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目的:提高对肾移植术后移植肾癌肉瘤的认识及诊疗水平。方法:回顾性分析1例肾移植术后移植肾癌肉瘤患者的临床资料:患者女,73岁,因尿毒症于1996年10月在外院行肾移植术,移植肾置入右髂窝;因移植肾失功能于2001年3月行第二次肾移植术.移植肾置于左侧髂窝。2006年11月出现右侧移植肾区疼痛,伴镜下血尿。B超、CT检查发现右侧移植肾占位性病变而入院。在全麻下行移植。肾探查术.将右侧移植肾完整切除。结果:手术顺利,手术时间3h.出血量150ml,病理检查报告为移植肾癌肉瘤。术后2个月,患者出现排斥反应与肠梗阻,病情急剧恶化,家属放弃治疗。结论:移植肾癌肉瘤恶性程度高,预后极差.早期诊断有助于提高生存率。  相似文献   

肾移植受者发生的恶性肿瘤   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 提高对肾移植后发生恶性肿瘤的诊治水平。方法 总结18例肾移植受者术后发生恶性肿瘤的临床资料,并进行随访。结果 18例患者在发现肿瘤时,13例移植肾功能良好,5例血肌酐升高;有9例患者为晚期肿瘤,已发生肿瘤浸润或远处转移,其中8例在3个月内死亡;9例患者接受手术、化疗或放疗,除1例非何杰金氏淋巴肉瘤和1例基底细胞癌分别于治疗后7个月、13个月死于肿瘤转移外,其余7例至今仍带肾存活。结论 (1)肾移植受者免疫功能低下,易发生恶性肿瘤;(2)早诊断、早治疗是有效的治疗方法,预后良好;(5)肾移植术后肿瘤患者应减少免疫抑制剂用量,实体瘤应尽早手术。  相似文献   

肾移植术后并发尿路上皮肿瘤的临床分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 分析肾移植患者并发尿路上皮肿瘤的特点,探讨其诊治方法。方法 自1998~2003年肾移植患者1293例,术后发生尿路上皮恶性肿瘤21例(1.6%)。男4例,女17例。17例原发病为慢性问质性肾炎。发生尿路上皮肿瘤距肾移植6~62个月,平均26个月。其中膀胱癌6例,单侧肾盂或输尿管癌6例,单侧肾盂或输尿管、膀胱癌8例,双侧肾盂输尿管癌1例。10例上尿路肿瘤发生部位与移植肾同侧,4例发生于移植肾对侧。临床症状以无痛性肉服血尿和反复泌尿系感染为主。19例行手术治疗,术后所有患者免疫抑制剂用量减少1/3并辅以局部灌注化疗。结果 2例行姑息性治疗的晚期肿瘤患者分别于发现肿瘤5、8个月死亡。余19例现已随访2~5年。13例肿瘤复发,复发部位为膀胱或对侧原。肾、输尿管。所有患者在免疫抑制剂减量期间均未出现急性排斥。2例因切除移植肾恢复透析,17例肾功能正常。结论 慢性间质性。肾炎导致。肾功能衰竭的。肾移植患者和女性肾移植患者易发生移植后尿路上皮肿瘤;移植肾同侧上尿路较对侧好发肿瘤;对移植肾对侧为首发的上尿路发生肿瘤者可预防性行双侧上尿路根治性切除。  相似文献   

肾移植术后并发尿路上皮肿瘤(附25例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨肾移植术后并发尿路上皮肿瘤的临床特点及其诊治方法.方法 回顾性分析1998年~2006年间肾移植术后发生尿路上皮肿瘤的临床资料25例.就患者性别、移植时年龄、导致肾功能不全的原发病、移植后肿瘤发生的时间、临床症状、肿瘤发生部位及转归等项目进行临床分析.所有病例移植前均排除肿瘤.肿瘤均经影像学和膀胱镜等检查方法诊断.22例患者行手术治疗,术后所有患者免疫抑制剂用量减少1/3并辅以局部灌注化疗.结果 本组25例患者中男4例,女21例;移植时患者平均年龄55.1岁;原发病为慢性间质性肾炎的患者19例;术后发生肿瘤的时间距肾移植时间平均26个月;临床表现为肉眼血尿或镜下血尿25例,反复泌尿系感染10例,肾盂输尿管积水者12例;肿瘤为多发者22例;移植肾同侧有上尿路肿瘤者16例;3例行姑息性治疗的晚期肿瘤患者分别于发现肿瘤5个月、6个月及8个月后死亡,22例手术治疗患者已随访2~7年,18例肿瘤复发,再行手术治疗;所有患者在免疫抑制剂减量期间均未出现急性排斥,肾功能正常.结论 本组显示慢性间质性肾炎导致肾功能衰竭的肾移植患者和女性肾移植患者易发生移植后尿路上皮肿瘤;血尿、泌尿系感染和肾盂积水是常见的症状,多发性和易复发性是另一临床特点;移植肾同侧上尿路较对侧好发肿瘤.  相似文献   

我院从1978年8月至1994年4月共作同种肾移植477例(530次)。术后发生恶性肿瘤5例,包括大脑网状细胞肉瘤1例,膀胱移行上皮癌2例,宿主肾透明细胞癌1例面部皮肤鳞癌1例。发生肿瘤时间分别为移植后4个月、2年、2年半,4年和10年。经手术治疗,并将免疫抑制剂用量减少30%,4例在诊断肿瘤后2年内死亡,1例术后至今(半年)仍健在。认为肾移植后并发恶性肿瘤与长期应用免疫抑制剂密切相应,发生肿瘤后  相似文献   

目的:探讨肾移植术后并发泌尿系统肿瘤的相关因素与临床干预措施.方法:报告9例(10次)此种患者的临床资料.9例肾移植术后均行免疫抑制治疗.肿瘤均发生在自体肾、输尿管和膀胱:肾透明细胞癌、肾肉瘤和膀胱腺癌各1例,肾盂输尿管膀胱移行细胞癌6例,其中1例先发生膀胱腺癌后又发生肾盂输尿管移行细胞癌.肿瘤发生于移植术后8~146个月,且8例发生在应用新型免疫抑制剂之后.患者均有服用龙胆泻肝丸或冠心苏合丸史.8例接受了根治性手术,1例未能手术切除.结果:9例随访8~44个月,未能手术切除1例于术后5个月肝转移死亡.1例肉瘤复发后放弃治疗后死亡.1例膀胱肿瘤复发,行膀胱全切腹壁造瘘术,1例腺癌已出现肺和胸膜转移.另5例最后随访时存活良好.结论:肾移植术后并发泌尿系统肿瘤以移行细胞癌为多;可能与服用含马兜铃的中药和应用新型免疫抑制剂有关;根治性手术治疗、减少免疫抑制剂用量和更换免疫抑制剂种类是主要临床干预措施.  相似文献   

肾移植患者并发恶性肿瘤临床分析   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
目的 探讨肾移植术后恶性肿瘤的发病情况、类型及治疗效果。 方法 回顾分析1977年 7月至 2 0 0 1年 9月 1189例 (12 0 0例次 )肾移植受者术后恶性肿瘤发生及其免疫抑制剂治疗情况。 结果 发生恶性肿瘤 19例 (1.6 % ) ,其中肝癌 4例 ,乳腺癌 3例 ,Kaposi肉瘤 2例 ,肺癌 2例 ,膀胱鳞癌、非霍奇金淋巴瘤、胃癌、胰头癌、齿龈癌、结肠癌、胆囊癌各 1例 ,1例肿瘤原发灶不明。移植术后至肿瘤诊断时间 2~ 112个月 ,平均 (36 .7± 2 4 .2 )个月。 12例行手术切除为主的综合治疗 ,患者全部带肾存活 ,随访 1~ 73(平均 15 .4 )个月 ,肿瘤无复发 ,移植肾无排斥反应。 7例因肿瘤无法手术切除者中 5例在诊断肿瘤后 1年内死亡。 结论 肾移植患者恶性肿瘤发生率明显高于普通人群 ,此与长期应用免疫抑制剂密切相关。根治性手术切除肿瘤应为首选 ,减少甚至停用免疫抑制剂 ,同时尽可能保留移植肾的存活。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肾移植术后原肾恶性肿瘤的临床特点,提高该疾病的临床诊治水平.方法 回顾分析经治的2例肾移植术后原肾恶性肿瘤患者的发病情况、肿瘤特点、治疗方案、随访结果和预后,复习国内外文献,针对该2病例特点进行分析总结.结果 2例患者均在规律随访时经B超发现原肾恶性肿瘤,分别为肾移植后39个月和112个月.病例1行根治性肾切除术,术后病理为透明细胞癌,术后免疫抑制剂改为包含雷帕霉素的治疗方案,至今随访8年,肿瘤无复发,移植肾功能正常.病例2发现原肾恶性肿瘤后拒绝手术治疗,6个月后肿瘤转移,失去切除肿瘤机会,采用舒尼替尼治疗4个月,因难以耐受不良反应而停药,目前门诊随访,发现肿瘤后存活18个月,移植肾功能正常.结论 肾移植术后原肾恶性肿瘤例数不多,但发生率明显高于正常人群,肾移植术后随访中应加强针对性筛查,及早发现原肾恶性肿瘤.原肾恶性肿瘤发生后如果能及时行根治性切除术,预后较好,如有转移可以采用靶向药物进行治疗.原肾恶性肿瘤术后采用包含雷帕霉素及其类似物的免疫抑制治疗方案是比较合理的选择.  相似文献   

肾移植后并发恶性肿瘤六例报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肾移植后长期应用免疫抑制剂,使发生恶性肿瘤的危险性明显增加。我院自1978年8月至1994年12月的517例肾移植患者中,有6例发生恶性肿瘤,发生率1.2%。6例患者中,男3例,女3例。年龄35~49岁。移植前诊断均为慢性肾炎、尿毒症。术前均行血液透析。术后应用硫晔瞟吟(Aza)和泼尼松(Pred)二联用药2例,应用环抱素A(CsA)、Aza和Pred三联用药《例。移植后肾功能均恢复正常。6例中发生膀航移行细胞癌2例,大脑网状细胞肉瘤、面部皮肤鳞癌、福主肾透明细胞癌及非何杰金氏淋巴瘤各1例。移植后诊断恶性肿瘤的时间为术后4个月~10年,平均…  相似文献   

目的总结肾移植受体术后新发恶性肿瘤的特点和治疗要点。方法回顾性分析759例肾移植受体中43例术后新发恶性肿瘤患者的临床资料,总结肾移植术后新发恶性肿瘤的发病特点、治疗方法及预后。结果肾移植受体术后新发恶性肿瘤发生率为5.7%。发病年龄(52±11)岁,肿瘤确诊时间为移植术后60(13~193)个月。43例恶性肿瘤中包括原肾肾癌9例、膀胱癌7例、肺癌6例、淋巴瘤5例、大肠癌4例、乳腺癌4例、皮肤癌2例、肾上腺癌1例、胃癌1例、原发性肝癌1例、胰腺癌1例、头皮血管肉瘤1例和脑膜瘤1例,确诊后采取手术、调整免疫抑制方案、放射治疗或化学药物治疗等方案治疗。术后1、5年存活率分别为81%和63%。结论肾移植受体术后恶性肿瘤发生率高于正常人,且以泌尿系统肿瘤最常见。治疗应以根治性手术切除为主,无法手术者采用抗肿瘤综合治疗,同时减少免疫抑制剂用量并调整用药方案,可有效延长患者存活时间。  相似文献   

Study Type – Therapy (case series) Level of Evidence 4 What’s known on the subject? and What does the study add? The indications and timing of native nephrectomy in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is controversial, especially for those undergoing renal transplantation. Post‐transplant unilateral native nephrectomy appears to be the preferred intervention compared to pre‐transplant native nephrectomy. There seems to be substantial additive risk to bilateral over unilateral nephrectomy, especially prior to transplantation. Pre‐transplant native nephrectomy should only be carried out when there are clear indications such as massive size preventing allograft placement, severe pain, early satiety, recurrent bleeding and infections, or suspected malignancy.


To analyse indications, timing and outcomes of native nephrectomy in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) patients listed for kidney transplantation.


A retrospective analysis of all ADPKD patients who had a native nephrectomy prior to or following transplantation between January 2003 and December 2009 at a single centre, including those undergoing the sandwich technique (removal of the most severely affected native kidney prior to transplantation, and the other afterwards), was undertaken.


There were 35 individuals in our cohort (M : F = 16 : 19), with a median age of 51.5 years (range 43–65). Twenty patients were in the pre‐transplant nephrectomy group, 12 in the post‐transplant group, and three underwent the sandwich technique. Indications for nephrectomy varied but were most commonly pain/discomfort, space for transplantation, ongoing haematuria, recurrent infections, and gastrointestinal pressure symptoms (early satiety). Seven individuals in the pre‐transplant group and three in the post‐transplant group required critical care admission after nephrectomy. Transient renal graft dysfunction occurred in two post‐transplant bilateral nephrectomy patients. Two patients in the bilateral nephrectomy pre‐transplant group and one in the bilateral nephrectomy post‐transplant group died in the immediate post‐operative period. No complications were noted in the sandwich technique group.


Native nephrectomy in ADPKD is a major undertaking associated with significant morbidity especially in the pre‐transplant group. Post‐transplant unilateral nephrectomy appears to be the safest approach with fewest complications.  相似文献   

Hypertension is common in renal transplant patients and sometimes very difficult to control. Refractory hypertension can adversely affect renal graft and patient survival. Many antihypertensive medications are not well tolerated or can have important drug interactions with immunosuppressive medications. These drugs can cause significant side effects including fluid depletion, azotemia, electrolyte imbalance, and anemia. Bilateral native nephrectomy in renal transplant patients has been reported to be beneficial in controlling severe hypertension.We report five patients with severe hypertension despite as many as 9 different antihypertensive medications. All patients had previous kidney or simultaneous kidney pancreas transplantation. Each of our patients underwent laparoscopic bilateral native nephrectomy.Renal function varied from creatinine of 1.4–2.4, and the number of antihypertensive medications from 3 to 9 at the time of nephrectomy surgery. Mean arterial blood pressure improved in all five patients at 3–6 months post nephrectomy, the number of antihypertensive medications decreased in 4, but renal function remained stable at 3–6 months in only 3 patients.We found laparoscopic bilateral native nephrectomy to be beneficial in renal and simultaneous kidney pancreas transplant patients with severe and refractory hypertension. Our patients with better baseline renal allograft function at time of nephrectomy received the most benefit. No decrease in allograft function could be attributed to acute rejection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether patients with heart failure and renal insufficiency should receive a simultaneous heart and kidney transplant or whether a single heart transplantation is sufficient to restore native renal function. METHODS: We analyzed the renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration of the native and transplant kidneys in eight patients long term after simultaneous heart and kidney transplantation using a dynamic MAG3 radioisotope scan and serum creatinine determinations. All subjects had been hemodialysis dependent before transplantation. Seven patients suffered from an intrinsic renal disease that were diabetic nephropathy in three cases, small fibrotic kidneys of undetermined origin in two cases, one lupus nephritis, and cyclosporine nephrotoxicity in one patient who had a previous heart transplant. In one patient renal insufficiency was considered to be solely due to renal hypoperfusion because no intrinsic renal disease could be detected. RESULTS: All patients were on cyclosporine-based triple immunosuppression, transplanted for 4 to 10 years, exhibited cardiac ejection fractions of more than 50% and had normal serum creatinine values. Radioisotopic scan showed no function of the native kidneys in all seven patients with intrinsic renal disease but exhibited normal function of the native kidneys as well as the renal transplant in the patient without intrinsic kidney disease before transplantation. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that a simultaneous heart and kidney transplantation is necessary in patients with cardiomyopathy and renal insufficiency due to primary kidney disease, but not in those with hemodynamically mediated renal failure, even if an immunosuppressive regimen with calcineurin inhibitors is used.  相似文献   

A matched case-control study was performed to compare the prognosis of six renal transplant recipients with a control group of non-transplant patients, both groups presenting with native kidney tumors. Patients were matched for age, gender, neoplasm histology, and TNM classification. The follow-up ranged from 8 to 131 months (median 32 months) after nephrectomy or nephroureterectomy of the native kidney. Five out of six recipients retained good graft function. No evidence of recurrent local disease or distant metastasis of kidney neoplasms was observed in either group. In the transplant group, two patients developed basal cell carcinoma, and one, lung cancer and a disseminated lymphoma. Among control group patients, prostate and bladder cancer were noted. Prognosis of early-stage kidney malignancy in the transplant and non-transplant group was comparable despite immunosuppression; however, recovery from the primary kidney malignancy did not exclude the risk of developing a new type of neoplasm in either group.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a relatively uncommon cancer in renal transplant patients. From 1968 to 1987, 101 cases of RCC of native kidneys have been reported to the Cincinnati Transplant Tumor Registry. We describe here a case of metastatic RCC associated with acquired cystic kidney disease (ACKD) 15 years after successful renal transplantation. The patient presented with a subcutaneous nodule, which led to discovery of a large primary tumor in the left kidney. ACKD was present in the atrophic right kidney. The reported cases of ACKD-associated RCC in renal transplant recipients were reviewed. Most of these cases are middle-aged men with a long posttransplant course, good graft function, and usage of azathioprine and prednisone as immunosuppressive agents. ACKD can develop or persist and progress to RCC many years after successful renal transplantation. Transplant patients with flank pain, hematuria, or other suspicious symptoms should have imaging studies of their native kidneys.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) is a chronic tubulointerstitial disease prevalent in Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. In addition to renal disease, an increased incidence of upper urothelial carcinomas (UUCs) has been observed in the foci of BEN. Carcinoma may occur alone or in combination with BEN. Immunosuppression is associated with an increased risk for development of different malignancies. There are no data in the literature about the outcome of patients with BEN after transplantation. METHODS: We performed a retrospective evaluation of the database and review of the charts and pathology reports of 601 renal transplant recipients treated at our institution. RESULTS: From January 1995 to December 2004, kidney transplantations were performed in nine patients with BEN. One-year graft survival was 100%. A man, who was transplanted in 1997 died 2 years after transplantation with a functioning graft due to disseminated cancer from the pelvis of his own kidney. A female patient developed UCC 2 years after transplantation. They were both treated with a bolus of methylprednisolone before transplantation, because of four HLA-mismatches. A male patient developed UCC in the native and transplanted kidneys. He underwent a native nephroureterectomy with partial nephroureterectomy of transplanted kidney. His graft function was preserved with decreased immunosuppression. Three years later a urinary bladder carcinoma was discovered on a regularly performed multislice computed tomography. One patient developed a skin malignancy. Other patients have had uneventful posttransplantation courses with excellent graft function. Thus, 33.3% of patients with BEN developed UUC, compared with a 0.67% prevalence of urinary tract tumors among transplanted patients with other causes of end-stage renal disease. CONCLUSION: Patients with BEN are at increased risk for the development of UCC after transplantation. Regular screening for early detection of malignancy is mandatory. Longer follow-up and results from other transplant centers are needed to further investigate the relationship between BEN and UCC after renal transplantation.  相似文献   

Summary Hypertension is a common problem in renal failure patients both before and after renal transplantation. The stable allograft can maintain salt, volume, and blood pressure homeostasis and is not intrinsically a hypertensive model. The causes of severe posttransplant hypertension are multiple. Renal vascular tone, body salt and volume status, and renin release are all connected and influenced by immunosuppressive medications, allograft function, and native kidney presence and function. The role of each of these in posttransplant hypertension is reviewed. In most cases, severe hypertension in the stable transplant patient without rejection or transplant renal artery stenosis is greatly improved following native bilateral nephrectomy. Transluminal angioplasty is the preferred initial treatment for transplant renal artery stenosis.  相似文献   

Renal allograft rupture is a rare but potentially lethal complication of kidney transplantation. A renal allograft recipient receiving quadruple immunosuppressive therapy developed a spontaneous allograft rupture 13 days after kidney transplantation. Warm ischaemia time during the transplant was 80 minutes. The ruptured kidney graft could not be salvaged because of the patient's haemodynamic instability. The histopathological examination showed interstitial oedema with severe acute tubular necrosis with no signs of acute rejection. The most common causes of renal graft rupture are acute rejection and vein thrombosis, while acute tubular necrosis may only rarely be responsible for this complication. Renal graft rupture may be the result of interstitial damage attributed both to the prolonged warm ischaemia time during the transplant and to post-transplant acute tubular necrosis in the absence of graft rejection. In those patients whose haemodynamic status cannot be stabilized by appropriate aggressive haemodynamic support therapy, graft nephrectomy should be considered the only definitive treatment.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Laparoscopic surgery is rapidly emerging as the standard of care for a variety of urological conditions, even among patients who have undergone prior renal transplantation. We describe the technique of bilateral native nephrectomy and allograft nephrectomy by laparoscopy. CASE REPORT: A 32-year-old man with end-stage renal disease who had undergone a cadaveric renal transplant presented with chronic graft dysfunction. He had received a living donor kidney transplant with a postoperative course complicated by persistent proteinuria and refractory hypertension. Our nephrology service indicated the need for bilateral native nephrectomy and allograft nephrectomy for better blood pressure control following a second transplant. Bilateral native nephrectomy was performed following the previous reported techniques for pure laparoscopic nephrectomy. Allograft nephrectomy started by dissection of the iliac vessels to identify the vascular anastomosis. The hilum of the transplanted kidney was accessed. The renal vessels were clipped and transected. The ureter was identified and clipped. All three kidneys were removed from the abdominal cavity through a 3-cm skin incision. RESULTS: The left nephrectomy took 25 minutes and the right nephrectomy, 40 minutes. The estimated blood loss was 300 mL and the total operative time was 210 minutes. The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and was discharged on the third postoperative day. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate the feasibility of laparoscopic allograft nephrectomy and bilateral native nephrectomy in a transplant recipient.  相似文献   

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