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132例大肠息肉临床与病理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨大肠息肉患者好发年龄、主要临床表现及息肉的发生部位、大小和病理类型及癌变规律。方法:对电子肠镜检查中检出的大肠息肉患者的临床表现、内镜及病理资料进行分析总结。结果:检查患者1030例,检出大肠息肉132例,检出率12.8%,其中男性78例,女性54例;好发年龄50~69岁,占59.1%;腺瘤性、炎性、增生性、幼年性息肉各占63.8%、23.7%、8.9%和3.6%;息肉部位分别为盲肠4.0%、升结肠9.8%、横结肠6.7%、降结肠4.5%、乙状结肠33.9%、直肠41.1%。132例患者中,便血46例,21例息肉直径大于1.5cm者皆有便血;有4例发生癌变,癌变率3.0%,癌变息肉平均直径2.8cm。结论:50~69岁大肠息肉发病率较高;主要临床表现为便血,息肉直径较大及局灶癌变者易出血,男性较女性更易患大肠息肉;息肉好发部位为左半结肠;病理类型以腺瘤性息肉、炎性息肉较常见;左半结肠、直径≥2.0cm息肉容易癌变;内镜切除大肠息肉可预防息肉癌变。  相似文献   

大肠息肉679例临床特征及内镜、病理学特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 目的 研究大肠息肉患者的年龄,息肉的发生部位、大小、病理类型以及息肉癌变的相关规律.方法 对电子肠镜检查中检出的大肠息肉患者的临床表现、内镜特点及病理资料进行总结和分析.结果 在3 680例肠镜检查者中,发现大肠息肉679例,其中男468例,女211例,检出率18.45%; 好发年龄以30~69岁为主,占80.41%;炎性、增生性、腺瘤性、错构瘤性、幼年性息肉分别占33.87%、32.11%、31.37%、1.77%、0.59%;息肉部位分别为直肠34.18%、乙状结肠23.12% 、降结肠14.96%、横结肠12.13%、升结肠11.49%、盲肠4.11%.679例大肠息肉患者中有30例发生癌变,癌变率为4.42%.管状腺瘤、混合性腺瘤、绒毛状腺瘤癌变率分别为5.88%、4.21 %、23.08%.息肉直径≤1.0 cm,无癌变发生;1.1~1.9 cm息肉,癌变率4.24%;≥2.0 c m息肉,癌变率21.37%.结论 30~69岁大肠息肉发病率较高,年龄大于50 岁为危险因素,男性较女性更容易患大肠息肉;息肉好发部位为左半结肠;病理类型以炎性息肉、增生性息肉和腺瘤性息肉常见;左半结肠、直径≥2.0 cm息肉、绒毛状腺瘤容易癌变 ;发现大肠息肉应尽可能切除,并应建立良好的随访机制,内镜下切除大肠息肉可预防息肉癌变.  相似文献   

内镜Nd:YAG激光治疗上消化道息肉50例临床体会于建勋,刘建勋我们于1991年5月至1993年2月应用内镜Nd:YAG激光治疗50例上消化道息肉。全部病例均经内镜检查及病理证实,其中以单发为主42例(24.0%),两个以上息肉8例(16.0%)最多...  相似文献   

大肠腺瘤287例随访观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大肠腺瘤287例随访观察510515广州第一军医大学南方医院冯福才,戴益琛,张月彩,周殿元国内外学者均已公认大肠腺瘤是一种癌前病变,主张发现即予摘除。关于腺瘤摘除后随访情况却少有报道。作者对内镜下摘除大肠腺瘤性息肉287例(病理证实)患者进行了肠镜下...  相似文献   

目的:分析大肠息肉形态、部位、病理改变等与恶变危险性的关系。方法对空军总医院2011年2月—2012年6月行结肠镜检查的537例患者的资料进行回顾性研究。结果内镜下发现大肠息肉158例,共282枚息肉,其中男121例,女37例,大肠息肉检出率为29.4%。腺瘤性息肉170枚,炎性息肉74枚,未做病理38枚;直径0.5 cm以下占55.3%;位于升结肠19.5%,横结肠20.2%,降结肠11.7%,乙状结肠30.1%,直肠18.4%;随访1年,4例复发,复发率为2.5%。结论大肠息肉以男性多见,腺瘤性为主,直径0.5 cm以下常见,好发部位为左半结肠;患病危险因素包括年龄、部位、息肉大小及病理类型,对所有息肉均应切除并做病理检查。  相似文献   

大肠息肉是一种常见的良性肿瘤,其中腺瘤性息肉与大肠癌的发生有密切关系[1]。本文应用流式细胞计对不同病理类型的大肠息肉组织细胞DNA定量分析,探讨各类息肉尤其是腺瘤性息肉由轻度到重度异型增生,及大肠癌不同阶段组织细胞DNA含量的变化规律,为临床正确处理各类型息肉提供理论依据。1 材料和方法1.1 材料来源:65例标本均为内窥镜下活检组织,其中正常大肠粘膜6例,炎性息肉10例,增生性息肉7例,腺瘤性息肉10例,腺瘤性息肉伴轻度异型增生的10例,伴中重度异型增生12例,大肠癌10例。1.2 方法:标…  相似文献   

髋臼骨折髋脱位的治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的分析髋臼骨折合并脱位的非手术及手术治疗的随访结果。方法从1978年1月~1994年1月,治疗髋臼骨折髋脱位45例。其分型是:前壁骨折6例,前柱骨折4例,后壁骨折9例,后柱骨折9例,前、后柱骨折17例。结果牵引治疗20例,平均随访36.5个月,髋关节面复位优良率35%(7/20),髋关节功能优良率50%(10/20),髋关节炎发生率50%(10/20),异位骨化发生率10%(2/20)。手术治疗25例,平均随访30个月,髋关节面复位优良率88%(22/25),髋关节功能优良率84%(21/25),髋关节炎发生率44%(11/25),异位骨化发生率48%(12/25)。结论髋臼骨折髋脱位的治疗方法选择,应依据骨折类型及关节面移位程度决定,移位1mm者,牵引治疗,移位大于3mm者,应手术治疗  相似文献   

应用流式细胞计对57 例正常胃粘膜、不同病理类型的胃息肉和胃癌组织作DNA 定量分析。正常胃粘膜、炎性息肉、增生性息肉、腺瘤性息肉及胃癌中,DNA 非整倍体检出率分别为0% 、7.7% 、9.1% 、36.4% 、58.3% ;各型胃息肉和胃癌组织的增殖期细胞比率均显著地高于正常胃粘膜组(P< 0.01);增生性或炎症性息肉组增殖期细胞比率与胃癌组比较,差异有显著性(P< 0.05)或非常显著性(P< 0.01),而腺瘤性息肉组增殖期细胞比率与胃癌组近似(P> 0.05)。结果表明胃息肉是一种细胞增殖活跃性病变,其中腺瘤性息肉的DNA 生物学行为更接近于胃癌,可能容易癌变;应用流式细胞DNA 定量分析技术,结合组织病理学诊断,能对胃息肉的预后作出更为确切的判断  相似文献   

后颅窝肿瘤的CT诊断与鉴别(附153例分析)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
报道经手术及病理证实的后颅窝肿瘤153例,听神经瘤49例(32%),为第一位,其次为髓母细胞瘤26例(17%),血管母细胞瘤20例(13%),星形细胞瘤19例(12.4%),室管膜瘤14例(9%),脑膜瘤及转移瘤均为7例(4%),胆脂瘤6例(4%),脉络丛乳头状瘤4例(2.6%),少支胶质瘤1例(0.6%),并对后颅窝肿瘤的CT特征和定性诊断、鉴别诊断进行了讨论,认为必须结合临床病史、年龄、肿瘤好发部位及相关的影像学资料,方可提高其正确诊断率。  相似文献   

颈胸腹3切口治疗中晚期高位食管癌124例临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨茂林  卫功铨 《武警医学》1996,7(4):195-197
为扩大中晚期高位食管癌手术适应证,提高远期效果,采用右进胸全食管切除、胸骨后全胃代食管、颈部食管(咽)胃吻合重建(简称本组或三野手术)。与同期左胸左颈手术组对照(简称对照组或二野手术),并经统计学处理。结果:右进胸73例,肿瘤切除完成三野手术70例,切除率95.9%(70/73),术后并发症4例(5.7%),死亡1例(1.4%),近期治愈率98.6%(69/70)。远期随访1、3、5、10a存活率分别为89.8%(62/69)、58.9(41/69)、55%(38/69)、20%(14/69)。对照组62例,肿瘤切除完成二野手术54例,切除率87.1%(54/62),术后并发症8例(14.8%),死亡2例(3.7%)。远期随访1、3、5、10a存活率分别为77.7%(40/52)、50.0%(26/52)、34.6%(18/52)、11.0%(6/52)。两组差异显著(P<0.01)。表明:右进胸三野手术肿瘤切除率高,开胸时间短,对心肺功能干扰小,术后并发症少,淋巴结清扫彻底且安全,远期效果较二野手术好。  相似文献   

The diagnostic accuracy of 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) for the detection of (pre-)malignant lesions of the colon was compared with that of endoscopy. We selected a cohort of 39 patients [13 females and 26 males; mean age 62.3 years standard deviation (SD) 9.6 years] who underwent both FDG-PET and endoscopy (total of 44 procedures) in a 2-year period with a maximum interval between the examinations of 3 months (mean 30 days, SD 28 days). The underlying pathology was colorectal malignancies (24 patients), other malignancies (nine patients) and other disorders (six patients). Follow-up of resected colorectal cancer was the most common reason for the performance of endoscopy. In 19 patients FDG bowel uptake was interpreted as non-physiological, and in 18 patients abnormal findings (adenomatous polyps >3 mm or carcinoma) were detected by endoscopy. Compared with colonoscopy, FDG-PET had a sensitivity of 74% and specificity of 84%. The positive predictive value of FDG-PET was 78%. FDG-PET failed to detect small (diameter 3-10 mm) polyps in four patients. In nine cases abnormal FDG accumulation on PET imaging was the sole reason for performance of an endoscopic procedure. In these cases, endoscopy detected large adenomatous polyps in four patients and carcinomas in two patients, but no abnormalities were detected on endoscopy in the other three patients. There was a good correlation between the location of FDG uptake and endoscopy-positive lesions. FDG-PET is able to detect clinically relevant lesions of the colon. Our study suggests that it can be regarded as a useful adjunct in the non-invasive follow-up of patients with colorectal carcinomas.  相似文献   

The diagnostic accuracy of 2-[(18)F]-fluoro-2-deoxy- D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) for the detection of (pre-)malignant lesions of the colon was compared with that of endoscopy. We selected a cohort of 39 patients [13 females and 26 males; mean age 62.3 years standard deviation (SD) 9.6 years] who underwent both FDG-PET and endoscopy (total of 44 procedures) in a 2-year period with a maximum interval between the examinations of 3 months (mean 30 days, SD 28 days). The underlying pathology was colorectal malignancies (24 patients), other malignancies (nine patients) and other disorders (six patients). Follow-up of resected colorectal cancer was the most common reason for the performance of endoscopy. In 19 patients FDG bowel uptake was interpreted as non-physiological, and in 18 patients abnormal findings (adenomatous polyps >3 mm or carcinoma) were detected by endoscopy. Compared with colonoscopy, FDG-PET had a sensitivity of 74% and specificity of 84%. The positive predictive value of FDG-PET was 78%. FDG-PET failed to detect small (diameter 3-10 mm) polyps in four patients. In nine cases abnormal FDG accumulation on PET imaging was the sole reason for performance of an endoscopic procedure. In these cases, endoscopy detected large adenomatous polyps in four patients and carcinomas in two patients, but no abnormalities were detected on endoscopy in the other three patients. There was a good correlation between the location of FDG uptake and endoscopy-positive lesions. FDG-PET is able to detect clinically relevant lesions of the colon. Our study suggests that it can be regarded as a useful adjunct in the non-invasive follow-up of patients with colorectal carcinomas.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To prospectively evaluate the diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance (MR) colonography by using limited bowel preparation in patients with polyps of 10 mm or larger in diameter in a population at increased risk for colorectal cancer, with optical colonoscopy as the reference standard. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The institutional review boards of all three hospitals approved the study. All patients provided written informed consent. In this multicenter study, patients undergoing colonoscopy because of a personal or family history of colorectal cancer or adenomatous polyps were included. Two blinded observers independently evaluated T1- and T2-weighted MR colonographic images obtained with limited bowel preparation (bright-lumen fecal tagging) for the presence of polyps. The limited bowel preparation consisted of a low-fiber diet, with ingestion of lactulose and an oral gadolinium-based contrast agent (with all three major meals) starting 48 hours prior to imaging. Results were verified with colonoscopic outcomes. Patient sensitivity, patient specificity, polyp sensitivity, and interobserver agreement for lesions of 10 mm or larger were calculated for both observers individually and combined. RESULTS: Two hundred patients (mean age, 58 years; 128 male patients) were included; 41 patients had coexistent symptoms. At colonoscopy, 12 patients had 22 polyps of 10 mm or larger. Per-patient sensitivity was 58% (seven of 12) for observer 1, 67% (eight of 12) for observer 2, and 75% (nine of 12) for both observers combined for polyps of 10 mm or larger. Per-patient specificity was 95% (178 of 188) for observer 1, 97% (183 of 188) for observer 2, and 93% (175 of 188) for both observers combined. Per-polyp sensitivity was 55% (12 of 22) for observer 1, 50% (11 of 22) for observer 2, and 77% (17 of 22) for both observers combined. Interobserver agreement was 93% for identification of patients with lesions of 10 mm or larger. CONCLUSION: In patients at increased risk for colorectal cancer, specificity of MR colonography by using limited bowel preparation was high, but sensitivity was modest.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To prospectively compare dark-lumen magnetic resonance (MR) colonography with conventional colonoscopy in the detection of colorectal polyps. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Local ethical committee approval and informed consent were obtained. One hundred consecutive patients (56 men, 44 women; mean age +/- standard deviation, 67.7 years +/- 14.7; range, 25-82 years) who were referred for conventional colonoscopy from January 2003 to January 2004 underwent MR colonography and conventional colonoscopy after standard precolonoscopic bowel cleansing. Colonoscopy was performed immediately after MR colonography. For MR colonography, the colon was filled with approximately 2000 mL of tap water. Imaging was performed with a 1.5-T MR unit with patients in the prone position. A T1-weighted three-dimensional volumetric interpolated breath-hold sequence was performed before and 75 seconds after intravenous administration of 0.2 mmol gadobenate dimeglumine per kilogram of body weight. Results of MR colonography were analyzed on a per-polyp and per-patient basis. Findings at colonoscopy were used as the reference for determining accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of MR colonography. RESULTS: Of 100 patients recruited for study, 92 (52 men, 40 women; mean age, 61.5 years +/- 14.5; range, 25-82 years) underwent complete MR and conventional colonoscopy examinations. Forty-three of the 92 patients (47%) had normal findings at conventional colonoscopy. In the other 49 patients (53%), conventional colonoscopy depicted 107 polyps (82 adenomas, 25 hyperplastic polyps) and seven carcinomas. At per-polyp analysis, sensitivity of MR colonography in the detection of adenomatous polyps was 100% for polyps at least 10 mm in diameter and 84.2% for polyps 6-9 mm in diameter. At per-patient analysis, the accuracy of MR colonography was 93.1% (sensitivity, 89%; specificity, 96%) if detection of adenomatous polyps of all sizes was considered. CONCLUSION: Dark-lumen MR colonography is a promising modality with high accuracy for detecting colorectal polyps larger than 5 mm in diameter.  相似文献   

Computer-aided detection (CAD) algorithms help to detect colonic polyps at CT colonography (CTC). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of CAD versus an expert reader in CTC. One hundred forty individuals (67 men, 73 women; mean age, 59 years) underwent screening 64-MDCT colonography after full cathartic bowel cleansing without fecal tagging. One expert reader interpreted supine and prone scans using a 3D workstation with integrated CAD used as "second reader." The system's sensitivity for the detection of polyps, the number of false-positive findings, and its running time were evaluated. Polyps were classified as small (< or =5 mm), medium (6-9 mm), and large (> or =10 mm). A total of 118 polyps (small, 85; medium, 19; large, 14) were found in 56 patients. CAD detected 72 polyps (61%) with an average of 2.2 false-positives. Sensitivity was 51% (43/85) for small, 90% (17/19) for medium, and 86% (12/14) for large polyps. For all polyps, per-patient sensitivity was 89% (50/56) for the radiologist and 73% (41/56) for CAD. For large and medium polyps, per-patient sensitivity was 100% for the radiologist, and 96% for CAD. In conclusion, CAD shows high sensitivity in the detection of clinically significant polyps with acceptable false-positive rates.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To prospectively investigate with computed tomographic (CT) colonography the prevalence and size distribution of nonadenomatous polyps in asymptomatic adults and to compare the detection rates of adenomatous and nonadenomatous polyps. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 1233 asymptomatic adults (mean age, 57.8 years; 505 women, 728 men) underwent same-day CT colonography and optical colonoscopy procedures. CT colonoscopy studies were interpreted prospectively with a primary three-dimensional approach immediately before optical colonoscopy. Statistical analysis was performed with the chi(2) test. Size, prevalence, and by-polyp detection differences were compared between adenomatous and nonadenomatous polyps. RESULTS: Seven hundred fifty-six (57.7%) colorectal polyps identified at optical colonoscopy in 410 (33.3%) patients were nonadenomatous; of these lesions, 622 (82.3%) were diminutive (相似文献   

The diagnosis of familial polyposis depends on there being more than 100 adenomatous polyps in the large bowel. The polyps are the result of intramucosal microadenomatous growth. The age at which this occurs varies, and in the early stages of polyp development relatively few larger polyps may be seen. The numbers and size of the polyps as seen on double-contrast barium enema were compared with the macroscopic findings on the resected specimens in 27 patients with proven polyposis. Of these patients, 23 (83%) were diagnosed when polyps were first found at sigmoidoscopy. Radiologically the predominant polyp size was more than 5 mm in only four cases, 2-5 mm in 22 (81%), and less than 2 mm in one. Of the 22 with predominately 2-5 mm polyps, eight had significant numbers of nodules smaller than 2 mm and three had considerable numbers of polyps larger than 5 mm. Eleven (41%) were thought to have fewer than 70 polyps. Pathologically the nodular pattern (less than 2 mm) predominated in 11 (41%) and 14 had polyps of 2-5 mm. More than 100 polyps were present in each case, with fewer than 500 polyps in eight. In the 11 patients thought radiologically to have fewer than 70 polyps, the nodular pattern predominated in nine. In the initial stages of polyp growth, the larger polyps are less numerous, and the background nodular pattern is a useful diagnostic feature of familial polyposis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To retrospectively identify volume and average attenuation thresholds for differentiating between ileocecal valve (ICV) and polyp at computed tomographic (CT) colonography with computer-aided detection (CAD). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Informed consent (with consent for future retrospective research) and institutional review board (IRB) approval were obtained for the original prospective study. This retrospective study had IRB approval, as well, and was HIPAA-compliant. A total of 496 patients were selected from a larger screening population. CT colonographic images from 394 patients (227 men, 167 women; mean age, 58.0 years; range, 40-79 years) were used as a training set, and images from 102 patients (76 men, 26 women; mean age, 59.8 years; range, 46-79 years) were used as a test set. A series of 2742 volume and attenuation thresholds, for which segmented findings both larger in volume and lower in average attenuation were labeled as ICVs and remaining findings were labeled polyps, were applied to the training set to determine settings with 100% sensitivity for polyp detection and the highest specificity for ICV detection. The optimal settings were then applied to the test set. Significance was assessed with the Fisher exact test, and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were computed for sensitivity and specificity. RESULTS: A total of 386 ICVs and 67 adenomatous polyps from the training set and 102 ICVs and 138 adenomatous polyps from the test set could be segmented with a three-dimensional segmentation algorithm. When supine and prone images were counted individually, 746 nonunique ICVs from the training set and 191 from the test set were segmentable. In the training set, a volume of 600 mm(3) and an attenuation of 36 HU provided 100% sensitivity (67 polyps; 95% CI: 93%, 100%) and the optimal 83% specificity (618 of 746 ICVs; 95% CI: 80%, 85%). When applied to the test set, this combination provided 97% sensitivity (134 of 138 polyps; 95% CI: 92%, 99%) and 84% specificity (160 of 191 ICVs; 95% CI: 78%, 89%). Differences in sensitivity and specificity in the detection of polyps between the sets were not significant. CONCLUSION: Volume and average CT attenuation thresholds can help differentiate most ICVs from true polyps.  相似文献   

PurposeTo assess the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in distinguishing adenomatous gallbladder polyps from cholesterol gallbladder polyps.MethodsA total of 164 patients with gallbladder polyps were retrospectively analyzed. All patients underwent B-mode ultrasound (US) and CEUS before cholecystectomy. Gallbladder polyps were divided into cholesterol polyp group and adenomatous polyp group according to pathology. Differences in patient's age, gender, maximum polyp size, number, presence of gallstones, vascularity and stalk width measured by US and vascular stalk width measured by CEUS were tested between the two groups. The diagnostic performance of specific US features was evaluated. The independent factors related with adenomatous polyps were analyzed by multiple logistic regression analyses.ResultsThere were 114 cholesterol polyps and 50 adenomatous polyps in 164 patients analyzed in the study. Differences in maximum size, vascularity, and stalk width of the gallbladder polyp were significant between the two groups (p < 0.05), whereas differences in patient's age, gender, number of gallbladder polyp, and presence of gallstones between the two groups were not (p > 0.05). Stalk width was wider than vascular stalk width between the two groups (p < 0.05). Vascular stalk width was also statistically different between the two groups (p < 0.05). The diagnostic performance of vascular stalk width was more significant than stalk width. Only vascular stalk width and vascularity were independent factors related with adenomatous polyps.ConclusionVascular stalk width measured by CEUS is more accurate than stalk width measured by grayscale US in distinguishing adenomatous polyps from cholesterol polyps.  相似文献   

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