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Rats were exposed to mercury vapors (30 mg/m3) for either 1 or 2 h. Histological lesions like alveolar oedema, hyaline membranes and sometimes fibrosis were observed. The lesions were more significant after 2 h of exposure, with about 50% of the animals dying within 2 weeks. The mercury level and the superoxide dismutase activity in the blood and the lungs demonstrated differences according to the time of exposure. In the animals exposed for 2 h to mercury vapors, N-acetylcysteine treatment increased survival time and the percentage of living animals. The lung superoxide dismutase was lower than in the non-treated animals indicating an antioxidant effect. Mercury levels were decreased in blood and lung, suggesting some chelating effect of N-acetylcysteine. The exact mechanism of its action must be further elucidated.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of placenta metallothionein (MT) in maternal-to-fetal mercury transfer in MT-null and wild-type mice after exposure to elemental mercury (Hg(0)) vapor. Both strains were exposed to Hg(0) vapor at 5.5-6.7 mg/m(3) for 3 h during late gestation. Twenty-four hours after exposure to Hg(0) vapor, accumulation of mercury in the major organs, except the brain, of MT-null maternal mice was significantly lower than that in organs of wild-type mice. In contrast to mercury levels in maternal organs, fetal mercury levels were significantly higher in MT-null mice than in wild-type mice. In placenta, mercury concentrations were not significantly different between the two strains. Although MT levels in major organs, except the brain, of wild type mice were markedly elevated after the exposure to Hg(0) vapor, the placental MT levels were not elevated. However, endogenous MT level in the placenta is significantly higher than that in other organs, except the liver. Gel filtration profile of the placental cytosol in the wild-type mice revealed that a large amount of placental mercury was associated with MT. In MT-null mice, mercury in placental cytosol appeared mainly in the high-molecular-weight protein fractions. Mercury in the placenta was localized mainly in the yolk sac and decidual cells in the deep layer of the decidua in both mouse strains. The similar localization of MT was found in the placenta of wild type mice. These results suggest that MT in the placenta has a defensive role in preventing maternal-to-fetal mercury transfer.  相似文献   

Yoshida M  Satoh M  Yasutake A  Shimada A  Sumi Y  Tohyama C 《Toxicology》1999,139(1-2):129-136
We studied the role of metallothionein (MT) in the distribution and retention of mercury in the brain, lung, liver and kidney of MT-null and wild-type mice after exposure to mercury (Hg0) vapor. Mice were exposed to Hg0 vapor at 5.5-6.7 mg/m3 for 3 h and killed at 1, 24, 72 or 168 h after exposure. One hour after exposure to Hg0 vapor, there were no differences in mercury concentrations in these organs from MT-null and wild-type mice. However, the elimination rate of mercury from the organs, except the brain, were remarkably faster in MT-null mice than in wild-type mice. MT-I and -II levels in the lung and kidney were increased significantly in wild-type mice but not in MT-null mice at 24 h after exposure to Hg0 vapor. At this time point, over 65% of the mercury was retained in the MT fraction of the cytosol of organs from wild-type mice. In contrast, mercury appeared mainly in the high-molecular-weight protein fractions in the cytosol of organs from MT-null mice. In the brain, a large amount of mercury was bound to MT in both strains of mice immediately after exposure. No difference was observed in the elimination rate of mercury from the brain between both strains of mice. Brain MT levels were elevated slightly in wild-type mice at 168 h after exposure but could not be detected in MT-null mice. These data suggest that no detectable MT-I and -II levels were found in the brain of MT-null mice and that mercury was apparently bound to MT-III. Using MT-null mice, we showed also that MT-III may play an important role in the retention of mercury in the brain.  相似文献   

Previously we found that exposure to mercury vapor effectively induced metallothionein (MT) biosynthesis in rat brain. Although the induction of not only MT-I/II but also MT-III was evident, the induction rate of the latter was much lower than that of the former. The brain of an MT-null mouse lacks MT-I/II, but has MT-III. Here we examined the effects of sub-chronic pulse exposure to mercury vapor on the brain MT in MT-null mice and their wild type controls. MT-null and wild type mice were preliminarily exposed to mercury vapor for 2 weeks at 0.1 mg Hg/m3 for 1 h/day for 3 days a week, and then exposed for 11 weeks at 4.1 mg Hg/m3 for 30 min/day for 3 days a week. This exposure caused no toxic signs such as abnormal behavior or loss of body weight gain in the mice of either strain throughout the experimental period. Twenty-four hours after the termination of the exposure, mice were sacrificed and brain samples were subjected to mercury analysis, MT assay, and pathological examination. The MT-null mice showed lower accumulation of mercury in the brain than the wild type mice. Mercury exposure resulted in a 70% increase of brain MT in the wild type mice, which was mostly accounted for by the increase in MT-I/II. On the other hand, the brain MT in the MT-null mice increased by 19%, suggesting less reactivity of the MT-III gene to mercury vapor. Although histochemical examination revealed silver-mercury grains in the cytoplasm of nerve cells and glial cells throughout the brains of both strains, no significant difference was observed between the two strains.  相似文献   

Pulmonary hypersensitivity granulomas were induced in immunized mice by the intratracheal injection of antigen-coupled agarose beads. Foreign body lung granulomas were induced in mice by the intratracheal injection of dextran beads. Both lesions developed within 1 day, reached peak intensity within 3 days, and gradually declined in size thereafter. Hypersensitivity granulomas were much larger than foreign body lesions. The lung extracts prepared from mice with hypersensitivity lung granulomas, but not foreign body lesions, contained high levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and thiobarbiturate-reactive substances including lipid peroxides. SOD activity and levels of thiobarbiturate-reactive substances in the extracts correlated with sizes of hypersensitive lesions. Hypersensitivity granulomas, but not foreign body lesions, were inhibited by the administration of recombinant human SOD (rh-SOD). Thiobarbiturate-reactive substances were decreased in the lung extracts of mice bearing hypersensitivity granulomas injected with rh-SOD. These results suggest that reactive oxygen intermediates such as superoxide anion may play an important role in the development of hypersensitivity granulomas and that rh-SOD is capable of inhibiting the lesions by its antioxidant action.  相似文献   

Single exposure of rabbits to aniline vapors caused induction of superoxide dismutase isozymes and activity as evidenced by the incorporation of radioactive amino acids and prosthetic group metals into enzymatic protein zones of electrophoreograms. Induced of a new cytosolic isozyme following aniline exposure was also evident. Xenobiotic stress indicated a close relation between free radical processes and lung biotransformation mechanisms.  相似文献   

While recent human studies suggested adverse neurobehavioral outcomes of low-level exposure to mercury vapor (Hg0) as found among those having dental amalgam fillings and dental personnel, past animal experiments only dealt with exposure at much higher mercury concentrations. The present study aimed to examine neurobehavioral effects of prolonged, low-level Hg0 exposure in mice and to evaluate the protective role of metallothionein-I,II (MT-I,II) against Hg0-induced neurotoxicity, using a knock-out strain of mice. Adult female metallothionein-I,II-null (MT-null) and wild-type OLA129/C57BL6 mice were exposed to 0.06 mg/m3 of Hg0 for 8 h per day for 23 weeks. Neurobehavioral effects were evaluated at 12 and 23 weeks of exposure using open-field test and passive avoidance test. Subcellular distribution of mercury and the induction of MT were also assessed. The Hg0 exposure resulted in significantly enhanced locomotion in the open-field test and poorer performance in the passive avoidance test at a brain Hg concentration less than 1 ppm. These effects were slightly exaggerated in MT-null mice, which showed less induction of MT, lower brain Hg concentration, and lower calculated concentration of MT-unbound cytosolic Hg. The results showed, for the first time, that a concentration of Hg0 relevant to human exposure level could cause neurobehavioral effects in adult mice. The higher susceptibility of MT-null mice suggested that MT-I,II have protective roles in the metal-induced neurobehavioral toxicity, which cannot be entirely explained by kinetic mechanisms, thus suggesting an involvement of nonkinetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of prenatal exposure to low-level mercury (Hg(0)) or methylmercury (MeHg) as well as combined exposure (Hg(0) + MeHg exposure) on the neurobehavioral function of mice. The Hg(0) exposure group was exposed to Hg(0) at a mean concentration of 0.030 mg/m(3) for 6 hr/day during gestation period. The MeHg exposure was supplied with food containing 5 ppm of MeHg from gestational day 1 to postnatal day 10. The combined exposure group was exposed to both Hg(0) vapor and MeHg according to above described procedure. After delivery, when their offspring reached the age of 8 weeks, behavioral analysis was performed. Open field (OPF) tests of the offspring showed an increase and decrease in voluntary activity in male and female mice, respectively, in the MeHg exposure group. In addition, the rate of central entries was significantly higher in this group than in the control group. The results of OPF tests in the Hg(0) + MeHg exposure group were similar to those in the MeHg exposure group in both males and females. The results in the Hg(0) exposure group did not significantly differ from those in the control group in males or females. Passive avoidance response (PA) tests revealed no significant differences in avoidance latency in the retention trial between the Hg(0), MeHg, or Hg(0) + MeHg exposure group and the control group in males or females. Morris water maze tests showed a delay in the latency to reach the platform in the MeHg and Hg(0) + MeHg exposure groups compared with the control group in males but no significant differences between the Hg(0), MeHg, or Hg(0) + MeHg exposure group and the control group in females. The results of OPF tests revealed only slight effects of prenatal low-level Hg(0) exposure (0.03 mg/m(3)), close to the no-observable-effect level (NOEL) stated by the WHO (0.025 mg/m(3)), on the subsequent neurobehavioral function. However, prenatal exposure to 5 ppm of MeHg affected exploratory activity in the OPF test, and, in particular, male mice were highly sensitive to MeHg. The MeHg and Hg(0) + MeHg exposure groups showed similar neurobehavioral effects. Concerning the effects of prenatal mercury exposure under the conditions of this study, the effects of MeHg exposure may be more marked than those of Hg(0) exposure.  相似文献   

After exposure of pregnant guinea pigs to mercury vapor, the soluble fraction of maternal or fetal liver was chromatographed on a Sephadex G-75 column. In the fetal liver, more than 50% of the mercury was bound to metallothionein-like protein having a molecular weight of about 10,000-12,000. On the other hand, the bulk of the eluted mercury in the maternal liver was associated with a high molecular weight protein, with only a small amount associated with metallothionein-like protein. The findings suggest that fetal metallothionein-like protein plays a role in preventing further distribution of mercury after in utero exposure to mercury vapor.  相似文献   

 The alteration of renal deposition of mercury (Hg) after mercury vapor (Hg°) exposure was studied in mice pretreated with acivicin, a potent and irreversible inhibitor of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT). Pretreatment with acivicin decreased renal Hg concentration by about 60% and significantly increased Hg concentration in the urine compared with the non-treated group. The results suggest that renal deposition of Hg after Hg° exposure depends on renal GGT, which plays an important role in the uptake of GSH or GSH conjugates filtered through the glomeruli. It seems that the mechanism of renal Hg deposition after Hg° exposure is similar to that after exposure to ionic Hg: a GGT-mediated incorporation of an Hg-GSH complex into renal tubular cells. The acivicin pretreatment after Hg° exposure did not affect Hg concentrations in the liver and erythrocytes. Received: 23 May 1995/Accepted: 8 June 1995  相似文献   

Measurement of tremor has been used in several occupational studies of workers with long-term exposure to mercury vapor (Hg0). Recent studies indicate an adverse effect even at relatively low exposure levels. In the present study, we used sensitive quantitative methods to assess tremor in chloralkali workers with current low exposure to Hg0. Neurological examinations and recordings of tremor using both an accelerometer and a laser-based system were conducted in 43 mercury-exposed workers and 22 age-matched referents. The median urinary mercury concentration in exposed workers was 5.9 (1.3–25) μg/g creatinine (μg/gC), while it was 0.7 (0.2–4.1) μg/gC in referents. The mean exposure time was 15 years, and the median cumulative mercury index was 161 years × μg/gC in exposed workers. There were no differences between the exposed workers and the referents in the clinical evaluation of tremor. In the quantitative tremor tests, no associations were found with current or cumulative mercury exposure for the majority of tremor measures. There were indications that exposure to Hg0 was associated with a lowering of tremor frequency in the non-dominant hand, and a possible interaction with smoking. The differences were small, however, and overall, this study indicates no significant adverse effects on tremor at these exposure levels.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor a (TNFalpha) and manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) are thought to play critical roles in the process of lung injury, repair, and disease. The induction of TNFalpha and MnSOD were examined in a model of progressive pulmonary fibrosis along the length of the alveolar duct in rats exposed for 1, 5, and 8 weeks to a combination of 0.8 ppm ozone and 14.4 ppm nitrogen dioxide. This oxidant injury model results in a triphasic response with an initial inflammatory stage during weeks 1-3, followed by a partial resolution at weeks 4-5, and a final stage of rapidly progressive fibrosis during weeks 6-8. Changes in TNFalpha and MnSOD labeling for the proximal and distal alveolar ducts of the lungs were quantified using immunohistochemistry and morphometric techniques at 1, 5, and 8 weeks of exposure. A significant elevation in MnSOD was noted in alveolar macrophages and interstitial cells of the proximal and distal portions of the alveolar duct following 8 weeks of exposure. Labeling for TNFalpha only in the proximal region of the alveolar duct, was significantly increased in alveolar macrophages after 1 and 8 weeks of exposure, while a significant increase in TNFalpha labeling of interstitial cells in proximal regions was noted at all time points. We conclude that MnSOD is elevated in areas of focal injury as well as the more distal protected areas of the lungs, while TNFalpha correlates strongly with both the temporal and spatial aspects of greatest cellular injury in the lungs.  相似文献   

Organ distribution of mercury after in utero mercury vapor exposure was investigated in neonatal guinea pigs. Mother guinea pigs in late gestation were exposed to 0.2–0.3 mg/m3 mercury vapor 2 h per day until giving birth.Mercury concentrations in neonatal brain, lungs, heart, kidneys, plasma and erythrocytes were much lower than those of maternal organs and tissues. Neonatal liver, however, showed a mercury concentration twice as high as maternal liver. Mercury concentration ratios of erythrocytes to plasma in offspring were quite different from those of mothers, being 0.2–0.4 for offspring, and 1.3–3.0 for mothers.These results suggested that mercury vapor metabolism in fetuses was quite different from that in their mothers. This may be due to the different blood circulation, as mercury vapor transferred through the placental barrier would be rapidly oxidized into ionic mercury in fetal liver and accumulated in the organ.The different mercury vapor metabolism may prevent fetal brain, which is rapidly developing, and thus vulnerable, from being exposed to excessive mercury vapor.  相似文献   

Brown Norwegian rats were exposed to mercury vapor at a concentration of approximately 1 mg/m3 for 5 weeks 24 hr/day 7 days a week and 6 hr/day 3 days a week, respectively. The total mercury absorption was calculated to 264 and 35 micrograms per week and 100 g body weight. The mean blood mercury concentration was 0.25 +/- 0.03 and 0.09 +/- 0.01 microgram/g, and the total concentration in the brain was 5.03 +/- 0.73 and 0.71 +/- 0.10 microgram/g tissue, respectively. The mercury distribution in the brains was examined using a method based on chemographic principles. Mercury was found primarily in the neocortex, in the basal nuclei, and in the cerebellar Purkinje cells. This distribution pattern corresponded to the pattern of inorganic mercury described after exposure to methyl mercury. Distribution of mercury after administration of different mercury compounds is discussed.  相似文献   

《General pharmacology》1995,26(4):785-792
  • 1.1. Isolated proximal and distal extralobar branches of the pulmonary artery of the guinea-pig develop slow and well-sustained contractions in response to hypoxia (PO2 11–15 mm Hg) without prior stimulation with an agonist. These contractions are readily reversible by readministration of oxygen.
  • 2.2. Incubation of these preparations with diethyldithiocarbamic acid (DETCA, 5 mM for 30 min), an inhibitor of superoxide dismutase, significantly increased the hypoxic contractions whether DETCA was added before the challenge with hypoxia or after the hypoxic contraction had reached a plateau. This treatment also reduced the oxygen-induced relaxation.
  • 3.3. Similarly, incubation with triethylenetetramine (TETA, 5 mM for 30 min), another inhibitor of superoxide dismutase, produced larger potentiation of the hypoxic contraction in the two preparations and reduced the oxygen-induced relaxation.
  • 4.4. Furthermore, addition of H2O2 (10−5 M −3 × 10−4M) caused concentration-dependent relaxation of the hypoxic contraction while larger concentrations (10−3M and 3 × 10−3M) caused contraction that did not respond to readministration of oxygen.
  • 5.5. These observations suggest that during hypoxic stress, the accumulation of superoxide anions may participate in the hypoxia-induced contraction and that the metabolism of these radicals into H2O2 by superoxide dismutase maintains the relaxed state during normoxia.

Dysfunction of antioxidant enzymes caused by mercuric compounds is partially associated with substantial induction of oxidative stress. In the present study, changes in renal and hepatic enzyme activity of an antioxidant protein manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) after exposure to mercuric chloride (HgCl(2)) were examined in ICR mice. Subcutaneous administration of HgCl(2) (0.25-3 mg/kg) resulted in a decrease in renal Mn-SOD activity in a dose-dependent manner, whereas the hepatic enzyme activity was unaffected following injection of HgCl(2). Mercury accumulation in the kidney was drastically higher (34-75 times) than that in the liver after HgCl(2) administration. Examining interactions of purified Mn-SOD with HgCl(2) indicated that mercury ions suppressed Mn-SOD activity by reduction of the native form. These results suggest that inorganic mercury can directly interact with murine Mn-SOD, resulting in decrease of the enzyme activity and that the HgCl(2)-mediated significant reduction of renal, but not hepatic, Mn-SOD activity in vivo appears to be associated with the tissue specificity for mercury accumulation.  相似文献   

The neurobehavioral changes in wild-type and metallothionein (MT)-null mice after the cessation of long-term, low-level exposure to Hg0 were investigated. MT-null and wild-type females were continuously (24 h/day) exposed to mercury vapor (Hg0) at 0.055 mg/m3 (range: 0.043-0.073 mg/m3), which was similar to the current threshold limit value (TLV), for 29 weeks. The effects on behavior, such as locomotor activity in the open field (OPF), learning ability in the passive avoidance response (PA) and spatial learning ability in the Morris water maze (MM) were examined immediately and 12 weeks after the cessation of exposure. Immediately after the exposure had ceased, total locomotor activity in OPF was decreased in the both strain of mice, although the MT-null mice appeared to show more distinct effect. In the PA test, the exposed animals of both strains showed learning impairment as compared to un-exposed mice. Twelve weeks after the cessation of exposure, the locomotor activity in OPF was elevated in the exposed mice of both strains, while the learning ability in the PA test appeared normal in both strains. Spatial learning ability was not affected at all. Immediately after the exposure had ceased, the brain mercury concentration of the exposed wild-type mice was 1.75 microg/g, twofold of that in the MT-null mice. In 12 weeks, brain mercury levels decreased to approximately 1/20 of those in immediately after the exposure in both of the strains. These results for the first time indicated that long-term, low-level exposure to Hg0 could exert neurobehavioral effects, which were not reversible even after a long exposure-free period. Whereas the effects on learning ability were presumably transient, the effects on spontaneous behavior as evaluated in OPF were persistent. Finally, the MT-null mice seemed more susceptible to Hg0-induced neurotoxicity than the wild-type mice, confirming our previous results.  相似文献   

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