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In the caudal part of the dorsal premotor cortex of macaques (area F2), both anatomical and physiological studies have identified two rostrocaudally separate sectors. The rostral sector (F2r) is located medial to the genu of the arcuate sulcus, and the caudal sector (F2c) is located lateral to the superior precentral dimple. Here we examined the sites of origin of projections from the cerebellum to F2r and F2c. We applied retrograde transsynaptic transport of a neurotropic virus, CVS‐11 of rabies virus, in macaque monkeys. Three days after rabies injections into F2r or F2c, neuronal labeling was found in the deep cerebellar nuclei mainly of the contralateral hemisphere. After the F2r injection, labeled cells were distributed primarily in the caudoventral portion of the dentate nucleus, whereas cells labeled after the F2c injection were distributed in the rostrodorsal portion of the dentate nucleus, and in the interpositus and fastigial nuclei. Four days after rabies injections, Purkinje cells were densely labeled in the lateral part of the cerebellar cortex. After the F2r injection, Purkinje cell labeling was confined to Crus I and II, whereas the labeling seen after the F2c injection was located broadly from lobules III to VIII, including Crus I and II. These results have revealed that F2c receives inputs from broader areas of the cerebellum than F2r, and that distinct portions of the deep cerebellar nuclei and the cerebellar cortex send major projections to F2r and F2c, suggesting that F2c and F2r may be under specific influences of the cerebellum.  相似文献   

We examined the organization of multisynaptic projections from the basal ganglia (BG) to the dorsal premotor area in macaques. After injection of the rabies virus into the rostral sector of the caudal aspect of the dorsal premotor area (F2r) and the caudal sector of the caudal aspect of the dorsal premotor area (F2c), second-order neuron labeling occurred in the internal segment of the globus pallidus (GPi) and the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr). Labeled GPi neurons were found in the caudoventral portion after F2c injection, and in the dorsal portion at the rostrocaudal middle level after F2r injection. In the SNr, F2c and F2r injections led to labeling in the caudal or rostral part, respectively. Subsequently, third-order neuron labeling was observed in the external segment of the globus pallidus (GPe), the subthalamic nucleus (STN), and the striatum. After F2c injection, labeled neurons were observed over a broad territory in the GPe, whereas after F2r injection, labeled neurons tended to be restricted to the rostral and dorsal portions. In the STN, F2c injection resulted in extensive labeling over the nucleus, whereas F2r injection resulted in labeling in the ventral portion only. After both F2r and F2c injections, labeled neurons in the striatum were widely observed in the striatal cell bridge region and neighboring areas, as well as in the ventral striatum. The present results revealed that the origins of multisynaptic projections to F2c and F2r in the BG are segregated in the output stations of the BG, whereas intermingling rather than segregation is evident with respect to their input station.  相似文献   

The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) serves as an interface between sensory and motor cortices by integrating multisensory signals with motor-related information. Sensorimotor transformation of somatosensory signals is crucial for the generation and updating of body representations and movement plans. Using retrograde transneuronal transfer of rabies virus in combination with a conventional tracer, we identified direct and polysynaptic somatosensory pathways to two posterior parietal areas, the ventral lateral intraparietal area (LIPv) and the rostral part of the medial intraparietal area (MIP) in macaque monkeys. In addition to direct projections from somatosensory areas 2v and 3a, respectively, we found that LIPv and MIP receive disynaptic inputs from the dorsal column nuclei as directly as these somatosensory areas, via a parallel channel. LIPv is the target of minor neck muscle-related projections from the cuneate (Cu) and the external cuneate nuclei (ECu), and direct projections from area 2v, that likely carry kinesthetic/vestibular/optokinetic-related signals. In contrast, MIP receives major arm and shoulder proprioceptive inputs disynaptically from the rostral Cu and ECu, and trisynaptically (via area 3a) from caudal portions of these nuclei. These findings have important implications for the understanding of the influence of proprioceptive information on movement control operations of the PPC and the formation of body representations. They also contribute to explain the specific deficits of proprioceptive guidance of movement associated to optic ataxia.  相似文献   

Although the lateral prefrontal cortex (lPFC) and dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) are thought to be involved in goal-directed behavior, the specific roles of each area still remain elusive. To characterize and compare neuronal activity in two sectors of the lPFC [dorsal (dlPFC) and ventral (vlPFC)] and the PMd, we designed a behavioral task for monkeys to explore the differences in their participation in four aspects of information processing: encoding of visual signals, behavioral goal retrieval, action specification, and maintenance of relevant information. We initially presented a visual object (an instruction cue) to instruct a behavioral goal (reaching to the right or left of potential targets). After a subsequent delay, a choice cue appeared at various locations on a screen, and the animals could specify an action to achieve the behavioral goal. We found that vlPFC neurons amply encoded object features of the instruction cues for behavioral goal retrieval and, subsequently, spatial locations of the choice cues for specifying the actions. By contrast, dlPFC and PMd neurons rarely encoded the object features, although they reflected the behavioral goals throughout the delay period. After the appearance of the choice cues, the PMd held information for action throughout the specification and preparation of reaching movements. Remarkably, lPFC neurons represented information for the behavioral goal continuously, even after the action specification as well as during its execution. These results indicate that area-specific representation and information processing at progressive stages of the perception-action transformation in these areas underlie goal-directed behavior.  相似文献   

To investigate the somatotopic organization of the cerebellum, we analysed multisynaptic inputs to the primary motor cortex (MI) using retrograde transneuronal transport of rabies virus. At 3 days after rabies injections into proximal forelimb, distal forelimb and hindlimb representations of the macaque MI, second-order neurons via the thalamus were labeled in the deep cerebellar nuclei, including the dentate (DN), anterior interpositus (AIN) and posterior interpositus nuclei. In the DN, the labeling of both the forelimb and hindlimb was seen mainly in the dorsal aspect. The labeling of the hindlimb was located rostral to that of the forelimb and the labeling of the proximal forelimb was located slightly rostral to that of the distal forelimb. The same rostrocaudal arrangement was observed in the AIN. In the posterior interpositus nucleus, however, labeling from the MI hindlimb and forelimb representations largely overlapped. At the 4-day postinjection period, third-order labeling occurred in Purkinje cells of the cerebellar hemisphere. The Purkinje cell labeling from the forelimb representation, including the proximal and distal regions, was observed primarily in lobules IV-VI and crus I. The proximal forelimb labeling was both rostral and lateral to that of the distal forelimb within lobules IV-VI. However, the hindlimb labeling was seen both rostral and lateral to that of the proximal forelimb within lobules III-VI. These results indicate that the hindlimb, proximal forelimb and distal forelimb are arranged rostrocaudally in the DN and AIN, whereas there is dual somatotopy along the rostrocaudal and lateromedial axes in the cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   

The dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) is part of the cortical network for arm movements during reach‐related behavior. Here we investigate the neuronal projections from the PMd to the midbrain superior colliculus (SC), which also contains reach‐related neurons, to investigate how the SC integrates into a cortico‐subcortical network responsible for initiation and modulation of goal‐directed arm movements. By using anterograde transport of neuronal tracers, we found that the PMd projects most strongly to the deep layers of the lateral part of the SC and the underlying reticular formation corresponding to locations where reach‐related neurons have been recorded, and from where descending tectofugal projections arise. A somewhat weaker projection targets the intermediate layers of the SC. By contrast, terminals originating from prearcuate area 8 mainly project to the intermediate layers of the SC. Thus, this projection pattern strengthens the view that different compartments in the SC are involved in the control of gaze and in the control or modulation of reaching movements. The PMD–SC projection assists in the participation of the SC in the skeletomotor system and provides the PMd with a parallel path to elicit forelimb movements. J. Comp. Neurol. 523:2390–2408, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The ventral premotor cortex (PMv), occupying the ventral aspect of area 6 in the frontal lobe, has been implicated in action planning and execution based on visual signals. Although the PMv has been characterized by cortico‐cortical connections with specific subregions of the parietal and prefrontal cortical areas, a topographical input/output organization between the PMv and the basal ganglia (BG) still remains elusive. In the present study, retrograde transneuronal labelling with the rabies virus was employed to identify the origins of multisynaptic projections from the BG to the PMv. The virus was injected into the forelimb region of the PMv, identified in the ventral aspect of the genu of the arcuate sulcus, in macaque monkeys. The survival time after the virus injection was set to allow either the second‐ or third‐order neuron labelling across two or three synapses. The second‐order neurons were observed in the ventral portion (primary motor territory) and the caudodorsal portion (higher‐order motor territory) of the internal segment of the globus pallidus. Subsequently, the third‐order neurons were distributed in the putamen caudal to the anterior commissure, including both the primary and the higher‐order motor territories, and in the ventral striatum (limbic territory). In addition, they were found in the dorsolateral portion (motor territory) and ventromedial portion (limbic territory) of the subthalamic nucleus, and in the external segment of the globus pallidus including both the limbic and motor territories. These findings indicate that the PMv receives diverse signals from the primary motor, higher‐order motor and limbic territories of the BG.  相似文献   

Mice can gather tactile sensory information by actively moving their whiskers to palpate objects in their immediate surroundings. Whisker sensory perception therefore requires integration of sensory and motor information, which occurs prominently in the neocortex. The signalling pathways from the neocortex for controlling whisker movements are currently poorly understood in mice. Here, we delineate two pathways, one originating from primary whisker somatosensory cortex (wS1) and the other from whisker motor cortex (wM1), that control qualitatively distinct movements of contralateral whiskers. Optogenetic stimulation of wS1 drove retraction of contralateral whiskers while stimulation of wM1 drove rhythmic whisker protraction. To map brainstem pathways connecting these cortical areas to whisker motor neurons, we used a combination of anterograde tracing using adenoassociated virus injected into neocortex and retrograde tracing using monosynaptic rabies virus injected into whisker muscles. Our data are consistent with wS1 driving whisker retraction by exciting glutamatergic premotor neurons in the rostral spinal trigeminal interpolaris nucleus, which in turn activate the motor neurons innervating the extrinsic retractor muscle nasolabialis. The rhythmic whisker protraction evoked by wM1 stimulation might be driven by excitation of excitatory and inhibitory premotor neurons in the brainstem reticular formation innervating both intrinsic and extrinsic muscles. Our data therefore begin to unravel the neuronal circuits linking the neocortex to whisker motor neurons.  相似文献   

The projections from the rat medial prefrontal cortex to the amygdaloid complex were investigated using retrograde transport of fluorescent dyes and anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase-WGA. The ventral anterior cingulate, prelimbic, infralimbic and medial orbital areas and the taenia tecta were found to project to the amygdaloid complex. The projections from the prelimbic area arose bilaterally. The medial orbital, prelimbic and anterior cingulate areas send convergent projections to the basolateral nucleus. The prelimbic area has additional projections to the posterolateral cortical nucleus and amygdalo-hippocampal area. The infralimbic area does not project to the basolateral nucleus and cortico-amygdaloid projections from this area are focussed on the anterior cortical nucleus and the anterior amygdaloid area. Both prelimbic and infralimbic areas project to an area situated between the central, medial and basomedial nuclei. Based on similar projections, this area appears to be a caudal continuation of the anterior amygdaloid area. The results indicate that the medial prefrontal component of the "basolateral limbic circuit" is restricted to the anterior cingulate and prelimbic areas. No evidence was obtained to support the existence of a medial prefronto-amygdaloid component of the "visceral forebrain".  相似文献   

Anatomically and functionally located between basal ganglia and brainstem circuitry, the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg) is in a pivotal position to contribute to motor behavior. Studies in primates have reported akinesia and postural instability following destruction of the PPTg. In humans, the PPTg partially degenerates in Parkinson's disease and stimulation of this region is under investigation as a possible therapeutic. Studies in rats report no crude motor impairment following PPTg lesion, although a detailed assessment of the role of the PPTg in rat motor function has not been reported. Our studies applied motor tests generally used in rodent models of Parkinson's disease to rats bearing either excitotoxic damage to all neuronal populations within PPTg, or selective destruction of the cholinergic subpopulation created with the toxin Dtx‐UII. Neither lesion type altered baseline locomotion. On the rotarod, excitotoxic lesions produced a persistent impairment on the accelerating, but not fixed speed, conditions. In the vermicelli handling task (a quantitative measure of fine motor control and effective behavioral sequencing) excitotoxic lesions produced no single impairment, but globally increased the number of normal and abnormal behaviors. In contrast, depletion of cholinergic PPTg neurons produced impairment on the accelerating rotarod but no changes in vermicelli handling. Together, these results show that while PPTg lesions produce no impairment in the execution of individual motor actions, impairments emerge when the demands of the task increase. Results are discussed in terms of PPTg acting as part of a rapid action selection system, which integrates sensory information into motor output.  相似文献   

In macaque monkeys with injections of tritiated amino acids or horseradish peroxidase in the ventrolateral granular frontal cortex, we observed extensive anterograde and retrograde labeling of the premotor and somatosensory cortex in and around the lateral sulcus. Comparable labeling was not present with large and small control injections of the dorsal granular cortex. Cytoarchitectonic evaluation of the perisylvian cortex in the three cases examined in detail indicated that labeled areas included the ventral premotor cortex (area 6V); the precentral opercular and orbitofrontal opercular areas (PrCO and OFO); the second somatosensory area (S-II); the opercular cortex immediately anterior to S-II, possibly corresponding to area 2 of the S-I complex; and the central part of the insular cortex, including portions of the granular and dysgranular insular fields (Ig, Idg). Labeling was particularly dense and extensive in areas 6V, S-II, and OFO. Lighter labeling was also present in the rostral inferior parietal lobule (areas 7b and POa). The distribution of label within perisylvian areas was not uniform: certain parts were heavily labeled, while other parts were lightly labeled or unlabeled. Comparison of label distribution with published accounts of the somatotopy of these areas indicates that forelimb and orofacial representations were selectively labeled. Further, our results, taken together with other recent anatomical findings (e.g., Matelli et al.: Journal of Comparative Neurology 251:281-298, 1987; Barbas and Pandya: Journal of Comparative Neurology 256:211-228, 1987) suggest strongly that there is a network of interconnected forelimb and orofacial representations in macaque cortex, involving the ventral granular frontal cortex, area 6V, OFO, opercular area 2, S-II, the central insula, and area 7b. Each injection of frontal cortex which labeled the perisylvian somatic cortex involved the cortex of the ventral rim of the principal sulcus (PSvr). The cortex surrounding the PSvr does not stand out as a distinct area in Nissl-stained material. However, examination of myelin-stained sections prepared from uninjected hemispheres with the Gallyas technique revealed the existence of a distinct zone centered on the PSvr. This myeloarchitectonic area, which we term area 46vr, is more heavily myelinated than the ventral bank and fundus of the principal sulcus (area 46v) but is less heavily myelinated than the ventral (inferior) convexity (area 12). Involvement of area 46vr in our injections was probably responsible for the strong labeling observed in perisylvian somatic areas.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In rodents, the whisker representation in primary somatosensory (SI) cortex projects to the dorsolateral neostriatum, but the location of these projections has never been characterized with respect to layer IV barrels and their intervening septa. To address this issue, we injected a retrograde tracer into the dorsolateral neostriatum and then reconstructed the location of the labeled corticostriatal neurons with respect to the cytochrome oxidase (CO)-labeled barrels in SI. When the tracer was restricted to a small focal site in the neostriatum, the retrogradely labeled neurons formed elongated strips that were parallel to the curvilinear orientation of layer IV barrel rows. After larger tracer injections, labeled neurons were distributed uniformly across layer V and were aligned with both the barrel and septal compartments. Labeled projections from the contralateral SI barrel cortex, however, were much fewer in number and were disproportionately associated with the septal compartments. A comparison of the labeling patterns in the ipsilateral and contralateral hemispheres revealed symmetric, mirror-image distributions that extended across primary motor cortex (MI) and multiple somatosensory cortical regions, including the secondary somatosensory (SII) cortex, the parietal ventral (PV) and parietal rhinal (PR) areas, and the posteromedial (PM) region. Examination of the thalamus revealed labeled neurons in the intralaminar nuclei, in the medial part of the posterior nucleus (POm), and in the ventrobasal complex. These results indicate that the dorsolateral neostriatum integrates sensorimotor information from multiple sensorimotor representations in the thalamus and cortex.  相似文献   

In rats, whisking behavior is characterized by high‐frequency synchronous movements and other stereotyped patterns of bilateral coordination that are rarely seen in the bilateral movements of the limbs. This suggests that the motor systems controlling whisker and limb movements must have qualitative or quantitative differences in their interhemispheric connections. To test this hypothesis, anterograde tracing methods were used to characterize the bilateral distribution of projections from the whisker and forepaw regions in the primary motor (MI) cortex. Unilateral tracer injections in the MI whisker or forepaw regions revealed robust projections to the corresponding MI cortical area in the contralateral hemisphere. Both MI regions project bilaterally to the neostriatum, but the corticostriatal projections from the whisker region are denser and more evenly distributed across both hemispheres than those from the MI forepaw region. The MI whisker region projects bilaterally to several nuclei in the thalamus, whereas the MI forepaw region projects almost exclusively to the ipsilateral thalamus. The MI whisker region sends dense projections to the contralateral claustrum, but those to the ipsilateral claustrum are less numerous. By contrast, the MI forepaw region sends few projections to the claustrum of either hemisphere. Bilateral deposits of different tracers in MI revealed overlapping projections to the neostriatum, thalamus, and claustrum when the whisker regions were injected, but not when the forepaw regions were injected. These results suggest that the bilateral coordination of the whiskers depends, in part, on MI projections to the contralateral neostriatum, thalamus, and claustrum. J. Comp. Neurol. 515:548–564, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Diverse physiological actions have been reported for 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin) in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and the nucleus accumbens (Acb) suggesting that the 5-HT innervation of these forebrain areas may be derived from different populations of neurons. We examined this possibility by mapping the distribution of 5-HT-immunoreactive (ir) and non-5HT-ir neurons containing retrograde labeling following injections of different tracers into both these target regions. The analysis was focused in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) of the midbrain, since 5-HT pathways to the MPFC and Acb primarily originate from this area. Volume microinjections of the fluorescent retrograde tracer, Fluoro-Gold (FG), were placed into the MPFC and microinjections of cholera toxin B subunit coupled to 15 nm gold particles (CT-Au) were placed into the Acb of the same animal. Sections through the DRN containing retrogradely labeled neurons were further processed for immunofluorescent localization of 5-HT using a rhodamine marker. Neurons retrogradely labeled from the Acb were greater in number overall than those projecting to the MPFC. In addition, Acb-projecting neurons extended into the lateral wings of the DRN, whereas MPFC-projecting neurons were more restricted to the midline. Both groups of retrogradely labeled neurons, however, were more numerous in the caudal aspect of the dorsal raphe nucleus and were scattered amongst 5-HT immunoreactive perikarya. Of783 ± 69 CT-Au labeled cells, 15% also contained the FG label and 11% contained FG and 5-HT immunoreactivity. Of613 ± 48 FG labeled cells, 24% also contained the CT-Au label and 21% were also immunoreactive to 5-HT. The results suggest a more prominent input to the Acb from both 5-HT-ir and non-5-HT-ir neurons in the caudal aspect of the DRN and further indicate that while most 5-HT-ir and non-5-HT-ir neurons project differentially to both forebrain regions, a few cells also show collateralization to the MPFC and Acb. Such collateralization of single serotonergic neurons to divergent targets mey integrate cognitive and motor activities in response to pharmacological manipulations of ascending serotonergic pathways.  相似文献   

Our previous data indicate that there are specific features of the corticostriatal pathways from the prefrontal cortex. First, corticostriatal pathways are composed of focal, circumscribed projections and of diffuse, widespread projections. Second, there is some convergence between terminal fields from different functional regions of the prefrontal cortex. Third, anterior cingulate projections from area 24b occupy a large region of the rostral striatum. The goal of this study was to determine whether these features are also common to the corticostriatal projections from area 8A (including the frontal eye field; FEF), the supplementary eye field (SEF), dorsal and rostral premotor cortex (PMdr) and area 24c. Using a new approach of three-dimensional reconstruction of the corticostriatal pathways, along with dual cortical tracer injections, we mapped the corticostriatal terminal fields from areas 9 and 46, 8A-FEF, SEF, PMdr and 24b and c. In addition, we placed injections of retrogradely transported tracers into key striatal regions. The results demonstrated that: (i) a diffuse projection system is a common feature of the corticostriatal projections from different frontal regions; (ii) key striatal regions receive convergent projections from areas 9 and 46 and from areas 8A-FEF, SEF, PMdr and 24c, suggesting a potential pivotal role of these striatal regions in integrating cortical information; (iii) projections from area 24c, like those from area 24b, terminate widely throughout the striatum, interfacing with terminals from several frontal areas. These features of the corticostriatal frontal pathways suggest a potential integrative striatal network for learning.  相似文献   

We studied the afferent connections of two cytoarchitectural subdivisions of the caudolateral frontal cortex, areas 6Va and 8C, in marmoset monkeys. These areas received connections from the same set of thalamic nuclei, including main inputs from the ventral lateral and ventral anterior complexes, but differed in their patterns of corticocortical connections. Areas 8C and 6Va had reciprocal interconnections, and received similar proportions of afferents from premotor areas 6M and 6DC, and from the prefrontal cortex. However, area 8C received stronger inputs from frontal areas that have been implicated in oculomotor functions, whereas area 6Va received stronger projections from the primary motor area. Somatosensory projections to area 6Va were generally stronger than those to area 8C, and originated from several areas; in contrast, only the second somatosensory area (S2) sent major inputs to area 8C. Finally, although both 6Va and 8C received major inputs from the rostral posterior parietal cortex (putative homologs of areas PE, PF, and PFG), area 8C also received a variety of smaller connections from posterior midline, caudal posterior parietal, and extrastriate areas. Statistical analyses revealed that the pattern of connections of area 8C is more akin to that characterizing a premotor area, rather than a prefrontal area. We conclude that cytoarchitectural area 6Va in the marmoset is similar to ventral premotor areas identified in other simian primates, and that area 8C corresponds to a specialized subdivision of the caudal premotor complex where visual information for the guidance of movements is likely to be emphasized. J. Comp. Neurol. 523:1222–1247, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Corticocortical projections to the caudal and rostral areas of dorsal premotor cortex (6DC and 6DR, also known as F2 and F7) were studied in the marmoset monkey. Both areas received their main thalamic inputs from the ventral anterior and ventral lateral complexes, and received dense projections from the medial premotor cortex. However, there were marked differences in their connections with other cortical areas. While 6DR received consistent inputs from prefrontal cortex, area 6DC received few such connections. Conversely, 6DC, but not 6DR, received major projections from the primary motor and somatosensory areas. Projections from the anterior cingulate cortex preferentially targeted 6DC, while the posterior cingulate and adjacent medial wall areas preferentially targeted 6DR. Projections from the medial parietal area PE to 6DC were particularly dense, while intraparietal areas (especially the putative homolog of LIP) were more strongly labeled after 6DR injections. Finally, 6DC and 6DR were distinct in terms of inputs from the ventral parietal cortex: projections to 6DR originated preferentially from caudal areas (PG and OPt), while 6DC received input primarily from rostral areas (PF and PFG). Differences in connections suggest that area 6DR includes rostral and caudal subdivisions, with the former also involved in oculomotor control. These results suggest that area 6DC is more directly involved in the preparation and execution of motor acts, while area 6DR integrates sensory and internally driven inputs for the planning of goal‐directed actions. They also provide strong evidence of a homologous organization of the dorsal premotor cortex in New and Old World monkeys. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:3683–3716, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is an important source of input to the motor cortex in both the primate and the cat. However, the available evidence from the cat suggests that the projection from the PPC to those rostral areas of the motor cortex that project to the intermediate and ventral parts of the spinal gray matter is relatively small. This leaves in question the importance of the contribution of the PPC to the initiation and modulation of voluntary movements in the cat. As this anatomical evidence is not entirely compatible with the physiological data, we reinvestigated the PPC projection to the motor cortex by injecting dextran amine tracers either into the proximal or distal representations of the forelimb in the rostral motor cortex, into the representation of the forelimb in the caudal motor cortex, or into the hindlimb representation. The results show strong projections from the PPC to each of these regions. However, projections to the rostral motor cortex were observed primarily from the caudal bank of the ansate sulcus and the adjacent gyrus, whereas those to the caudal motor cortex were generally located more rostrally. There was also evidence of some topographic organization with the distal limb being located progressively more laterally and rostrally in the PPC than the areas projecting to more proximal regions. In contrast to previous anatomical investigations, these results suggest that the PPC can potentially modulate motor activity via its strong projection to the more rostral regions of the motor cortex.  相似文献   

The premotor cortex of macaque monkeys is currently subdivided into at least six different subareas on the basis of structural, hodological and physiological criteria. To determine the degree of divergence/convergence of thalamocortical projections to mesial [supplementary motor area (SMA)-proper and pre-SMA] and lateral (PMd-c, PMd-r, PMv-c and PMv-r) premotor (PM) subareas, quantitative analyses were performed on the distribution of retrograde labelling after multiple tracer injections in the same animal. The results demonstrate that all PM and SMA subareas receive common inputs from several thalamic nuclei, but the relative contribution of these nuclei to thalamocortical projections differs. The largest difference occurs between subareas of SMA, with much greater contribution from the mediodorsal (MD) and area X, and a smaller contribution from the ventral lateral anterior (VLa) and ventral part of the ventral lateral posterior (VLpv) to pre-SMA than to SMA-proper. In PM, differences between subareas are less pronounced; in particular, all receive a significant contribution from MD, the ventral anterior (VApc) and area X. However, there are clear gradients, such as increasing projections from MD to rostral, from VLa and VLpv to caudal, and from dorsal VLp (VLpd) to dorsal premotor subareas. Intralaminar nuclei provide widespread projections to all premotor subareas. The degree of overlap between thalamocortical projections varies among different PM and SMA subareas and different sectors of the thalamus. These variations, which correspond to different origin and topography of thalamocortical projections, are discussed in relation to functional organizations at thalamic and cortical levels.  相似文献   

Only birds that learn complex vocalizations have telencephalic brain regions that control vocal learning and production, including HVC (high vocal center), a cortical nucleus that encodes vocal motor output in adult songbirds. HVC projects to RA (robust nucleus of the arcopallium), a nucleus in motor cortex that in turn projects topographically onto hindbrain neurons innervating vocal muscles. Individual neurons projecting from HVC to RA (HVC(RA) ) fire sparsely to drive RA activity during song production. To advance understanding of how individual HVC neurons encode production of learned vocalizations, we reconstructed single HVC axons innervating RA in adult male zebra finches. Individual HVC(RA) axons were not topographically organized within RA: 1) axon arbors of HVC cell bodies located near each other sent branches to different subregions of RA, and 2) branches of single HVC axons terminated in different locations within RA. HVC(RA) axons also had a simple, sparse morphology, suggesting that a single HVC neuron activates a limited population of postsynaptic RA neurons. These morphological data are consistent with previous work showing that single HVC(RA) neurons burst sparsely for a brief period of time during the production of a song, indicating that ensembles of HVC(RA) neurons fire simultaneously to drive small temporal segments of song behavior. We also examined the morphology of axons projecting from HVC to RA cup, a region surrounding RA that receives input from auditory cortex. Axons projecting to RA cup also sent some branches into RA, suggesting direct integration between the sensory and motor circuits for song control.  相似文献   

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