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Extracellular slime from 8 different Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains was extracted and purified. All slime-preparations exhibited immunogenic properties in rabbits vaccinated with detoxified or not detoxified slime. The antisera of both groups of immunized animals possessed strong hemagglutination activity against homologous slime. Immune hemagglutinins were present in the IgM and IgG fractions of serum globulins. The high value of these antibodies was found in rabbit's sera short after injection of slime-extract. The hemagglutinins quickly reached the peak value and maintained in serum over 60-70 days. Biological properties of lyophilized slime-preparations were defined in rabbit-skin test, local Shwartzman test, pyrogenic reaction and measured as LD50 for mouse. Intravenous injection of slime elicited marked changes in the number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood of rabbit. The animals responded to slime either with leukopenia passing into leukocytosis or with leukocytosis without leukopenia.  相似文献   

The slime of 8 various Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains was purified and used to immunize rabbits. All studied slime-extracts were strongly immunogenic for animals. The level of antibodies against slime was determined by the passive hemagglutination test. Immune hemagglutinins were present mainly in the IgM fraction of antisera.  相似文献   

Various bile acids were added to cultures of encapsulated strains of Staphylococcus aureus growing in serum-soft agar medium of brain heart infusion broth. We examined effects of these compounds on cellular characteristics such as growth type, cell volume index, clumping factor reaction, slime yield, taurine content, and L-(--)-cysteic acid decarboxylase activity. Upon addition to the medium of either taurochenodeoxycholic acid, taurocholic acid (25 to 50 microgram/ml), or cholic acid (10 to 25 microgram/ml), the colonial morphology of taurine-positive cells (strain S-7) was altered from the diffuse to the compact type in serum-soft agar. Also, the titer of the clumping factor reaction increased, while the cell volume index and slime yield were markedly decreased. Tauro-bile acids, including taurocholic acid, taurochenodeoxycholic acid, taurodehydrocholic acid, and taurodeoxycholic acid (50 microgram/ml) inhibited the synthesis of taurine and resulted in decreased L-(--)-cysteic acid decarboxylase activity. Among all of the derivatives cholic acid itself was found to inhibit slime production and L-(--)-cysteic acid decarboxylase activity to the greatest extent. Glyco-bile acid derivatives and taurolicholic acid (50 to 100 microgram/ml) had no effect on L-(--)-cysteic acid decarboxylase activity. Compounds such as glycodeoxycholic acid (50 to 100 microgram/ml) had no effect upon any of the cellular characteristics tested. No effect was observed upon addition of any of these compounds to cultures of the taurine-negative strain (T-26-B). We did find a correlation between the inhibition of taurine biosynthesis and decreased slime production. Electron micrographs indicated that this encapsulated strain was converted to an unencapsulated state in the presence of bile acids.  相似文献   

Exfoliative toxin produced by Staphylococcus hyicus bound to the GM4-like glycolipid extracted from the skin of 1-day-old chickens but did not bind to glycolipid from adult chickens or suckling mice. Exfoliative toxin produced by Staphylococcus aureus bound to the GM4-like glycolipid extracted from the skin of suckling mice but not to glycolipid from 1-day-old or adult chickens. S. hyicus and S. aureus exfoliative toxins lost their toxicity by preincubation with GM4-like glycolipid from 1-day-old chickens and suckling mice, respectively.  相似文献   

The presence of the ica loci and adhesins genes in clinical Staphylococcus aureus strains were considered important factors of virulence. In this study, 46 strains of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from auricular infection, and were investigated for slime production using Congo Red Agar method (CRA). In order to detect the adhesins genes (ica A, ica D, fnb A, cna, Clf A) Polymerase Chain Reaction was used. Qualitative biofilm production of S. aureus using CRA plates revealed that 56.5% of strains were slime producers. In addition 78.26% of strains were ica A and ica D positive. While the fnbA gene was present in 76.1% of isolated strains. Furthermore, 56.5% of strains have the cna gene and 30.4% were clfA positives. Overall this study confirms the presence of fnb A and ica A/ica D genes in the majority of studies S. aureus strains isolated from Staphylococcal sepsis. ((c) 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim).  相似文献   

Infections caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are a major problem in immunocompromised patients. It has been claimed that extracellular slime production by CNS predicts pathogenicity and inhibits host defences. Luminol-enhanced neutrophil chemiluminescence (CL) and bacterial killing assays were used to assess the effect of slime production on opsonophagocytosis and killing by polymorphonuclear leucocytes in vitro. There was wide variation in CL induction amongst the 43 strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis examined. The presence of slime had no influence either on the requirement or on the efficiency of opsonisation. Slime-producing and non-slime-producing strains showed a stepwise increase in induced CL up to a serum concentration of 10%, and were dependent on complement for efficient phagocytosis. The bacterial killing assays confirmed the CL results. Our data suggest that extracellular staphylococcal slime has no specific anti-opsonic property in vitro. Opsonophagocytosis may still be hampered in vivo by the physical presence of slime.  相似文献   

The purified antigonococcal substance produced by Staphylococcus haemolyticus no. 7 has shown a broad antigonococcal spectrum and a narrow antibacterial spectrum. The inhibitor produced in vitro was also active in the guinea pig subcutaneous chamber. The inhibitor has shown hemolytic activity; the human, horse, and mouse erythrocytes were the most susceptible. Hemolytic and antigonococcal activities were inhibited in the presence of phosphatidylcholine. The amino acid composition of the antigonococcal substance was characterized by the absence of proline, tyrosine, histidine, cysteine, and tryptophan. The molecular weight was found to be 2,565, and the major isoelectric points were 4.8 and 4.9 in the presence of 8 M urea and 4.6 without urea. The inhibitor has some properties similar to those of the delta toxin of Staphylococcus aureus, although the two substances are different based mainly on their chemical characteristics. Also an antiserum directed against the gonococcal inhibitor did not give a precipitation line with the delta toxin, indicating that the two substances are antigenically unrelated.  相似文献   

Two methods commonly used for slime detection in coagulase-negative staphylococci (tube biofilm formation and colony morphology in Congo red agar) were used to study 144 ruminant mastitis Staphylococcus aureus strains. Slime production was detected in 21 strains. A majority of cells (85%) in slime-producing (SP) strains and a minority of cells (5%) in non-slime-producing (NSP) strains showed a condensed exopolysaccharide matrix (slime) surrounding the bacterial cell wall, as revealed by electron microscopy and immunofluorescence. In vivo slime production was also detected immunohistochemically after experimental infection of the mammary gland in sheep. Upon repeated subcultures in Congo red agar, NSP variants were obtained from four ovine and four bovine SP strains at a frequency ranging from 0.5 x 10(-4) to 10(-4). Because SP variants could not be obtained from NSP strains within this range or at a higher frequency, they were obtained by the tube biofilm formation (requiring repeated subculturing of NSP strains in tryptic soy broth containing 2% glucose for subsequent recovery of colonies adherent to the walls of the culture tubes). In experimental challenge, the SP variant showed a significantly higher colonization capacity than did the NSP variant of the same strain used (P < 0.001). However, the NSP variant had a higher virulence than did the SP variant (P < 0.001). These results may help to explain the different roles of S. aureus slime production cell types (SP and NSP) coexisting in disease.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus AB201, a clinical isolate from wound pus, produced a bacteriocin-like inhibitory substance termed as Bac201, that was inhibitory to Streptococcus agalactiae, Enterococcus faecalis, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Neisseria meningitidis and a number of staphylococcal species. It was purified to homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration (BioSil-SEC-125), and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (Vydac C4). The native Bac201 was sized at approximately 170-kDa as determined by GF HPLC. Fraction-I (native Bac201), having antibacterial activity was also examined by transmission electron microscopy and appeared as globular structure showing resemblance with phage-like objects. The purification of Bac201 resulted in 466-fold increase in specific activity and recovery of 0.94% of total antibacterial activity. The purified Bac201 migrated as single band on SDS-PAGE with an estimated molecular mass of about 41-kDa. Bac201 was sensitive to proteolytic enzymes, resistant to heat and organic solvents, and active over a wide range of pH (2.5-10). The amino acid composition revealed a general resemblance with other reported high molecular mass bacteriocins and predominance of glycine (39%), proline (13%) and alanine (8%) residues. Further results showed that Bac201 has a bactericidal effect on sensitive cells which is not produced by either cell lysis or apparent loss of membrane permeability.  相似文献   

Acetylmethylcarbinol added to the inoculated culture of Staphylococcus aureus Wood 46 suppressed 85% of the differential rates of extracellular nuclease and alpha-toxin.  相似文献   

S. aureus ID (bioMérieux, La Balme Les Grottes, France) is a new chromogenic agar medium designed to enable the isolation of staphylococci and the specific identification of Staphylococcus aureus. S. aureus produces green colonies on this medium due to production of α-glucosidase. To evaluate this medium, a total of 350 wound swabs were cultured onto S. aureus ID, CHROMagar Staph. aureus, and conventional media routinely used in our laboratory. After 18 to 20 h of incubation, 96.8% of strains formed green colonies on S. aureus ID compared with 91.1% of strains forming mauve colonies on CHROMagar Staph. aureus. A total of 94.3% of strains were recovered within 18 to 20 h with conventional media. The sensitivity was increased after 48 h of incubation to 98.7, 96.2, and 95.6% with S. aureus ID, CHROMagar Staph. aureus, and conventional media, respectively. A total of 97.4% of green colonies on S. aureus ID were confirmed as S. aureus compared with 94.4% of mauve colonies on CHROMagar Staph. aureus. We conclude that S. aureus ID is a highly sensitive and specific medium for the isolation and identification of S. aureus from wound swabs.  相似文献   

Extracellular high-mol.-wt material was separated from liquid cultures of Staphylococcus epidermidis. This material contained protein c. 20% w/w and polysaccharide c. 80% w/w. The polysaccharide was isolated by gel and ion-exchange chromatography and contained glycerol phosphate, glucose, N-acetylglucosamine, and D-alanine. Cell-wall teichoic acid was isolated from strain RP-62A and had a similar composition.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins C1 (SEC1) and C2 (SEC2) produced from 50-liter quantities of crude culture supernatants were purified chromatographically in a neutral or acid milieu. Microheterogenity of SEC1 was markedly increased by treatment of the purified toxin with alkali, and new more acidic charged species appeared. SEC2 was more heterogenous than any of the other S. aureus enterotoxins and was affected only slightly by treatment with alkali. Prolonged incubation of the organism during production of the SEC2 produced changes in charged species that may be related to a bacterial deamidase, since similar changes were not seen with alkaline treatment of the purified toxin. Although SEC1 and SEC2 showed complete identity immunologically, they are separate, distinct toxins, and alkali treatment of SEC1 did not produce SEC2.  相似文献   

Interferon-tau (IFN-tau) is a novel type I IFN that was originally identified as a pregnancy recognition hormone. IFN-tau shares all of the biological properties of other type I IFNs including antiviral activity and antiproliferative activity through induction of the cell cycle inhibitor gene product p21WAF1. It is a promising therapy for cancers, viral infections, and for autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, without the adverse side effects associated with IFN-alpha and IFN-beta. Here, we describe novel growth and induction conditions for the expression of functionally active and uniformly 15N-labeled IFN-tau from Pichia pastoris in a minimal media for use in initial 2D- and 3D-NMR studies in solution. Purified 15N-IFN-tau was homogenous, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer (MS), and retained full biological activity. MS analysis confirmed uniform isotopic labeling of IFN-tau with 15N incorporation exceeding 99%. Circular dichroism (CD) as well as 1D-NMR and 15N-1H heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) spectra confirmed that purified 15N-labeled IFN-tau has a stable secondary structure. Besides providing a route for isotope labeling of IFN-tau, our procedure may be useful for the expression and purification of other proteins that are difficult to obtain in Pichia pastoris grown in minimal media.  相似文献   

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