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<正>目前,为了优化就医流程,在政府的倡导下,各个医院都在积极推进实名制预约挂号工作。所谓预约挂号是病人提前预订在某时间到医院会诊看病,也指病人通过其他预约方式,如电话、网络等实现远程挂号。病人进入医院最先遇到的问题就是挂号,而预约挂号不仅可以有效减少门诊挂号窗口排队和候诊时间过长现象,还可以为病人提供相对准确的就诊时间,便于病人安排就诊时间,同时也有利于改善医院的就医环境,提高门诊管理及服务水平[1-3]。因此,了解病人挂号中遇到的问题,不断  相似文献   

目的 探讨基于微信小程序的门诊预约挂号导诊服务对门诊慢性病患者候诊时间的影响。方法 选取河南大学第一附属医院2019年3月至2020年3月门诊就诊的慢性病患者60例,依据建档顺序分为2组:2组均给予导诊式服务,对照组30例采取门诊窗口挂号就诊,研究组30例采取微信小程序门诊预约挂号就诊。比较2组各环节(挂号、候诊、缴费及报告结果)等候时间、就诊满意度及顺利度。结果 与对照组比较,研究组挂号、候诊、缴费及报告结果时间均显著缩短,就诊总满意度、就诊总顺利度显著升高,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论基于微信小程序的门诊预约挂号导诊式服务能有效缩短各环节等候时间,提高患者就诊顺利度及满意度。  相似文献   

【】:目的:广泛开展门诊预约。方法:采用复高医用口腔信息软件系统对门诊患者挂号到收费时间进行分析,效果评价。结果:通过口腔门诊复诊预约制,患者等候的时间断了,候诊大厅等候的患者少了。结论:复诊预约,有利于医生对患者进行连续医疗,患者对医院、医疗、服务的满意度提高了,广泛推广。  相似文献   

张利 《现代临床护理》2011,10(11):60-60,65
挂号服务是医院对外服务的前沿,挂号服务质量直接关系到医院的医疗氛围和门诊患者的满意度。门诊预约挂号解决门诊就医"三长一短"的现象[1-2]。本院结合医院实际情况和为了满足患者的需求,自2009年11月以来实施了门诊预约挂号的服务,经过1年多的实践,取得较好的效果,现将方法和结果报道如下。  相似文献   

目的 了解预约挂号就诊的患者对预约挂号服务的评价,分析存在问题,探讨整改措施.方法 采用自行设计的调查表对100名采取预约挂号就诊的门诊患者或家属进行调查.结果 在预约挂号方式选择上,电话预约和网络预约为主要方式;在获取预约挂号服务信息的途径上,绝大部分来源于医院宣传,少部分来源于亲戚朋友介绍;在服务满意度上,66%是满意的,33%是基本满意的.结论 必须不断完善预约诊疗服务的后续管理,缩短患者候诊时间;进一步优化预约挂号服务流程,方便患者预约;加大宣传力度,提高公众的认同度.  相似文献   

目的探索建立专职预约队伍实施预约挂号服务的效果。方法成立护理专职预约队伍,进行人员培训,规范预约流程,进行广泛宣传。结果预约挂号量增加,病人爽约率下降,病人满意度提高,病人挂号、门诊预约类投诉由每月4~5起降至0起。结论专职预约队伍的建立提高了门诊护理服务质量,使挂号就诊有序、节时,满足了病人对门诊护理服务的需求。  相似文献   

目的:发掘预约挂号在门诊运营中的作用与潜在应用价值。方法:采用现场预约、网上预约、电话预约对我院专家门诊病人采取预约挂号方法,并比较2010年5月~11月门诊预约人数、预约比例、预约挂号方式选择情况、三种预约挂号方式使用率情况,随机抽取预约与非预约病人各150例采用问卷调查对候诊时间的满意度。结果:预约组与现场挂号组比较差异有统计学意义(P <0.01)结论:专家门诊预约病人及预约比例逐月上升,预约组与非预约组病人相比,候诊时间明显缩短,满意度高。  相似文献   

目的 通过对医院信息系统(HIS)门诊预约挂号的数据分析,探讨预约诊疗制度的经验与不足,以提高门诊挂号的预约面及降低预约挂号的失约率,从而优化门诊服务管理和资源配备.方法 从是否为专家预约,是否在预约时即刻收费,预约的具体方式等角度对预约挂号进行分类统计及横向对比,找出现有制度的效用与不足.结果 随着预约挂号制度的推进,预约挂号类型各自占比在动态变化.2011年宁波市康宁医院电话预约数3 188个(58.31%),占总预约数比例最高,网上预约数1 752个(32.05%),诊间预约数527个(9.64%);随着市卫生网网上挂号系统进一步推广和患者对预约挂号制度知晓度的提高,2012年的情况也相应变化,预约数提升至7 229个(51.28%),网上预约数5 154个(36.56%),电话预约总数降为1 714个(12.16%);但是主要问题仍为预约率低(2011为4.31%;2012年为10.14%)及失约率高(2011年为35.50%,2012年为26.37%).2011年推出预约挂号制度,当年预约人数5 467个,2012年预约数达14097个.但与总体挂号数对比,患者更习惯于传统就诊模式,2011年预约挂号数占挂号总数126 755个的4.31%;2012年预约挂号数和预约数都有所增长,预约挂号占全年挂号总数138 958个的10.14%.不同职称间患者预约取号率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).即时付费与否的失约率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);心理咨询门诊的失约率较精神科门诊的失约率明显偏低,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 进一步加强门诊服务管理和宣传,完善信息平台,采用预约即时扣费及优化诊间预约来针对性改进.  相似文献   

目的探讨门诊诊间预约挂号服务模式,以优化预约挂号流程。方法前期做好筹备工作,并对社会广泛宣传;制订诊间预约挂号的有关管理规定,按照规定组织实施;规范专家门诊的管理。结果开展诊间预约挂号服务后,门诊量、预约数、患者满意度明显提高,无一例患者投诉。结论开展诊间预约挂号服务,可以优化门诊流程,节省患者时间和费用,降低院内感染风险,提升医院管理水平。  相似文献   



This study examined the effects of intentional nursing rounds based on the care model on patients' perceived nursing quality and their satisfaction with nursing services.


The study design was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The participants were assigned to the intervention group or the control group in two orthopedic wards of a teaching hospital. A total of 9 rounds (at 7 AM, 9 AM, 12 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, 8 PM, 10 PM, 2 AM, and 5 AM) were performed every 2 or 3 hours to the experimental group. The intentional nursing rounding intervention was developed through a theoretical development program involving six basic principles which are maintaining belief, knowing, being with, doing for, enabling, and patients' wellness. To evaluate the effects of intentional nursing rounds, data were collected through the Perception of Quality Nursing Care Scale and the Patients' Satisfaction with Nursing Care Quality Questionnaire.


The participants were 70 patients (experimental group) and 75 patients (control group). Results of difference-in-difference analysis confirmed that the patient-perceived nursing quality level from the experimental group was 0.85 points (out of 5.00) higher (p = .041) and the satisfaction with nursing services level was 8.28 points (out of 110.00) higher (p < .001) than the control group.


These results proposed that intentional nursing rounds based on the care model were effective in improving perception of quality nursing care and patients' satisfaction with nursing care. Structured patient-oriented intentional nursing rounds based on the care model are expected to expand to a variety of clinical settings further.  相似文献   

目的通过调查门诊各科老年患者就诊流程,以发现问题,提高门诊护理服务质量。方法 采用自行设计的老年患者就诊情况调查问卷,对2009年6月门诊内科、外科、皮肤科、妇产科等科室就诊的老年患者的一般情况、就诊情况、就诊流程、就诊效果以及相关健康教育的需求等内容进行描述性统计分析。结果 342例老年患者中,男女人数基本相当,198例(57.9%)有陪同者、209例(61.11%)首选三级医院就诊;238例(69.59%)能够根据标识顺利到达目的科室,熟悉电子叫号系统;240例(70.18%)在1 h左右完成就诊流程,261例(76.31%)对就诊比较满意,81例(23.68%)表示不满意。在健康教育方面,用药安全的需求较为迫切。结论随着老龄化进程的加快,门诊老年患者比例不断增加;三级医院不但要加强门诊硬件建设,还要加强医疗管理及门诊护理队伍建设,调整门诊护理内容,改善就诊流程,加强医疗护理安全,从而提高老年患者就诊效果及就诊满意度。  相似文献   

目的探讨便捷、高效、安全、合理的门急诊输液流程,以提高门急诊护理质量。方法方便性抽样选择第二军医大学长海医院急诊科2010年1月流程再造前门急诊输液患者500例和2011年4月流程再造后门急诊输液患者500例,以及门急诊输液室护理人员25名,对实施流程再造前后患者就诊至输液各环节的等侯时问、患者对输液过程满意度、护理人员各项操作所用时间及护理人员满意度进行对比分析。结果流程再造后所测得患者各环节等候时间及护理人员各项操作所用时间均低于流程再造前,患者及护理人员各项满意度均高于流程再造前,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05或P〈0.01)。结论再造后的输液流程更符合便捷、高效、安全、合理的标准,有效提高了门急诊输液室的护理质量,值得在临床中推广应用。  相似文献   



There has been a sustained debate in the medical literature over whether physicians should engage with patients' religious and spiritual concerns.


This study explores what physicians believe about the relative importance and appropriateness of engaging with patients' spiritual concerns and physicians' choices of interventions.


In 2010, a questionnaire was mailed to 2016 U.S. physicians with survey items querying about the relative importance of addressing patients' spiritual concerns at the end of life and the appropriateness of interventions in addressing those concerns. The survey also contained an experimental vignette to assess physicians' willingness, if asked by patients, to participate in prayer.


Adjusted response rate was 62% (1156/1878). The majority of physicians (65%) believe that it is essential to good practice for physicians to address patients' spiritual concerns at the end of life. Physicians who were more religious were more likely to believe that spiritual care is essential to good medical practice (odds ratio: 2.76, 95% CI 1.12–6.81) and believe that it is appropriate to always encourage patients to talk to a chaplain (odds ratio: 5.71, 95% CI: 2.28–14.3). A majority of the physicians (55%) stated that, if asked, they would join the family and patient in prayer. Physicians' willingness to join ranged from 67% when there was concordance between the physician's and the patient's religious affiliation to 51% when there was discordance.


The majority of U.S. physicians endorse a limited role in the provision of spiritual care, although opinions varied based on physicians' religious characteristics.  相似文献   



Patients with possible acute coronary syndrome (ACS) are typically instructed to return to the emergency department (ED) if their condition worsens. Little is known about the relationship between patient satisfaction in the ED and subsequent return visits.


Our aim was to determine the association between satisfaction with ED care and subsequent ED return visits.


One thousand and five consecutive ED patients with symptoms of possible ACS who participated in a prospective guideline implementation trial at two university hospitals completed a telephone survey at 30-day follow-up. Satisfaction with care at the initial ED visit was measured using items from the Press Ganey satisfaction questionnaire. Logistic regression was used to determine the association between individual satisfaction items and the occurrence of any ED revisits, and the association between satisfaction items and return visits to the same ED.


Patients who reported superior ratings of person-centered care (“staff cared about you as a person”) were significantly less likely to return to any ED during 30-day follow-up: 59 vs. 71%, adjusted odds ratio = 0.57 (95% confidence interval 0.37−0.87). Among those with ED revisits, superior ratings of personal care and perceived waiting time for emergency physician evaluation were significantly associated with return to the same ED.


Although diagnostic workup and risk stratification are the primary focus in evaluating patients with possible ACS, greater attention to the patient's experience of care may have the positive impact of reducing ED return visits and increasing the likelihood that patients will return to the same ED for re-evaluation.  相似文献   

目的探讨加强护理实习生(以下简称护生)的生活护理对患者满意情况的影响。方法便利抽样法选择2011年1-10月在第二军医大学长海医院普外一科实习的护生60名为研究对象,按入科先后将其分为观察组和对照组,每组30名。每组护生由老师按照责任制护理分别带教,观察组护生按照教学计划在常规实习的基础上,加强对患者的生活护理;对照组护生常规完成实习计划。对两组护生护理过的240名住院患者进行针对护生护理服务的满意情况调查,并进行比较分析。结果观察组实施生活护理频次高于对照组,且患者对护生护理服务的满意情况显著优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论护生加强对患者的生活护理可以提高住院患者对其护理服务的满意情况。  相似文献   

邹祎  杨玲  林雪皎 《华西医学》2014,(5):975-978
全面了解老年门诊患者特点,分析老年患者就诊特殊需求;并遵循生理、心理、社会医学模式,融人文关怀于护理服务中,倡导微笑服务,关怀病体,开展心理疏导,健康宣教及增值服务,努力改善就诊环境为老年门诊患者提供人性化、个性化的优质特色护理服务,构建和谐护患关系,提高老年患者生活质量和生命质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨品管圈(quality control circle,QCC)活动在缩短门诊患者注射等候时间中的应用效果。方法 2013年5-9月,第二军医大学长海医院门诊部在注射室成立QCC,以"缩短门诊患者注射等候时间"为主题进行质量改进。结果通过QCC活动,患者注射等候的平均时间从活动前的(19.93±2.10)min缩短到(10.10±1.91)min,超过预期目标;而且注射护士在专业技术、沟通协调能力和责任心等方面的自评分也有了提高。结论 QCC活动有效缩短了门诊注射患者的等候时间,值得在临床推广应用。  相似文献   

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