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《立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志》是中华神经外科学会立体定向和功能性神经外科专业委员会的专业学术性期刊,国际标准号:ISSN1008—2425,国内刊号:CN34一1168/R。本刊主要报道立体定向和功能性神经外科的研究动态、科研成果以及临床应用的研究,是神经外科、神经内科和精神科工作者的专业学术刊物。主要刊登内容:立体定向技术和神经外科导航技术的临床应用,微侵袭神经外科手术,神经内窥镜技术,DBS技术研究与应用,运动障碍性疾病、精神病、疼痛、癫痫等的基础研究与临床内外科治疗,立体定向放射外科治疗,神经组织移植与基因治疗等。  相似文献   

目的 :本文通过测量和分析伽玛刀立体定向放射外科过程中靶点位置误差 ,提出保证伽玛刀治疗质量的建议。材料和方法 :通过胶片法分别测量靶点位置在 Z轴平面和 X轴平面上的总精确度。结果 :靶点在 Z轴和 X轴平面上距离的总精确度分别为 (0 .9± 0 .3) mm和 (0 .8± 0 .2 ) m m。结论 :靶点位置总误差主要来源于定位误差和治疗机的机械误差。定期对 MRI的空间几何失真测试以及结合 CT与 MRI进行靶点立体定位相当必要。  相似文献   

目的评估立体定向多靶点联合毁损术治疗难治性精神病的手术疗效、适应证选择及安全性。方法对179例难治性精神病患者,采用螺旋CT定位,应用微电极导向同期多靶点联合射频热凝毁损治疗。结果本组病人术后1-6月经过CGI评定,显著进步128例,进步36例;无效15例,无加重病例,无死亡病例,有效率91.6%。平均随访2-3年,28例恢复,9例部分症状复发,余疗效比较稳定。结论立体定向多靶点联合毁损术是治疗难治性精神病的有效方法,根据不同的临床症状选择最佳靶点组合,做到手术方案个体化,有助于提高疗效,降低并发症。  相似文献   

本文介绍了在立体定向放射神经外科中,根据病人配戴头环和CT定标架作CT扫描所得的CT断层图像或配戴AVM定位箱做血管造影得到的两张X光片确定病人颅内病灶的三维坐标的方法。  相似文献   

脑颅内病灶的立体定向放射神经外科是对颅内病灶使用一次大剂量窄束放射线精确地聚焦于靶点,产生局灶性破坏而达到治疗疾病的学科。采用非连续弧形和圆筒形准直器来控制照射剂量,在治疗过程中采用直线加速器,其可调节治疗参数为:等中心位、台架弧形旋转间隔、床角度、准直域和剂量。在治疗计划实施阶段取决于这些参数如何使靶得到充分照射和在剂量控制结构作用下使病灶周围健康及临界组织受到最小剂量照射;附属结构立体定向仪是利用精确靶点空间定位和病人头架在CT图像(也可选择MRI或血管造影图像)精确定位;该计划系统是基于三维基本原理和需求治疗计划的测量体积的评估;治疗弧的选择主要依赖几何和光阑控制而避免临界放射;治疗计划的评估包括在体积等剂量分布和积分剂量体积直方图。本文主要介绍治疗计划入门的基本概念。  相似文献   

以转铁蛋白溶液为外水相,纳米沉淀技术制备了表面含转铁蛋白的包载卡莫司汀的聚乳酸纳米微粒,药物释放时间达一周以上。体外细胞实验验证纳米微粒表面转铁蛋白保持了活性,纳米粒子与胶质瘤细胞具有较强的结合能力。立体定位注射纳米微粒至荷瘤鼠瘤腔,SPECT考察载药纳米微粒的体内分布,表明纳米微粒在颅内滞留。与对照组相比,注射载药纳米微粒的大鼠生存期显著延长,核磁共振图象显示其中2只大鼠颅内肿瘤消退,表明载药纳米粒子对恶性胶质瘤具有体内抑制作用。  相似文献   

目的确定miRNA功能性靶基因的动态变化与mRNA核/质比的一致性。方法利用质/核比基因表达谱芯片和实时荧光定量PCR技术.研究转染miR-138的H1299细胞饥饿不同时间后生物信息学预测的miR-138靶基因变化与其相应基因核/质比的关系。结果H1299细胞中miR-138的功能性靶标动态变化规律与mRNA核/质比一致性较好。结论miRNA的功能性靶标是随着细胞的状态不同而发生动态变化。  相似文献   

Signs of premature maturation and activation of the pituitary-adrenocortical system were observed in the early postnatal period (70–90 h) in the progeny of rats adrenolectomized 1–3 and 7–9 days before parturition. The stronger response to stressor action than in the control (progeny of rats undergoing mock adrenalectomy and intact rats) was evidence of premature maturation of their suprahypophyseal regulatory mechanism also. Signs of functional exhaustion in the pituitary-adrenocortical system and also in the thyroid gland were found in sexually mature (6–10 months) rats obtained from adrenalectomized females.Deceased.Research Institute of Forensic Medicine, Ministry of Health of the USSR. Research Center, N. I. Pirogov Second Moscow Medical Institute. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR Yu. M. Lopukhin.) Trarnslated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 85, No. 4, pp. 400–403, April, 1978.  相似文献   

This work describes the synthesis and use of new diblock copolymers to integrate functional inorganic particles into a polymer matrix. These diblock copolymers were synthesized by nitroxide‐mediated polymerization (NMP) from styrene and two styrene‐like monomers with protected functional groups for the later connection to the functional inorganic material. It was possible to keep the polydispersity of the block copolymers around or below 1.2 and to preset the length of the functional block to about 20 monomers or 10 mol‐% of monomers. The groups for the surface functionalization (amino groups or chelating ligands) were obtained in their free form by polymer analogous reactions. As an example of functional inorganic materials, two highly triboluminescent materials were synthesized and investigated: an europium complex that is sensitive to fracture only and a manganese‐doped zinc sulfide that is also sensitive to reversible deformations. The interaction of the functional block copolymers with these triboluminescent crystals could be proved by (i) selective adsorption on surfaces coated with the block copolymer, (ii) by copolymer‐mediated transfer of the crystals from water to a chloroform phase and (iii) by the homogenous embedding of the crystals in a polystyrene (PS) matrix.


Neuronal interconnections in the motor cortex of alert and anesthetized cats were investigated. It is shown that the number of connections between neurons did not decrease within microareas of the cortex during deepening of anesthesia, but their reorganization occurred in the form of leveling of the input and output properties of all cells of the microareas. The number of interneuronal connections of various microareas with deepening of anesthesia considerably decreased and those neurons which were relatively inert in the cortex of alert cats were considerably activated during restructuring of the functional interconnections between microareas. The results of the investigations permitted the assumption of differentiated participation of neurons of the cat motor cortex generating spikes of various amplitude in information processing at the level of microareas when alert and under anesthesia.Translated from Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 74, No. 7, pp. 913–919, July, 1988.  相似文献   

朱蕾 《中国医学物理学杂志》2010,27(3):1896-1902,1928
目的:应用功能磁共振成像数据,对静息状态下大脑视觉系统功能连接模式[1]进行考证,并对不同状态下人脑视觉功能连接网络的变化[2,3]情况进行了研究。方法:基于脑区局部同一性[4],测量出一给定体素的时间序列与全脑其他体素时间序列的相似性。我们分别采集了视觉任务和静止两种状态下的功能磁共振成像数据,先是用K-均值的聚类方法[5,6]对视觉任务状态下的功能磁共振成像数据进行分析,做出分类图。然后通过分类图找到感兴趣种子区,平均种子区中各个体素的时间响应曲线,利用这个时间序列曲线与全脑体素作互相关分析[7],得出视觉任务下的全脑功能连接图,再把同样的感兴趣种子区域定位到静息状态下的脑区中用种子相关分析方法,作出静息状态下全脑视觉系统功能连接的网络模式及分布规律。结果:分别得到了视觉任务状态下和静息状态下以相同种子区为中心的功能连接网络图。结论:无论是在静息状态还是在任务状态下,大脑视觉系统各脑区之间的确存在密切的功能连接,而且状态不同所得到的视觉功能连接网络也不相同。  相似文献   

The mechanisms regulating the functional state (FS) of the brain were studied in humans in conditions of dosed acute hypoxia (breathing a mixture of 8% oxygen in nitrogen for 15–25 min). The dynamics of the FS of the brain due to changes in the balance of the activities of brain regulatory structures in hypoxia were reflected in rearrangements of EEG spatial relationships (factor and cluster analysis of EEG crosscorrelation matrixes) and the redistribution of intracerebral locations of electrically equivalent dipole sources (EEDS), with increases in EEDS density in the projections of the medial and basal parts of the temporal lobes of the hemispheres (EEDS tomography data). Changes in cortical-subcortical interactions were characterized by a decrease in the tone of the activatory brain system, a decrease in the inhibitory control of subcortical structures by neocortical formations, and activation of limbic system and hypothalamic structures. Switching of the integrative regulatory mechanisms from the cortico-thalamic level to the limbic-diencephalic level may allow release of the energy-consuming nonspecific components of hypoxic stress and more stable regulation of physiological parameters by the major vital systems in conditions of increasing oxygen deficit. Translated from Rossiiskii Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 94, No. 5, pp. 481–501, May, 2008.  相似文献   

Missense variants in the BRCA2 gene are routinely detected during clinical screening for pathogenic mutations in patients with a family history of breast and ovarian cancer. These subtle changes frequently remain of unknown clinical significance because of the lack of genetic information that may help establish a direct correlation with cancer predisposition. Therefore, alternative ways of predicting the pathogenicity of these variants are urgently needed. Since BRCA2 is a protein involved in important cellular mechanisms such as DNA repair, replication, and cell cycle control, functional assays have been developed that exploit these cellular activities to explore the impact of the variants on protein function. In this review, we summarize assays developed and currently utilized for studying missense variants in BRCA2. We specifically depict details of each assay, including variants of uncertain significance analyzed, and describe a validation set of (genetically) proven pathogenic and neutral missense variants to serve as a golden standard for the validation of each assay. Guidelines are proposed to enable implementation of laboratory‐based methods to assess the impact of the variant on cancer risk.  相似文献   

Studied the ways that mothers interpret illness behavior intheir children to assess whether maternal psychological adjustmentpredicts maternal perceptions of children's behavioral limitationsand attribution of these behaviors to chronic illness. Functionalstatus ratings and attributions to illness by 365 mothers of5-to 8-year-old children with chronic illnesses were associatedwith children's overall adjustment but not with mothers' ownpsychological distress. Illness attributions also were relatedto the child's medical visits and hospitalizations. Thus, mother'sillness attributions are related to her perceptions of the child'shealth and more general behavioral adjustment, but not to herown mental health. Results support the validity of the FS II(R)as a measure of functioning related to children's health statusthat is not influenced by maternal psychological adjustment.  相似文献   

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