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Do urban hospital closures affect health care access or health outcomes? We study closures in Los Angeles County between 1997 and 2003, through their effect on distance to the nearest hospital. We find that increased distance to the closest hospital increases deaths from heart attacks and unintentional injuries. This finding is robust to several sensitivity checks. We also find that, for residents with health insurance, increased distance shifts regular care towards doctor's offices. While most residents are otherwise unaffected, we find some evidence that seniors perceive more difficulty accessing care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report on satisfaction with access to health care in Queensland focussing on regional differences. METHODS: A sub-sample of 4440 respondents with no history of cancer from the Queensland Cancer Risk Study who completed a self-administered questionnaire was used for this study. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Perceptions of overall difficulty gaining access to health care and ratings of access to various health care services by region. RESULTS: Queenslanders living outside major cities reported less satisfaction with access to various aspects of health care services. Age was associated with more favourable ratings of health care access. CONCLUSIONS: Despite public health efforts to increase service provision throughout Queensland, health care access is still rated relatively less favourably by Queenslanders in regional and remote parts of the state. Implications: Identifying which services are difficult to access and why will assist public health policy makers in improving health service accessibility.  相似文献   

Various factors have made rural access to maternity care a significant problem for rural women. The geographic distance between a mother's county of residence and the county in which she gave birth was examined in a rural state. Analyzing North Dakota county-level data using geographic information system (GIS) software, women from over half of the state's counties, making up nearly 18% of all births, were found to be over 40 miles to the hospital in which they gave birth. These findings suggest that rural women may experience significant geographic barriers as they receive health services in the prenatal, delivery, and postpartum periods of their pregnancy. We highlight the value of GIS, particularly geovisualization power, and note models of care that may be effective for rural women.  相似文献   

In many countries health policy has been guided by a focus on the supply side factors of access to health care, a lot of attention being directed at the availability of services. This paper concentrates on the demand side of access and investigates relational factors that may limit people's subjective choice sets or their freedom to utilise health services, emphasising that relations between service providers and individuals are based on an interchange of information. It develops an argument for health communication strategies based on an interactive exchange of information as a means of improving access and is intended as a conceptual basis for further debate. Trust assumes a key position within this transactional process of information exchange or communicative interaction. Information may enlarge individual choice sets and increase the freedom to use health care; it serves as a stimulus for access. The paper argues that trust plays a role in the utilisation of provided information. Trust emerges as a prerequisite of the effectiveness of information with regard to access. A discussion of the origins of trust shows that, while trust enhances communicative interaction, it is the process of communicative interaction that generates trust in the first place. Culturally diverse societies are often low-trust environments. The paper analyses the driving forces of trust and distrust in health care within these societies and delineates barriers for the individual and the community to the transfer of information. Specific characteristics of health communication turn out to be key determinants of access. In conclusion, principles for health policy on equity and information are derived which are rooted in a distinctive notion of democratic societal structure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine three issues related to using patient assessments of care as a means to select hospitals and foster consumer choice-specifically, whether patient assessments (1) vary across hospitals, (2) are reproducible over time, and (3) are biased by case-mix differences. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Surveys that were mailed to 27,674 randomly selected patients admitted to 18 hospitals in a large metropolitan region (Northeast Ohio) for labor and delivery in 1992-1994. We received completed surveys from 16,051 patients (58 percent response rate). STUDY DESIGN: Design was a repeated cross-sectional study. DATA COLLECTION: Surveys were mailed approximately 8 to 12 weeks after discharge. We used three previously validated scales evaluating patients' global assessments of care (three items)as well as assessments of physician (six items) and nursing (five items) care. Each scale had a possible range of 0 (poor care) to 100 (excellent care). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Patient assessments varied (p<.001) across hospitals for each scale. Mean hospital scores were higher or lower (p<.01) than the sample mean for seven or more hospitals during each year of data collection. However, within individual hospitals, mean scores were reproducible over the three years. In addition, relative hospital rankings were stable; Spearman correlation coefficients ranged from 0.85 to 0.96 when rankings during individual years were compared. Patient characteristics (age, race, education, insurance status, health status, type of delivery) explained only 2-3 percent of the variance in patient assessments, and adjusting scores for these factors had little effect on hospitals' scores. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that patient assessments of care may be a sensitive measure for discriminating among hospitals. In addition, hospital scores are reproducible and not substantially affected by case-mix differences. If our findings regarding patient assessments are generalizable to other patient populations and delivery settings, these measures may be a useful tool for consumers in selecting hospitals or other healthcare providers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: While much has been written on the methodology of screening for presence of preclinical disease, correspondingly less has been written on screening for future risk of disease. Given the increasing attention paid to the concept of individualized prevention within the discipline of public health, this other type of screening warrants attention. Our aim is to demonstrate one way in which the potential accuracy of risk screening can be assessed. METHOD: In this paper, we derive a simple computational formula for the concordance statistic, a measure of the ability to separate individuals into two groups (will get disease, will not get disease), based on the presence or absence of a dichotomous risk factor. This computational formula is based on summary data (prevalence, absolute risk) pertaining to the risk factor alone. We also present simple computational formulas for the true positive fraction (the sensitivity of the "high risk" label to actual disease development) and the false positive fraction (1-specificity of the "high risk" label.). CONCLUSION: The above quantities are rarely presented when scientists make statements about the potential usefulness of a risk factor or genetic marker in screening for future disease risk. With the simple formulas offered here, readers will be better able to evaluate the accuracy of such statements.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine variations in perceptions of access to health care across and within 29 European countries. Using data from the 2008 round of the European Social Survey, we investigate the likelihood of an individual perceiving that they will experience difficulties accessing health care in the next 12 months, should they need it (N = 51,835). We find that despite most European countries having mandates for universal health coverage, individuals who are low income, in poor health, lack citizenship in the country where they reside, 20–30 years old, unemployed and/or female have systematically greater odds of feeling unable to access care. Focusing on the role of income, we find that while there is a strong association between low income and perceived access barriers across countries, within many countries, perceptions of difficulties accessing care are not concentrated uniquely among low-income groups. This implies that factors that affect all income groups, such as poor quality care and long waiting times may serve as important barriers to access in these countries. Despite commitments to move towards universal health coverage in Europe, our results suggest that there is still significant heterogeneity among individuals’ perceptions of access and important barriers to accessing health care.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of maternity information technology (IT) in Britain, questioning the usability, effectiveness and cost efficiency of the current models of implementation of electronic maternity records. UK experience of hand-held paper obstetric notes and computerized records reveals fundamental problems in the relationship between the two complementary methods of recording maternity data. The assumption that paper records would inevitably be replaced by electronic substitutes has proven false; the rigidity of analysable electronic records has led to immense incompatibility problems. The flexibility of paper records has distinct advantages that have so far not been sufficiently acknowledged. It is suggested that continuing work is needed to encourage the standardization of electronic maternity records, via a new co-creative, co-development approach and continuing international electronic community debate.  相似文献   

LTC insurance is a valuable financial tool to help pay for pending LTC. However, LTC insurance is not for everyone. For those who could benefit from a policy, questions arise as to how much to buy and what consumer options to purchase in a policy. Insurance is most appropriate for couples with assets of $110,000 or more, excluding their house, car, and personal belongings. Single persons with a need to protect assets should have at least $40,000 in assets. These individuals have smaller need for LTC insurance to protect assets for their children. How much insurance to buy depends on the cost of LTC and the financial resources of the person. Premiums for LTC insurance are level. A company cannot raise the premiums for an individual, but may request an increase for a class of people. With the potential that premiums may increase and that buying power of income may decline, the policy should be affordable both at time of purchase and in future. Policies pay a specified benefit amount for a specified benefit period. In deciding how much insurance to buy, it is advisable to buy a higher benefit amount for a shorter benefit period. This provides the greatest likelihood of receiving the policy's maximum benefit. The deductible amount should be between 20 and 100 days. In selecting a policy, the most important criterion is the company itself.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This paper discusses the efficiency and equity effects of priority care for employees. Recent privatization of workers' compensation insurance in the Netherlands caused an increasing tension between public responsibility for health care cost-containment and private responsibility for sick pay. As a result of strict supply side regulation, waiting lists increased, while at the same time employers became fully responsible for sick pay. To reduce sick pay and production losses, employers are prepared to pay for priority care by using available excess capacity. We argue that the criteria of Pareto and Rawls can provide a rationale for the resulting differential treatment of employees and non-employees. However, such a justification crucially depends on weights society assigns to absolute versus relative improvements in access to health care.  相似文献   

Latinos are overrepresented among the uninsured in the U.S., and rural Latinos face a variety of barriers to accessing quality health care. The present study investigated the degree to which Latinos with diabetes living in non-metropolitan towns in the state of Iowa receive the recommended diabetes care services from health care providers vis-à-vis access to care. Four process measures were selected from the American Diabetes Association standards of medical care for diabetes: glycated hemoglobin tests, comprehensive foot examination, dilated eye examination, and cholesterol test. Results from this research found that just over half (54%) of the sample received all four of these diabetes care services. Adjusted logistic regression analysis showed patients were four times more likely to receive the set of four diabetes care services at a community health center than at a private doctor's office. These community clinics deserve additional attention as more Latino immigrants move to the Midwest.  相似文献   

Large segments of the population in developing countries are deprived of a fundamental right: access to basic health care. The problem of access to health care is particularly acute in Bangladesh. One crucial determinant of health seeking among rural women is the accessibility of medical care and barriers to care that may develop because of location, financial requirements, bureaucratic responses to the patient, social distance between client and provider, and the sex of providers. This article argues that to increase accessibility fundamental changes are required not only in resource allocation but also in the very structure of health services delivery.  相似文献   

In 1981 Congress introduced Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers in an attempt to contain Medicaid long-term care expenditures. This paper analyzes the efficacy of the waiver program. To date, little is known about its impact on cost containment. Using state-level Medicaid data on expenditures and the number of individuals participating in HCBS waivers between 1992 and 2000, this study estimates the impact of HCBS waivers on total Medicaid expenditures as well as on Medicaid institutional, home health and pharmaceutical expenditures. A fixed effects model is used to analyze Medicaid expenditures using variation in the size of HCBS waiver programs across states and over time. The results, robust across multiple specifications, show increases rather than decreases in total Medicaid spending as well as increases in the other Medicaid spending categories analyzed. This implies that there is no evidence of substitution from institutional care to the HCBS waiver program or that cost-shifting is occurring. In fact, the large magnitude of the estimated spending increases suggests the waivers may induce more people to enter the Medicaid program.  相似文献   

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