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长沙地区母血和新生儿血中铅镉的含量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
胎盘对铅、镉等有毒金属元素的转移作用,国内外都有不小报道,但以国外资料较多,其转移作用的大小,结论不完全一致。 本文对长沙市区数十名产妇的母血及脐带血中铅、镉的含量进行了测定和比较,以探讨胎盘的转移作用。 1.材料和方法 调查对象为在长沙市医院分娩的产妇,年龄范围为 19~31岁,平均24.7岁。产前均有详细记录。90.7%为初产妇。分娩过程全部正常,婴儿无畸形。所有产妇无烟酒嗜好及职业性接触史。  相似文献   

杨克敌 Roni.  J 《卫生研究》1993,22(5):257-260
报道了肌酐代谢无明显异常的17名职业性铅、镉接触者在自由饮水情况下血中铅、镉水平与其尿排泄的关系。结果表明,血中铅、镉浓度以及铅、镉、肌酐的尿排泄存在明显的个体差异。血铅浓度与24h尿铅排泄量呈明显正相关,血镉浓度与24h尿镉排泄量无明显相关,而与每天吸烟量明显相关。17人的132份尿样的尿流速与肌酐、镉排泄率呈显著正相关,但与尿铅排泄率无显著相关。本研究还表明,尿中肌酐排泄率与尿铅、镉排泄率之间也有显著的正相关性。  相似文献   

苏州工业园区外企职工血镉、尿镉水平调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
镉作为环境中的有害微量元素对人体健康影响是多方面的。血镉可以迅速地反映出短期暴露情况,但不能反映出身体负荷量,一般人的血镉水平较低,分析困难,偏差较大。镉在泌尿系统的代谢对镉在体内的负荷量是很好的生物监测参数,因而众多相关调查均采用尿镉水平作为反映人群负荷的指标。为了解苏州工业园区外资企业职工的血镉和尿镉水平,对苏州工业园区两家外资企业职工进行了血镉和尿镉的抽样调查,报告如下。  相似文献   

中国济南市民血中铅、镉水平Jiang-BinQuetal.环境中铅、镉污染的增多已成为世界性的问题。已公认血液中铅、镉水平可以作为人体职业接触和环境接触这些污染物的可靠指标,特别是在分析过程中样本没有受到污染的情况下,所测的结果更为可靠,因此在人口最...  相似文献   

杨克敌 Koni.  J 《卫生研究》1993,22(4):196-200
分析了肌酐代谢无明显异常的17名铅、镉接触者在自由饮水条件下收集的132份尿样。用尿比重(U_(SG))、尿肌酐(U_(Cr))、尿流速调整的肌酐比率(U_(CF))等方法校正尿测定浓度(U),比较其对尿铅、尿镉浓度的影响。结果表明,不同方法校正后的变异程度,以U_(CF)时最大,其次为U_(Cr)、U_(SG)校正,未校正的测定浓度(U)的变异程度最小。因此,可以认为,U_(SG)、U_(Cr)、U_(CF)校正与测定浓度相比,并未提供明显的优点。就尿铅、尿镉而言,在特殊情况下需校正时,以尿比重为参数较为合适。  相似文献   

RP-HPLC法同时测定头发、血和尿中锌铜铅镉方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立同时测定头发、血和尿中锌、铜、锌、镉离子的反相高效液相色谱法,方法:进行meso-四(对羟基苯)卟啉和金属离子的配位反应条件,配合物的稳定性以及配合物萃取和分离条件的研究。结果:检出限分别为0.05μg、0.03μg、0.02μg、0.04μg;线性范围分别为0-40μg、0-15μg、0-4μg、0-3μg;测定发样的相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为4.8%、8.9%、6.5%、12.1%;尿样的RSD分别为5.6%、4.2%、13.3%、14.3%;血样锌、铜的RSD分别为9.2%、3.8%;三种样品中四种金属离子的加标回收率分别为92%-94%、86%-93%、100%-101%、84%-100%。结论:对三批样品同时用该法与原子吸收光度法测定锌铜,其结果无显著性差异,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

尿中铅、镉石墨炉原子吸收光谱测定方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李春玲 《卫生研究》2002,31(4):303-304
尿铅、尿镉的测定方法 ,有比色法和电化学法、原子吸收光谱法和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法等。化学法、火焰原子吸收光谱法灵敏度较低 ,尿样用量大 ,样品处理复杂 ,污染机会也多。采用无火焰原子吸收光谱法灵敏度高 ,尿样用量少 ,样品不需处理经稀释可直接测定铅、镉 2种元素。1 实验方法1 1 仪器尿比重计。具塞塑料管 ,5ml。具塞比色管 ,10ml。微量加样器 ,10 0 0 μl。具塞塑料离心管 ,1 5ml。液体混旋器。原子吸收分光光度计 ,日立 -Z5 0 0 0石墨炉原子化器和背景校正装置。铅和镉空心阴极灯。所用器皿均用 1+1硝酸溶液浸泡过…  相似文献   

妇女血中铅镉含量与环境中铅镉水平的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
南宁50 名非职业性接触铅镉的女性,血液中铅镉含量分别为6880μg/ L( Pb) 和125μg/ L( Cd) ,人均通过空气和饮食摄入铅5020μg/ 日,镉2538μg/ 日。环境中空气和食物的铅暴露水平,对机体血铅含量的影响具有同等重要的作用;机体中镉主要来自环境中的食物,它占人均每天镉总摄入量的940 % ,空气镉的摄入量是十分微少的。  相似文献   

塞曼双管石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定尿中铅和镉   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
塞曼双管石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定尿中铅和镉广西职业病防治研究所(南宁市河堤路,530021)韦国铭苏旭在石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定中,钯被认为是一种通用的基体改进剂。Gerhard[1]等系统地研究了钯镁对ⅢA族和ⅥA族元素的基体改进作用,并预言硝酸钯...  相似文献   

目的了解江苏某电池厂工作人员体内血铅、血镉和尿镉的浓度,对三者的关系进行比较分析。方法选择该电池厂437名员工为研究对象,并测定其体内的血铅、血镉、尿镉含量。结果血铅<400μg/L和≥400μg/L组血镉的均值分别为1.23μg/L和2.10μg/L,差异有统计学意义(t=-3.758,P<0.01);两组尿镉均值分别为1.03μg/g肌酐和1.10μg/g肌酐,差异无统计学意义(t=-0.618,P>0.05)。血镉与血铅之间存在相关关系(r=0.238,P<0.01),尿镉与血铅之间无相关关系(r=0.051,P>0.05)。结论该工厂工人体内血铅、血镉、尿镉含量均存在一定异常,血铅和血镉之间存在相关关系。为减少铅、镉行业对从业人员的健康损害,需要政府部门、企业、从业人员的共同努力。  相似文献   

目的 分析某锌粉加工厂含镉粉尘治理前后作业工人尿镉、血镉和尿β2-微球蛋白的变化.方法 对锌粉加工厂粉尘进行治理,对粉尘治理前后84名镉作业工人尿镉、血镉、β2-微球蛋白水平进行自身对照分析.结果 治理后,作业场所锌尘几何均数由3.38mg/m3降至2.22mg/m3,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).治理前调查对象的血镉、尿镉几何均数浓度[血镉(2.19±1.19)μg/L,尿镉(1.96±0.74)μg/gCr]明显高于治理后1年[(1.63±0.83)μg/L,(1.25±0.83)μg/g Cr]和治理后2年[(1.36±0.95)μg/L,(0.94±0.72)μg/g Cr],差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).治理前及治理后1年、2年接触工人尿镉与血镉浓度作相关分析,r=0.466,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 粉尘治理能降低低浓度镉作业工人的血镉、尿镉水平,对防止镉中毒效果明显.  相似文献   

We have obtained stable lead isotope and lead concentration data from a longitudinal study of mobilization of lead from the maternal skeleton during pregnancy and lactation and in which the newly born infants were monitored for 6 months postpartum to evaluate the effects of the local environment on lead body burden of the infant. Samples of maternal and infant blood, urine, and diet and especially breast milk were measured for 21 mothers and 24 infants. Blood lead concentrations were less than 5 microg/dl in all except one subject. The mean lead concentration in breast milk +/- standard deviation was 0.73 +/- 0.70 microg/kg. In seven subjects for whom serial breast milk sampling was possible, the lead concentration varied by factors of from 2 to 4, and for three subjects there was an increase at or after 90 days postpartum. For the first 60-90 days postpartum, the contribution from breast milk to blood lead in the infants varied from 36 to 80%. Multiple linear regression analyses indicated statistically significant relationships for some of the variables of isotope ratios and lead concentrations between breast milk, blood, urine, and diet for infants and mothers. For example, the analyses revealed that both a mother's breast milk 207Pb/206Pb and 206Pb/204Pb ratios and lead concentration provide information to predict her infant's blood 207Pb/206Pb and 206Pb/204Pb ratios. The major sources of lead in breast milk are from the maternal bone and diet. An evaluation of breast milk lead concentrations published over the last 15 years indicates that studies in which the ratio of lead concentrations in breast milk to lead concentrations in whole maternal blood (Multiple>100) were greater than 15 should be viewed with caution because of potential contamination during sampling and/or laboratory analyses. Selected studies also appear to show a linear relationship between breast milk and maternal whole blood, with the percentage of lead in breast milk compared with whole blood of <3% in subjects with blood lead levels ranging from 2 to 34 microgram/dl. The levels of lead in breast milk are thus similar to those in plasma. Breast-fed infants are only at risk if the mother is exposed to high concentrations of contaminants either from endogenous sources such as the skeleton or exogenous sources.  相似文献   

目的了解陕西省一般人群血液和尿液中铬、镉和铅的内暴露水平及其分布特点。方法 2017年采用分层随机抽样方法,选取陕西省5个县(区、市) 720名3~79岁人群为监测对象,采集血液和尿液样品,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法检测样品中铬、镉和铅的含量。检测结果定量资料组间比较,符合正态分布采用方差分析,不符合正态分布采用独立样本非参数检验。结果陕西省一般人群中,血铬和尿铬几何均数分别为0.31μg/L和0.51μg/L,男性尿铬高于女性(χ2=7.276,P <0.05);血镉和尿镉几何均数分别为0.20μg/L和0.19μg/L,男性均高于女性(χ2=14.022、5.698,P <0.05);血铅和尿铅几何均数分别为16.24μg/L和0.47μg/L,男性均高于女性(χ2=50.157、5.173,P <0.05)。城镇地区血铬和血镉几何均数高于乡村地区(χ2=36.815、17.222,P <0.05),乡村地区尿铬和尿铅高于城镇地区(χ2=53.492...  相似文献   

Selander, S., and Cramér, K. (1970).Brit. J. industr. Med.,27, 28-39. Interrelationships between lead in blood, lead in urine and ALA in urine during lead work. One hundred and seventy-seven workers from a storage battery factory were examined for lead in blood and lead and δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in urine. The workers were selected at random from those who had been employed for more than one month;most had been employed for several years at the same job. Thirty-six workers were from departments with no lead exposure. In three departments with high exposure a rotating system with three weeks' exposure and three weeks' non-exposed work was applied. As the aim of the study was to establish the relationships between the three parameters during constant exposure, the values from these men were treated separately.

The relationship between lead in blood and urinary ALA was best described by a curvilineat function: ALA = 100·0157 Pbb-1·0985, while the regression lines for ALA on lead in urine, and lead in urine on lead in blood were straight.

Workers from the departments with the rotating system showed lower values for urinary lead and ALA, compared with non-rotating workers with the same level of lead in blood. All these workers were examined during their second or third week of lead work, i.e., with an accumulating lead body burden. This system may be beneficial, especially in departments where prophylactic measures are difficult to install, or for notoriously careless workers.

Those who showed comparatively high ALA and urinary lead values in relation to their blood lead level were found to be workers with repeated incidents of metabolic lead influence, in whom the ALA values had seldom been normal.

The mean values from different factory departments were of the same order as would be expected from previous studies in storage battery plants.

The results are discussed in relation to present concepts of lead absorption and poisoning.


OBJECTIVES: The present study was initiated to examine the dietary intake, blood level and urinary concentration of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) among children in Korea, in comparison with the findings in their mothers. METHODS: Peripheral blood, spot urine and 24-h food duplicate samples were collected in Busan, Korea, from 38 pairs of children (4-10 years of age) and their mothers (28-46 years, non-smoking, mostly housewives), who provided informed consent. Samples were wet-ashed by being heated in the presence of mineral acids, and Pb and Cd in the wet-ashed samples were analyzed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Pb and Cd in food (Pb-F, Cd-F), blood (Pb-B, Cd-B) and urine [observed value (Pb-Uob, Cd-Uob), and values corrected for creatinine (Pb-Ucr, Cd-Ucr) or a specific gravity (1.016; Pb-Usg, Cd-Usg)] were presented in terms of geometric mean (GM) and geometric standard deviation (GSD). RESULTS: Pb-F and Cd-F in the children were 0.337 microg Pb and 0.457 microg Cd/kg body weight per day as GM, respectively. Pb-B and Cd-B were 38.0 microg Pb and 1.51 microg Cd/l, and Pb-U and Cd-Uob were 5.44 microg Pb/l and 1.33 microg Cd/l, respectively. Pb-F and Pb-B for children were not significantly different from the values for their mothers. In contrast, Cd-F and Cd-B were significantly different between children and their mothers. Cd-F for children correlated with Cd-F for mothers, but no significant correlation was observed in Cd-B, Cd-U, Pb-F, Pb-B or Pb-U between children and their mothers. The dietary intake of Pb in total Pb intake (i.e., respiratory and dietary intake) accounted for 51.7 and 64.8% in children and their mothers, respectively, whereas the corresponding proportions were 97.8 and 98.2%, respectively, for Cd. CONCLUSION: Cd intake was exclusively from food, both in children and mothers. Dietary Cd intake of children significantly correlated with that of their mothers. Dietary Pb intake in children, however, did not correlate with that of their mothers. Pb uptake from ambient air tended to be higher in children than in their mothers.  相似文献   

目的:了解广州地区产妇母乳铅含量与母血、脐血铅含量之间的相关性。方法:采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)对广州地区500例产妇抽取母血、脐血、母乳中铅含量进行测定,并进行三者之间的相关性分析。结果:母血铅含量为0~67.590μg/L,均值为(22.005±12.861)μg/L,脐血铅含量为0~69.370μg/L,均值(26.760±9.223)μg/L,母乳铅含量为0~80.420μg/L,均值为(4.474±8.760)μg/L,母血铅与脐血铅含量呈显著正相关(r=0.341,P=0.001),母乳中铅含量与母血中铅含量的相关性没有统计学意义(r=0.064,P=0.367),母乳中铅含量与脐血中铅含量的相关性没有统计学意义(r=0.001,P=0.995)。结论:母血铅含量与脐血铅含量成正相关,血铅可通过胎盘转运给胎儿,母乳中铅含量较母血中铅含量低,母乳喂养是安全的。  相似文献   

选取铅接触水平相同的654例职业性接铅作业者在岗期间健康监护资料进行汇总分析,相关指标采用SPSS17.0统计软件处理。健康监护相关指标中以血铅阳性率最高;工龄与血锌卟啉明显负相关;工龄与血铅、尿铅无明显相关。血铅是铅接触最为敏感的生物标志物,《职业健康监护技术规范》所示的检查项目之间有良好的相关性。  相似文献   

本文通过对32名铅蓄电池制造工和36名排字工的血铅、发铅、尿铅的相关性研究,发现血铅/发铅(r=0.604),血铅/尿铅(r=0.548)均呈高度显著性相关(P<0.0005),故认为血铅是铅接触工人较好的健康监护指标。文章还进一步探讨了发铅作为铅接触者活体生物检测材料的应用前景。  相似文献   

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