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目的 使用超踝关节外固定架治疗开放性pilon骨折。方法 1998年1月~2000年12月在C-臂机下行距骨、跟骨外固定架固定pilon骨折22例。结果 经3个月~1年随访,超踝关节外固定架治疗开放性pilon骨折疗效满意。结论 超踝关节外固定架固定开放性pilon骨折有利于创面及骨折的愈合,后躁关节功能恢复效果满意。 相似文献
我院自1994年1月至1996年12月三年共收治各类胫腓骨骨折病人74例,其中29例为开放骨折,全部采用外固定架治疗。现就其伤情特点与临床治疗总结如下。 临床资料 1.一般统计 本组男21例,女8例;年龄15~70岁,平均41.3岁;小于20岁1例,20~40岁12 相似文献
1993年3月至2002年1月,我院采用单臂多功能外固定架治疗胫腓骨开放骨折147例(其中合并严重的脏器损伤及复杂的多发性骨折未在本组讨论之内),取得满意的效果,现将其报告如下。 相似文献
目的探讨外固定架固定治疗肱骨干骨折的疗效。方法采用小切口复位外固定架固定治疗肱骨干骨折128例。结果术后随访6个月~18个月,全部病例均骨性愈合,骨愈合时间2~6个月(平均3.5个月),患肢功能恢复满意,无桡神经损伤。结论小切口复位外固定架固定治疗肱骨干骨折,符合微创术式和生物学固定原则,有利于骨折愈合,可降低桡神经损伤风险,无需二次手术,便于护理和早期功能锻炼。 相似文献
目的总结桡骨远端粉碎性骨折的外固定架治疗疗效。方法从1995年~2003年采用外固定架治疗桡骨远端粉碎性骨折46例,并进行随访。结果治疗后均随访1年,术后按Dienst评分,优良率为83.3%。结论外固定架固定牢靠,可早期活动腕关节,是治疗桡骨远端粉碎性、开放性骨折的有效方法。 相似文献
动力型外固定架治疗桡骨远端骨折的体会 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的探讨外固定架治疗桡骨远端骨折的临床疗效.方法应用动力型外固定架治疗86例桡骨远端骨折,在 C 臂下采用闭合复位或配合撬拔复位固定.结果86例患者获得随访,时间平均为12个月,外固定架拆除时间为5~6周,其中1例并发钉道感染,2例并发钉道松动,均发生在老年骨质疏松患者.通过临床及时干预处理,所有病例预后良好,无腕关节功能障碍等并发症发生.结论动力型外固定架治疗桡骨远端骨折具有创伤小、治疗周期短、恢复快、费用低,疗效满意等优点. 相似文献
闭合复位外固定架固定治疗股骨粗隆间骨折 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的 总结股骨粗隆间骨折患者采用闭合复位外固定架固定手术治疗结果,分析治疗效果。方法回 顾分析2002年~2004年以来对48股骨粗隆间骨折手术患者,在“C”型臂X光透视机定位下,骨折闭合复 位,外固定架固定手术治疗。术后有计划进行功能锻炼。结果48例股骨粗隆间骨折患者全部治愈,无骨 折不愈合及畸形愈合等发生。结论 股骨粗隆间骨折采用闭合复位外固定架固定的方法,手术创伤小,疗 效确切。特别是对于年老体弱、合并有心、脑、肺、肾慢性疾病的患者的治疗,是一个比较好的方法。 相似文献
单侧多功能外固定架应用于临床已10余年,该固定架设计合理,采用球形万向关节,能作360度旋转、多向调节、用延长和加压装置、结构简单易操作、能整复各种骨折,其稳定性好、符合生物力学特点、固定牢固和承重力大、适用于四肢长管骨骨折,特别是软组织条件差及损伤较重的开放性骨折。我科从1996年至2002年4月运用于临床29例,取得较好效果,现报告如下。 相似文献
目的探讨单边外固定架结合腓骨内固定治疗胫腓骨复杂骨折的临床效果。方法对27例胫腓骨复杂骨折采用了胫骨有限内固定单边外固定架固定,腓骨克氏针髓内固定或腓骨钢板螺钉内固定治疗。术后调节外固定架适当的纵向加压。结果术后随访12~24个月,平均愈合时间4~5个月。除1例因固定钉孔感染,固定钉松动导致骨延迟愈合,1例因深部感染导致骨不连外均骨性解剖愈合,患肢功能良好。结论单边外固定架结合腓骨内固定治疗,明显增加了骨折内固定的稳定性,提高了踝关节的稳定性,提高了胫腓骨病人的骨折愈合率和避免踝关节创伤性关节炎的发生。 相似文献
目的探讨总结胫骨pilon骨折治疗方法和疗效,以提高胫骨pilon骨折的治疗效果。方法 2005年1月~2008年5月,共治疗pilon骨折32例,按Ruedi-Allgower分型,I型3例,II型17型,III型12例,其中18例合并腓骨骨折。开放性骨折7例,均行急诊手术;闭合性骨折25例,受伤至行手术时间为7~14天,平均8.6天。27例行钢板内固定,5例行有限螺钉内固定结合外固定支架固定,合并腓骨骨折均使用直型复位钢板内固定。采用Mazur踝关节功能评分进行疗效比较和随访,平均随访时间1.8年。结果根据Mazur踝关节功能评分:优20例,良8例,可2例,差2例;优良率为87.5%。无深部感染病例发生。结论正确评估局部皮肤和软组织损伤及骨折类型,是掌握手术时机和选择正确治疗方法获取满意疗效的基础 相似文献
后Pilon骨折是由压缩暴力伴或不伴有旋转暴力引起的胫骨远端关节面骨折,其影像学特点为后踝骨折线沿胫骨远端冠状面延伸至内踝后丘,多合并踝关节后脱位、外踝骨折和软骨损伤。目前各研究者对于后Pilon骨折手术入路、复位顺序及内固定方式仍持有不同观点,尤其对关节面夹层骨块的处理是当前临床治疗的争论焦点。本文根据现有文献对后Pilon骨折的诊断分型、手术方式,尤其是关节面夹层骨块的显露和处理,以及相应的术后疗效作一综述。 相似文献
胫骨远端锁定加压钢板治疗Pilon骨折 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的分析应用胫骨远端锁定加压钢板治疗粉碎性Pilon骨折的疗效。方法胫骨远端锁定加压钢板治疗21例Pilon骨折患者,腓骨作外侧偏后纵切口,复位后用1/3管形或重建钢板固定。胫骨作切开复位内固定,锁定加压钢板及锁定螺钉固定。结果20例获随访,1例失去随访,时间8-24个月,采用Mazur评分系统评估手术疗效,优14例,良5例,可1例,无切口裂开及深部感染发生。结论对粉碎性Pilon骨折选用胫骨远端锁定加压钢板内固定具有复位理想,固定牢固,病人可早期下床活动等优点,能获得优良疗效。 相似文献
Tingting Ren Liang Ding Feng Xue Zhimin He Haijun Xiao 《Clinics (S?o Paulo, Brazil)》2015,70(6):419-422
Pilon fracture is a complex injury that is often associated with severe soft tissue damage and high rates of surgical site infection. The goal of this study was to analyze and identify independent risk factors for surgical site infection among patients undergoing surgical fixation of a pilon fracture.METHODS:
The medical records of all pilon fracture patients who underwent surgical fixation from January 2010 to October 2012 were reviewed to identify those who developed a surgical site infection. Then, we constructed univariate and multivariate logistic regressions to evaluate the independent associations of potential risk factors with surgical site infection in patients undergoing surgical fixation of a pilon fracture.RESULTS:
A total of 519 patients were enrolled in the study from January 2010 to October 2012. A total of 12 of the 519 patients developed a surgical site infection, for an incidence of 2.3%. These patients were followed for 12 to 29 months, with an average follow-up period of 19.1 months. In the final regression model, open fracture, elevated postoperative glucose levels (≥125 mg/dL), and a surgery duration of more than 150 minutes were significant risk factors for surgical site infection following surgical fixation of a pilon fracture.CONCLUSIONS:
Open fractures, elevated postoperative glucose levels (≥125 mg/dL), and a surgery duration of more than 150 minutes were related to an increased risk for surgical site infection following surgical fixation of a pilon fracture. Patients exhibiting the risk factors identified in this study should be counseled regarding the possible surgical site infection that may develop after surgical fixation. 相似文献15.
Purpose: A significant number of patients who have experienced previous surgical treatment for an osteoporotic hip fracture experience a subsequent hip fracture (SHF) on the opposite side. This study aims to analyze the risk factors and the correlation between osteoporosis and SHF on the opposite side in order to assess the usefulness of bisphosphonate treatment for the prevention of SHFs. Materials and Methods: We included 517 patients treated from March 1997 to April 2009 in this study. The inclusion criteria included previous unilateral hip fracture, without osteoporotic treatment, and a T-score less than -3.0 at the time of the fracture. We studied these patients in terms of death, SHF, alcoholism, living alone, dementia, dizziness, health status, osteoporotic treatment after fracture and bone mineral density (BMD). In total, 34 patients experienced a SHF. We selected another 34 patients without a SHF who had similar age, sex, body mass index, BMD, diagnosis, treatment and a follow up period for a matched pair study. We compared these two groups. The average follow up was 8.3 years and 8.1 years, respectively. Results: The mortality rate of the 517 patients was 138 (27%). The BMD at the time of fracture demonstrated no statistical difference between the two groups (p>0.05). Nine patients (26%) within the SHF group were prescribed Risedronate and 18 patients (53%) received the same treatment in the non-SHF group. There was a statistical relationship with the treatment of osteoporosis (p=0.026). The average BMD of patients with SHF was -5.13 and -5.02 in patients without SHF was (p>0.05). Conclusion: Although primary surgical treatments are important for an excellent outcome in osteoporotic hip fractures, treatment of osteoporosis itself is just as important for preventing SHFs. 相似文献
目的 探讨改良进钉点阶梯开口法应用于股骨转子间骨折股骨近端防旋髓内钉(PFNA)内固定术的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析2019年6月至2020年10月收治的69例股骨转子间骨折患者资料,其中38例采用改良进钉点阶梯开口法PFNA内固定治疗(改良组),31例采用常规进钉点常规开口法PFNA内固定治疗(常规组),比较两组定位... 相似文献
背景:传统切开复位内固定治疗C型Pilon骨折,骨膜广泛剥离,软组织损伤大,固定后并发症多,关节功能恢复不理想;单纯微创技术或外固定结合有限内固定对复杂的C型Pilon骨折往往难于做到解剖复位。目的:分析前外侧“L”型锁定钢板结合内侧微创经皮接骨板置入延期治疗C型Pilon骨折的疗效及并发症情况,探讨治疗C型Pilon骨折的有效固定方法。方法:选择26例C型Pilon骨折患者,均采用前外侧“L”型锁定钢板结合内侧微创经皮接骨板置入治疗,置入钢板前后均行CT三维重建,固定前及固定后定期复查X射线片并随访,观察临床疗效及并发症情况,并采用Johner-Wruhs评分系统评估疗效。结果与结论:26例患者均获随访,平均随访16个月(9-24个月),1例延迟愈合(12个月),平均愈合时间15周(11-52周),无畸形愈合,并发症:浅层感染2例,均为金黄色葡萄球菌,予敞开伤口每日换药2周后愈合;无深层感染或骨髓炎;创伤性关节炎1例,予踝关节注射玻璃酸钠后好转;无皮瓣坏死;无肌腱激惹;无断钉或退钉现象;无神经损伤。按Johner-Wruhs评分系统评分:优11例,良12例,中3例,优良率88.5%。结果证实,前外侧“L”型锁定钢板结合内侧微创经皮接骨板置入延期治疗C型Pilon骨折,复位满意,坚强内固定,早期功能煅练,关节功能恢复良好,并发症少。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程全文链接: 相似文献
A history of fractures is a well recognised risk factor for a new clinical fracture. However, this subsequent fracture risk is not constant, but fluctuates over time, with the greatest increase in the years immediately after the initial fracture, followed by a gradual waning of risk toward the population risk. The clustering of fractures occurred regardless of age, gender and initial fracture location. It is therefore likely that fracture risk models, which take into account this fluctuation of fracture risk over time, will be more relevant in predicting an individual's subsequent fracture risk. Regardless of the cause of this clustering, these studies all strongly support the need for early action after an initial fracture to reduce the preventable risk of subsequent fractures with medical interventions that have been shown to immediately decrease the risk of fractures. 相似文献