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伴随大脑皮质路易小体(LB)形成的痴呆即被定义为路易体痴呆(DLB),其临床特征为波动性认知功能障碍、幻视和帕金森症候群.路易体痴呆在所有痴呆类型中约占20%,而在帕金森病(PD)患者中,近30%也最终发生痴呆即帕金森病痴呆(PDD).  相似文献   

<正>路易体痴呆(dementia with Lewy bodies,DLB)是以痴呆和帕金森综合征为主要临床表现、仅次于阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer disease,AD)的第二常见的神经变性性痴呆。在帕金森病(Parkinson disease,PD)患者中,痴呆的患病率约为30%~40%[1]。典型帕金森病痴呆(Parkinson disease dementia,PDD)与DLB的诊断依据痴呆  相似文献   

帕金森病(PD)是一种常见的神经系统变性疾病。其主要病理特征是黑质多巴胺能神经元的变性死亡和残存神经元内路易体(LB)形成。部分PD患者在疾病进展中并发痴呆表现,称帕金森病痴呆(PDD)和路易体痴呆(DLB)都具synuclein蛋白此特征性病理改变,两者在认知、精神症状和锥体外系症状上很相似,在病理学、临床表现上有很大重叠。本文就PDD与DLB、阿尔茨海默病(AD)、PD的鉴别及联系的最新研究作一综述。  相似文献   

<正>路易体(lewy bodies,LBs)相关痴呆传统上分为路易体痴呆(dementia with Lewy bodies,DLB)或帕金森病痴呆(Parkinson’s disease dementia,PDD)。由于DLB、帕金森病(Parkinson’sdisease,PD)等疾病均以α-共核蛋白(α-synuclein)在脑部的沉积为主要的病理改变,其发病机制均基于  相似文献   

路易体痴呆   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
路易体痴呆 (dementia of L ewy body,DL B)是一种以波动性认知障碍、持久的注意障碍、视空间障碍以及持续复杂的视幻觉、轻度锥体外系表现为特征 ,病理上有路易体的变性疾病 [1 ]。Okazaki在 196 1年报道了两例患者 ,随后越来越受到人们的注意。目前 ,DL B被认为是仅次于阿尔茨海默病 (AD)的痴呆 ,AD在痴呆中占 5 0~ 6 0 % ,DL B占 15~ 2 5 % [2 ]。一、DL B的病理学特征 :1.路易体 (L B) :是诊断 DL B的关键。F.H.L ewy在1912年首先描述 L B是一种球型、胞浆内的嗜酸性神经元包涵体 ,也可见于胞外。脑干路易体 (经典型 L B)…  相似文献   

<正>1984年日人小阪宪司(Kosaka.k)率先提出在痴呆性疾病中存在一种新的疾病,称做弥漫性路易小体病(Diffuse type of Lewy body disease)。此后日本及欧美各国都有类似报道, 但根据尸检发现大脑皮质lewy小体的多少不一,有三种意见: (1)本病属独立的疾病;(2)属ATD系列疾病;(3)帕金森病的"延长线",即ATD与PD的过渡型。1995年在英国新城召开第一届国际路易体痴呆(Dementiawith Lewy body DLB)研讨会,统一定名为lewy体痴呆,并为该病拟定了临床和病理诊断  相似文献   

路易体痴呆八例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨路易体痴呆的临床特征,诊断和治疗。方法对8例临床诊断的路易体痴呆患者的资料进行回顾性分析。结果8例患者的首发症状均为波动性认知功能障碍,伴随持续存在的视幻觉和帕金森综合征表现。主要为中度痴呆,视空结构能力损害明显;波动性认知功能障碍(FC)评分为4~10,平均7 4±2 1,为轻至中度波动;统一帕金森病等级量表(UPDRS)评分为31 ~71,平均47 8±14 3。1例有快眼动相(REM)睡眠行为障碍的患者REM睡眠期颏下肌电图出现大量电活动。8例患者头部MRI及CT扫描均显示脑萎缩。1例脑单光子发射计算机体层摄影术(SPECT)检查显示纹状体多巴胺功能受损。左旋多巴和胆碱酯酶抑制剂盐酸多奈哌齐治疗有效。结论路易体痴呆的临床特征为波动性认知功能障碍、持续存在的视幻觉和锥体外系运动功能障碍,诊断以病史、神经心理测试和影像学检查为依据,左旋多巴、胆碱酯酶抑制剂可分别改善患者的锥体外系症状和认知功能障碍。  相似文献   

<正>路易体痴呆(dementia with Lewy bodies,DLB)和帕金森病痴呆(Parkinson disease dementia,PDD)具有共同病理学改变,包括路易小体形成等,两者均属于"路易小体疾病谱系"~([1])。然而研究发现,除了路易小体形成,两者均存在类似阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)的病理学改变,即β-淀粉样蛋白(amyloid-βpeptide,Aβ)沉积,且研究  相似文献   

1 前言路易体痴呆在过去 1 0年中已被认定是老年人痴呆的常见类型 ,占痴呆的 1 5 %~ 2 0 %。表现为波动性认知障碍和注意受损并常伴有反复的视幻觉及帕金森病表现。妄想、抑郁情绪、睡眠障碍、听幻觉是路易体痴呆的常见神经精神症状。对这一大组患者的治疗比较困难 ,因为在大  相似文献   

帕金森病痴呆的临床特征及治疗进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
帕金森病(Parkinson disease,PD)是一种中老年常见的神经系统变性疾病,其主要的病理特征是黑质多巴胺能神经元的变性死亡和残存神经元内路易小体(Lewy body)形成。部分PD患者在疾病的晚期会出现痴呆的表现。临床上将与路易小体有关的痴呆分为:PD痴呆(Parkinson disease withdementia, PDD) 和路易体痴呆(dementia with Lewy bodies,,DLB),据研究大多数诊断为PD的患者会出现PDD;而在所有痴呆患者中,DLB大约占了20%,仅次于阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer disease,AD)。这三者尤其是前两者在病理学、临床表现以及神经生物学上有很大的重叠,难以鉴别。本文就PDD以及其与DLB、AD的鉴别及联系的最新研究作一综述。  相似文献   

Advances in medical practice have significantly increased the longevity of our population during the last 100 years. As the number of persons with dementia has grown, the significance of the contribution of cerebrovascular disease has become apparent, and it is now recognized to be the second most frequent cause of dementia in Western countries and perhaps the most frequent cause of dementia in Asian countries. Factors that increase the risk of vascular dementia include stroke, particularly more severe strokes involving the left hemisphere; vascular risk factors, such as diabetes mellitus; and host characteristics, such as older age and fewer years of education. Genetic factors are causative in familial disorders such as CADASIL, and the apolipoprotein E 4 allele may also make a contribution. Certain patients with vascular dementia may exhibit the stereotypic clinical features of executive dysfunction and a stepwise course of cognitive decline, particularly when subcortical disease is predominant, but the clinical distinctions between cerebrovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease may be subtle, in part because those two diseases frequently coexist. Two approaches to the treatment of patients with vascular dementia should be considered. First, treatment for stroke prophylaxis, including the careful management of vascular risk factors, could be worthwhile. Second, a variety of agents that have been investigated for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease might also prove to be beneficial for patients with vascular dementia, including cholinesterase inhibitors, neuroprotective agents, statins, calcium-channel blockers, anti-inflammatory medications, and antioxidants.  相似文献   

Reversible dementias are rare and account for approximately 1.5% of all dementias. The most frequent etiology is represented by neurosurgical causes?such as benign tumours, adult chronic hydrocephalus (so-called ??normal pressure?? hydrocephalus) or subdural hematoma, which are easily revealed by neuroimaging. Systematic ancillary investigations aimed at detecting an infectious disease (syphilis, HIV infection, Lyme neuroborreliosis or, more rarely, Whipple disease), an endocrine aetiology or a vitamin deficiency are rarely contributory, but remain relevant since these dementias could be reversible. Discovering a reversible cause of dementia does not always allow full recovery after treatment. However, systematic ancillary investigations can identify and treat concomitant reversible conditions, which contribute to worsening the main clinical condition in nearly 25% of dementia cases.  相似文献   

M G Bousser 《L'Encéphale》1977,3(4):357-372
The incidence of both atherosclerosis and demential increases with age and therefore the terms "cerebral atherosclerosis" or "cerebro-vascular dementia" are commonly used for any mental deterioration in elderly persons. These names depend on the proposition of a gradual narrowing of cerebral arteries as an inevitable accompaniement of ageing which ends in dementia through a progressive reduction of cerebral blood flow. This apparently reasonnable hypothesis has now been shown to be wrong. ;t has been established that first, senile dementia is not due to cerebral atherosclerosis in spite of the frequent coexistence of degenerative and vascular lesions; and secondly, true cerebro vascular dementia results from the destruction of brain tissue following cerebral infarction; hence the proper term is "multi-infarct dementia". This neuronal destruction leads to decrease in cerebral metabolism and blood flow and to intellectual deterioration. The diagnostic criteria are therefore those of cerebral infarcts i.e: arterial hypertension and/or signs of atherosclerosis, sudden onset and/or stepwise progression, and focal neurological signs. If one follow those criteria, multi-infarct dementia accounts for only about 10% of all dementias; if one does not, the diagnosis will continue to be made to the exclusion of other potentially curable causes of dementias. Five clinico-pathological forms can be distinguished according to the size, number and site of the infarcts: lacunar state, large multiple infarcts, watershed infarction, single infarct and Binswanger's encephalopathy. This distinction is always arbitrary because the association of lacunes and large infarcts is very common in multi-infarct dementia. The almost invariable failure of all therapeutic measures once multi-infarct dementia has been established stresses the importance of prevention. This depends on prevention of cerebral infarcts, i.e. on the correction of risk factors amongst which arterial hypertension is by far, the most important. Some cases benefit also from carotid surgery, anticoagulants, and antiplatelet drugs but antihypertensive drugs are the most essential part. It is very likely that if all cases of arterial hypertension are properly treated, the incidence of multi-infarct dementia will decrease greatly.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's "other dementia".   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A short history of Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia is presented. The socio-medical events that led to the dominance of Alzheimer disease are discussed. Alzheimer's contributions to our current understanding of vascular dementia are reviewed.  相似文献   

Costs of dementia care constitute a great part of the total costs of care for elderly. Because the prevalence of dementia is linked to increasing age, and the number of the oldest old is rising, the costs of dementia care will increase considerably in the forthcoming decades. In this review, research describing costs of dementia care has been analysed and classified. The available database in this field is small, though expanding, and the methodological problems are obvious. Differences between countries, and between different periods of time, are difficult to analyse due to different methods of financing and organizing care. The main result of the present study is that the costs of dementia care differ considerably in the literature. One important reason for this variability is that the number of included cost categories vary, leading to a wide range of costs. Unpaid informal care forms a major part of the total costs, but the theory of costing informal care is complicated. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Defining dementia: clinical criteria for the diagnosis of vascular dementia   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The recognition of cerebrovascular disease (CVD) as a contributing factor and a cause of dementia has led to the development of clinical criteria for vascular dementia (VaD). Due to high specificity, the consensus criteria developed by the National Institute for Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)–Association Internationale pour la Recherche et l'Enseignement en Neurosciences (AIREN) have been used in controlled clinical trials to select patients with pure VaD. VaD is predominantly a subcortical frontal form of dementia with prominent executive dysfunction. In contrast, the criteria of the NINCDS–Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association (ADRDA) emphasize memory loss as the main feature to distinguish Alzheimer's disease (AD) from VaD and from other forms of dementia. Moreover, CVD may precipitate the clinical expression of AD. Although no criteria have been created specifically for patients having AD with CVD, the ischemic score, the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly and a history of prestroke mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may be useful for identifying patients with this mixed form of dementia.  相似文献   

We performed neurosonographic examinations in 19 patients with vascular dementia (VD) and compared these findings with those in 21 patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) and in 20 controls. There were no significant differences in age and sex among these three subject groups. The severity of dementia quantified by the Mini-Mental State Examination and Mattis Dementia Rating Scale did not reveal significant differences between VD and DAT. We found that carotid stenosis > 50% or occlusion was more frequent in VD compared to controls. The mean flow velocities of both the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and the basilar artery (BA) were decreased in VD and DAT compared with controls. This decrease was statistically significant for left MCA, but not for right MCA and BA. However, we did not find any significant differences between VD and DAT for the mean flow velocities of both MCA and BA.  相似文献   

Presenile dementia with "Lafora-like" intraneuronal inclusions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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