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Endorectal advancement flap for treatment of simple rectovaginal fistula   总被引:3,自引:22,他引:3  
An endorectal advancement flap technique has been utilized in 35 women for repair of “simple” rectovaginal fistulas,i.e., those of low or midseptal location, less than 2.5 cm in diameter, and of traumatic or infectious etiology. Colostomy is unnecessary. Concomitant sphincteroplasty for correction of associated anal incontinence is readily accomplished. Results are excellent with healing ultimately achieved in 32 of 35 women (91 per cent). Read at the meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 7 to 11, 1981.  相似文献   

Congenital coronary arteriovenous fistulas represent abnormal communication between coronary arteries and any cardiac chambers, pulmonary artery, coronary sinus, superior vena cava or pulmonary vein. We reported an interesting case of very long and tortuous coronary arteriovenous fistulas originated from the left circumflex coronary artery, which drained into bronchial arteries in right lower lung field diagnosed by coronary angiography and multidetector computed tomography.  相似文献   

The molecular genetic diagnosis of Wilson's disease in the 5-year-old sister of a patient with Wilson's disease is reported. The girl was clinically free of disease and had no conventional biochemical markers of Wilson's disease (i.e., normal ceruloplasmin, normal copper in the serum, normal 24-hour urinary copper excretion). Diagnosis with restriction fragment length polymorphisms and a nonradioactive polymerase chain reaction-based analysis with microsatellite markers showed her to be homozygous for the disease-associated markers. A liver biopsy was performed, and a 20-fold increased liver copper content confirmed the diagnosis. The child was treated with chelation therapy with d-penicillamine. The report of this study clearly shows the advantage of DNA linkage analysis (especially polymerase chain reaction) over conventional laboratory methods for presymptomatic diagnosis of Wilson's disease before irreparable liver and neurological damage occurs. The only limitation of this DNA-based diagnosis is the fact that it is only applicable in siblings of an index patient whose diagnosis was made by phenotypic criteria.  相似文献   

Retractile mesenteritis is a rare inflammatory mesenteric disorder that involves the intestine secondarily. The natural history of this process is diverse, but most patients require some empiric therapeutic measures. Up to now, pharmacological therapy has included corticosteroids, colchicine, and immunosuppressive drugs. Although these drugs are successful in most patients, some have been refractory to these therapies and, in others, the beneficial effects were counterbalanced by adverse reactions. Many patients require surgery, but most have poor results. This report describes a 42-year-old man with histologically proven retractile mesenteritis refractory to surgical intervention who had a good response to oral progesterone (10 mg/day for 6 months) with complete disappearance of tumor mass and clinical symptoms. No adverse effects were detected. Current knowledge about the mechanism by which progesterone affects fibrogenesis is scanty. It seems likely that progesterone down-regulates proliferation and metabolism of fibroblasts and fibrogenesis.GASTROENTEROLOGY 1998;114:1313-1317  相似文献   

All-trans -retinoic acid (atRA) inhibits osteoblast marker gene expression and markedly increases expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-6 (IGFBP-6) in human osteoblasts. The possibility that IGFBP-6 inhibits the osteoblast phenotype and also mediates the inhibitory effect of atRA on osteoblast marker gene expression was explored using an antisense approach. Stable human osteoblast-like osteosarcoma SaOS-2 cells were prepared that expressed antisense IGFBP-6 RNA under basal and atRA-stimulated conditions. The functional expression of IGFBP-6 antisense RNA was confirmed by measuring IGFBP-6 mRNA by Northern analysis or by measuring IGFBP-6 protein in the conditioned media (CM) by radioimmunoassay. Antisense clones produced less mRNA and had less IGFBP-6 protein in the CM than controls. IGFBP-6 protein levels in the CM were inversely correlated with alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, whereas IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-4 protein levels were not. We reasoned that atRA would have little or no effect on ALP activity in IGFBP-6 antisense clones if atRA mediated its inhibitory effects by recruiting IGFBP-6. In the majority of IGFBP-6 antisense clones with the lowest IGFBP-6 mRNA and CM protein levels and only modest changes in other IGF system components, atRA did not significantly decrease ALP activity. These findings provide evidence that atRA recruits IGFBP-6 to inhibit the human osteoblast phenotype.  相似文献   

Guanylin activates an intestinal guanylate cyclase (GCC) and stimulates electrolyte movement across the gut epithelium. Cells expressing guanylin messenger RNA have been localized to the epithelial cell layer of the intestine; however, the identity of the guanylin-producing cells has not been determined. The aim of this study was to identify cells that express guanylin in the rat intestine. Antibodies were raised against defined proguanylin epitopes, evaluated by Western blotting, and used for immunoperoxidase histochemistry. Guanylin-like immunoreactivity was localized to a subset of goblet cells. In the small intestine, most, perhaps all, goblet cells in the villi were immunopositive, as were some goblet cells in upper crypts; however, goblet cells deep within crypts were unlabeled. In the colon, goblet cells clustered in the necks and around the openings of crypts were immunopositive, whereas (as in the small intestine) goblet cells in deeper crypt regions were unlabeled. In some animals, immunoreactive columnar epithelial cells were also observed in the colon (although such cells were not apparent in the small intestine). Relative labeling of columnar cells varied from animal to animal. Guanylin is expressed in mature goblet cells. If secreted in conjunction with mucin, it could play a role in the hydration of mucus.  相似文献   

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