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This paper reports on a study of all convicted child sexual abusers in S.E. London. Almost half the offenders reported experiences of sexual victimization in childhood, and the authors aimed to explore the differences between the abused and nonabused child sexual abusers. A range of background and offending variables were examined. It was found that sexually victimized child abusers were significantly more likely to have experienced a range of childhood abuse and associated difficulties; they were more likely to have a range of psychosexual difficulties, to report greater levels of deviant offence-related attitudes on psychometric measure, to be recidivists, and to offend against boys. Both emotional abuse/physical neglect in childhood and having homosexual contacts in adulthood significantly contributed to a predictive model, reliably distinguishing between sexually victimized and nonsexually victimized child sexual abusers. The implication of these findings for treatment approaches for sex offenders is discussed.  相似文献   

How sex offenders lure children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifty-two incest and 50 pedophilic offenders, under sentence, were interviewed with respect to verbal and non-verbal strategies used to sexually seduce children. All sex offenders had received in-hospital treatment for six months to one year and were mostly non-defensive about various forms of enticement, exploitation or entrapment, including threats of harm, used to elicit eroticized responses from female children. A sizable number of incest (61%) and pedophilic offenders (58%) confided they felt powerful and in control. One third of men in each group relied on some element of gratuitous violence (e.g., pushing, grabbing, shoving or spanking) to force compliance from unwilling children. Forty-eight (94%) incestuous and thirty-seven (74%) pedophilic men either pretended, or believed, the child enjoyed sexual activity with them. Most sex offenders exhibited stereotypic thinking about sex with children. All incest offenders and nearly half of the pedophiles assaulted children in their own home. The findings point to the slow, but deliberate, grooming process used by men who erotically prefer children as sex partners over mature adults. Owing to their vulnerability, all children should be taught safety rules in the context of early sex education that promotes self-disclosure of any inappropriate sexual contact by a stranger, family member or trusted caregiver.  相似文献   

Psychological problems reported by young adults who were burned as children   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study assessed long-term psychosocial sequelae of young adult pediatric burn survivors. Subjects were 101 young adults (43 females and 58 males) between the ages of 18 and 28 years who were at least 2 years (average, 14 years) postburn at least 30% TBSA (mean = 54 +/- 20%). Educational status was 25% high school dropouts, 28% high school graduation only, 32% some college, and 5% completed college. Seventy-seven percent either worked or attended school; 28% had had a long-term partner. When assessed by Achenbach's Young Adult Self-Report (YASR) scale and compared with its published reference group, the males reported differences only in the somatic complaints, but the females endorsed significantly more externalizing and total problems, specifically withdrawn behaviors, somatic complaints, thought problems, aggressive behavior, and delinquent behavior. Despite these problems suffered by some female pediatric burn survivors, the overall outcome revealed that most pediatric burn survivors are making the transition into adulthood with minimal unexpected difficulty.  相似文献   

Relapse prevention as a supervision strategy for sex offenders is discussed. In the authors' experience, risk factors associated with the abusive acts of sex offenders differ from those of the general criminal population. A review of the information essential to effective probation or parole case planning is provided. Specific probation conditions relevant to sex offenders are suggested. Stress is placed on the importance of developing a community-based, collateral network of individuals who might assess the sex offender's self-management and supervision. An alternative form of community notification, which places responsibility on the offender to inform selected members of his daily life, is discussed.This paper is based in part on a book by Cumming, G. F., & Buell, M. M. (in press).Supervising sex offenders in the community, published jointly by Safer Society, Brandon, VT, and American Correctional Association, Lanham, MD.  相似文献   

The emotional recognition accuracy of sex offenders and various other groups was examined in two studies. Somewhat surprisingly, in Study 1 the violent nonsex offenders were the most emotionally sensitive and the most accurate at identifying the emotional state of others. In line with our hypotheses, however, both studies revealed relative deficits in emotional recognition among sex offenders. Contrary to expectations, the child molesters in Study 2 did not display greater deficits in judging the emotions of children relative to their judgments of adults, but they did poorly in judging both groups compared with community controls. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for future research and clinical practice.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty adolescent sexual offenders were evaluated by penile plethysmography, using two-minute audiotaped stimulus cues. Results indicate that 80.6% of the adolescents achieved greater than 20% of an erection response. Mean latency from stimulus onset to maximum tumescence was 95 seconds. Mean latency to detumescence from stimulus offset was 109 seconds. These results indicate that adolescent males are suitable subjects for psychophysiologic assessment which can be used as part of an overall evaluation to determine treatment needs in this population.  相似文献   

The author has summarized the history, psychophysiologic bases, validity, and techniques of polygraphy. Methods for the use of this approach with sexual abusers are described along with the findings as they relate to both the usefulness of these procedures and their validity.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to determine whether or not there were sex differences in legal outcomes for children who were sexually abused. Using the methodology of Joa and Edelson (2004), the results indicated that males who were sexually abused had poorer legal outcomes than females. Specifically, it was found that cases involving male victims were less likely to be filed with the District Attorney (DA) than cases involving female victims and had fewer criminal counts charged. For those children seen at a Child Abuse Assessment Center, cases involving female victims were significantly more likely to be filed by the DA's office than were cases involving male victims. Finally, there were differences in whether guilty defendants pled guilty or were found guilty at trial depending on whether the defendant sexually abused a male or female. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The ethics of care acknowledges the importance of establishing and maintaining practices that help people to meet their needs, develop and protect basic capabilities for problem solving, emotional functioning, and social interaction, and avoid pain and suffering. In this article, we explore the contribution an ethics of care perspective can make to work with sex offenders. First, we briefly describe five classes of ethical problems evident in work with sex offenders. Second, the concept of care is defined and a justification for a version of care theory provided. Third, we apply the care ethical theory to ethical issues with sex offenders and demonstrate its value in responding to the five classes of problems outlined earlier.  相似文献   

Pedophiles, sexual aggressives and incest offenders were examined for brain damage and dysfunction using computer tomography (CT) scans, the Halstead-Reitan (HR) Neuropsychological Test Battery, including the Weschsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R), the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS), and the Space Relations Test (SRT) of the Differential Aptitude Test. Results suggest that the groups of sex offenders examined did not suffer from memory or spatial (imaging) deficits. Subgroups of pedophiles, however, showed different patterns of neuropsychological deficits. Heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles showed verbal deficits and apparent left hemispheric brain dysfunction whereas bisexual pedophiles did not but rather showed right hemispheric visual-spatial deficits. An examination of problems surrounding typology of sex offenders and measurement issues in studying brain damage and dysfunction are discussed.  相似文献   

An unresolved but clinically important issue in the literature on juvenile delinquency is to what extent juvenile sex offenders resemble non-sex offenders with respect to individual, familial, and environmental characteristics. The current article reviewed published studies (1995-2005) comparing sex offenders with non-sex offenders. The 17 articles meeting the inclusion criteria suggest that differences exist between sex offenders and non-sex offenders on personality characteristics, behavioral problems, history of sexual abuse, nonsexual offending, and peer functioning. Inconsistent results were found for demographic factors, family functioning and background, antisocial attitudes, and intellectual and neurological functioning. Although it is likely that sex offenders can be differentiated from nonsex offenders on a number of characteristics, caution is warranted because of methodological differences between studies and small samples size. Also, studies show that sex offenders are a heterogeneous group. Further research should take into account this heterogeneity by including sex offenders from clearly circumscribed groups and investigating characteristics specifically related to sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Demographic, medical risk variables and information obtained during early home assessments of very low birth weight infants and their families were compared in their ability to identify subsequent risk in 4-year-old children who were very low birth weight. The home assessment data were equal or better than the demographic risk variables in efficacy and efficiency.  相似文献   

Because an experience of childhood sexual abuse may affect a woman's symptom presentation and response to treatment, it is recommended that orthopaedic nurses be aware of the long-term effects of sexual abuse and inquire about abuse if a patient exhibits problems and symptoms that may be suggestive of an abuse history. Patients in orthopaedic settings who have been sexually abused may have particular difficulty trusting health care providers, undergoing invasive or confining procedures, and tolerating pain or somatic discomfort. Recommended nursing interventions are aimed at establishing a trusting relationship, increasing survivors' sense of personal control and minimizing threatening intrusions, facilitating pain management, and if indicated, referring for psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Healing responses for adolescents who have been sexually assaulted involve nursing care centered on establishing safety, helping adolescents reconstruct the story of the assault, and restoring connection with the community and themselves [42]. Nurses partner with parents, school personnel, and other meaningful people in the lives of adolescents who have been sexually assaulted to create a physically and emotionally safe environment for the adolescent in the days, weeks, and months after an assault. Recovery involves being able to tell the story over and over again in a safe environment until it is clear that the assailant holds the blame for the assault, which was not sex but rather a crime of domination, and that the adolescent did what she or he needed to do to survive. In discerning ways to cope with the trauma of the assault, strengths are identified, appreciated, and nurtured. Nursing advocacy involves educating the adolescent and those around her or him on common reactions to sexual assault and what is needed in the recovery process. Nurses advocate for accommodations so that healing can occur and so that the well-being of the adolescent is not sacrificed for the prosecution of the offender. The major emphasis of nursing care is weaving together an understanding and caring community to surround the adolescent with nurturance and love. It is in the context of meaningful relationships that healing is maximized. Crisis brings with it the opportunity for immense growth. A caring nursing relationship creates the space in which adolescents can discover sources of spiritual and emotional strength that they can draw upon throughout their lives.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the recidivism rates of a sample of 351 male adolescents who sexually offended, and were assessed at an outpatient psychiatric clinic in Montreal, Canada, between 1992 and 2002. The mean age of the participants was 15.8 years (SD=1.8). Data on adolescent and adult recidivism were collected in Summer 2005 from official criminality sources in Canada. Over an 8-year follow-up period, 45% (n=158) of the participants were charged with a new criminal offense, 30% (n=104) were charged with a violent offense, and 10% (n=36) were charged with a sexual offense. Cox regression results suggest that overall, violent, and sexual recidivism can be predicted by a variety of developmental, social, and criminological factors. Paternal abandonment, childhood sexual victimization, association with significantly younger children, and having victimized a stranger were associated with a higher risk of sexual recidivism. Previous delinquency, attention deficit disorder, and childhood sexual victimization were found to increase the risk for both violent and overall recidivism. Also, the use of violence during a sex crime and victimizing a stranger were associated with violent recidivism, and school delay and association with delinquent peers were predictive of overall recidivism. The results confirm that a significant proportion of adolescents who have sexually offended pursue a criminal activity beyond adolescence, although few specialize in sexual offending.  相似文献   

Shame is a recurrent theme in the context of sexually abused women. Sexual abuse is taboo and shameful, and so is shame. Shame affects the development of a person and relationships, and is mentally painful. It is often covert. One aim of the present study was to explore whether and how women exposed to sexual abuse during childhood verbally express unacknowledged overt and covert shame, when interviewed about their physical and mental health, relations and circumstances relating to the sexual abuse. Another aim was, if shame was present, to describe the quality of the shame expressed by the women. A mainly qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews was used. Ten women attending self-help groups for women who were sexually abused during childhood were recruited as informants. The interviews were analysed for verbal expressions of shame by identifying code words and phrases, which were first sorted into six shame indicator groups and then categorized into various aspects of shame. The frequency of the code words and phrases was also counted. The findings clearly reveal that the affect of shame is present and negatively influences the lives of the informants in this study. It was possible to sort the code words and phrases most often mentioned into the indicator groups 'alienated', 'inadequate' and 'hurt', in the order of their frequency. It is obvious that shame affects the lives of this study's informants in negative ways. One important clinical implication for professionals in health care and psychiatric services is to acknowledge both sexual abuse and shame in order to make it possible for patients to work through it and thereby help them psychologically to improve their health.  相似文献   

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