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<正>2011年9月~2013年12月,我科在CT引导下经皮穿刺灌洗引流局部化疗治疗13例脊柱结核患者,疗效良好,报道如下。1材料与方法1.1病例资料本组13例,男7例,女6例,年龄18~72岁,病程3~24个月。患者均经X线、CT及MRI等影像学检查及组织病理学检查确诊为脊柱结核。病灶分布:颈椎及颈胸段2例,胸椎4  相似文献   

正2012年10月~2014年10月,我科对10例脊柱结核患者进行手术治疗结合术后化疗,笔者分析治疗效果,报道如下。1材料与方法1.1病例资料本组10例,男6例,女4例,年龄15~65岁。病程3~30年。发病部位:胸椎6例,腰椎3例,胸腰椎1例。术前患者均接受三联抗结核治疗,待ESR降低到20 mm/1 h以下再行手术。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨影响脊柱结核术后超短程化疗方案的因素。[方法]回顾性分析2004年1月~2013年12月在宁夏医科大学总医院脊柱骨科行手术治疗的211例脊柱结核患者。其中术后超短程化疗患者120例,非超短程化疗患者91例。应用Logistic回归分析比较两组患者的初治或复治年龄、术前是否合并其他疾病、是否合并其他部位活动性结核、是否贫血、病变累及节段、是否合并脓肿、手术分期、植骨材料、病灶彻底清除情况、植骨方式、耐药情况等与超短程化疗方案的相关强度,推测可能影响影响脊柱结核术后超短程化疗方案的因素。[结果]对可能的因素进行单因素Logistic回归分析示:病灶彻底清除、植骨方式、累及节段与脊柱结核术后超短程化疗方案有显著相关性(P0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析示:优势比数值大小排列为:病灶彻底清除(116.091)、植骨方式(5.252)、累及节段(0.241)。病灶彻底清除、支撑植骨是超短程化疗方案的有利因素,病变累及多节段是超短程化疗方案的不利因素。[结论]病变累及多节段属于不可控因素,病灶彻底清除、支撑植骨属于可控因素。在控制可控因素基础之上,可以实现超短程化疗方案。  相似文献   

Background contextTraditional focal debridement involves clearing of cold abscesses, caseous necrosis, residual intervertebral disc tissue, sinus tracts, bony sequestration, and inflammatory granulation. Reports have demonstrated that approximately 13% to 26% of patients were not better or relapsed after traditional focal debridement; these patients required a second surgery or prolonged antituberculous therapy. The presence of retained and diseased focal tissues requiring removal remains poorly understood. The contents of these retained tuberculous foci, improvement of surgical strategies, and improvement in spinal tuberculosis success rate are key subjects for discussion.PurposeTo explain the contents of foci and explore the surgical methods and curative effect of complete debridement.Study designRetrospective study of the curative effect of treatment of thoracolumbar spinal tuberculosis by using complete debridement.Patient sampleA total of 289 patients were included.Outcome measurementThe outcomes were evaluated clinically by Frankel grading. The status of the anterior fusion was assessed according to the Moon standard. Eradication of infection was determined by the level of C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. X-ray, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging were used to evaluate disease localization and morphology.MethodsA total of 289 patients with spinal tuberculosis (150 male and 139 female patients, aged 18–82; average age, 41.0±1.4 years) were included in this study. Damage to the vertebrae was as follows: 86 patients had thoracic damage, 49 had thoracolumbar damage, 125 had lumbar damage, and 47 had lumbosacral segment damage. After 2 to 4 weeks of antituberculous therapy, all patients underwent anterior debridement, deformity correction, graft fusion, and internal fixation. In this study, complete debridement was defined as the clearing of any damage or disease, including psoas abscesses, granulomas, residual intervertebral disc tissue, sinus tracts, bony sequestration, and inflammatory granulation. Tuberculosis cavities, sclerotic walls, and bony bridges that had no support and that were eroded by the foci were also removed. A total of 108 patients underwent anterior fixation with the Zephir system (Medtronic Sofamor-Danek, Minneapolis, MN, USA), Z plates (Medtronic Sofamor-Danek), or Ventrifix (China Great Wall Corporation, Beijing, China). A total of 181 patients underwent fixation, posterior correction, and one or two second anterior debridements and graft fusions. Posterior fixation, including TSRH (Medtronic Sofamor-Danek), Cotrell-Dubousset (Medtronic Sofamor-Danek), General Spinal System (WeiGao Orthopaedic Devices Company, Weihai City, China), or UPASS (WeiGao Orthopaedic Devices Company), was performed. All patients underwent structural bone grafting, including autologous iliac bone (251 patients), titanium mesh (32 patients), and rib (6 patients).ResultsThe 289 patients were followed for 72.0±2.8 months, with 265 patients (91.69%) completely treated and 24 incompletely treated, including 3 who suspended chemotherapy because of liver or renal failure. Twenty-one patients (7.27%) failed to have a complete debridement, including 16 with incomplete bone debridement, 6 of whom underwent a second surgery, and 10 who received conservative therapy; 5 of this group had incomplete abscess debridement, 3 underwent a second surgery, and 2 received puncture aspiration of abscess under computed tomographic guidance; the second surgery rate was 3.81%. Twenty-two patients had surgery complications, including three with graft displacement, five with wound infection and fat liquefaction, four with pleural effusion, six with pain at the graft harvesting site, and four with incisional hernia. Bone graft healing was observed 4.3±1.2 months after surgery. The Cobb angle before and after surgery and at the final follow-up was 22.16±11.51°, 8.11±4.83°, and 9.96±3.49°, respectively, with a mean correction of 63.40% after surgery; however, a 1.85±1.34° loss was observed at the final follow-up with loss rate of 8.35%.ConclusionsSclerotic bone, multiple cavities, and bony bridges are foci in spinal tuberculosis. Clearing tuberculous foci, sclerotic bone, multiple cavities, and bony bridges to increase the curative effect is an effective treatment method.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate bladder emptying methods and urinary tract problems five years after spinal cord injury (SCI). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Neurological level, method of bladder emptying and urological investigations were retrieved from the records for all 165 patients admitted to our Centre for Spinal Cord Injured with a traumatic SCI sustained from 1984 to 1988. RESULTS: A total of 77 patients with completed 5-year control were included in the final analyses. We found that 64% had suprasacral bladder dysfunction, while 23% had infrasacral bladder dysfunction. Plasma-creatinine was normal, both at the initial examination and the 5-year control. From the time in the SCI centre to the 5-year control a trend towards less intermittent catheterization and more use of abdominal pressure was observed. During the follow-up period nine patients (12%) experienced urinary calculi. Six bladder- stones were removed endoscopically. Five had kidney stones; three were left untreated, one was removed by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and one by open surgery. Four patients (5%) had renograms with functional distribution outside the limits 40-60%. Three patients had bladder neck incision performed, one had a sacral anterior root stimulator implanted and one had a continent Kock reservoir. No sphincterotomies were performed. Fifty-one had received medicine to facilitate bladder emptying. Eighty-one percent had been treated for at least one urinary tract infection (UTI), 22% had 2-3 UTI/year, and 12% 4 or more UTI/year. Twelve percent had been on prophylactic low-dose antibiotics. CONCLUSION: The final outcome regarding urological complications is satisfactory even with our conservative handling of the SCI individuals.  相似文献   

脊柱结核个体化药物治疗的临床效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wu Z  Zhang ZH  Xu JZ 《中华外科杂志》2010,48(15):1141-1144
目的 探讨药敏试验指导下的脊柱结核个体化药物治疗的临床效果.方法 选择2005年8月至2010年1月诊治的132例脊柱结核手术患者进行结核分枝杆菌培养和药敏试验,随访超过12个月者62例纳入本研究,其中男性37例,女性25例;年龄4~67岁,平均33.6岁.患者均接受手术治疗,术中收集脓液、干酪样组织,常规处理后接种培养液,使用BACT/ALERT 3D细菌自动培养分析系统快速培养,培养阳性者采用改良罗氏培养液按绝对浓度法进行药敏试验,并根据结果制定抗结核化疗方案.术后1、3、6、9、12个月复查各1次,以后每6个月复查1次,观察临床表现及红细胞沉降率、X线片、三维CT、MRI的变化,分析局部及全身结核病转归、术区骨性融合等情况.结果 检测耗时28~58 d,平均42 d;培养阳性率45.2%(28/62).耐药率达24.2%,其中异烟肼12.9%、利福平4.8%、乙胺丁醇3.2%、链霉素9.7%、帕司烟肼6.4%、左氧氟沙星14.5%、利福喷汀1.6%.随访时间12~44个月,平均21个月.术后2周内切口愈合率98.4%(61/62).椎间植骨均获Ⅰ级骨性融合,融合时间8~12个月.结论 耐药结核形势严峻,药敏试验指导下的脊柱结核个体化药物治疗是减少复发、复治的关键.  相似文献   

S P O''''Hickey  A Pithie    C Skinner 《Thorax》1992,47(11):986-987
A 35 year old man developed paraplegia due to an epidural mass 15 months after completion of a full chemotherapy course for pulmonary and lymph node Mycobacterium bovis infection. His cellular immune function was normal after treatment. It is suggested that the lesion was a granulomatous healing response rather than bacteriological recurrence.  相似文献   

目的:探讨CT引导下经皮穿刺置管冲洗引流持续局部化疗治疗活动期多椎体结核的疗效。方法:回顾分析2002年1月~2006年2月收治并获得随访的17例活动期多椎体脊柱结核患者的临床资料.其中累及3个椎体者4例,4个椎体者8例。5个椎体及以上者5例。术前有明显神经功能损害者5例.Frankel分级C级3例,D级2例。所有患者均在CT引导下行经皮穿刺置管冲洗引流持续局部化疗治疗。应用改良吴启秋结核临床治愈标准对患者进行疗效评估。结果:住院治疗期间所有患者未发生交叉感染及窦道形成.随访20个月~5年,平均3年,末次随访时,所有患者达到临床治愈,有神经功能损害者均完全恢复。结论:经皮穿刺置管冲洗引流持续局部化疗治疗活动期多椎体脊柱结核创伤小,可取得较好疗效,对于身体条件和/或经济条件较差的患者是合适的选择。  相似文献   

目的通过巢式聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)动态检测脊柱结核患者围手术期外周血的MTB-DNA的IS6110基因的含量,评估术前短期化疗对脊柱结核患者的手术安全性。方法根据IS6110基因设计两对特异性硫化修饰引物,结合高效保真聚合酶建立的巢式PCR,动态检测25例术前短期化疗的脊柱结核患者术前1天、术后1天、术后7天、术后14天外周血MTB-DNA的IS6110基因的含量变化,对外周血扩增产物IS6110基因含量进行比较分析。结果脊柱结核患者围手术期外周血IS6110基因含量变化的两种趋势:(1)15例患者伴随术后结核病灶的清除,外周血中的结核杆菌IS6110基因的从术后1天就开始逐渐减少;(2)10例患者术后1天时外周血中结核杆菌IS6110基因有短暂回升,但与术前1天外周血中结核杆菌IS6110基因含量比较无显著性差异(P〉0.05),随着术后持续抗痨治疗,结核杆菌IS6110基因含量在术后1~2周均减少,均未发生结核杆菌血行播散并发症。结论如果脊柱结核患者一般情况好,术前短期化痨后行手术治疗安全有效。  相似文献   

罗政  尹锐  刘俊  张岱阳  胡睿 《骨科》2016,7(4):248-251
目的:分析研究恩施地区脊柱结核病的流行特征,为今后制定更有效的防治措施提供科学依据。方法回顾性调查研究2009年1月至2013年12月到恩施州各县市二级及以上医院就诊并确诊为脊柱结核患者的临床资料,统计所有患者一般情况及诊疗情况,对病例进行流行病学及诊疗情况分析。结果2009年1月至2013年12月各医院共接诊218例确诊为脊柱结核的患者,前4年病例数相当,2013年病例数迅速增长,为历年最高。就诊病例中呈现20~40岁和40~60岁两个高峰,<20岁所占比例最低。恩施市籍病例最高,利川市次之。以汉族、土家族为主,多种民族散发。病例中绝大多数为农民。腰椎节段结核所占比例最大,其次为胸椎。共有183例患者接受手术。患者采用三联或四联疗法,术前用药时间为2~4周,术后用药时间为12~18个月。18例(8.26%)患者术后出现复发,经处理后均好转。结论通过分析发现农民(包括外出农民工)为结核病好发人群,应被列为脊柱结核病防控工作的重点监控对象,对农民群体进行宣传教育,普及结核病防治知识,让他们在疾病的预防、诊断及治疗方面得到更多更有效的保障。  相似文献   

脊柱结核术后复发原因分析及再手术疗效观察   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的:回顾性分析脊柱结核术后复发的危险因素,并对再手术治疗效果观察随访。方法:2002年1月至2010年5月收治27例再手术脊柱结核术后复发患者,男15例,女12例,年龄21~65岁,平均36.5岁。应用统计学方法比较分析导致术后复发的危险因素和作用强度,针对主要原因采用个体化手术治疗。再手术方式:单纯病灶清除术5例,病灶清除和窦道切除术7例,Ⅰ期经前路病灶清除植骨融合联合后路内固定术8例,Ⅰ期经后路植骨融合内固定术联合CT引导下经皮穿刺灌注引流和局部化疗2例,单纯CT引导下经皮穿刺灌注引流和局部化疗5例。术后加强抗结核药物治疗,定期检查血沉、X线或CT三维重建评估结核活动及植骨融合情况。结果:脊柱结核术后复发为多种危险因素共同作用的结果,主要原因根据作用强度大小排列为:术前术后未行正规化疗、术后积液未早期发现和处理、自身营养状况差、术中病灶清理不彻底、术后脊柱稳定性差。再次手术术中无大血管、神经或输尿管损伤,术后随访12~36个月,平均24个月。末次随访所有患者结核症状消失,无结核复发、切口感染、窦道形成或内固定失败等并发症,复查血沉正常。术后8~12个月影像学复查提示椎间隙植骨均获骨性愈合,内固定位置正常。结论:脊柱结核再手术原因复杂且为多因素共同作用结果,诊断和治疗难度大。术前应详细分析复发的主要原因,强调正规抗结核药物治疗和个体化手术治疗,同时应加强营养和支持治疗。  相似文献   

颈椎结核耐药性观察及个体化治疗   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的观察颈椎结核分枝杆菌(M.TB)耐药情况;探讨颈椎结核个体化治疗方案。方法2002年1月-2006年12月,行前路病灶清除植骨内固定手术治疗且随访1年以上的颈椎结核病例31例,均在术中取得脓液标本并经病理检查证实为颈椎结核。检测M.TB分离株对14种抗结核药的敏感性;PCR-SSCP法检测M.TB分离株耐药基因突变。术后不耐药者化疗6-9个月,耐单药者化疗12个月,耐多药者化疗18个月。随访时间为1-5年,平均3.2年。结果总耐药率为54.8%,耐多药率为25.8%;在M.TB耐药株中,5种耐药基因(katG,rpoB,rpsL,embB,pncA)突变率为88.1%;M.TB敏感株未检出耐药基因突变。本组切口一期愈合率为93.5%,总治愈率为96.8%。结论颈椎M.TB产生耐药性与相应的基因突变密切相关。在个体化有效抗痨的基础上,应用病灶清除减压一期植骨内固定治疗颈椎结核,临床疗效满意。  相似文献   

TSRH内固定联合化疗治疗多节段脊柱结核   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨后路TSRH内固定联合化疗在多节段脊柱结核治疗中的临床疗效。方法对8例多节段脊柱结核患者行后路TSRH内固定联合化疗。结果8例获6个月~3年随访。切口I期愈合,脊柱结核均治愈,无明显全身及局部并发症。脊髓功能损害于术后5个月内完全恢复。植骨块均完全愈合,后凸畸形部分矫正,未发现钉棒松动、脱位。结论多节段脊柱结核后路TSRH内固定联合化疗可加强脊柱稳定,促进病灶吸收愈合,预防和矫正畸形,提高脊柱结核治愈率和植骨融合率。  相似文献   

《The spine journal》2023,23(2):209-218
BACKGROUND CONTEXTThere remains significant variability in the use of postoperative opioids. On one end, it is proven that appropriate pain control is a critical aspect of patient management; on the other end, past few decades have been associated with major increases in opioid-related overdoses and addiction treatment. We hypothesized that several pre- and postoperative risk factors affecting long-term opioid use could be identified.PURPOSEEvaluation of factors associated with minimum 5-year postoperative opioid use following adult spinal deformity surgery.STUDY DESIGN/SETTINGProspectively followed study group database.PATIENT SAMPLEAdult spinal deformity patients who underwent elective spine surgery between 2009 and 2016 were included.OUTCOME MEASURESOpioid usage or otherwise at minimum 5 years follow-up. Use of nonopioid analgesics, weak and strong opioidsMETHODSRetrospective analysis of patients undergoing elective spinal deformity surgery. A total of 37 factors comprising patient characteristics, radiographic measurements, operative details, preoperative and early postoperative opioid use, and mechanical complications and revisions were analyzed. Details on identified factors were provided.RESULTSA total of 265 patients (215F, 50M) from five sites were included. The mean follow-up duration was 68.4±11.7 (60–102) months. On average, 10.6±3.5 levels were fused. Preoperatively, 64 (24.2%) patients were using opioids. The rate of opioid users increased to 33.6% at 6 weeks and decreased to 21.5% at 6 months. During follow-up, there were patients who discontinued opioids, while others have started and/or restarted using opioids. As a result, 59 (22.3%) patients were still on opioids at the latest follow-up. Multivariate analyses showed that factors independently affecting opioid use at an average of 68 months postoperatively, in order of significance, were opioid use at sixth weeks, preoperative opioid use and opioid use at sixth months with the odds ratios of 2.88, 2.51, and 2.38 respectively. At these time points, factors such as age, number of comorbidities, tobacco use, the time of the last prior spine surgery and postoperative sagittal plane alignment affected opioid usage rates.CONCLUSIONSOpioid usage at 6 weeks was found to be more predictive of long-term opioid use compared to preoperative use. Patients should be well informed to have realistic expectations regarding opioid use when considering adult spinal deformity surgery.  相似文献   

Six-month chemotherapy for urogenital tuberculosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rifampicin (RMP, 600 mg), isoniazid (INH, 300 mg) and pyrazinamide (PZA, 1,000 mg) administered daily in the hospital for a duration of 2 months was followed at home by daily administration of 600 mg RMP and 300 mg INH for a duration of 4 months. 113 patients with previously untreated and bacteriologically proven urogenital tuberculosis were admitted to the study. Therapy was completed and evaluated in 106 (94%) patients. No failure of chemotherapy was observed during the treatment; one bacteriologically proven relapse occurred after completion of treatment within the 45- to 63-month follow-up. This 6-month chemotherapy seems as efficient as the standard treatment which lasted for 18-24 months.  相似文献   

超短程化疗方案及病变椎体部分切除术治疗脊柱结核   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
目的探讨三种化疗方案及病变椎体部分切除术治疗脊柱结核的临床效果。方法1998年12月至2003年11月,将收治的76例脊柱结核分为三组超短程化疗组38例,化疗方案2SHRZ/2.5H2R2Z2,疗程4.5个月;短程化疗组23例,方案为3SHRZ/5H2R2Z2,疗程8个月;标准化疗组15例,方案为3SHRZ/9H2R2Z2,疗程12个月。术前化疗时间三组基本相同,为15~40d,平均21d。全部病例均采用前路病变椎体部分切除、大块髂骨支撑植骨、前路或后路内固定手术。结果超短程、短程和标准化疗组平均随访时间分别为23、28和45个月。观测指标为(1)临床表现结核病症状消失,一般情况良好,无主诉疼痛,恢复正常工作或生活;体温正常,病变局部无叩击痛;神经功能恢复;术后1个月下地,4~5个月恢复工作。(2)实验室检查ESR、CRP两项或一项正常或接近于正常。(3)影像学检查X线片、CT、MRI见脓肿消失,无新生破坏灶,无植骨床与植骨吸收现象,植骨界面出现骨愈合征象,畸形矫正满意、矫正角度丢失<5°。(4)B超可能出现椎旁脓肿或流注脓肿的部位无液性暗区。(5)药物并发症随访时肝、肾功能正常或基本正常。随访时三组均达到以上标准,为优良效果,并且三组效果相同。结论超短程化疗、短程化疗和标准化疗方案结合前路脊柱结核病变椎体部分切除植骨、前路或后路内固定术治疗脊柱  相似文献   

前路内固定在治疗胸腰椎结核中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨胸腰椎前路内固定系统在治疗椎体结核时可行性以及对胸腰椎结核的治疗效果。方法采用胸腰椎前路病变椎体切除加自体髂骨植骨治疗27例,并同期行前路椎体内固定系统进行固定。结果经平均3年的随访,27例患者结核均治愈,植骨与受骨区全部骨性愈合,融合时间平均7~8个月,后凸矫正角度平均16°。全组病例切口均一期愈合。无手术并发症。结论该术式对胸腰椎结核病灶可彻底清除,能较好地进行椎管减压和脊柱矫形,完成脊柱稳定性重建,有利于患者早期离床活动,提高治愈率。  相似文献   

H Kitahara  S Inoue  S Minami  K Isobe  Y Ohtsuka 《Spine》1989,14(7):744-749
From 1967 to 1981, 311 scoliotic patients treated at Chiba University, with a minimum follow-up of 5 years and aged more than 23 years, were selected for this study. Seventy-two were males and 239 were females, whose age at operation ranged from 9 to 44 years, with an average of 16.5 years. The operative procedures were one-stage Harrington procedure in 179 cases, staged procedure in 108 cases, anterior procedure in 20 cases, and combined anteroposterior fusion in four cases. Including 198 patients examined physically, a total of 263 patients (54 males and 209 females) have responded to a questionnaire or were interviewed by telephone. In general, 85% of the patients were satisfied with the result of the operation for the control of spinal deformity, improvement of the cosmesis, and increase in physical and social activity.  相似文献   

复治的脊柱结核外科治疗加短程化疗的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
目的:探讨复治的脊柱结核外科治疗加短程化疗的临床疗效.方法:总结2005年3月至2008年3月外科治疗加短程化疗的46例复治脊柱结核,其中男29例,女17例;年龄27~61岁,平均43.7岁.46例脊柱结核病灶均处于活跃期,血沉和CRP水平均高于正常值.结核灶位于胸椎17例、胸腰段13例、腰骶椎16例;其中5例合并结核窦道,7例有下肢瘫痪.手术方法为Ⅰ期病灶清除、植骨融合与坚强内固定.根据围手术期抗结核疗效和药敏试验结果确定化疗方案,对于异烟肼(INH)、利副平(RFP)、吡嗪酰胺(PZA)等抗结核疗效敏感或结核杆菌培养阴性者,化疗持续9~12个月(3HRZ/6~9HRE方案).术后动态观察结核症状、化验指标和放射影像的变化.结果:术前化疗4~6周时46例患者结核症状均有不同程度改善,血沉和CRP平均值显著下降.术后2~3个月结核症状明显缓解,结核窦道消失,其中有37例血沉和CRP恢复正常水平.术后6~12个月X线片未见内固定松动或矫形丢失,7例合并下肢瘫痪者有6例恢复正常,有1例从C级改善至D级.本组有44例患者化疗9~12个月结核病灶治愈(3HRZ/6~9HRE方案),有2例(对RFP+INH耐药)化疗15个月治愈,化疗药物为力克肺疾、左氧氟沙星、乙胺丁醇和链霉素等.结论:复治的脊柱结核通过清除无血运病灶,能提高化疗效果和缩短化疗时间.  相似文献   

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