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53名军队离退休老干部口腔卫生保健行为调查分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 了解我军离退休老干部的口腔卫生健康状况。方法 对某干休所 5 3名军队离退休干部进行口腔卫生行为问卷调查。结果 10 0 %的军队离退休老干部每日刷牙至少 1次 ,有饭后漱口习惯者占调查人数的 88.7%。采用正确刷牙方法者占 5 8.5 %;选用软毛牙刷者占5 0 .9%;刷牙时牙龈有出血者占 2 6.4%;有过洁牙史者占 3 2 .1%。结论 近半数军队离退休老干部的口腔卫生保健行为尚不正确。因此 ,要积极开展各种口腔卫生健康教育 ,使其学会正确的刷牙方法 ,定期做口腔健康检查 ,以利于牙病的早发现 ,早治疗。  相似文献   

福州地区军队离退休干部口腔健康状况调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:了解福州地区军队离退休干部口腔健康状况,以及口腔常见病的发病情况,加强对老年人口腔疾病的预防与治疗。方法:依据《我国龋病、牙周疾病调查标准》,采用世界卫生组织口腔健康调查表,由专科医生对福州地区8个干休所的693名离退休干部进行牙体、牙周及牙列缺损情况的调查。结果:693名受检者中,口腔卫生情况中等以上者506人(73.0%),较差者187人(27.0%);牙龈炎的发病率与口腔卫生及每日刷牙次数有明显关系;患龋535例,总患龋率72.1%,人均龋齿3.69个;牙周病患病率为72.4%;缺牙率68.8%,其中全口牙缺失59例,总义齿修复率76.7%。结论:老年人口腔健康状况较差,应广泛宣传口腔保健知识,做好老年人口腔疾病的防治工作。  相似文献   

目的 了解军队离退休老干部的精神症状特征 ,为有针对性地开展心理咨询、心理治疗提供依据。方法 对 14 5名军队离退休老干部使用症状自评量表进行测评。结果  14 5名军队离退休老干部症状自评量表评定结果与国内常模比较 ,除人际关系敏感和偏执两因子分相差不显著 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,其余因子如躯体化、强迫、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、精神病性及阳性项目数的得分差异均非常显著 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 军队离退休老干部在躯体化、强迫症状、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖及精神病性症状较中国正常人高 ,因此 ,重视离退休老干部的心理卫生 ,将有利于老干部的身心健康  相似文献   

军队离退休干部口腔健康调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张煜  朱琳 《人民军医》2004,47(6):325-327
目的:了解军队离退休干部的口腔健康状况。方法:对2002年来我院疗养的648名离退休干部的口腔卫生情况、患龋率、牙周病、牙缺失等,采用世界卫生组织口腔健康调查表逐项登记进行调查。结果:军队离退休干部自我口腔保健意识尚好,均能坚持每天刷牙、漱口,但龋病、牙周病的发病率仍较高,牙丧失也较多,全口失牙占7.1%、已安装义齿,半口失牙占2.5%,牙列缺损者也较多,严重影响中老年人的口腔咀嚼功能。结论:军队离退休干部虽然有自我口腔保健意识,但仍须重视并采取正确、积极的保健措施。  相似文献   

目的:了解陆军军人牙缺失及修复状况,更好地开展口腔卫生服务.方法:根据WHI 1997年版的口腔健康调查基本方法,采用分层、整群抽样方法,对陆军某部军人进行调查.结果:2 742例中,牙缺失率为1.5%,龋齿平均0.02颗.结论:牙缺失患病率处于较低水平,修复未治率较高,应加强军人系统性口腔卫生服务.  相似文献   

为了解军队离退休老干部的精神症状特征,有针对性地开展心理咨询、心理治疗,我们对183名军队离退休老干部进行了症状自评量表测评,现将结果报告如下.  相似文献   

刘如海 《人民军医》2012,(8):759-759
军队离退休老干部作为特殊群体,由于身体功能减退和环境等的变化,或多或少都存在一些心理问题。因此,做好军队离退休老干部心理服务工作非常重要。1认识心理服务的重要性干休所卫生所医务人员在为老干部进行医疗保健中,一定  相似文献   

目的:了解陆军军人龋病流行情况,更好地开展口腔卫生服务.方法:根据WHO 1997年版口腔健康调查标准,采用分层、整群抽样方法,选择陆军某部军人2 742例进行调查.结果:2 742例中,患龋率为27.8%,龋齿平均为0.58颗.结论:陆军军人龋齿患病率处于较低水平,但龋病未治率较高,应加强军队人员的口腔卫生服务.  相似文献   

刘大军  田瑛  王文红 《人民军医》2008,51(4):197-198
牙列缺损和缺失是军队老干部口腔多发病。自2000年12月以来,我们对军队老干部失牙469例情况进行了调查。现分析报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般情况 469例中,男386例,女83例;年龄60~88岁,平均76.9岁。其中失牙379例(687颌),占80.8%。经综合治疗后,活动义齿修复366例,占96.6%。  相似文献   

成都地区军队离退休老干部生活满意度现状调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生活满意度是生存质量的重要决定性因素。军队离退休老干部作为一个特殊的群体 ,其生活满意度深受社会和政府关注。作者于 2 0 0 1- 0 4~ 0 7对定居成都地区的军队离退休老干部进行了生活满意度调查和相关因素分析。现报告如下 :1 对象与方法1 1 调查对象 对定居成都地区 48个干休所或单位的离退休老干部进行整体调查 ,共调查 16 77人 ,年龄 6 0岁~ 96岁 ,平均72 6 3岁 ;其中男性 16 0 8人 ,女性 6 9人。漏检率 <2 %。资料按年龄分为 3组 :6 0岁~ 6 9岁 (组 1) ;70岁~ 79岁 (组 2 ) ;≥ 80岁 (组 3)。1 2 调查方法 采用自制生活满…  相似文献   

Some studies have demonstrated a relationship between occupational status and position in the workplace to use of dental services and oral health status. Ranks symbolize social status in the military hierarchy, which is different from that accepted in civilian workplace. OBJECTIVE: This study was aimed at analyzing differences between officers and noncommissioned personnel in regard to dental treatment needs and use of dental services. METHODS: One-thousand, one-hundred thirty-nine personnel of the Israel Defense Force were examined, using DMFT (decayed, missing, filled permanent teeth and CPITN (community periodontal index of treatment needs indices to define oral health status. A questionnaire was used to calculate utilization rates. RESULTS: Noncommissioned personnel had on average 50% more unmet caries treatment needs, and 19.1% of them suffered from deep periodontal pockets. No differences were demonstrated in utilization rates CONCLUSIONS: Military rank influences oral treatment needs the way civilian organizational structure does with the exception of utilization rates of dental services.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This project assessed the clinical oral health status of Veterans Administration (VA) patients and examined the relationship between oral health and both sociodemographic factors and dental care utilization. METHODS: Data were collected on 538 users of VA ambulatory medical care. Oral health was assessed by clinical examinations, and dental use and sociodemographic information are based on self-report. RESULTS: Younger, more educated VA patients with higher incomes had more teeth, fewer untreated and treated root caries, and were less likely to be edentulous or to have dentures. Dental utilization emerged as the most important aspect of veterans' oral health status, even after sociodemographic factors were controlled. Compared with the general population, veterans have poorer oral health with the exception of coronal caries. CONCLUSION: Compared with national studies, VA patients appear to have worse oral health. The importance of sociodemographic factors and dental utilization that has been found in other studies applies to veterans' oral health as well.  相似文献   

目的了解部队老干部恒牙龋病的发生情况,为进一步搞好老干部龋病的预防保健工作提供依据。方法按照1997年WHO《口腔健康调查基本方法》,对某部568名老干部的口腔健康状况进行现况调查,主要通过问诊、视诊、探诊`等方法做检查,并进行统计学分析。结果老干部患龋率为52.46%,龋齿充填率为25.93%,女性老干部龋齿充填率高于男性老干部;部队老干部患龋率低于地方同龄组,龋齿充填率高于地方同龄组。结论部队老干部患龋率高,充填率较低,需加强口腔疾病和卫生保健知识的宣传,整体提高部队老干部的口腔健康状况水平。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the factors which may disturb dental identification of unknown human remains and the practical value of dental evidence in routine forensic casework, including the changes due to dental treatment and postmortem interference. In the investigation of changes due to dental treatment on 696 patients' dental history at two clinics, increase of the number of dental restorations was the greatest in the initial 1-2 years. This finding suggests that dental treatments performed in early period after initial examination contributes more to forensic dental identification than those performed afterwards. The lower anterior teeth (incisors and canines) remained relatively unchanged for years compared with other teeth. The molars appeared to be more frequently restored at a relatively younger age and more frequently missing in the elderly. The investigation of 260 unknown remains in 971 forensic autopsy cases during a period of seven years (1992-1998) at our institute indicated the particular usefulness of dental evidence in cases where the candidates were identified from some other evidence, and usually in cases having a postmortem period corresponding to the obligatory preservation term for the clinical dental records and radiographic films. There were non-identity in the status of dental treatments between ante-mortem dental findings due to additional treatments received after the last day of examination recorded in the corresponding clinical dental records. Postmortem damage from decomposition and fire was more frequently observed in the anterior teeth. These observations indicate that precise documentation of dental evidence including postmortem deterioration and the establishment of a well-organized dental database of missing persons together with a suitable screening system is required to more effectively utilize dental evidence in routine forensic casework.  相似文献   

目的 了解护航官兵口腔健康状况,为采取防治措施提供依据.方法 对某舰护航官兵进行口腔检查,调查官兵龋齿、牙周疾病、第三磨牙阻生及口腔疾病病史和状况,对结果进行分析.结果 某舰护航官兵龋齿、牙周疾病、智齿冠周炎及口腔溃疡的发生率分别为22.7%、80.9%、20.0%及25.2%.结论 护航官兵对口腔卫生保健有需求,应该...  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to determine dental caries prevalence and treatment among 1,095 25- to 44-year-old permanent force Israeli military personnel. Caries experience, by decayed, missing, and filled permanent teeth (DMFT), was 11.66, with an average of 1.37 untreated caries, 2.40 extracted teeth, and 7.90 treated teeth. Caries was positively associated with age (p < 0.001). Females demonstrated statistically higher DMFT levels than males (p = 0.009). Negative associations were detected for education levels and untreated and extracted components (p < 0.001), and a positive association was detected for the treated caries component (p < 0.001). Permanent military personnel treated by private dentists exhibited 17.6% untreated caries, compared with 9.4% among personnel treated in the army. Officers had lower levels of untreated caries (8.6%) than others (13.3%). Among the present population, 77% had attended a dental clinic in the preceding 2 years. Permanent force personnel are offered free, comprehensive, and accessible dental treatment. The data emphasize a need for further dental health education.  相似文献   

Postma TC 《Military medicine》2007,172(12):1287-1292
OBJECTIVE: This study examines whether self-rated oral health is a suitable screening tool to detect dental caries and periodontal pockets, by itself and in combination with other self-reported health indicators, at the entry point of an institutional system for routine dental care. METHODS: Eight dentists recorded the clinical oral health status of a diverse adult sample (#n = 483) demanding routine dental examinations from a military health maintenance organization in South Africa (July 1999 to December 2000). Additionally, subjects reported their smoking status and rated their general and oral health by using a 4-point Likert scale (excellent, good, fair, or poor). RESULTS: Self-rated oral health in combination with self-reported smoking and self-rated general health were associated with the majority of decayed teeth and periodontal pockets in subjects demanding routine dental examinations. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that self-rated oral health in combination with self-reported smoking can be a useful screening tool to prioritize routine dental care in an institutional environment.  相似文献   

Influence of oral health on combat readiness in the Croatian army   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Skec V  Macan D  Spicek J  Susac M  Luksić I 《Military medicine》2002,167(12):1016-1019
The impact of the acute stomatological conditions on the reducing of the combat readiness is an important responsibility for the military planners. Classification of dental health is the primary condition for research and assessment of the army dental readiness for combat. Clinical examination of teeth and mouth included 912 soldiers, 650 of whom were recruits and 262 active duty military personnel. According to their oral status, the examinees were divided into three classes. Class 1 included all those examinees that did not require any dental treatment or reevaluation within 12 months. Class 2 included all of the examinees whose oral health was such that if regularly controlled or followed up, they were not expected to have a dental emergency within 12 months. Class 3 included all of the examinees that required dental treatment to correct both their dental and oral health because the present condition was likely to cause acute stomatological conditions during the 12-month period. This survey designated 130 (14.3%) of the examinees to class 1,178 (19.5%) to class 2, and 604 (66.2%) to class 3. The combat readiness of the 604 (66.2%) examinees in the third class was reduced because a dental emergency can cause the need for dental treatment. The recruits do not have satisfactory dental status even at the beginning of their army service. Unfortunately, active duty military personnel do not have satisfactory dental status either, although they have access to cost-free dental care (prosthetics and orthodontics are not included). This increases the possibility for development of dental emergencies that would have a negative impact on combat readiness.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Good oral health of soldiers would decrease the number of urgent dental interventions and absences from training and the battlefield and would improve the security of the whole formation. This study shows the habits for maintaining oral health and the oral status of the examined population in the Croatian Army. METHODS: The data were obtained from examinations and questionnaires of 912 Croatian soldiers, 650 of whom were recruits and 262 professional soldiers of the Croatian Army land forces. RESULTS: The results showed that the oral health of the examined population was mostly bad, as a consequence of inadequate prevention of illnesses of the oral cavity associated with insufficient oral hygiene. The most common disease was dental caries (5.84 carious teeth per recruit and 2.71 per professional). Only 14 (1.53%) of 912 examinees had completely healthy teeth. Only one-third of the examinees had no bleeding when tested with a periodontal probe. Acute pain of odontogenic origin was present for 23.5% of examinees. Such oral health makes most of the soldiers unreliable for peace operations that would last >6 months, because it lowers their combat readiness. CONCLUSION: Oral hygiene and oral health are poor. Consequently, combat readiness is low because of the need for frequent dental interventions, which could further lead to absence from the field and appointed tasks. The results emphasize the need for obligatory regular check-ups to improve oral health in the Croatian Army.  相似文献   

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