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Objective – Intrahippocampal injection of kainic acid (KA) in rats evokes a status epilepticus (SE) and leads to spontaneous seizures. However to date, precise electroencephalographic (EEG) and clinical characterization of spontaneous seizures in this epilepsy model using long‐term video‐EEG monitoring has not been performed. Materials and Methods – Rats were implanted with bipolar hippocampal depth electrodes and a cannula for the injection of KA (0.4 μg/0.2 μl) in the right hippocampus. Video‐EEG monitoring was used to determine habitual parameters of spontaneous seizures such as seizure frequency, severity, progression and day–night rhythms. Results – Spontaneous seizures were detected in all rats with 13 out of 15 animals displaying seizures during the first eight weeks after SE. A considerable fraction (35%) of the spontaneous seizures did not generalize secondarily. Seizure frequency was quite variable and the majority of the KA‐treated animals had less than one seizure per day. A circadian rhythm was observed in all rats that showed sufficient seizures per day. Conclusions – This study shows that the characteristics of spontaneous seizures in the intrahippocampal KA model display many similarities to other SE models and human temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

Polysialylated neuronal cell adhesion molecule (PSA‐NCAM), a polysialylated protein constitutively expressed in the hippocampus, is involved in neuronal growth, synaptic plasticity and neurotrophin signaling. In particular, PSA‐NCAM mediates Ret‐independent glial‐derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) signaling, leading to downstream FAK activation. GDNF has potent seizure‐suppressant action, whereas PSA‐NCAM is upregulated by seizure activity. However, the involvement of Ret‐independent GDNF signaling in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is not established. We tested the effects of PSA‐NCAM inactivation on neurodegeneration and epileptogenesis in a mouse model of TLE. In this model, unilateral intrahippocampal kainic acid (KA) injection induced degeneration of CA1, CA3c and hilar neurons, followed by spontaneous recurrent focal seizures. In the contralateral, morphologically preserved hippocampus, a long‐lasting increase of PSA‐NCAM immunoreactivity was observed. Inactivation of PSA‐NCAM by endoneuraminidase (EndoN) administration into the contralateral ventricle of KA‐treated mice caused severe degeneration of CA3a,b neurons and dentate gyrus granule cells in the epileptic focus, and led to early onset of focal seizures. This striking trans‐hemispheric alteration suggested that PSA‐NCAM mediates GDNF signaling, leading to transport of neuroprotective signals into the lesioned hippocampus. This hypothesis was confirmed by injecting GDNF antibodies into the contralateral hippocampus of KA‐treated mice, thereby reproducing the enhanced neurodegeneration seen after PSA‐NCAM inactivation. Furthermore, contralateral EndoN and anti‐GDNF treatment decreased GDNF family receptor α1 immunoreactivity and FAK phosphorylation in the epileptic focus. Thus, Ret‐independent GDNF signaling across the commissural projection might protect CA3a,b neurons and delay seizure onset. These findings implicate GDNF in the control of epileptogenesis and offer a possible mechanism explaining lesion asymmetry in mesial TLE.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to investigate the spatial and temporal patterns of high‐frequency oscillations (HFOs) in the intra‐/extrahippocampal areas during epileptogenesis. Local field potentials were bilaterally recorded from hippocampus (CA1), thalamus, motor cortex, and prefrontal cortex in 13 rats before and after intrahippocampal kainic acid (KA) lesions. HFOs in the ripple (100‐200 Hz) and fast ripple (250‐500 Hz) ranges were detected and their rates were computed during different time periods (1‐5 weeks) after KA‐induced status epilepticus (SE). Recurrent spontaneous seizures were observed in 7 rats after SE, and the other 6 rats did not develop epilepsy. During the latent period, the rate of hippocampal HFOs increased at the ipsilateral site of the KA lesion in both groups, and the HFO rate was significantly higher in the animals that later developed epilepsy. Animals that later developed epilepsy also demonstrated widespread appearance of HFOs, in both the ripple and the fast ripple range, whereas animals that did not develop epilepsy only exhibited changes in the ipsilateral intrahippocampal HFO rate. This study demonstrates an association between an increased rate of widespread HFOs and the later development of epilepsy, suggesting the formation of large‐scale distributed pathological networks during epileptogenesis.  相似文献   

Purpose: Models of temporal lobe epilepsy are commonly utilized to study focal epileptogenesis and ictogenesis. The criteria that define animal models representative of human mesial temporal lobe may vary in different laboratories. We describe herein a focal epilepsy model of mesial temporal (hippocampal) origin that relies on the analysis of interictal and ictal electroencephalography (EEG) patterns and on their correlation with seizure symptoms and neuropathologic findings. The study is based on guinea pigs, a species seldom utilized to develop chronic epilepsy models. Methods: Young adult guinea pigs were bilaterally implanted under isoflurane anesthesia with epidural electrodes over somatosensory cortex and depth electrodes in CA1 hippocampal region. A stainless steel guide cannula was positioned unilaterally in the right dorsal hippocampus to inject 1 μl of 0.9% NaCl solution containing 1 μg kainic acid (KA). One week after surgery, continuous 24 h/day video‐EEG monitoring was performed 48 h before and every other week after KA injection, for no <1 month. EEG data were recorded wide‐band at 2 kHz. After video‐EEG monitoring, brains were analyzed for thionine and Timm staining and glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP) immunostaining. Key Findings: Unilateral injection of KA in dorsal hippocampus of guinea pigs induces an acute nonconvulsive status epilepticus (SE) that terminates within 24 h (n = 22). Chronic seizures with very mild motor signs (undetectable without EEG monitoring) and highly variable recurrence patterns appear in 45.5% (10 of 22) KA‐treated animals, with variable delays from the initial SE. In these animals interictal events, CA1 cell loss, gliosis, and altered Timm staining pattern were observed. The induction of a chronic condition did not correlate with the duration of the nonconvulsive acute SE, but correlated with the extension and quality of neuropathologic damage. Significance: We demonstrate that a model of hippocampal (mesial temporal lobe) epilepsy can be developed in the guinea pig by intrahippocampal injection of KA. Seizure events in this model show little behavioral signs and may be overlooked without extensive video‐EEG monitoring. The establishment of a chronic epileptic condition correlates with the extension of the hippocampal damage (mainly cell loss and gliosis) and not with the intensity of the initial SE.  相似文献   

The process of postinjury hippocampal epileptogenesis may involve gradually developing dentate granule cell hyperexcitability caused by neuron loss and synaptic reorganization. We tested this hypothesis by repeatedly assessing granule cell excitability after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus (SE) and monitoring granule cell behavior during 235 spontaneous seizures in awake, chronically implanted rats. During the first week post-SE, granule cells exhibited diminished paired-pulse suppression and decreased seizure discharge thresholds in response to afferent stimulation. Spontaneous seizures often began during the first week after SE, recruited granule cell discharges that followed behavioral seizure onsets, and evoked c-Fos expression in all hippocampal neurons. Paired-pulse suppression and epileptiform discharge thresholds increased gradually after SE, eventually becoming abnormally elevated. In the chronic epileptic state, interictal granule cell hyperinhibition extended to the ictal state; granule cells did not discharge synchronously before any of 191 chronic seizures. Instead, granule cells generated only low-frequency voltage fluctuations (presumed "field excitatory postsynaptic potentials") during 89% of chronic seizures. Granule cell epileptiform discharges were recruited during 11% of spontaneous seizures, but these occurred only at the end of each behavioral seizure. Hippocampal c-Fos after chronic seizures was expressed primarily by inhibitory interneurons. Thus, granule cells became progressively less excitable, rather than hyperexcitable, as mossy fiber sprouting progressed and did not initiate the spontaneous behavioral seizures. These findings raise doubts about dentate granule cells as a source of spontaneous seizures in rats subjected to prolonged SE and suggest that dentate gyrus neuron loss and mossy fiber sprouting are not primary epileptogenic mechanisms in this animal model.  相似文献   

Aims: It is unknown whether hypothermia can disrupt the progress of epileptogenesis. The present study aimed to determine the effect of hypothermia on brain edema and epileptogenesis and to establish whether brain edema is associated with epileptogenesis after severe status epilepticus (SE). Methodology: Rats were injected with a single dose of Kainic acid (KA) to produce either chronic epileptic rats (rats with spontaneous recurrent seizure, SRS) or rats without spontaneous recurrent seizure (no‐SRS rats). A second KA injection was used to induce SE in SRS rats and in no‐SRS rats. The number of SRS was counted and the brain edema induced by SE was assessed by brain water content measurement. The cognitive function was assessed by the radial‐arm maze (RAM) test. Results: A second KA injection resulted in brain edema that was more severe in SRS rats than in no‐SRS rats. After second injection of KA, hypothermia treatment attenuated the KA induced brain edema and reduced the SRS attack in SRS rats. Additionally cognitive function was better in hypothermia‐treated SRS rats than in nomothermia treated SRS rats 1 month after the second KA injection. Conclusions: Hypothermia treatment immediately after SE not only exhibited protective effects against the chronic spontaneous recurrent convulsant seizures but also improved cognitive function. These antiepileptogenic properties of hypothermia may be related to its attenuating effect on brain edema induced by SE. They therefore suggest that brain edema may be involved in the progress of epileptogenesis.  相似文献   

Fos oncoprotein expression has been shown to be a sensitive marker for sequential neuronal activation in response to a specific stimulus. The present study investigated the effect of the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-A receptor agonist muscimol on kainic acid (KA)-induced limbic seizures and Fos expression in the rat forebrain. One hour after KA injection, a substantial Fos expression was observed in the hippocampal dentate gyrus, whereas only a low level of Fos induction was seen in CA1–3 fields. Six hours post-injection a prominent increase of Fos expression occurred in most forebrain structures, including the whole hippocampus. Following 0.5 mg/kg muscimol treatment a remarkable decrease of Fos expression occurred but only in the caudate putamen and core of the accumbens nucleus. Treatment with 1 mg/kg muscimol led to further significant decreases of Fos expression in CA1–3 pyramidal neurons and the disappearance of Fos induction in the cerebral cortex above the rhinal fissure, reticular thalamic nucleus, claustrum, fundus striati, ventral pallidum, septal nucleus, lateral habenular nucleus, and lateral amygdaloid nucleus. When 2 mg/kg muscimol was injected, animals exhibited 'absence seizures' instead of limbic seizures, and Fos expression in the hippocampus was effectively blocked. These results suggest that a reduction of GABAergic inhibition plays a crucial role not only in limbic seizure genesis in the dentate gyrus, but also in the seizure spread mechanism in many brain structures, among which the hippocampal CA1–3 fields are most markedly involved, less marked in the cerebral cortex and some other structures, and least marked in the caudate putamen and core of the accumbens nucleus.  相似文献   

Kainic acid (KA)‐induced status epilepticus (SE) is a well‐characterized model of excitotoxic neuronal injury. Excitotoxicity results from activation of specific glutamate receptors, with resultant elevation of intracellular Ca2+. The CA1 and CA3 subregions of the hippocampus are especially vulnerable to KA, and this pattern of neuronal injury resembles that occurring in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Calcium plays an essential role in excitotoxicity, and accordingly calcium channel inhibitors have been shown to have protective effects in various experimental models of epilepsy and brain injury. Moreover, they also potentiate the antiseizure efficacy of conventional antiepileptic drugs. This study was undertaken to determine whether NP04634, a novel compound, reported as a non‐L‐type voltage‐sensitive calcium channel (VSCC) inhibitor, could prevent the entrance in SE and the neuronal loss evoked by intraperitoneal injection of KA. Our results show that intragastrical administration of NP04634 reduced the percentage of rats that entered SE after KA injection, increased the latency of SE entry, and significantly reduced the mortality of rats that entered SE. Also, NP04634 prevented the loss of hippocampal CA1 and CA3 pyramidal neurons and reduced the gliosis induced by KA. These results point to a potential anticonvulsant and neuroprotective role for NP04634. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The epileptic brain is characterized by increased susceptibility to neuronal hyperexcitability. The rat lithium-pilocarpine model, which mimics many features of temporal lobe epilepsy, has been used to study processes leading to the development of recurrent seizures. After a prolonged seizure episode, termed status epilepticus (SE), neural changes occur during a period known as epileptogenesis and include neuronal cell death, reactive gliosis, axonal sprouting, and synaptogenesis. Extracellular matrix adhesion molecules are important regulators of synaptogenesis and axonal sprouting resulting from SE. SC1, also known as hevin, is an antiadhesive extracellular matrix molecule that localizes to synapses in the mammalian brain. In this study, the distribution of SC1 protein in neurons following SE was examined using the lithium-pilocarpine model. SC1 protein levels in neuronal cell bodies showed a transient decrease at 1 day post-SE, which coincided with an increase of SC1 in the synapse-rich neuropil that was identified with the synaptic marker synaptophysin. Immunoelectron microscopy confirmed the decrease of SC1 signal in neurons at 1 day post-SE and showed that SC1 remained localized to postsynaptic elements throughout the seizure time course. Increased colocalization of SC1 was detected with the excitatory synaptic markers vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1), AMPA receptor subunit GluR1, and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit NR1, but not with the inhibitory synaptic markers vesicular gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporter (VGAT) and GABA(A) receptor subunit beta2 (GABA(A) beta2), which could reflect enhanced association of SC1 with excitatory synapses. These findings suggest that SC1 may be involved in synaptic modifications underlying epileptogenesis.  相似文献   

Libor Velíšek 《Epilepsia》2012,53(11):2015-2025
Purpose: Rapamycin (RAP) has certain antiepileptogenic features. However, it is unclear whether these effects can be explained by the anticonvulsant action of RAP, which has not been studied. To address this question, we tested potential anticonvulsant effects of RAP in immature and adult rats using different seizure models and treatment paradigms. In addition, we studied changes in the expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY) induced by RAP, which may serve as an indirect target of the RAP action. Methods: A complex approach was adopted to evaluate the anticonvulsant potential of RAP: We used flurothyl‐, pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)–, N‐methyl‐d ‐aspartate (NMDA)–, and kainic acid (KA)–induced seizures to test the effects of RAP using different pretreatment protocols in immature and adult rats. We also evaluated expression of NPY within the primary motor cortex, hippocampal CA1, and dentate gyrus (DG) after different pretreatments with RAP in immature rats. Key Findings: We found the following: (1) RAP administered with short‐term pretreatment paradigms has a weak anticonvulsant potential in the seizure models with compromised inhibition. (2) Lack of RAP efficacy correlates with decreased NPY expression in the cortex, CA1, and DG. Specifically in immature rats, a single dose of RAP (3 mg/kg) 4 or 24 h before seizure testing had anticonvulsant effects against PTZ‐induced seizures. In the flurothyl seizure model only the 4‐h pretreatment with RAP was anticonvulsant in the both age groups. Short‐term pretreatments with RAP had no effects against NMDA‐ and KA‐induced seizures tested in immature rats. Long‐term pretreatments with RAP over 8 days did not show beneficial effect in all tested seizure models in developing rats. Moreover, the long‐term pretreatment with RAP had a slight proconvulsant effect on KA‐induced seizures. In immature rats, any lack of anticonvulsant effect (including proconvulsant effect of multiple doses of RAP) was associated with downregulation of NPY expression in the cortex and DG. In immature animals, after a single dose of RAP with 24 h delay, we found a decrease of NPY expression in DG, and CA1 as well. Significance: Our data show weak age‐, treatment paradigm‐, and model‐specific anticonvulsant effects of RAP as well as loss of those effects after long‐term RAP pretreatment associated with downregulation of NPY expression. These findings suggest that RAP is a poor anticonvulsant and may have beneficial effects only against epileptogenesis. In addition, our data present new insights into mechanisms of RAP action on seizures indicating a possible connection between mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling and NPY system.  相似文献   

目的探讨戊四氮点燃过程中海马胶质细胞增生及突触重建与慢性癫痫发病机制的关系。方法大鼠随机分为对照组、非药物干预组(戊四氮35mg/kg,腹腔注射,每日一次)和药物干预组(苯巴比妥30mg/kg,戊四氮35mg/kg,均为腹腔注射,每日一次)。采用免疫组织化学方法观察胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)和神经细胞粘附分子(NCAM)表达水平。结果非药物干预组大鼠注射戊四氮后在行为学未出现惊厥,脑电图未出现痫性放电的点燃前潜伏期内,出现突触重建和胶质细胞增生,以海马CA3区、门区明显,与对照组比较,有显著性差异(P<0.05);与药物干预组对应时间点比较,亦有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论大鼠注射戊四氮后引起反应性胶质细胞增生和神经元可塑性改变,可能与形成异常神经元放电环路,最终诱发癫痫发作有关,苯巴比妥可抑制异常神经网络的建立,预防癫痫发生。  相似文献   

Recent evidence showed that epileptic seizures increase hippocampal neurogenesis in the adult rat, but prolonged seizures result in the aberrant hippocampal neurogenesis that often leads to a recurrent excitatory circuitry and thus contributes to epileptogenesis. However, the mechanism underlying the aberrant neurogenesis after prolonged seizures remains largely unclear. In this study, we examined the role of activated astrocytes and microglia in the aberrant hippocampal neurogenesis induced by status epilepticus. Using a lithium‐pilocarpine model to mimic human temporal lobe epilepsy, we found that status epilepticus induced a prominent activation of astrocytes and microglia in the dentate gyrus 3, 7, 14, and 20 days after the initial seizures. Then, we injected fluorocitrate stereotaxicly into the dentate hilus to inhibit astrocytic metabolism and found that fluorocitrate failed to prevent the seizure‐induced formation of ectopic hilar basal dendrites but instead promoted the degeneration of dentate granule cells after seizures. In contrast, a selective inhibitor of microglia activation, minocycline, inhibited the aberrant migration of newborn neurons at 14 days after status epilepticus. Furthermore, with stereotaxic injection of lipopolysaccharide into the intact dentate hilus to activate local microglia, we found that lipopolysaccharide promoted the development of ectopic hilar basal dendrites in the hippocampus. These results indicate that the activated microglia in the epileptic hilus may guide the aberrant migration of newborn neurons and that minocycline could be a potential drug to impede seizure‐induced aberrant migration of newborn neurons. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Prevention of epileptogenesis in patients with acute brain damaging insults like status epilepticus (SE) is a major challenge. We investigated whether lamotrigine (LTG) treatment started during SE is antiepileptogenic or disease-modifying. To mimic a clinical study design, LTG treatment (20 mg/kg) was started 2 h after the beginning of electrically induced SE in 14 rats and continued for 11 weeks (20 mg/kg per day for 2 weeks followed by 10 mg/kg per day for 9 weeks). One group of rats (n = 14) was treated with vehicle. Nine non-stimulated rats with vehicle treatment served as controls. Outcome measures were occurrence of epilepsy, severity of epilepsy, and histology (neuronal loss, mossy fiber sprouting). Clinical occurrence of seizures was assessed with 1-week continuous video-electroencephalography monitoring during the 11th (i.e. during treatment) and 14th week (i.e. after drug wash-out) after SE. LTG reduced the number of electrographic seizures during SE to 43% of that in the vehicle group (P < 0.05). In the vehicle group, 93% (13/14), and in the LTG group, 100% (14/14) of the animals, developed epilepsy. In both groups, 64% of the rats had severe epilepsy (seizure frequency >1 per day). The mean frequency of spontaneous seizures, seizure duration, or behavioral severity of seizures did not differ between groups. The severity of hippocampal neuronal damage and density of mossy fiber sprouting were similar. In LTG-treated rats with severe epilepsy, however, the duration of seizures was shorter (34 versus 54s, P < 0.05) and the behavioral seizure score was milder (1.4 versus 3.4, P < 0.05) during LTG treatment than after drug wash-out. LTG treatment started during SE and continued for 11 weeks was not antiepileptogenic but did not worsen the outcome. These data, together with earlier studies of other antiepileptic drugs, suggest that strategies other than Na(+)-channel blockade should be explored to modulate the molecular cascades leading to epileptogenesis after SE.  相似文献   

Purpose: 2‐Deoxy‐d ‐glucose (2‐DG), a glucose analog that accumulates in cells and interferes with carbohydrate metabolism by inhibiting glycolytic enzymes, has anticonvulsant actions. Recognizing that severe glucose deprivation can induce seizures, we sought to determine whether acute treatment with 2‐DG can promote seizure susceptibility by assessing its effects on seizure threshold. For comparison, we studied 3‐methyl‐glucose (3‐MG), which like 2‐DG accumulates in cells and reduces glucose uptake, but does not inhibit glycolysis. Methods: Mice were treated with 2‐DG or 3‐MG and the seizure threshold determined in the 6‐Hz test, the mouse electroshock seizure threshold (MEST) test, and the intravenous pentylenetetrazol (i.v. PTZ) or kainic acid (i.v. KA) seizure threshold tests. 2‐DG was also tested in fully amygdala‐kindled rats. Results: 2‐DG (125–500 mg/kg, i.p., 30 min before testing) significantly elevated the seizure threshold in the 6‐Hz seizure test. 2‐DG (250–500 mg/kg) decreased the threshold in the MEST and i.v. PTZ and i.v. KA tests. 3‐MG had no effect on seizure threshold in the 6‐Hz test but, like 2‐DG, decreased seizure threshold in the i.v. PTZ test. 2‐DG (250 and 500 mg/kg, i.p., 30 min before testing) had no effect on amygdala‐kindled seizures. Conclusions: Although 2‐DG protects against seizures in the 6‐Hz seizure test, it promotes seizures in some other models. The proconvulsant action may relate to reduced glucose uptake, whereas the anticonvulsant action may require inhibition of glycolysis and shunting of glucose metabolism through the pentose phosphate pathway.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins, such as brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), are initially expressed in a precursor form (e.g., pro‐BDNF) and cleaved to form mature BDNF (mBDNF). After pilocarpine‐induced status epilepticus (SE), increases in neurotrophins regulate a wide variety of cell‐signaling pathways, including prosurvival and cell‐death machinery in a receptor‐specific manner. Pro‐BDNF preferentially binds to the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), whereas mBDNF is the major ligand of the tropomyosin‐related kinase receptor. To elucidate a potential role for p75NTR in acute stages of epileptogenesis, rats were injected prior to and at onset of SE with LM11A‐31, a small‐molecule ligand that binds to p75NTR to promote survival signaling and inhibit neuronal cell death. Modulation of early p75NTR signaling and its effects on electrographic SE, SE‐induced neurodegeneration, and subsequent spontaneous seizures were examined after LM11A‐31 administration. Despite an established neuroprotective effect of LM11A‐31 in several animal models of neurodegenerative disorders (e.g., Alzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injury, and spinal cord injury), high‐dose LM11A‐31 administration prior to and at onset of SE did not reduce the intensity of electrographic SE, prevent SE‐induced neuronal cell injury, or inhibit the progression of epileptogenesis. Further studies are required to understand the role of p75NTR activation during epileptogenesis and in seizure‐induced cell injury in the hippocampus, among other potential cellular pathologies contributing to the onset of spontaneous seizures. Additional studies utilizing more prolonged treatment with LM11A‐31 are required to reach a definite conclusion on its potential neuroprotective role in epilepsy. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Purpose: Long‐lasting activation of glia occurs in brain during epileptogenesis, which develops after various central nervous system (CNS) injuries. Glia is the cell source of the biosynthesis and release of molecules that play a role in seizure recurrence and may contribute to epileptogenesis, thus representing a putative biomarker of epilepsy development and severity. In this study, we set up an in vivo longitudinal study using 1H‐magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to measure metabolite content in the rat hippocampus that could reflect the extent and the duration of glia activation. Our aim was to explore if glia activation during epileptogenesis, or in the chronic epileptic phase, can be used as a biomarker of tissue epileptogenicity (i.e., a measure of epilepsy severity). Methods: 1H‐MRS measurements were done in the adult rat hippocampus every 24 h for 7 days after status epilepticus (SE) and in chronic epileptic rats, using a 7 T Bruker Biospec MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)/MRS scanner. We studied changes in metabolite levels that reflect astrocytes (myo‐inositol, mIns; glutathione, GSH), microglia/macrophage activation and the associated neuronal cell injury/dysfunction (lactate, Lac; N‐acetyl‐aspartate, NAA). 1H‐MRS results were validated by post hoc immunohistochemistry using cell‐specific markers. Data analysis was done to determine whether correlations exist between the metabolite changes and spontaneous seizure frequency or the extent of neuronal cell loss. Key Findings: The analysis of 1H‐MRS spectra showed a progressive increase in mIns and GSH levels after SE, which was maintained in epileptic rats. Lac signal transiently increased during epileptogenesis being undetectable in chronic epileptic tissue. NAA levels were chronically reduced from day 2 post‐SE. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the activation of microglia and astrocytes and the progressive neuronal cell loss. GSH levels during epileptogenesis showed a negative correlation with the frequency of spontaneous seizures, whereas S100β levels in epileptic tissue were positively correlated with this outcome measure. A negative correlation was also found between GSH or mIns levels during epileptogenesis and the extent of neurodegeneration in hippocampus of epileptic rats. Significance: 1H‐MRS is a valuable in vivo technique for determining the extent and temporal profile of glia activation after an epileptogenic injury. S100β levels measured in the epileptic tissue may represent a biomarker of seizure frequency, whereas GSH levels during epileptogenesis could serve as a predictive marker of seizure frequency. Both mIns and GSH levels measured before the onset of spontaneous seizures predict the extent of neuronal cell loss in epileptic tissue. These findings highlight the potential of serial 1H‐MRS analysis for searching epilepsy biomarkers for prognostic, diagnostic, or therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

Lado FA 《Epilepsia》2006,47(1):27-32
PURPOSE: Electrical stimulation of the anterior nucleus of the thalamus (ANT) is receiving increased attention as a novel means of controlling intractable epilepsy, and has entered human clinical trial. Animal data supporting the anticonvulsant benefit of ANT stimulation, however, has been obtained from acute chemoconvulsant models of epilepsy rather than models of chronic epilepsy with spontaneous seizures. It is unknown whether ANT stimulation is effective in models of chronic epilepsy. METHODS: Bilateral ANT stimulation was evaluated in rats with chronic epilepsy following acute status epilepticus (SE) produced by systemic kainic acid (KA) administration. The evolution of epilepsy following KA SE and the effects of ANT stimulation were monitored by continuous video-EEG. RESULTS: Following KA SE, most rats have 2-8 seizures per day, and the average seizure rate increases over time, doubling over the course of 14 weeks. Behavioral seizure severity, after the initial development of epilepsy, remains stable. Seizure frequency during ANT stimulation was 2.5 times the baseline seizure frequency. In some cases stimulation triggered seizures were observed. The effects of stimulation were specific to the ANT. Stimulation applied to electrodes placed outside the ANT did not significantly worsen seizure frequency. CONCLUSIONS: ANT stimulation exacerbated seizure frequency in rats with chronic epilepsy following kainate status epilepticus.  相似文献   

Purpose: To analyze cellular mechanisms of limbic‐seizure suppression, the response to pilocarpine‐induced seizures was investigated in cortex and thalamus, comparing epilepsy‐resistant rats Proechimys guyannensis with Wistar rats. Methods: Fos immunoreactivity revealing neuronal activation, and degenerating neurons labeled by Fluoro‐Jade B (FJB) histochemistry were analyzed on the first day after onset of seizures lasting 3 h. Subpopulations of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic cells were characterized with double Fos‐parvalbumin immunohistochemistry. Results: In both cortex and thalamus, degenerating neurons were much fewer in Proechimys than Wistar rats. Fos persisted at high levels at 24 h only in the Proechimys thalamus and cortex, especially in layer VI where corticothalamic neurons reside. In the parietal cortex, about 50% of parvalbumin‐containing interneurons at 8 h, and 10–20% at 24 h, were Fos‐positive in Wistar rats, but in Proechimys, Fos was expressed in almost all parvalbumin‐containing interneurons at 8 h and dropped at 24 h. Fos positivity in cingulate cortex interneurons was similar in both species. In the Wistar rat thalamus, Fos was induced in medial and midline nuclei up to 8 h, when <30% of reticular nucleus cells were Fos‐positive, and then decreased, with no relationship with cell loss, evaluated in Nissl‐stained sections. In Proechimys, almost all reticular nucleus neurons were Fos‐positive at 24 h. Discussion: At variance with laboratory rats, pilocarpine‐induced protracted seizures elicit in Proechimys limited neuronal death, and marked and long‐lasting Fos induction in excitatory and inhibitory cortical and thalamic cell subsets. The findings implicate intrathalamic and intracortical regulation, and circuits linking thalamus and cortex in limbic seizure suppression leading to epilepsy resistance.  相似文献   

Functional alterations in movement representations (motor maps) have been observed in some people with epilepsy and, under experimental control, electrically-kindled seizures in rats also result in persistently larger motor maps. To determine if a single event of status epilepticus and its latent consequences can affect motor map expression, we assessed forelimb motor maps in rats using the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy. We examined both pilocarpine-induced seizures, and status epilepticus (SE) in two strains that differ in their propensity for epileptogenesis; Wistar and Long-Evans. Pilocarpine was administered intraperitoneally at dosages that resulted in equivalent proportions of seizures, SE, and survival in both strains. Rats from both strains were given saline injections as a control. Diazepam was administered to all rats to attenuate seizure activity and promote survival. All rats had high-resolution movement representations derived using standard intracortical microstimulation methodologies at 48 h, 1 week, or 3 weeks following treatment. Pilocarpine-induced seizures only gave rise to motor map enlargement in Wistar rats, which also showed interictal spiking, and only at 3 weeks post-treatment indicating altered motor map expression in this strain following a latent or maturational period. Pilocarpine-induced SE yielded larger motor maps at all time points in Wistar rats but only a transient (48 h) map expansion in Long-Evans rats. Our results demonstrate that seizures and SE induced by a convulsant agent alter the functional expression of motor maps that is dependent on seizure severity and a genetic (strain) predisposition to develop epileptiform events.  相似文献   

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