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Persistent viral infections are, by definition, associated with ineffective antiviral immunity, in particular those infections caused by viruses that are highly productive and replicative (including HIV, HBV and HCV). The reasons for ineffective antiviral immunity in these types of infections are complex and manifold, and only recently a more comprehensive picture of the parameters responsible for attenuation of immune function is emerging. One reason for poor viral control in these types of infections is the functional deterioration of antiviral T‐cell responses and understanding the underlying mechanisms is of key importance. This review summarizes our current knowledge of cell‐intrinsic and cell‐extrinsic parameters that contribute to T‐cell exhaustion during chronic viral infections and discusses related implications for host survival, immunopathology, and control of infection.  相似文献   

Oral tolerance is the antigen‐specific inhibition of a systemic immune response after oral antigen uptake and well established in animal models. We recently showed that keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) feeding modulates subsequently induced systemic immune responses in humans as well. In the present study, we investigated whether oral KLH can also modulate preexisting antigen‐specific systemic B‐ and T‐cell responses. We induced delayed‐type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions as well as systemic KLH‐specific B‐ and T‐cell responses by subcutaneous KLH injections. Subsequent oral KLH administration decreased the small proportion of antigen‐specific CD4+ T cells positive for the cytokine IL‐17 at the end of the feeding regimen even further. After reimmunization, there was no difference in DTH reactions and the KLH‐specific B‐cell responses, but KLH‐fed volunteers had an increased proportion of antigen‐specific CD4+ T cells positive for IL‐10 and a reduced proportion of antigen‐specific CD4+ T cells positive for the skin‐homing receptor cutaneous lymphocyte antigen and IL‐2 and IFN‐γ. Taken together, oral KLH can modulate a preexisting systemic KLH‐specific immune response. These results suggest that feeding antigen may offer therapeutic strategies for the suppression of unwanted immune reactions in humans.  相似文献   

Background Several clinical trials suggest that probiotics may have a role in the prevention of eczema. The optimal timing and mechanisms underlying this intervention are not clear. In particular it is not known whether such treatment works during pregnancy or whether postnatal exposure is important. Objective We investigated whether the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG (LGG) influences fetal immune responses when administered to pregnant women, as a possible mechanism for its protective effects against the development of eczema. Methods Peripheral blood mononuclear cell from 11 adults treated with LGG, and cord blood mononuclear cells (CBMCs) from 73 women participating in a randomized controlled trial of LGG treatment were cultured with heat‐killed LGG, ovalbumin (OVA) or without stimulus. Cells were analysed by flow cytometry and real‐time PCR for markers of dendritic cell (DC) phenotype, T cell proliferation and regulation. Cytokine secretion was analysed in culture supernatants by multiplex cytokine assay. Results LGG treatment of adults led to systemic immune responses suggestive of antigen‐specific tolerance including reduced CD4+ T cell proliferation to heat‐killed LGG (30% reduction; P=0.03). LGG treatment of pregnant women did not influence CD4+ T cell proliferation, forkhead box P3 expression, DC phenotype or cytokine secretion in CBMCs cultured with heat‐killed LGG or OVA. Conclusion LGG treatment of pregnant women fails to influence fetal antigen‐specific immune responses. This suggests that modulation of fetal immune responses may not be a major mechanism by which probiotics such as LGG prevent eczema.  相似文献   

Self‐tolerance, presumably through lineage‐unbiased elimination of self‐antigen‐specific lymphocytes (CD4+ T, CD8+ T, and B cells), creates a formidable barrier to cancer immunotherapy. In contrast to this prevailing paradigm, we demonstrate that for some antigens, self‐tolerance reflects selective elimination of antigen‐specific CD4+ T cells, but preservation of CD8+ T‐ and B‐cell populations. In mice, antigen‐specific CD4+ T‐cell tolerance restricted CD8+ T‐ and B‐cell responses targeting the endogenous self‐antigen guanylyl cyclase c (GUCY2C) in colorectal cancer. Although selective CD4+ T‐cell tolerance blocked GUCY2C‐specific antitumor immunity and memory responses, it offered a unique solution to the inefficacy of GUCY2C vaccines through recruitment of self‐antigen‐independent CD4+ T‐cell help. Incorporating CD4+ T‐cell epitopes from foreign antigens into vaccines against GUCY2C reconstituted CD4+ T‐cell help, revealing the latent functional capacity of GUCY2C‐specific CD8+ T‐ and B‐cell pools, producing durable antitumor immunity without autoimmunity. Incorporating CD4+ T‐cell epitopes from foreign antigens into vaccines targeting self‐antigens in melanoma (Trp2) and breast cancer (Her2) produced similar results, suggesting selective CD4+ T‐cell tolerance underlies ineffective vaccination against many cancer antigens. Thus, identification of self‐antigens characterized by selective CD4+ T‐cell tolerance and abrogation of such tolerance through self‐antigen‐independent T‐cell help is essential for future immunotherapeutics.  相似文献   

IL‐7 plays a crucial role in the homeostatic proliferation, differentiation and survival of T cells, as well as in the survival and proliferation of precursor B cells. Here, we demonstrated that utilizing nonlytic Fc‐fused IL‐7 (IL‐7‐Fcm) as a genetic adjuvant significantly enhanced not only CD4+ but also CD8+ T‐cell responses by E7 DNA immunization, in addition to improving protection against TC‐1‐induced tumors in comparison to IL‐7 alone. Similar results were obtained in OT‐1 adoptive transfer experiments with OVA DNA injection, suggesting independence from antigenic nature and experimental conditions. In particular, the increased frequency of CD8+ T cells was mainly due to enhanced T‐cell proliferation in T‐cell priming, and not to decreased cellular apoptosis. Interestingly, the enhanced adjuvant effect was not seen in the co‐delivery of lytic Fc‐fused IL‐7 (IL‐7‐Fc) which increases T‐cell apoptosis as well as T‐cell proliferation, suggesting that the T‐cell proliferative effect may be neutralized by T‐cell apoptosis. Thus, our findings suggest that nonlytic Fc, in contrast to lytic Fc, fusion to cytokines may provide an insight in designing a potent genetic adjuvant for inducing CD4+ and CD8+ T‐cell responses.  相似文献   

Background ImmuBalance? is a koji fungus (Aspergillus oryzae) and lactic acid fermented soybean product. This unique production process is believed to create a food supplement that helps to induce or maintain normal immune response. Objective To assess possible therapeutic effects of ImmuBalance? on peanut (PN) hypersensitivity using a murine model of peanut allergy (PNA). Methods PN allergic C3H/HeJ mice were fed standard mouse chow containing 0.5% or 1.0% ImmuBalance (ImmuBalance 2X), radiation‐inactivated 1.0% ImmuBalance (I‐ImmuBalance 2X), or regular diet chow (sham) for 4 weeks, beginning 10 weeks after the initial PN sensitization, and then challenged with PN. Anaphylactic symptom scores, plasma histamine, serum PN specific‐IgE levels and splenocyte cytokine profiles were determined. Results While 100% of sham‐treated PNA mice developed anaphylactic reactions with a median score of 3.3 following PN challenge, only 50% of ImmuBalance, 30% of ImmuBalance 2X and 40% of I‐ImmuBalance 2X‐treated mice developed allergic reactions with median scores of 1.0, 0.4 and 0.5 respectively, which were significantly less than that in the sham‐treated mice (P<0.05). Plasma histamine and PN specific‐IgE levels were also significantly less in all treated mice than in sham‐treated mice (P<0.05). Furthermore, IL‐4, IL‐5 and IL‐13 production by PN‐stimulated splenocytes in vitro from ImmuBalance fed mice were markedly reduced compared with sham‐treated mice, whereas IFN‐γ production was moderately increased. TGF‐β and TNF‐α production were similar. Conclusions ImmuBalance protects against PN‐induced anaphylaxis when administered as a food supplement in this model. Protection was associated with down‐regulation of Th2 responses. This supplement may provide a potential novel therapy for PNA.  相似文献   

Murine CMV (MCMV) infection induces effector CD8+ T cells that continue to increase in frequency after acute infection (“inflation”) and are stably maintained at a high frequency, with up to 20% of the CD8+ T‐cell compartment being specific for one epitope, although the flexibility and turnover of these populations is not fully defined. Here we report that effector/memory CD8+ T cells induced by MCMV can be paradoxically boosted following transient depletion of epitope specific CD8+ T cells. Treatment of MCMV‐infected mice with MHC‐Class I‐saporin tetramers led to partial (80–90%) depletion of epitope‐specific CD8+ T cells—rapidly followed by a rebound, leading to expansion and maintenance of up to 40% of total CD8+ T cells, with minimal changes in response to a control epitope (M45). These data indicate the tight balance between host and virus during persistent infection and the functional flexibility of the “inflated” CD8+ T cell responses during persistent infection.  相似文献   

Two‐dimensional (2D) kinetic analysis directly measures molecular interactions at cell–cell junctions, thereby incorporating inherent cellular effects. By comparison, three‐dimensional (3D) analysis probes the intrinsic physical chemistry of interacting molecules isolated from the cell. To understand how T‐cell tumor reactivity relates to 2D and 3D binding parameters and to directly compare them, we performed kinetic analyses of a panel of human T‐cell receptors (TCRs) interacting with a melanoma self‐antigen peptide (gp100209217) bound to peptide‐major histocompatibility complex in the absence and presence of co‐receptor CD8. We found that while 3D parameters are inadequate to predict T‐cell function, 2D parameters (that do not correlate with their 3D counterparts) show a far broader dynamic range and significantly improved correlation with T‐cell function. Thus, our data support the general notion that 2D parameters of TCR–peptide‐major histocompatibility complex–CD8 interactions determine T‐cell responsiveness and suggest a potential 2D‐based strategy to screen TCRs for tumor immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Treatment options for patients with advanced prostate cancer remain limited and rarely curative. Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) is a prostate‐specific protein overexpressed in 95% of prostate tumours. An FDA‐approved vaccine for the treatment of advanced prostate disease, PROVENGE® (sipuleucel‐T), has been shown to prolong survival, however the precise sequence of the PAP protein responsible for the outcome is unknown. As the PAP antigen is one of the very few prostate‐specific antigens for which there is a rodent equivalent with high homology, preclinical studies using PAP have the potential to be directly relevant to clinical setting. Here, we show three PAP epitopes naturally processed and presented in the context of HHDII/DR1 (114–128, 299–313, and 230–244). The PAP‐114‐128 epitope elicits CD4+ and CD8+ T‐cell‐specific responses in C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, when immunised in a DNA vector format (ImmunoBody®), PAP‐114‐128 prevents and reduces the growth of transgenic adenocarcinoma of mouse prostate‐C1 prostate cancer cell‐derived tumours in both prophylactic and therapeutic settings. This anti‐tumour effect is associated with infiltration of CD8+ tumour‐infiltrating lymphocytes and the generation of high avidity T cells secreting elevated levels of IFN‐γ. PAP‐114‐128 therefore appears to be a highly relevant peptide on which to base vaccines for the treatment of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

A key component of immunity against viruses, CD4+ T cells expand and differentiate into functional subsets upon primary infection, where effector (Teff) cells facilitate infection control and regulatory (Treg) cells mitigate immunopathology. After secondary infection, Teff cells mount a robust response from the memory pool. Here, we show that Treg‐cell responses are diminished upon secondary infection, and Treg‐cell response dynamics are associated more with T‐cell receptors (TCRs) repertoire and avidity than with epitope specificity. In the murine model, the IAbM209 epitope of respiratory syncytial virus is recognized by both CD4+ Treg and Teff cells, while the IAbM226 epitope is recognized almost exclusively by CD4+ Teff cells expressing high avidity TCR Vβ8.1/8.2 and dominating the CD4+ T‐cell response during primary and secondary infections. IAbM209‐Teff cells express relatively low avidity TCRs during early primary infection, but high avidity TCR Vβ7‐expressing IAbM209‐Teff cells emerge during the late phase, and become dominant after secondary infection. The emerging high avidity IAbM209‐Teff cells outcompete IAbM209‐Treg cells that share the same epitope, but have low avidity and are restricted to TCR Vβ2 and Vβ6 subpopulations. These data indicate that MHC‐peptide‐TCR interactions can produce different kinetic and functional profiles in CD4+ T‐cell populations even when responding to the same epitope.  相似文献   

The precise function of tissue factor (TF) expressed by dendritic cells (DC) is uncertain. As well as initiating thrombin generation it can signal through protease‐activated receptor 2 (PAR‐2) when complexed with factor VIIa. We investigated the expression and function of TF on mouse bone marrow (BM) ‐derived DC; 20% of BM‐derived DC expressed TF, which did not vary after incubation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or dexamethasone (DEX). However, the pro‐coagulant activity of DEX‐treated DC in recalcified plasma was 30‐fold less than LPS‐treated DC. In antigen‐specific and allogeneic T‐cell culture experiments, the TF on DEX‐treated DC provided a signal through PAR‐2, which contributed to the reduced ability of these cells to stimulate CD4+ T‐cell proliferation and cytokine production. In vivo, an inhibitory anti‐TF antibody and a PAR‐2 antagonist enhanced antigen‐specific priming in two models where antigen was given without adjuvant, with an effect approximately 50% that seen with LPS, suggesting that a similar mechanism was operational physiologically. These data suggest a novel TF and PAR‐2‐dependent mechanism on DEX‐DC in vitro and unprimed DC in vivo that contributes to the low immunogenicity of these cells. Targeting this pathway has the potential to influence antigen‐specific CD4+ T‐cell activation.  相似文献   

Pre‐existing human CD4+ and CD8+ T‐cell‐mediated immunity may be a useful correlate of protection against severe influenza disease. Identification and evaluation of common epitopes recognized by T cells with broad cross‐reactivity is therefore important to guide universal influenza vaccine development, and to monitor immunological preparedness against pandemics. We have retrieved an optimal combination of MHC class I and class II restricted epitopes from the Immune Epitope Database ( www.iedb.org ), by defining a fitness score function depending on prevalence, sequence conservancy and HLA super‐type coverage. Optimized libraries of CD4+ and CD8+ T‐cell epitopes were selected from influenza antigens commonly present in seasonal and pandemic influenza strains from 1934 to 2009. These epitope pools were used to characterize human T‐cell responses in healthy donors using interferon‐γ ELISPOT assays. Upon stimulation, significant CD4+ and CD8+ T‐cell responses were induced, primarily recognizing epitopes from the conserved viral core proteins. Furthermore, the CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were phenotypically characterized regarding functionality, cytotoxic potential and memory phenotype using flow cytometry. Optimized sets of T‐cell peptide epitopes may be a useful tool to monitor the efficacy of clinical trials, the immune status of a population to predict immunological preparedness against pandemics, as well as being candidates for universal influenza vaccines.  相似文献   

Several mechanisms exist to avoid or suppress inflammatory T‐cell immune responses that could prove harmful to the host due to targeting self‐antigens or commensal microbes. We hypothesized that these mechanisms could become evident when comparing the immunogenicity of a peptide from a pathogen or allergen with the conservation of its sequence in the human proteome or the healthy human microbiome. Indeed, performing such comparisons on large sets of validated T‐cell epitopes, we found that epitopes that are similar with self‐antigens above a certain threshold showed lower immunogenicity, presumably as a result of negative selection of T cells capable of recognizing such peptides. Moreover, we also found a reduced level of immune recognition for epitopes conserved in the commensal microbiome, presumably as a result of peripheral tolerance. These findings indicate that the existence (and potentially the polarization) of T‐cell responses to a given epitope is influenced and to some extent predictable based on its similarity to self‐antigens and commensal antigens.  相似文献   

The amino acid L ‐arginine plays a crucial role in the regulation of immune responses. We have recently shown that uncontrolled replication of Leishmania parasites at the site of pathology correlates with high levels of arginase activity in nonhealing leishmaniasis and that this elevated arginase activity causes local depletion of L ‐arginine. To further our understanding of the impact of L ‐arginine deprivation in experimental leishmaniasis, here we characterize in detail the effects of L ‐arginine deprivation on antigen‐specific T cells and MΦ. The results of our study show that decrease of L ‐arginine levels in the extracellular milieu affects the biological activities of Leishmania major‐specific T cells, both at the level of the magnitude and the quality of their responses. L. major‐specific CD4+ T cells rendered hyporesponsive by L ‐arginine deprivation can be partially rescued by addition of exogenous L ‐arginine to produce IL‐4 and IL‐10, but not to produce IFN‐γ. Furthermore, our results show that L ‐arginine deprivation also greatly impacts parasite growth in activated macrophages. In summary, our results suggest that L ‐arginine levels affect both Th cell responses and parasite replication.  相似文献   

Lymphoid‐tissue dendritic cells (DCs) are short‐lived and need to be continuously replenished from bone marrow‐derived DC progenitor cells. Fms‐related tyrosine kinase 3 is expressed during cellular development from hematopoietic progenitors to lymphoid‐tissue DCs. Fms‐related tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (Flt3L) is an essential, nonredundant cytokine for DC progenitor to lymphoid tissue DC differentiation and maintenance. However, which cells contribute to Flt3L production and how Flt3L cytokine levels are regulated in steady state and during immune reactions remains to be determined. Here we demonstrate that besides nonhematopoietic cells, WT T cells produce Flt3L and contribute to the generation of both classical DCs (cDCs) and plasmacytoid DCs in Flt3L?/? mice. Upon stimulation in vitro, CD4+ T cells produce more Flt3L than CD8+ T cells. Moreover, in vivo stimulation of naïve OT‐II CD4+ T cells with OVA leads to increase of pre‐cDCs and cDCs in draining lymph nodes of Flt3L?/? mice in a partially Flt3L‐dependent manner. Thus, Flt3L‐mediated lymphoid tissue DC homeostasis is regulated by steady‐state T cells as well as by proliferative T cells, fostering local development of lymphoid organ resident DCs.  相似文献   

Following antigen encounter and subsequent resolution of the immune response, a single naïve T cell is able to generate multiple subsets of memory T cells with different phenotypic and functional properties and gene expression profiles. Single‐cell technologies, first and foremost flow cytometry, have revealed the complex heterogeneity of the memory T‐cell compartment and its organization into subsets. However, a consensus has still to be reached, both at the semantic (nomenclature) and phenotypic level, regarding the identification of these subsets. Here, we review recent developments in the characterization of the heterogeneity of the memory T‐cell compartment, and propose a unified classification of both human and nonhuman primate T cells on the basis of phenotypic traits and in vivo properties. Given that vaccine studies and adoptive cell transfer immunotherapy protocols are influenced by these recent findings, it is important to use uniform methods for identifying and discussing functionally distinct subsets of T cells.  相似文献   

A number of polymorphisms in immune‐regulatory genes have been identified as risk factors for the development of autoimmune disease. PTPN22 (that encodes a tyrosine phosphatase) has been associated with the development of several autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. PTPN22 regulates the activity and effector functions of multiple important immune cell types, including lymphocytes, granulocytes and myeloid cells. In this review, we describe the role of PTPN22 in regulating T‐cell activation and effector responses. We discuss progress in our understanding of the impact of PTPN22 in autoimmune disease in humans and mouse models, as well as recent evidence suggesting that genetic manipulation of PTPN22 expression might enhance the efficacy of anti‐tumour T‐cell responses.  相似文献   

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