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Tobacco control advocates expend considerable effort in generating news stories on tobacco issues to assist progress in tobacco control, and the news coverage itself may have important policy and behavioral influences. Yet, studies of trends in such news coverage are uncommon. Between 2001 and 2006, we conducted a content analysis of tobacco-related newspaper articles in the 12 major daily Australian newspapers and coded them for type of article, topic, and tone. Overall, 6483 tobacco-focused articles were published, representing an average of one article every 4 days for each newspaper. There was variability in volume between years but no decline over time. Overall, 67% of articles reported on events that represented progress for tobacco control, 21% on setbacks, and 7% on events that were of mixed impact. Newspaper coverage of tobacco issues was dominated by articles on smoke-free issues (32% of articles), health effects of smoking (12%), education, prevention and cessation programs and services (12%), and the tobacco industry (9%). During the 6-year period, on average, Australian adults were potentially exposed to around one article on tobacco issues every week, or using a more stringent prominence-adjusted measure, one article every 2 to 3 weeks, a level comparable to paid media campaigns in some jurisdictions. Temporal variation in population exposure to news coverage about tobacco issues may reflect variability in newsworthiness of tobacco control issues, media advocacy resources and success, and/or preparedness of editors and journalists to entertain news stories on tobacco.  相似文献   

Objectives: To estimate the size of illegal tobacco trade and consumption and assess the impact of tobacco tax on the illicit tobacco market in New Zealand (NZ). Methods: Data on the import and seizure of legal and illegal tobacco in NZ was obtained from NZ Customs. Previous literature was used to calculate interception rates of illegal tobacco being smuggled and grown in NZ. Annual tobacco returns figures, obtained via the NZ Ministry of Health, were analysed to assess the market dynamics of legal tobacco products. Results: This study found that illicit tobacco constituted 1.8–3.9% of total national tobacco consumption in NZ in 2013. This represents a minor increase compared to previous estimates from 2007–09, suggesting that tax increases enacted by the NZ Government since 2010 have had a minimal impact on encouraging the use and procurement of illicit tobacco. Conclusions: The results highlight a slight rise in small‐scale tobacco smuggling through ports and mail centres. However, tobacco returns figures show that current tobacco tax policy has forced manufacturers to focus on the production of cheap legal tobacco products, directly competing with and undercutting the demand for illicit tobacco products. At the same time, locally grown illicit tobacco continues to remain a small, isolated problem and, with recent cuts in duty free tobacco allowance, it is expected that overall illicit tobacco will remain a very small proportion of total tobacco consumption in NZ.  相似文献   

Objectives: To examine changes in the frequency and contexts of tobacco imagery on New Zealand television since 2004. Methods : A content analysis of 73 hours of prime time evening television in 2014, including programs, advertisements and trailers, was coded for tobacco imagery. Imagery was defined as being either neutral/pro‐tobacco or anti‐tobacco. Results : Of the 93 programs coded, 29% had at least one scene with tobacco imagery. Of the 71 scenes with tobacco imagery, 59 were judged as showing neutral/pro‐tobacco imagery, while 12 showed anti‐tobacco imagery. No significant change in the number of programs containing tobacco imagery, or the type of imagery, was found since 2004, but there were fewer scenes that contained imagery. Conclusions : There has been little change in the amount of tobacco imagery over the past decade. Given the potential for tobacco imagery to promote smoking among young people while reinforcing the habit among those who are trying to quit, action needs to be taken. Implications : More could be done to counterbalance pro‐tobacco imagery by promoting the Quitline and anti‐tobacco media campaigns, and encouraging producers of local TV programs to consider the depiction of tobacco imagery in a way that reflects declining tobacco use.  相似文献   

目的 调查“中国高校控烟倡导能力建设项目”的91所院校的管理者吸烟现况,对高校培养学生控烟能力的影响因素进行分析。方法 于2015年3-4月,采用电话随访,对象包括院长、科研副院长和办公室主任,主要内容是否吸烟。吸烟率比较采用χ2检验。结果 失访2所,共89所院校,应答率为97.8%;被调查对象共计267人,不同时间进入项目的管理者平均吸烟率无差异(χ2=3.644,P=0.162),3个职位之间的吸烟率无差异(χ2=2.925,P=0.232),总吸烟率为24.5%;院长占总吸烟人数的44.07%。结论 高校管理者是吸烟的高危人群,院长吸烟率较高,高于一般人群吸烟率21.3%,影响高校无烟校园创建和学生控烟倡导能力建设的推进。  相似文献   

Objectives: To ascertain the proportion of councils with smoke‐free outdoor areas (SFOA) policies in New South Wales (NSW), Australia and to explore the enablers and barriers to local governments introducing such policies. Methods: A structured survey of council staff at NSW councils was conducted by telephone in 2011. Participants were asked about the existence of any SFOA policy, and enablers and barriers of the policy. Results: The study was completed by 148 of 152 NSW councils. Eighty five (57%) councils had an SFOA policy, with playgrounds most likely to be covered by the policy. The most frequently cited enabler for the introduction of SFOA policy was direct advocacy letters, while the most commonly mentioned barrier was a lack of resources. Conclusion and implications: In the absence of state or federal legislation, local government or councils may respond to community expectations for smoke‐free outdoor areas by introducing policy. Advocacy and support from non‐government health organisations can increase the likelihood of this occurring and address barriers facing councils, with rural councils most likely to benefit from such support. Interest from councils can influence the adoption of state‐wide smoke‐free outdoor areas legislation.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine trends in Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) hospital admissions in Christchurch, New Zealand before and after the implementation of the New Zealand Smokefree Environments Act 2003 in December 2004. Methods: Data on AMI hospital admissions to Christchurch Public Hospital were extracted for the period 2003 to 2006. Poisson regression was used to calculate rate ratios by comparing for AMI rates of hospital admissions before (2003/04) and after (2005/06) the introduction of the Smokefree legislation, and to assess whether there was a significant change over time. Results: The introduction of the smokefree legislation was associated with a 5% reduction in AMI admissions. The 55‐74 age group recorded the greatest decrease in admissions (9%) and this figure rose to 13% among never smokers in this group. Reductions were more marked for men. Adding the effects of area deprivation increased the reduction to 21% among 55‐74 year olds living in more affluent (quintile 2) areas. Overall however, the statistical association of changing levels of AMI admissions with smoking status and with deprivation was not consistently significant. Conclusion: At this early stage following the smokefree legislation, there are hints emerging of a positive impact on AMI admissions but these suggestions cannot yet be treated with certainty. Further research could usefully evaluate the longer‐term effects of smoking legislation on the prevalence of smoking and exposure to second hand smoke, especially in more deprived urban communities.  相似文献   

Media advocacy has been described as the strategic use of massmedia for advancing a social or public policy initiative. Thispaper describes an attempt to use media advocacy to increasepublic awareness and support for public health policies on alcoholin a demonstration project. The New Zealand Community ActionProject (CAP) was an evaluated alcohol problem prevention programmewhich compared cities exposed to a mass media campaign with,and without, community organization, against reference cities.Media advocacy was an element in both a community organizationstrategy and in a print media advertising campaign. Major objectivesof CAP were to increase the level of support for alcohol policiesin the general population and to increase the amount of alcohol-relatedmaterial (excluding liquor industry promotion) in the localprint media. Evaluation of the media advocacy strategies are reported froman analysis of alcohol-related material in the local print media,from a general population survey conducted in the six cities,a complementary qualitative key informants interview study,and a street interview survey. The results indicated that inthe four cities where. mass media only or intrusive intervention(mass media and community organization) were employed, therewas increased newspaper coverage of alcohol-related materialon the focus areas of moderation and social policy. Resultsfrom the general population survey, the key informants interviewstudy and the street interview survey suggested a positive effectof the programme both in the media only, and in the intensiveintervention cities, compared with the reference cities.  相似文献   

This study examined print media coverage of tobacco farmers from the perspective of agenda setting, or the extent to which information is available to the public and perceived as important. A content analysis of 743 articles published between January 1, 1995 and June 30, 1997 was completed. The number of articles increased from 1995 to 1997. Of the topics analyzed, articles on tobacco settlement (7.1% of total) and diversification (15.6% of total) were the least prevalent. Because the settlement discussions did not occur until 1997 (when it comprised 26.4% of the total in the first 6 months), diversification was consistently the least covered topic. The two most frequent topics covered were tobacco companies (36.2%) and the tobacco price support program (32.3%). Except for one 6 month interval, there were substantially more articles in local/regional publications than in national publications. Public health professionals have called for tobacco farmers to diversify to non-tobacco enterprises. Yet, there is little discussion of diversification in print media. Without more attention to diversification, the public and policy makers will be ill-informed about opportunities and obstacles in this regard.  相似文献   

目的进一步推进无烟机关创建工作,落实嘉定区全国文明城区创建“所有室内公共场所、工作场所全面禁烟”工作,了解机关目前控烟状况,有效提升辖区机关控烟水平,充分发挥政府机关控烟示范引领作用,提高嘉定无烟环境建设水平。方法采用暗查形式,由第三方开展机关季度控烟巡查,建立机关控烟结果通报公示制度。结果2015年机关控烟总体氛围明显优于2014年,无烟机关承诺率提高至92%,禁烟标识张贴率达到93.3%,有吸烟行为的场所下降66.7%,有烟味的场所比例下降64.3%,机关控烟情况有较大改善。结论机关控烟专项巡查和结果通报公示制度有效推进嘉定区机关控烟工作,以点带面,提升嘉定无烟环境创建水平。  相似文献   

【目的】了解嘉定区实施《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》(修订案)1年后公共场所的控烟现状,为更好贯彻实施条例提供基础数据。【方法】采用现场观察的方法,于4月和9月对嘉定区14大类109家公共场所及场所内人员进行监测。【结果】14类监测场所中,控烟宣传资料摆放率有所增加(χ^2=10.588,P<0.001),但控烟警示图片张贴率有所下降(χ^2=6.272,P=0.012),2次监测结果差异均有统计学意义;场所内工作人员吸烟率下降到5.17%(χ^2=20.973,P<0.05),2次监测结果差异有统计学意义。【结论】嘉定区公共场所整体控烟现状情况良好,但是部分场所控烟氛围应进一步加强,对于公共场所烟草控制力度应继续保持。  相似文献   

The presentation of smoking as a "youth" issue is a powerful component of current tobacco-control efforts. Agenda setting theory demonstrates that the media serve as a potent forum in which the consideration and presentation of perspectives of social problems take place. This analysis of 643 U.S. youth-focused newspaper articles examines the messages being conveyed to the public and policymakers through coverage of tobacco issues focused on youth. Data illustrate that the issue of youth tobacco use is newsworthy but also suggest that youth-focused issues garner little commentary coverage. Rather, straightforward reports of "feel good" stories dominate the coverage, and youth-focused articles tend to conceptualize the problem of tobacco as being one of a need for greater individual-level education rather than structural or policy changes.  相似文献   

Smoking is the single biggest preventable cause of death in the UK; killing over 120 000 people each year, contributing to inequalities in health, exacerbating and causing poverty. Smoking has increased steadily among children since 1988 and more recently, among young adults. The current context in the UK is highly favourable for introducing comprehensive tobacco control measures. This paper summarises a regional action plan for tobacco control. Actions at district and regional levels are outlined to establish a comprehensive local tobacco control framework and complement national tobacco control measures. Measures include: a 'SWOT' analysis of current activity; systematic monitoring of smoking prevalence, attitudes to smoking, and the impact of tobacco control interventions; provision of effective smoking cessation support to a minimum standard throughout the health service; increased coverage of smoke-free public places and workplaces; enforcement of legislation on illegal sales to children and against smuggling and selling illegally imported tobacco; paid and unpaid mass media campaigns; and systematic lobbying for fiscal and legislative measures. One of the key components of the plan is the introduction of evidence-based tobacco control strategies at district levels. These should include a performance framework with clear organisational and managerial accountability and employ a co-ordinated, multiagency, partnership approach. Priority groups should be identified. Strategies should seek to engage the public to build support for tobacco control measures. Sufficient time, staff, resources and training must be allocated to tobacco control work and progress towards objectives monitored.  相似文献   

Objective : There is strong interest in the use of electronic cigarettes (e‐cigarettes) globally. Not much is known about the dual use of e‐cigarettes and combustible tobacco cigarettes, or if there are demographic differences among dual users and e‐cigarette only users. This paper reports on the demographics of dual users and e‐cigarette only users in New Zealand in a nationally representative sample. Methods : The Health and Lifestyles Survey (HLS) is a biennial face‐to‐face in‐house survey of New Zealand adults aged 15 years or over. The HLS was completed by 3,854 participants in 2016. Results : There is clear evidence of significant dual use in the current sample: most current e‐cigarette users (63.9%) were dual users. Respondents 45 years and older were twice as likely to be dual users as those aged 15 to 34 years. Conclusion : The current study found evidence for substantial dual use of e‐cigarettes and combustible tobacco cigarettes among adult e‐cigarette users, particularly among users aged 45 years and over. Implications for public health : Public health initiatives should provide clear advice that e‐cigarettes should be used as a smoking cessation tool and not as a way to allow the consumption of combustible tobacco to continue.  相似文献   

We discuss how the tobacco control discourse on youth smoking in Canada appears to be producing and constituting socially marginalised smokers. We analyse material from a study on social inequalities in Canadian youth smoking. Individual interviews were conducted in 2007 and 2008 with tobacco control practitioners specialising in youth smoking prevention in British Columbia and Quebec. We found that the discourse on youth smoking is creating a set of divisive practices, separating youths who have a capacity for self‐control from those who do not, youths who are able to make responsible decisions from those who are not – with these distinctions often framed as a function of social class. Youths who smoke were not described simply as persons who smoke cigarettes but as individuals who, through their economic and social marginalisation, are biologically fated and behaviourally inclined to be smokers. This ‘smokers’ risk’ discourse obscures the social structural conditions under which people smoke and reproduces the biological and behavioural reductionism of biomedicine. The collision of risk and class in the discourse on poor youth who smoke may not only be doubly burdening but may intensify social inequalities in youth smoking by forming subcultures of resistance and risk‐taking.  相似文献   

目的了解青岛市餐饮业控烟状况及工作人员对控烟的认知与态度,为加强公共场所及工作场所吸烟干预措施制定提供依据。方法在青岛市随机抽取16家酒店餐馆作为干预组进行控烟相关干预,20家作为对照组,对487名工作人员进行问卷调查,并对酒店餐馆进行现场观察。结果现场观察发现干预组禁烟标志多于对照组(P<0.05),餐饮单位内吸烟率和监督员劝阻情况两组比较无统计学差异,观察吸烟场所:干预组中有39.6%的人在吸烟区吸烟,高于对照组(16.7%),有统计学差异(P<0.05)。从业人员控烟态度方面:在遵守吸烟规定方面干预组(26.7%)高于对照组(14.2%);过去7个工作日单位内被动吸烟没有、1~2天、3~4天和5~7天干预组分别为33.8%、13.0%、5.4%和15.7%,均低于对照组,有统计学差异(P<0.05);烟草对人体的危害方面,除被动吸烟可导致心脏病两组有统计学差异外(P<0.05),其余指标均无统计学差异。结论采取综合性控烟策略后餐饮业公共场所控烟状况得到改善,需要持续开展健康教育,加强制度建设,推进餐饮业公共场所控烟工作。  相似文献   

【目的】探索通过互动情景剧开展控烟传播的方法,并评价控烟情景剧对观众的共情、知识获取和行为改变的影响,为控烟健康传播提供科学依据。【方法】将融有控烟相关知识和技能的情景剧在上海上演8场,并随机选择4场的全部观众进行问卷调查。【结果】超过90%的观众对于该剧的设计、演出和互动予以认可。超过70%的观众建立了无烟态度。教育程度越高(OR=2.10,95%CI:1.06~4.14)、喜欢互动环节(OR=8.72,95%CI:3.16~24.09)和能与角色产生共情(OR=6.63,95%CI:2.38~18.51)的观众认为控烟情景剧比传统控烟方式更加有效果。观看时很想知道故事结局(OR=3.90,95%CI:1.73~8.79)、了解更多劝阻公共场所吸烟者的办法(OR=4.00,95%CI:1.88~8.49)和认为戏剧形式比传统的控烟教育更有效(OR=7.03,95%CI:2.58~19.18)的观众在公共场所劝阻吸烟的意愿更强。【结论】控烟情景剧是一种控烟健康传播的新探索,作为控烟健康传播的可行途径,有较好的知识传播和行为影响效果。  相似文献   


This is a content analysis of 489 written documents and 142 hearing testimonies, submitted to the World Health Organisation (WHO), regarding the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) during the comment period of 2000. Our aim was to consider the benefits and limitations of inviting public participation. We found that, overall, those who offered commentary were in support of the FCTC and any ensuing treaty, especially if it protected children. The minority who opposed the treaty argued that restrictions on tobacco trade would further damage the economies of poor nations that are financially dependent upon tobacco. The FCTC that was adopted at the World Health Assembly in May 2003 addressed many of the concerns raised by the public in written commentary and hearing testimony: children and youth; advertising and sponsorship; tobacco product labelling; second-hand smoke; taxes; smuggling; liability; tobacco product regulation; and the involvement of non-government organisations (NGOs). We conclude that the benefits of public participation in public health policy formation are numerous, including levelling the playing field for public health activists and NGOs, building the expertise of advocates that can be generalised to other public health efforts, giving the political process legitimacy and credibility, as well as coalition building and grassroots momentum.  相似文献   

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