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Pain control is a major determinant for successful stone clearance in extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) for urolithiasis. Pain perception during ESWL may be influenced by patient factors like gender, age, body habitus and anxiety level, and stone related factors like size, laterality and location of stone. We investigated in general, the confounding patient and stone factors influencing pain perception during ESWL with importance given to procedural anxiety in first and the subsequent session of ESWL. This was a prospective observational study of all new consecutive patients who underwent ESWL for a period of 1 year at a tertiary Urological Centre. Demographic and stone anthropometry were analyzed. Pre-procedural anxiety was assessed prior to procedure using hospital anxiety and depression score (HADS) and pain was scored using numerical rating scale-11 at baseline, 30-minutes (i.e., during) and 24 hours after ESWL. Univariate and multivariate analysis for confounding factors included HADs were performed for pain perception. A P value < .05 was considered to be statistically significant. For the study duration, 119 patients were recruited and 72 of them returned for a second session. Procedural anxiety was the only independent factor affecting pain score in ESWL for the first session in multivariate analysis. A statistically significant reduction of mean procedural anxiety score from 6.7 ± 4.5 to 3.2 ± 2.7 (P < .05) for the second ESWL session was observed (n = 72). This was in conjunction with statistical reduction of mean pain score 30 minutes after ESWL from 5.2 ± 2.1 to 4.2 ± 2.1 (P < .05). Patients with HADS ≥ 8 had statistically significant higher mean pain score at all 3 intervals in the first ESWL session. This study has shown that pre-procedural anxiety mainly anticipatory, reduces and shows reduction in pain intensity among patients undergoing repeat ESWL. Hence, anxiety reducing methods should be explored in patients undergoing ESWL to avoid unnecessary analgesic use.  相似文献   

This study examined the unique and combined contribution of existential variables (purpose in life, religiousness, and death acceptance) and traditional resource measures (social resources, intellectual competence, and cognitive competence) as prospective predictors of successful aging in community-residing and institutionalized older adults. Using multiple hierarchical regression, the results showed that baseline successful aging, social resources, purpose in life, and low religiousness predicted successful aging in community-residing elderly 14 months later; baseline successful aging, social resources, purpose in life, and being of male gender predicted successful aging in institutionalized elderly. Intellectual and cognitive competence and death acceptance failed to account for significant variance in successful aging, although the latter approached significance in the community-residing older adults. In both samples, the existential variable of purpose in life accounted for unique variance in successful aging over and above that accounted for by demographic, baseline successful aging, and traditional predictors. The important role of existential constructs in promoting successful aging in community-residing and institutionalized elderly is discussed. Gary T. Reker is a full professor in the Department of Psychology of Trent University. His research interests have focused on the aging process, particularly in the role of personal optimism and personal meaning in wellness promotion. This work was supported by a Population Aging Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The work was begun by Paul T.P. Wong and Gary T. Reker and continued by Gary T. Reker under grants from the Trent University Research Fund.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To identify subject characteristics that predict smoking cessation and describe patterns of cessation and recidivism in a cohort of elderly smokers. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: Piedmont region, North Carolina. PARTICIPANTS: Five hundred seventy‐three subjects enrolled in the North Carolina Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly who responded “yes” to question 179 on the baseline survey (Do you smoke cigarettes regularly now?) and survived at least 3 years, until the next in‐person follow‐up (1989/90). Subjects were classified as quitters (n=100) or nonquitters (n=473) based on subsequent smoking behavior. MEASUREMENTS: Reported smoking behavior, demographic characteristics of the smokers at baseline or subsequent interviews, 7‐year mortality. RESULTS: After controlling for all characteristics studied, subjects who quit smoking were more likely to be female (P=.03) and showed a trend toward greater likelihood of a recent cancer diagnosis (P=.11). Recidivism was observed in only 16% (19/119) of subjects who reported no smoking in 1989/90. The percentage of subjects who died during 7 years of follow‐up was 44.0% of quitters, compared with 51.6% of nonquitters. Smoking cessation was not associated with a statistically significant decrease in risk of death after controlling for other variables (odds ratio=0.78, 95% confidence interval=0.48–1.26). CONCLUSION: Smoking cessation in this elderly cohort was associated with different subject characteristics from those that predict successful cessation in younger populations, suggesting that older smokers may have unique reasons to stop smoking. Further study is needed to assess potential motives and benefits associated with smoking cessation at an advanced age.  相似文献   

Today, nearly 90% of common bile duct stones are extracted endoscopically. Problems are encountered if there are large stones or a duct stenosis. Extracorporeal piezoelectric lithotripsy (EPL) as well as intracorporeal electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL) serve as an alternative to surgical intervention for those few patients in whom endoscopic measures have failed. A total of 35 patients with common bile duct stones in whom conventional endoscopic treatment had failed were selected on the condition that stone visualization through ultrasound was possible and that the papilla was within easy reach of the endoscope. Patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were randomly treated either by EPL or EHL. The average age of our patients was 73 years. The main reasons for failure of conventional endoscopy were due to the large size of the stones (13 patients), impacted stones (16), or the presence of a biliary stricture (6). In the EPL group, visualization of the stones by ultrasound and ensuing treatment were possible in 16 of 18 patients (89%); stones could be fragmented in 15 patients. In 13 patients, the biliary tree could then be completely freed of calculi; the success rate was 72% for all the patients (13 of 18). On average, the patients had 2.3 treatments on the lithotripter, and 3870 shock waves were applied per treatment. In the EHL group stones were successfully fragmented in 13 of 17 patients (76.5%). The average number of treatments was 1.4. Comparing both therapies, there was no difference in stone-free rates. In both groups, additional endoscopic interventions were necessary to clear the bile duct. The mean number of lithotripsy sessions was less in the EHL group (1.4 vs 2.3). There were no major differences in average hospital stay, 30-day mortality was zero in both groups. Combined treatment including EPL, EHL, and intracorporeal laser lithotripsy was finally successful in 32 patients (91.5%). It is concluded that EHL might be the method of choice for smaller, single stones in the more proximal parts of the common bile duct. In these cases, complete duct clearance in one lithotripsy session can be achieved. Multiple and large stones are probably best accessible to EPL. With a combination of the methods described, the bile duct can be cleared of concrements in almost every instance. As a result, surgery for choledocholithiasis has become the absolute exception.This work was presented in part at the 1993 Annual Meeting of the american Gastroenterological Association in Boston and published in abstract form (Gastroenterology 104:A347, 1993).  相似文献   

A 52‐year‐old man was admitted with complaints of dyspnea. Physical examination revealed that the breath sounds were reduced at the left lung. The results of the abdominal examination were normal. Chest radiography showed massive left‐sided pleural effusion. His white blood cell count was 4600/mm 3 , serum amylase 666 IU/L, serum C‐reactive protein (CRP) 3.7 mg/dL. Thoracentesis yielded bloody fluid with a protein level of 3.7 g/dL and amylase level of 6250 IU/L. Computed tomography showed dilatation of the pancreatic duct with calcifications of the pancreas, mediastinal pancreatic pseudocysts and bilateral pleural effusion. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography demonstrated dilated pancreatic duct with pancreatic calculi and pancreaticopleural fistula. Initial endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography showed obstructing pancreatic calculi of the main pancreatic duct at the head; however, insertion of a naso‐pancreatic drain was unsuccessful. A naso‐pancreatic drain could be placed beyond the site of obstruction following three extracorporeal shock‐wave lithotripsy (ESWL) sessions. Pleural effusion was resolved and the chest tube was removed 5 days following placement of the drain. The naso‐pancreatic drain was replaced with a pancreatic stent 20 days later. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography after a total of nine ESWL sessions showed a significant reduction of pancreatic calculi at the head. The pancreatic stent was removed 70 days following stent placement and there has been no recurrence during a follow‐up period of 2 years. We suggest that endoscopic treatment combined with ESWL is a first‐line treatment for pancreatic pleural effusion resulting from obstructing pancreatic calculi, and operation should be reserved as a second‐line treatment.  相似文献   

Background:The present evidence is insufficient for evaluating the impact of exclusive music therapy on anxiety and pain control in extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL).Methods:A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to explore the efficacy of music therapy in reducing pain and anxiety in patients undergoing ESWL. PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, EBSCO, and Cochrane library databases (updated March 2020) were searched for randomized controlled trials assessing music therapy in reducing pain and anxiety in patients undergoing ESWL. The search strategy and study selection process were managed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis statement.Results:Five randomized controlled trials were included in the meta-analysis. Overall, music intervention groups experienced significant reductions in pain (risk ratios = –1.20, 95% confidence intervals = –1.95 to –0.45, P = .002) and anxiety (risk ratios = –3.31, 95% confidence intervals = –4.97 to –1.84, P < .0001) compared with control groups during ESWL. Music therapy gave patient more satisfaction with the treatment and a willingness to repeat the therapy was reported. However, there was no significant difference in the stone clearance rate.Conclusions:Listening to music can reduce patient''s pain and anxiety significantly with increased therapy satisfaction and willingness to repeat.  相似文献   

This study notes the differences between trust and distrust perceptions by the elderly as compared with younger populations. Given the importance of trust and distrust in compliance, changing behaviors, and forming partnerships for both health and disease management, it is necessary to be able to measure patient–doctor trust and distrust (PDTD). Following recent conceptualizations on trust and distrust as coexistent states, this study hypothesizes predictors of PDTD. We are proposing that these predictors form the basis for designing, developing and validating a PDTD scale (PDTDS). It is important to capture the trust–distrust perceptions of older patients as they confront the complexities and vulnerabilities of the modern healthcare delivery system. This is necessary if we are to design interventions to change behaviors of both the healthcare provider and the older patient.  相似文献   

Background: This study examines the predictors of long‐term all‐causes mortality (ACM) in Australian senior citizens. Methods: We have analysed ACM in a cohort of 2805 citizens, 1233 men and 1572 women aged ≥60 years, first examined in 1988 and followed for 20 years. Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals for ACM were obtained from Cox models employing conventional predictors. Results: Over 20 years 66% of men (815/1233) and 53% of women (833/1572) died. Constant proportional hazard over the 20 years was demonstrated for all predictors, indicating similar relative hazard of ACM during long‐term or short‐term follow up. There was significant prediction of ACM by current smoking (hazard ratio 1.96, 95% confidence interval 1.57–2.43 in men; 1.67, 1.32–2.10 in women), high blood pressure (1.37, 1.03–1.81; 1.41, 1.07–1.86), diabetes (1.46, 1.17–1.82; 1.83, 1.43–2.34), impaired peak expiratory flow (1.39, 1.15–1.69; 1.80, 1.47–2.21), coronary heart disease at study entry in men (1.33, 1.13–1.57), physical disability (1.38, 1.13–1.68; 1.45, 1.17–1.79) and alcohol intake (0.82, 0.69–0.97; 0.77, 0.66–0.89 respectively). ACM was not significantly predicted by standard lipid parameters. Over the 20‐year period smoking was associated with reduced survival of 41 months in men and 25 months in women, hypertension with reduced survival of 20 and 17 months, and diabetes with reduced survival of 24 and 30 months respectively. Conclusions: The findings confirm the contribution of cigarette smoking, hypertension and diabetes to ACM in senior citizens, conditions that are potentially amenable to intervention.  相似文献   

近年来慢性胰腺炎发病率不断攀高,治疗上以胰酶替代、内镜引流和手术切除为主。随着内镜治疗技术的飞速发展,慢性胰腺炎的内镜治疗趋于成熟,联合体外震波碎石,使治疗效果进一步提升,文章详述慢性胰腺炎内镜治疗的现状和进展,指出存在的问题和困难。  相似文献   

目的 比较超声引导下干针与体外冲击波治疗(ESWT)对老年足底筋膜炎(PF)的临床疗效.方法 2018年8月-2020年2月,选取南通市第六人民医院疼痛科收治的58例老年PF患者,随机分为干针组(n=29)和ESWT组(n=29).分别于治疗前(T0)、1个疗程治疗结束后4周(T1)、1个疗程治疗结束后12周(T2),...  相似文献   

Aim: The study aimed to study the prevalence, etiologies, clinical profile and outcome of delirium in hospitalized elderly in medicine wards. Methods: Four hundred elderly patients of more than 60 years of age admitted with delirium in the emergency and medicine wards of Sir Sunderlal Hospital Varanasi, India, were evaluated and managed. The Hindi version of the Mini‐Mental Status Examinations, a vernacular (Hindi) version of the Mini‐Mental State Examination, was used for evaluation of cognitive function status of patients and Confusion Assessment Method (CAM), a screening instrument based on the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was used for diagnosis of delirium. Results: A total of 400 hospitalized elderly delirious patients were included in the study aged 61–105 years. The mean age of the subjects was 70.87 ± 9.26 years and 70.81 ± 8.4 years amongst males and females, respectively. The mortality rate was 14.75%. Out of nine CAM features, all the cases had all three essential features, 78.75% had four features, 58.5% had five features, 44.5% had six features and 9.25% had all nine features. There was a high prevalence of hypoactive delirium (65%) as compared to hyperactive (25%) or mixed (10%). Most common etiologies were sepsis followed by metabolic abnormalities. 70% had 2 or more etiologies. Conclusion: Sepsis and metabolic abnormalities were the most common etiologies of delirium in this study. The maximum patients had more than one etiology and this emphasizes the multifactorial nature of delirium and need for thorough evaluation to unravel them. Most of the causes were treatable and have favorable outcome (83% recovered). Geriatr Gerontol Int 2011; 11: 467–473.  相似文献   

Background: Cardiogenic shock (CS) is a severe complication of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), associated with a high mortality. A significant improvement in survival has been reported with immediate coronary revascularization. However, there is no clear evidence of such an improvement amongst older patients. The aim of our work was to evaluate in‐hospital and long‐term outcomes in the group of elderly AMI patients with CS (≥75 years old). Methods: We collected data of 157 consecutive AMI patients with CS who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and compared clinical and procedural characteristics and in‐hospital and long‐term outcomes between patients <75 years and patients ≥75 years old. Results: There were 58 patients (36.9%) with age ≥75 years and 99 patients (63.1%) with age <75 years. Patients were followed up for an average period of 34 months (range 5–69). In‐hospital and long‐term mortality was significantly higher in the older group (55 vs. 25%, P < 0.0001; and 62.1 vs. 37.3%, P = 0.005, respectively). Multivariate predictors of in‐hospital mortality were age ≥75 years (hazard ratio 1.81, 95% CI 1.006–3.27, P = 0.04) and PCI failure (hazard ratio 2.67, 95% CI 1.34–5.307, P = 0.005), whereas, the only multivariate predictor of long‐term mortality was PCI failure (hazard ratio 2.88, 95% CI 1.52–5.46, P = 0.001). Age ≥75 years showed only a trend toward statistical significance (hazard ratio 1.62, 95% CI 0.96–2.76, P = 0.07). Conclusions: In elderly AMI patients with CS, PCI can be performed with an acceptable risk that seems lower than that reported in most previous studies. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This is the first systematic review to synthesize the evidence concerning early post‐operative variables predictive of later weight and psychosocial outcomes in bariatric surgery. Eight electronic databases for empirical studies were searched (1954 to 2016). Most of the 39 included studies reported solely on weight outcomes; eating and psychosocial outcomes were less common. A better early weight loss trajectory was the most consistent predictor of more successful medium‐term weight outcome (≤24 months); however, its relationship to longer term weight loss maintenance is less certain. Early eating adaptation may be associated with later weight loss, but further research is needed. Evidence is lacking for associations between early adherence or early psychosocial variables and later outcome. In particular, the relationship between early post‐operative depression and later weight remains unclear. Little research has considered early prediction of later eating or psychosocial outcomes. Consideration of mediating or moderating relationships is lacking. The body of evidence is limited, and synthesis is hampered by heterogeneity in the type and time at which predictors and outcomes are measured and quality of statistical reporting. Further research on prospective prediction of bariatric surgery outcome is needed to guide early post‐operative intervention for those at greatest risk of poor outcomes.  相似文献   

The improvement and refinement of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) has made this non-invasive treatment modality not only more effective, but also applicable to a larger population of gallstone patients. It can be performed safely on an outpatient basis. Advances in lithotripsy technology have made it possible to fragment stones into very small, sand-like particles (pulverization), which clear the gall-bladder faster than large fragments. Recent studies provide evidence that adjuvant bile acids may not be necessary in most cases in which pulverization is achieved. Good gall-bladder emptying appears both to promote the clearance of gallstones after ESWL and to decrease their recurrence. Although generally found to be more expensive than surgery if bile acids are used, ESWL should be cost-effective, as bile acids may not be necessary in all patients. Elderly patients with radiolucent, solitary and less than 30 mm gallstones can particularly benefit from lithotripsy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the extent to which donor and recipient characteristics were associated with transplant outcomes in elderly kidney transplant recipients.
DESIGN: Retrospective review.
SETTING: Single university center.
PARTICIPANTS: One thousand one hundred two patients, including 266 patients aged 60 and older.
MEASUREMENTS: Recipient and donor characteristics and patient and graft outcomes.
RESULTS: Of the 1,102 patients included in this study, 266 (25%) were aged 60 and older, and 117 (11%) were aged 67 and older. According to Cox proportional hazards analysis, patient survival was worse in elderly recipients, although the survival outcome in the oldest group (ages 68–86) was comparable with that in their slightly younger peers (ages 61–67). Graft function did not differ according to age. Comorbidity was a significant predictor of patient survival in elderly recipients (hazard ratio (HR)=1.17, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.03–1.34, P =.02) but not in the subset of elderly recipients of living donor kidneys (HR=1.01, 95% CI=0.8–1.3, P =.9).
CONCLUSION: Older adults can achieve good outcomes with kidney transplantation, although in recipients with significant comorbid illness, careful donor selection and selective use of living donors may be vital to achieving good outcomes.  相似文献   

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