, the pharmacokinetic parameters of oxypurinol in subjects with normal renal function are a t((1/2)) of 23.3 +/- 6.0 hours, CL/F of 0.31 +/- 0.07 mL/min/kg, V(d)/F of 0.59 +/- 0.16 L/kg, and renal clearance (CL(R)) relative to creatinine clearance of 0.19 +/- 0.06. Oxypurinol is cleared almost entirely by urinary excretion and, for many years, it has been recommended that the dosage of allopurinol should be reduced in renal impairment. A reduced initial target dosage in renal impairment is still reasonable, but recent data on the toxicity of allopurinol indicate that the dosage may be increased above the present guidelines if the reduction in plasma urate concentrations is inadequate. Measurement of plasma concentrations of oxypurinol in selected patients, particularly those with renal impairment, may help to decrease the risk of toxicity and improve the hypouricaemic response. Monitoring of plasma concentrations of oxypurinol should also help to identify patients with poor adherence. Uricosuric drugs, such as probenecid, have potentially opposing effects on the hypouricaemic efficacy of allopurinol. Their uricosuric effect lowers the plasma concentrations of urate; however, they increase the CL(R) of oxypurinol, thus potentially decreasing the influence of allopurinol. The net effect is an increased degree of hypouricaemia, but the interaction is probably limited to patients with normal renal function or only moderate impairment.  相似文献   

Studies of the Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Allopurinol/3rd Communication: Allopurinol/oxipurinol bioavailability and pharmacokinetics following the administration of a controlled release allopurinol formulation. Regarding the results of our studies on the localization of the absorption of allopurinol and the kinetic behavior of allopurinol/oxipurinol following multiple administration the bioavailability and kinetic properties of the drug delivered from controlled release tablets were studied in healthy volunteers. Allopurinol controlled release tablets (Sigapurol CR), containing 200 mg of the drug characterized by rapid absorption and 100 mg characterized by pH-dependent delivery, were identified as a formulation with advantages pharmacokinetic properties.  相似文献   

In a pharmacokinetic study with 6 healthy volunteers the parameters for allopurinol and oxipurinol were compared following a single dose of allopurinol and multiple application of the drug. Pharmacokinetic data for allopurinol and oxipurinol are different after single doses and under steady state conditions. The oxipurinol half-life of 17 +/- 5.1 h is prolonged under steady state conditions to 19.7 +/- 5.8 h. Based on the results of this study and on data from different authors the range of 17-21 h is discussed as the most frequent oxipurinol half-life.  相似文献   

In newborn infants, allopurinol is being tested as a free radical scavenger to prevent brain damage caused by reperfusion and oxygenation after perinatal hypoxia and ischemia (birth asphyxia). To develop rational dosing schemes for future studies, knowledge of the pharmacokinetics in this patient group is essential. In the present study, a population pharmacokinetic model was designed and validated for allopurinol in this specific patient group. One-compartment and 2-compartment models were fitted to plasma concentration time data of 24 newborns entered in 2 clinical trials using nonlinear mixed effects modeling. A bootstrap procedure was performed to check the robustness of the model. The data were best described using a 1-compartment model with linear elimination. Estimated pharmacokinetic parameters were volume of the central compartment (V, 0.79 L/kg) and total body clearance (CL, 0.078 L/h/kg), with 42% and 60% interindividual variability, respectively. The median values for these parameters of 1000 bootstrap replicates were very similar (95% confidence intervals were 0.67 to 0.96 and 0.054 to 0.10 for V and CL, respectively), indicating the robustness of the model. A population pharmacokinetic model has been designed and validated which adequately describes the data of 2 clinical studies in critically ill newborn infants. The model will be used to design dosing strategies for future evaluation of the benefits of allopurinol in these patients.  相似文献   

The effect of 5 days treatment with allopurinol (300 mg) on the pharmacokinetics of indomethacin at steady-state was investigated in eight patients. Allopurinol produced no significant effect on the indomethacin serum concentration-time curve. Allopurinol did not alter significantly the amounts of indomethacin excreted in the urine within 8 h. However, the urinary ratio of N-deschlorobenzoylindomethacin to indomethacin was reduced significantly by allopurinol administration (P less than 0.05).  相似文献   



The aims of this study were to develop a population pharmacokinetic model for allopurinol and oxypurinol and to explore the influence of patient characteristics on allopurinol and oxypurinol pharmacokinetics.


Data from 92 patients with gout and 12 healthy volunteers were available for analysis. A parent–metabolite model with a two-compartment model for allopurinol and a one-compartment model for oxypurinol was fitted to the data using non-linear mixed effects modelling.


Renal function, fat-free mass (FFM) and diuretic use were found to predict differences in the pharmacokinetics of oxypurinol. The population estimates for allopurinol clearance, inter-compartmental clearance, central and peripheral volume were 50, 142 L/h/70 kg FFM, 11.4, 91 L/70 kg FFM, respectively, with a between-subject variability of 33 % (coefficient of variance, CV) for allopurinol clearance. Oxypurinol clearance and volume of distribution were estimated to be 0.78 L/h per 6 L/h creatinine clearance/70 kg FFM and 41 L/70 kg FFM in the final model, with a between-subject variability of 28 and 15 % (CV), respectively.


The pharmacokinetic model provides a means of predicting the allopurinol dose required to achieve target oxypurinol plasma concentrations for patients with different magnitudes of renal function, different body mass and with or without concomitant diuretic use. The model provides a basis for the rational dosing of allopurinol in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The rate and extent of allopurinol absorption was studied following its oral ingestion in a "high frequency capsule" which allows the evaluation of the sites of drug absorption. If allopurinol is liberated in the duodenum or upper jejunum its absorption is fast and complete while its liberation in the lower jejunum results in a slow and incomplete absorption. A capacity limited absorption process for allopurinol, suggested from the results of a study on the allopurinol bioavailability from different formulations, could not be proved in the range of single doses between 200 and 600 mg resp. 2.2 to 12.8 mg/kg. AUC- and Cp-values of allopurinol and oxipurinol correspond to the calculated figures in relation to the different doses/kg.  相似文献   

The disposition kinetics of the new antiarrhythmic agent encainide are a function of the genetic polymorphism which also controls debrisoquin 4-hydroxylation. In the majority of subjects (extensive metabolisers) encainide undergoes extensive first-pass hepatic biotransformation to the active metabolites O-desmethyl encainide (ODE) and 3-methoxy-O-desmethyl encainide (MODE). The plasma concentrations of these metabolites are higher than those of encainide, and pharmacological effects correlate better with plasma metabolite concentrations than they do with those of encainide itself. In poor metabolisers, who make up to 7% of the population, a first-pass effect is absent, encainide clearance is lower, and plasma encainide concentrations are higher than those in extensive metabolisers. In poor metabolisers, plasma concentrations of active metabolites are low or undetectable, and the effects of encainide therapy can be closely correlated with plasma concentrations of the parent drug. Despite the marked differences in encainide disposition between extensive and poor metabolisers, the dosages which produce pharmacological effects (QRS prolongation and arrhythmia suppression) are similar in both groups. Encainide biotransformation is impaired in hepatic disease, but no major dosage changes are required. On the other hand, excretion of encainide and its metabolites is impaired in individuals with renal disease, and starting dosages should be decreased. The time required to achieve steady-state concentrations of metabolites (in extensive metabolisers) and of encainide itself (in poor metabolisers) is similar (3 to 5 days); therefore, the dosage should be increased no more often than every 3 to 5 days.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of losartan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Losartan is the first orally available angiotensin-receptor antagonist without agonist properties. Following oral administration, losartan is rapidly absorbed, reaching maximum concentrations 1-2 hours post-administration. After oral administration approximately 14% of a losartan dose is converted to the pharmacologically active E 3174 metabolite. E 3174 is 10- to 40-fold more potent than its parent compound and its estimated terminal half-life ranges from 6 to 9 hours. The pharmacokinetics of losartan and E 3174 are linear, dose-proportional and do not substantially change with repetitive administration. The recommended dosage of losartan 50 mg/day can be administered without regard to food. There are no clinically significant effects of age, sex or race on the pharmacokinetics of losartan, and no dosage adjustment is necessary in patients with mild hepatic impairment or various degrees of renal insufficiency. Losartan, or its E 3174 metabolite, is not removed during haemodialysis.The major metabolic pathway for losartan is by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4, 2C9 and 2C10 isoenzymes. Overall, losartan has a favorable drug-drug interaction profile, as evidenced by the lack of clinically relevant interactions between this drug and a range of inhibitors and stimulators of the CYP450 system. Losartan does not have a drug-drug interaction with hydrochlorothiazide, warfarin or digoxin. Losartan should be avoided in pregnancy, as is the case with all other angiotensin-receptor antagonists. When given in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, losartan is often associated with serious fetal toxicity. Losartan is a competitive antagonist that causes a parallel rightward shift of the concentration-contractile response curve to angiotensin-II, while E 3174 is a noncompetitive "insurmountable" antagonist of angiotensin-II. The maximum recommended daily dose of losartan is 100mg, which can be given as a once-daily dose or by splitting the same total daily dose into two doses. Losartan reduces blood pressure comparably to other angiotensin-receptor antagonists. Losartan has been extensively studied relative to end-organ protection, with studies having been conducted in diabetic nephropathy, heart failure, post-myocardial infarction and hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy. The results of these studies have been sufficiently positive to support a more widespread use of angiotensin-receptor antagonists in the setting of various end-organ diseases. Losartan, like other angiotensin-receptor antagonists, is devoid of significant adverse effects.  相似文献   

Everolimus is an immunosuppressive macrolide bearing a stable 2-hydroxyethyl chain substitution at position 40 on the sirolimus (rapamycin) structure. Everolimus, which has greater polarity than sirolimus, was developed in an attempt to improve the pharmacokinetic characteristics of sirolimus, particularly to increase its oral bioavailability. Everolimus has a mechanism of action similar to that of sirolimus. It blocks growth-driven transduction signals in the T-cell response to alloantigen and thus acts at a later stage than the calcineurin inhibitors ciclosporin and tacrolimus. Everolimus and ciclosporin show synergism in immunosuppression both in vitro and in vivo and therefore the drugs are intended to be given in combination after solid organ transplantation. The synergistic effect allows a dosage reduction that decreases adverse effects. For the quantification of the pharmacokinetics of everolimus, nine different assays using high performance liquid chromatography coupled to an electrospray mass spectrometer, and one enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, have been developed. Oral everolimus is absorbed rapidly, and reaches peak concentration after 1.3-1.8 hours. Steady state is reached within 7 days, and steady-state peak and trough concentrations, and area under the concentration-time curve (AUC), are proportional to dosage. In adults, everolimus pharmacokinetic characteristics do not differ according to age, weight or sex, but bodyweight-adjusted dosages are necessary in children. The interindividual pharmacokinetic variability of everolimus can be explained by different activities of the drug efflux pump P-glycoprotein and of metabolism by cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4, 3A5 and 2C8. The critical role of the CYP3A4 system for everolimus biotransformation leads to drug-drug interactions with other drugs metabolised by this cytochrome system. In patients with hepatic impairment, the apparent clearance of everolimus is significantly lower than in healthy volunteers, and therefore the dosage of everolimus should be reduced by half in these patients. The advantage of everolimus seems to be its lower nephrotoxicity in comparison with the standard immunosuppressants ciclosporin and tacrolimus. Observed adverse effects with everolimus include hypertriglyceridaemia, hypercholesterolaemia, opportunistic infections, thrombocytopenia and leucocytopenia. Because of the variable oral bioavailability and narrow therapeutic index of everolimus, blood concentration monitoring seems to be important. The excellent correlation between steady-state trough concentration and AUC makes the former a simple and reliable index for monitoring everolimus exposure. The target trough concentration of everolimus should range between 3 and 15 microg/L in combination therapy with ciclosporin (trough concentration 100-300 microg/L) and prednisone.  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of candesartan   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Candesartan cilexetil is the prodrug of candesartan, an angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonist. Absorbed candesartan cilexetil is completely metabolised to candesartan. Oral bioavailability is low (about 40%) because of incomplete absorption. Plasma protein binding in humans is more than 99%. The volume of distribution in healthy individuals is 0.13 L/kg. CV-15959 is the inactive metabolite of candesartan. Candesartan that reaches the systemic circulation is mainly cleared by the kidneys, and to a smaller extent by the biliary or intestinal route. The apparent oral clearance of candesartan is 0.25 L/h/kg after a single dose in healthy individuals. Oral clearance (3.4 to 28.4 L/h) is highly variable among patients. No relevant pharmacokinetic drug-food or drug-drug interactions are known. The terminal elimination half-life remains unclear, but appears to be longer than the currently used range of 4 to 9 hours. Non-compartmental models do not appear to be appropriate for the analysis of candesartan pharmacokinetic data. A 2-compartment analysis revealed a much longer half-life of 29 hours using data from patients with hypertension. However, a further indepth analysis has never been performed. The concentration-effect relationship is unaffected by age. No gender or race differences have been shown in the effect or pharmacokinetics of candesartan. Renal function affects the pharmacokinetic profile of candesartan. For patients with creatinine clearances of >60 ml/min x 1.73m(2), 30 to 60 ml/min x 1.73m(2) and 15 to 30 ml/min x 1.73m(2), the elimination half-life is 7.1, 10.0 and 15.7 hours, respectively, at a dose of 8 mg/day. However, at 12 mg/day an accumulation factor of 1.71 was found. Thus, a maximum daily dose of up to 8mg appears suitable in patients with severe renal dysfunction. No significant elimination of candesartan occurs with haemodialysis. In patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment, no relevant pharmacokinetic alterations have been observed. Dosages of up to 12 mg/day do not require precautions in patients with mild to moderate liver disease. Clinically effective dosages range between 8 and 32 mg/day. The response rate of monotherapy with candesartan in patients with hypertension increases with dosage, but never exceeds 60% at a daily dosage of 16mg of candesartan. Dosages up to 32 mg/day do not increase this response rate.  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of fluvastatin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Fluvastatin, the first fully synthetic HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, has been shown to reduce cholesterol in patients with hyperlipidaemia, to prevent subsequent coronary events in patients with established coronary heart disease, and to alter endothelial function and plaque stability in animal models. Fluvastatin is relatively hydrophilic, compared with the semisynthetic HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, and, therefore, it is extensively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After absorption, it is nearly completely extracted and metabolised in the liver to 2 hydroxylated metabolites and an N-desisopropyl metabolite, which are excreted in the bile. Approximately 95% of a dose is recovered in the faeces, with 60% of a dose recovered as the 3 metabolites. The 6-hydroxy and N-desisopropyl fluvastatin metabolites are exclusively generated by cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C9 and do not accumulate in the blood. CYP2C9, CYP3A4, CYP2C8 and CYP2D6 form the 5-hydroxy fluvastatin metabolite. Because of its hydrophilic nature and extensive plasma protein binding, fluvastatin has a small volume of distribution with minimal concentrations in extrahepatic tissues. The pharmacokinetics of fluvastatin are not influenced by renal function, due to its extensive metabolism and biliary excretion; limited data in patients with cirrhosis suggest a 30% reduction in oral clearance. Age and gender do not appear to affect the disposition of fluvastatin. CYP3A4 inhibitors (erythromycin, ketoconazole and itraconazole) have no effect on fluvastatin pharmacokinetics, in contrast to other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors which are primarily metabolised by CYP3A and are subject to potential drug interactions with CYP3A inhibitors. Coadministration of fluvastatin with gastrointestinal agents such as cholestyramine, and gastric acid regulating agents (H2 receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors), significantly alters fluvastatin disposition by decreasing and increasing bioavailability, respectively. The nonspecific CYP inducer rifampicin (rifampin) significantly increases fluvastatin oral clearance. In addition to being a CYP2C9 substrate, fluvastatin demonstrates inhibitory effects on this isoenzyme in vitro and in vivo. In human liver microsomes, fluvastatin significantly inhibits the hydroxylation of 2 CYP2C9 substrates, tolbutamide and diclofenac. The oral clearances of the CYP2C9 substrates diclofenac, tolbutamide, glibenclamide (glyburide) and losartan are reduced by 15 to 25% when coadministered with fluvastatin. These alterations have not been shown to be clinically significant. There are inadequate data evaluating the potential interaction of fluvastatin with warfarin and phenytoin, 2 CYP2C9 substrates with a narrow therapeutic index, and caution is recommended when using fluvastatin with these agents. Fluvastatin does not appear to have a significant effect on other CYP isoenzymes or P-glycoprotein-mediated transport in vivo.  相似文献   

Twenty-two patients admitted to the narcological clinic of an industrial enterprise were examined for the clinical effect and pharmacokinetic parameters after intake of a single dose of a Soviet psychotropic drug mebicar. The clinical status was assessed by means of psychometric mapping and concurrent recording of the EEG. The correlation of the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic data can be used for the choice of minimal effective concentrations applied in further calculations of individual dosage regimens.  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of dapsone   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Dapsone (DDS) has for about 4 decades been the most important antileprosy drug. Concentrations of dapsone and its monoacetyl metabolite, MADDS, can be determined in biological media by high-performance liquid chromatography. After oral administration, the drug is slowly absorbed, the maximum concentration in plasma being reached at about 4 hours, with an absorption half-life of about 1.1 hours. However, the extent of absorption has not been adequately determined. The elimination half-life of dapsone is about 30 hours. The drug shows linear pharmacokinetics within the therapeutic range and the time-course after oral administration fits a 2-compartment model. The concentration-time profile of dapsone after parenteral administration is reviewed. Of clinical importance is the development of a new long acting injection, which permits monthly supervised administration as recommended by the World Health Organization. Following dapsone injection in gluteal subcutaneous adipose tissue, a sufficiently sustained absorption for this purpose has been reported. Dapsone is about 70 to 90% protein bound and its monoacetylated metabolite (MADDS) is almost completely protein bound. The volume of distribution of dapsone is estimated to be 1.5 L/kg. It is distributed in most tissues, but M. leprae living in the Schwann cells of the nerves might be unaffected. Dapsone crosses the placenta and is excreted in breast milk and saliva. Dapsone is extensively metabolised. Dapsone, some MADDS and their hydroxylated metabolites are found in urine, partly conjugated as N-glucuronides and N-sulphates. The acetylation ratio (MADDS:dapsone) shows a genetically determined bimodal distribution and allows the definition of 'slow' and 'rapid' acetylators. As enterohepatic circulation occurs, the elimination half-life of dapsone is markedly decreased after oral administration of activated charcoal. This permits successful treatment in cases of intoxication. The daily dose of dapsone in leprosy is 50 to 100mg, but varies from 50 to 400mg in the treatment of other dermatological disorders. In malaria prophylaxis, a weekly dose of 100mg is used in combination with pyrimethamine. Side effects are mostly not serious below a daily dose of 100mg and are mainly haematological effects. The dapsone therapeutic serum concentration range can be defined as 0.5 to 5 mg/L. Alcoholic liver disease decreases the protein binding of dapsone; coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis may delay its oral absorption and severe leprosy has been reported to affect the extent of absorption.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of bretylium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bretylium is a class III antiarrhythmic agent which is used for the management of serious and refractory ventricular tachyarrhythmias. It exhibits a complex pharmacokinetic profile which is poorly understood. The drug is poorly absorbed following oral administration, and its oral bioavailability is in the region of 18 to 23%. Peak plasma concentrations occur at 1 to 9 hours after oral ingestion, and following oral doses of 5 mg/kg average 76 ng/ml, which is 28-fold lower than those achieved after equivalent intravenous doses. Approximately 75% of a bretylium dose is absorbed within 24 hours of intramuscular administration. Peak plasma concentrations occur at 30 to 90 minutes after intramuscular administration and range from 670 to 1500 ng/ml in subjects receiving 4 mg/kg. Bretylium is negligibly bound to plasma proteins (1-6%). Although drug tissue concentrations have not been reported in humans, high values for the apparent volume of distribution suggest extensive tissue binding. In animals, bretylium is progressively taken up by the myocardium over a period of 12 hours, and at 12 hours after bolus administration, myocardial concentrations exceed plasma concentrations 6 to 12 times. It is also avidly taken up by adrenergic nerves in animals. Bretylium is almost entirely cleared by the renal route and its total body clearance is closely correlated with renal clearance. Available data suggest that bretylium exhibits a complex pharmacokinetic profile which has been described by a 3-compartment model in subjects receiving intravenous dosing. The terminal elimination half-life ranges from 7 to 11 hours following oral, intramuscular and intravenous administration, and renal clearance is about 600 ml/min after intravenous administration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of propafenone   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Propafenone is a class 1C antiarrhythmic agent which is administered as a racemate of S(+)- and R(-)-enantiomers. It is well absorbed and is predominantly bound to alpha 1-acid glycoprotein in the plasma. The enantiomers display stereoselective disposition characteristics, the R-enantiomer being cleared more quickly. The hepatic metabolism of propafenone is polymorphic and genetically determined: about 10% of Caucasians have a reduced capacity to hydroxylate the drug. This polymorphic metabolism accounts for the marked interindividual variability in the relationships between dose and concentration, and between concentration and pharmacodynamic effects. During long term administration, the metabolism is saturable in patients with the 'extensive metaboliser' phenotype, leading to accumulation of the parent compound. Propafenone blocks fast inward sodium channels in a frequency-dependent manner, and also has moderate beta-blocking effects. Both the enantiomers and the 5-OH metabolite have a potency to block sodium channels comparable with that of the parent compound. The S-enantiomer is a more potent beta-antagonist than the R-enantiomer. Propafenone typically slows conduction markedly but only modestly prolongs refractoriness. These cardiac effects are determined by the extent of its myocardial accumulation. The drug should be used with caution in patients with serious structural heart disease, as it may cause or aggravate life-threatening arrhythmias. Significant interactions occur when propafenone is coadministered with other drugs. It increases the plasma concentrations of digoxin, warfarin, metoprolol and propranolol as well as enhancing their respective pharmacodynamic effects. Doses of these drugs should therefore be decreased if they are coadministered with propafenone.  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of cyclophosphamide   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Cyclophosphamide has been in clinical use for the treatment of malignant disease for over 30 years. It remains one of the most useful anticancer agents, and is also widely used for its immunosuppressive properties. Cyclophosphamide is inactive until it undergoes hepatic transformation to form 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide, which then breaks down to form the ultimate alkylating agent, phosphoramide mustard. Sensitive and specific methods are now available for the measurement of cyclophosphamide, its metabolites and its stereoisomers in plasma and urine. The pharmacokinetics of cyclophosphamide have been understood for many years; those of the cytotoxic metabolites have been described more recently. The pharmacokinetics are not significantly altered in the presence of hepatic or renal insufficiency. As activity resides exclusively in the metabolites, whose pharmacokinetics are not predicted by those of the parent compound, correlations between cyclophosphamide pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics have not been demonstrated. Cyclophosphamide is used in doses that range from 1.5 to 60 mg/kg/day. A steep dose-response curve exists, and reductions in dose can lead to unfavourable outcomes. Myelosuppression is the dose-limiting toxicity, although in the setting of bone marrow transplantation, escalation beyond that dosage range is limited by cardiac toxicity. Longer term complications of cyclophosphamide therapy include infertility and an increased incidence of second malignancies. Cellular sensitivity to cyclophosphamide is a function of cellular thiol concentration, metabolism by aldehyde dehydrogenases to form inactive metabolites, and the ability of DNA to repair alkylated nucleotides. Whether alteration of these cellular functions will lead to further improvements in clinical outcomes is an area of active investigation.  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of labetalol   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Labetalol was the first of a new class of antihypertensive drugs with both alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor blocking properties present in the same molecule. Its efficacy has been confirmed by double-blind studies in the treatment of all grades of hypertension and in angina pectoris. The drug's major dose-related side effect is postural hypotension. The clinical formulation of labetalol consists of equal proportions of 4 optical isomers. One of these (the RR isomer) is probably responsible for the drug's beta-adrenoceptor blockade and another (the SR isomer) produces most of the alpha-blockade. Most of the presently available pharmacokinetic information concerning labetalol is from studies utilising a fluorimetric assay but this has recently been superseded by more specific high-pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC) procedures. Labetalol is absorbed rapidly after oral administration with peak plasma concentrations generally being achieved within 2 hours. The bioavailability varies from 10% to over 80% in different subjects. Average bioavailability has been reported to correlate with age, with values of approximately 30% in the 30- to 40-year age group and approximately 65% at 80 years. There is also evidence that the bioavailability increases moderately when the drug is taken with food. About 50% of the drug is bound in the plasma. The apparent volume of distribution at equilibrium varies from approximately 200 to over 800L, suggesting that concentration of labetalol occurs in extravascular sites. Radiochemical analysis in animals has shown high levels of accumulation in the lung, liver and kidney with little present in brain tissue. This is in keeping with the relatively low lipid solubility of labetalol. The half-life of labetalol in plasma is 3 to 3.5 hours. The drug is eliminated mainly by hepatic metabolism with the production of several biologically inactive glucuronides which in turn are excreted in the urine and bile. Approximately 85% of labetalol in the blood is removed during a single passage through the liver; thus, like propranolol, labetalol's clearance is probably flow dependent (i.e. it is sensitive to alterations in hepatic blood flow). Small doses of the drug (i.e. 300mg daily) have been shown to reduce antipyrine clearance by approximately 15%, and further studies are necessary to determine whether high doses produce a greater, possibly clinically significant, inhibition of mixed-function oxidase activity. After both single doses and during long term treatment the plasma concentration-time profile of labetalol shows marked variation between different individuals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of co-trimazine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clinical pharmacokinetics of co-trimazine (trimethoprim plus sulphadiazine) are reviewed and compared with those of co-trimoxazole (trimethoprim plus sulphamethoxazole). Both combination drugs have similar serum half-life values in persons with normal renal function (half-life of 8 to 12 hours), but the sulphamethoxazole metabolites are retained more than trimethoprim in reduced renal function. Sulphadiazine is less metabolised and the total sulphonamide load of therapeutic doses of co-trimazine is therefore less than for co-trimoxazole. Both co-trimazine and co-trimoxazole have high bioavailability. A suspension of co-trimazine gives serum concentrations comparable with those of tablets. The extravascular penetration of the co-trimazine components is reflected by the total area under the lymph concentration curve in comparison with serum. This measure shows a penetration into peripheral human lymph of 68% for sulphadiazine and 59% for trimethoprim. The proportions eliminated in urine are about 55% for sulphadiazine, 30% for its acetylated metabolite and 75% for trimethoprim. In comparison, for co-trimoxazole, the proportion of sulphamethoxazole eliminated in urine is 15%, that of the acetylated derivative 47%, and that of trimethoprim is also 75%. Urine concentrations of both combinations have similar bioactivity against urinary pathogens after 500 mg of co-trimazine and 960 mg of co-trimoxazole.  相似文献   

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