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医院开展特需医疗服务的意向调查   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
针对上海市三家三级医院开展的特需医疗服务进行了专题调查,探讨开展特需医疗服务的必要性和可行性,对病人和合同单位职工的调查显示,特需医疗服务的开展满足了人们日益增长的卫生保健需求,对医务人员的调查则显示大多数医务人员对特需医疗服务持肯定态度,认为特需医疗服务的开展有利于病人和医务人员自身。  相似文献   

浅议特需医疗服务的利弊及对策王虹近年来,人们对医院开展的特需医疗服务给予了高度地关注,社会人群对此反映也不一致。笔者就这一热点问题阐述几点看法。一、正确评价特需医疗服务目前,医院开展的特需医疗服务应一分为二地看待,亦就是说是利与弊共存。(一)开展特需...  相似文献   

特需医疗服务浅议高冬媛特需医疗服务,作为卫生改革近年出台的新举措,已成为医务界和社会关注的热门话题。认真分析特需医疗服务给医疗卫生行业及社会所产生的正、负效应及其发展趋势,对促进卫生改革,使医疗卫生工作更好地为人民的健康服务是很有意义的。一、由来80...  相似文献   

特需医疗服务营销的调查分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 认识和掌握特需医疗服务的营销策略、营销管理和营销效果评价体系。方法 以某医院患者和医务人员为对象 ,随机发放《特需医疗服务顾客满意调查表》、《特需医疗服务对医务人员素质影响调查表》 ,并进行专题访谈和专题调查资料统计分析。结果 接受特需医疗服务顾客满意度为98 9% ,特需医疗服务对医疗服务质量、经济效益及医务人员素质的提高有积极影响。结论 定向、定位 ,定价是指导特需医疗服务的营销策略 ;市场导向、促销导医、资源导航对特需医疗服务具有重要实用价值 ,高质量、高素质、高效益是评判特需医疗服务的主要标准。  相似文献   

我院特需(专家)门诊成立于2003年12月,于2004年2月9日正式开诊。随着社会发展,人民生活水平的提高,对医疗服务提出了更高的要求。作为医院诊疗工作的一个窗口,特需门诊受到广大患者的欢迎,为医院赢得了较好声誉,并取得了一定的经济效益和社会效益。至2005年2月,我院特需门诊收治患者600人次,多为外地慕名求医和疑难病症患者。特需专家门诊服务模式在运行中不断总结、改进,为了更好地为患者服务,完善特需专家门诊工作,我们对特需专家门诊工作进行了阶段性总结。  相似文献   

开展特需服务要把握“度”冯仲青,蒙珍英,葛立三随着医院改革的不断深化,许多医院开展了特需服务,包括点名手术、点名会诊、特需护理、特医特诊服务等等。这些服务均是有偿的技术服务,称其为特需,就是在目前医疗需求的新情况下采取的特殊办法。总的看,在现阶段这种...  相似文献   

目的:从求医者对北京市开展特需医疗的必要性、现行服务的满意度和意向发展的模式了解其态度和建议,为特需医疗今后的发展提供参考.方法:采用问卷调查对北京市5家医院282名就医者进行意向调查.结果:48.6%的人认为北京市有必要开展特需医疗服务;52.9%的人对北京市特需医疗服务现状给予肯定;46.5%的人表示今后会选择特需医疗服务.结论:从需求角度来看,北京市开展特需医疗服务仍存在一定的上升空间.目前,急需从提供主体、服务人群、定价模式等环节加强政府对医疗机构提供特需医疗服务的行为进行监管.  相似文献   

确保基本医疗搞好特需服务冒镇,刘仁美近年来我院在保证基本医疗服务的前提下,创造条件,拓宽服务领域,相继开展了"专家门诊"、"母婴同室"、"点名手术"、"医疗美容"等特需服务,在此谈谈我们确保基本医疗,搞好特需服务的做法和体会。一、摆正基本与特需医疗服...  相似文献   

开展特需医疗服务要坚持五原则河北医学院附属第三医院(050051)李慎乐,胡宪为满足社会上不同层次人群的医疗保健需求,在改革中医院逐步推出了一些特需医疗服务项目。特需服务是指超出医疗常规服务范畴的,为满足部分患者的特需要求,由患者或家属自愿选择的医疗...  相似文献   

在综合全国大、中城市医疗单位开展特需服务进展情况之后,提出了特需医疗服务的立项、审批与管理程序,并强调,开展特需医疗服务要遵循全心全意为病人服务的基本宗旨,严格、准确地掌握政策界限。  相似文献   

《中医医院查房质量考核标准》考核项目包括是否按时查房,查房规范化情况,查房内容等。通过“三级医师查房质量考核评分”、“住院病人综合满意度测定”、“住院病案合格率统计”等三方面来评价查房质量。经过查房质量考核,近三年来查房效果观察指标和医疗质量指标、全院查房综合满意度测定、“三基”考核合格率、住院病案合格率等均有不同程度提高或保持在较高水平。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和不断完善,无疑给医院发展创造了良好的运行环境,但在医疗市场的发育尚不够健全并远远滞后于社会经济发展的情况下,怎样加强医疗质量内涵建设,苦练内功,以主动适应经济体制的转轨,适应医学模式的转变。本文从理论和实践两个方面,就医疗质量内涵建设谈了几点体会。  相似文献   

坚持邓小平理论努力探索具有中国特色的医院管理模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
泰安市中心医院坚持用邓小平理论指导医院改革工作,探索具有中国特色的医院管理模式,在理顺领体制,改革管理体制、改革运行机制,适应市场经济四个方面进行了实践,走了一条深化改革,从严治院,抓住机遇,促进发展的新路子。  相似文献   

There are very few documented large-scale successes in nutrition in Africa, and virtually no consideration of contracting for preventive services. This paper describes two successful large-scale community nutrition projects in Africa as examples of what can be done in prevention using the contracting approach in rural as well as urban areas. The two case-studies are the Secaline project in Madagascar, and the Community Nutrition Project in Senegal. The article explains what is meant by 'success' in the context of these two projects, how these results were achieved, and how certain bottlenecks were avoided. Both projects are very similar in the type of service they provide, and in combining private administration with public finance. The article illustrates that contracting out is a feasible option to be seriously considered for organizing certain prevention programmes on a large scale. There are strong indications from these projects of success in terms of reducing malnutrition, replicability and scale, and community involvement. When choosing that option, a government can tap available private local human resources through contracting out, rather than delivering those services by the public sector. However, as was done in both projects studied, consideration needs to be given to using a contract management unit for execution and monitoring, which costs 13-17% of the total project's budget. Rigorous assessments of the cost-effectiveness of contracted services are not available, but improved health outcomes, targeting of the poor, and basic cost data suggest that the programmes may well be relatively cost-effective. Although the contracting approach is not presented as the panacea to solve the malnutrition problem faced by Africa, it can certainly provide an alternative in many countries to increase coverage and quality of services.  相似文献   

护理人员编制配备现状分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
护理人员编制是临床配备护理人员的依据,通过分析国外护理人员编制情况及我国护理人员编制配备现状,指出现护理人员编制中存在的问题和影响因素,为探索新型护理人员编制配备方案提出了一些参考。  相似文献   

四类农村地区卫生人力配置效率的现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1993年国家卫生服务总调查资料,结合农村改良医院规划模型的计算结果,参照1989年卫生部颁布的《医院分级管理办法》,分析我国农村卫生人力的配置效率及影响因素的现状;提出了全国农村及四类农村地区生力配置效率均有待提高,Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ类地区病床使用率有待提高,Ⅳ类地区平均住院天数有待缩短Ⅰ类地区床工比有所降低。  相似文献   

Health services, provided through schools for more than 100 years, increasingly have expanded to meet preventive as well as acute health care needs of children. This article reports on a survey of parents of third-grade children in an urban public school system. The authors examined what parents know about school health services, what value they place on the services, and what barriers exist to health care access. Results indicated parents place a high value on health services offered in schools, but they know little about service availability and use. Parents often were unaware their children received many of the services listed, such as review of school health records, vision and hearing screening, and health education by school nurses.  相似文献   

Information on public services for older people is often limited to institutional care and Home Help/Home Care, be it for individuals in surveys, statistics for a specific country or for international comparisons. Yet, these two major services are in many countries supplemented - or substituted - by other, minor services. The latter include services such as transportation services, meals-on-wheels, alarm systems and day care. This diversification is the outcome of a rationing of services to achieve a more rational allocation of resources and attempts to keep down costs. In this presentation we use various data sources to provide information on all these types of support for Spain and Sweden. When all of them are considered, service coverage is much higher than by basic services alone, indicating further consolidation of services. Data suggests a high targeting in Sweden, but fragmented delivery in Spain, where - we suspect-users get what is available, with little differentiation between needs. With higher service rates, as in Sweden, there is greater overlap between family care and public services; with lower coverage rates, as in Spain, family care and public services are more often substituted for each other. It is suggested that a range of services, major and minor, may suit the varying needs of older people better - and more efficiently-than the choice between nothing, Home Help or institutional care, but that minor services may also be used as an inexpensive - and sometimes inferior-substitute for full support.  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济体制下医院的经营策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
社会主义市场经济体制下,我国医疗服务市场客观存在,但又是一个特殊的市场。医院应运用经营策略,积极参与市场竞争。可根据自己的实际情况选用特色化发展、科技兴院、优秀人才、优质取胜、先进医疗设备、发展第三产业,强化医院内部管理等经营策略,以促进医院的发展与进步,为保障人民的健康服务。  相似文献   

对营利性与非营利性医疗机构界定的探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
营利性、非营利性医疗机构的产生与发展及其特征以及如何界定和管理。  相似文献   

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