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在概述人工智能相关概念的基础上,介绍了人工智能(简称AI)在医疗领域的主要应用,包括AI虚拟助理、智能辅助诊疗、智能医学影像、医疗机器人、智能健康管理、智能药物研发等,分析了人工智能应用于我国医疗领域面临的数据利用、算法"黑箱"、标准缺乏、人才短缺、法律伦理等方面的问题。  相似文献   

我国卫生管理人才的培养由于一直是在传统的计划经济体制和卫生行政管理体制的框架内发展,同时又受到单一的学术型学位培养制度的限制,所以,不能满足卫生医疗行业管理岗位的要求.而且,随着人们健康和医疗卫生需求的多元化,以及医学和科技的发展,我国传统的社会医学与卫生事业管理专业的人才培养方案,已经不能满足当前我国医疗卫生行业的管理人员所从事工作岗位的要求.文章以美国卫生管理人才培养体系和培养方案为参照,结合现阶段我国医疗卫生的行业特征,分析探讨了适合新形势下我国职业化卫生管理人才的培养和教育问题,提出了以管理科学、卫生经济学为专业核心课程,以卫生学、医疗行业知识、经济学、社会学等学科为专业基础的课程培养模式.  相似文献   

目的调查公共卫生相关用人单位对公共卫生相关专业毕业生的招聘需求,了解各高等院校预防医学专业本科培养方案。方法2020年4月,通过网络问卷调查用人单位对公共卫生相关专业毕业生的招聘需求和能力要求。查询各高校官方网站收集预防医学本科培养方案中核心课程以及实践课程的设置。结果用人单位招聘时均看重教育背景和专业对口。行政管理岗位还看重综合素质水平,专业技术岗位看重专业技能水平。47.2%(67/142)的用人单位未来3年有人才引进计划,以引进国内高等院校毕业生为主(82.1%,55/67)。仅有20.0%(3/15)的高校开设了国家标准所要求的全部核心课程。实践教学中,临床实习和专业实习时长中位数分别为16和11周。结论用人单位对公共卫生相关专业毕业生有较大的需求,对其个人能力和综合素质均有较高要求。各高校应完善核心课程的设置,在强化核心课程教学的基础上,加强学生实践能力和综合素质的培养。  相似文献   

目的 分析2017年—2021年江苏省卫生健康委直属事业单位所需人才特征。方法 通过江苏省人力资源和社会保障厅官网获取招聘数据,分类讨论医疗机构、高职院校以及其他单位对人才的需求。结果 医疗卫生单位存在多专业、多层次的人才需求。招聘岗位向应届生倾斜,社会人员需具有相关工作经验或取得相应职称。招聘的编内岗位数减少,各单位对高学历人才的需求增加。结论 高校毕业生应夯实基础,提高英语水平,掌握专业技能,积极就业。临床医学、护理学等相关专业仍有较多就业机会,各高校需加强学生临床及科研能力的培养,提高毕业生就业竞争力。  相似文献   

李艳  邢春国  周贝贝  徐晶晶 《中国校医》2020,34(11):872-874
目的 对基层医疗机构卫生信息管理相关岗位进行调查分析,了解其岗位知识、能力和职业素养要求,以指导卫生信息管理专业人才培养和课程体系调整。方法 2019年5月—9月,选取江苏省226家基层医疗机构的管理者发放调查问卷,对问卷采用EXCEL和SPSS 18.0 对调查数据进行统计分析。结果 江苏省基层医疗机构中88.9%的中心卫生院和92.1%的社区卫生服务中心对卫生信息管理专业学生有招聘计划,同时分析了基层医疗机构对卫生信息管理岗位任务、知识、能力和素质要求,需要具有医学、管理学和信息技术复合背景的卫生信息管理专业人才。结论 根据行业需求和岗位要求,加快卫生信息管理专业建设,进一步明确人才培养目标,对原有的课程体系进行调整优化,强化实践教学,推动教学模式改革,提升学生职业素养,以满足卫生信息管理行业发展需要。  相似文献   

目的通过对校园招聘会参会单位以及所需专业的情况分析,了解就业需求,为人才培养方向起引导作用。方法以江苏卫生健康职业学院2018届毕业生校园招聘会为例,分析参会单位以及所需专业,同时与2017届毕业生校园招聘会数据进行比对。结果护理专业在总需求中占32%,仍然是各类医疗卫生单位需求量最大的专业;康复治疗技术专业需求较去年增加33%,卫生信息管理专业需求较去年增加45%,均有显著提高;基层卫生院人才需求增幅达169%。结论江苏省医疗卫生单位以及医疗相关企业对卫生技术人才的需求旺盛,卫生类高职院的学生就业形势依然比较乐观;基层卫生院参会数增加,说明基层人才需求大幅度提高。  相似文献   

高虹 《浙江预防医学》2022,33(6):817-78
【目的】 按照人力资源管理基本原理,从岗位职责和任职条件等多方面深度解析科技期刊的用人需求,旨在审视并反思招聘工作的不足和缺陷,以最大限度地实现人岗匹配,提升招聘实效。【方法】 采用内容分析法,解析多种渠道(包括招聘网站、微信公众平台等)长达29个月的258份网络招聘信息。从岗位名称、主办单位、岗位职责、任职条件、工作方式、招聘范围、招聘流程、薪资福利、聘用方式和工作地点10个方面深度分析科技期刊对办刊人才的现实需求。【结果】 科技期刊对办刊人才的需求较为旺盛,需求类型和用工形式都呈现多样化趋势;稿件编校仍是科技期刊办刊人才的核心工作职责,且“运营新媒体平台”等内容越来越重要,“打造服务模式”等要求更高的工作内容也慢慢显现;与其他行业相比,科技期刊对应聘者的年龄限制并不严格,但更青睐有丰富从业经验的应聘者,而且大部分期刊希望应聘者能具有硕士及以上学历;“团队合作精神”等是科技期刊最为看中的前5项素质,同时也较为重视从业忠诚度;与其他行业相比,科技期刊所提供的薪资福利待遇并没有很强的竞争力。【结论】 科技期刊需提高对招聘工作重要性的认识、完善相应环节,并通过提升薪资福利待遇等强化行业吸引力。  相似文献   

目的构建适用于高职院校临床医学专业的课程设置,全面提高医学生临床的岗位胜任力。方法该文于2019年3—12月通过对基层医疗单位临床医生进行问卷调研、查阅相关资料,了解豫北地区临床医学生的现状及需求;分析豫北地区高职院校人才培养方案,对课程设置进行对比分析;对卫健委相关领导及基层医疗单位相关负责人进行访谈,了解基层医疗单位对临床医学生的人才需求情况。结果豫北地区基层医疗单位对执业助理医师需求量大;河南省高职院校临床医学专业设置存在差异性;岗位胜任力对基层医疗单位临床医师重要。结论高职院校基于岗位胜任力的课程设置有利于全面提高人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国医疗体系改革的深入推进,对于医疗人才的需求越来越大.在医院人力资源招聘工作过程中,仍存在着信息不畅通、招聘几乎不合理、招聘方式单一等诸多问题.本文立足医院人力资源招聘工作实践,探索多样化的招聘方式,以期指导理论研究与医院人力资源招聘工作.  相似文献   

目的分析疫情背景下医药流通企业人才需求的变化情况,为行业高职院校的专业发展和人才培养提供建设依据。方法利用问卷星平台在线发放问卷,调研天津市医药流通企业中的销售岗、售后服务岗、仓储岗等现有工作岗位与市场需求的匹配情况,以及疫情之后企业在工作岗位需求量、岗位技能要求等方面的变化情况。结果共发放问卷177份,回收有效问卷152份。天津市医药流通企业现有工作岗位基本能够满足市场需求,但在物流及配送方面仍需加强,在医药服务和医药电商方面有新机遇和新发展;行业高职院校在药品销售、服务等专业人才培养与目前医药流通行业企业岗位能力匹配度较高,但也对专业知识的学习和获取提出了更高的要求。结论医药物流专业课程设计要以解决医药流通企业面临的问题为核心;医药电商专业人才培养要顺应行业发展和产业转型需要;应开展医药流通领域"1+X"证书制度试点工作。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study is to investigate the association between psychosocial work characteristics and health functioning and cardiovascular disease risk factors among rural women of central Wisconsin and compare psychosocial work characteristics between farm and nonfarm women. METHODS: Stratified sampling was used to select a random sample (n = 1500) of farm and nonfarm women aged 25 to 71 years from the Central Marshfield Epidemiologic Study Area. The baseline examination included measurements of blood pressure, height, weight, and fasting blood lipids, glucose, and insulin. Psychosocial job condition was measured with the Karasek Job Content Questionnaires (JCQ). Health functioning was assessed by the Short Form-36 Health Survey. RESULTS: The analysis of JCQ showed that nonfarm residents were more likely to have jobs with high demand and high decision latitude compared to farm residents. Also, the farm residents (40.3%) were more likely to be occupied in passive jobs (jobs with low levels of demand and control) than the nonfarm residents (26.9%). Among farm residents, psychological job demand was associated with HDL level (beta = 0.17), triglycerides (beta = 0.0), their ratio (beta = 0.005), and blood insulin level (beta = 0.014), and among nonfarm residents, psychological job demand was associated with diastolic blood pressure (beta = 0.17) and total cholesterol level (beta = 0.002). CONCLUSION: Our results showed that rural farm residents had a higher prevalence of CVD risk factors and were more likely to be occupied in jobs with low levels of demand and control. Job stress predicted more CVD risk factors among farm residents compared to nonfarm residents. Therefore, interventions reducing job strain among rural farm residents are timely and necessary.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A union/management system of job evaluation has been in place in the British Columbia (BC) sawmill industry since the late 1960s. This system uses an instrument, very similar to the job content questionnaire (JCQ) to evaluate psychosocial work conditions for sawmill jobs. METHODS: Four experienced evaluators, one from the union and three from industry, independently estimated psychosocial work conditions for 54 current job titles in a "typical" coastal sawmill using a shortened, 18-question version of the JCQ questionnaire. RESULTS: Inter-rater reliability was acceptable for control but not for co-worker social support, physical demand, or psychological demand. Reliability was least for psychological demand. CONCLUSIONS: Experienced job evaluators in the sawmill industry were able to reliably estimate only the control dimension of the JCQ. The observed lowest reliability for psychological job demand may be due to the imprecise construct definition in the domain of the JCQ instrument.  相似文献   

Objective : To describe available public health jobs in Australia and New Zealand by comparing recent job advertisements. Methods : We screened vacancies from 14 online job boards for public health jobs in late 2018. Data collected included information on job titles, sector, contract tenure, location and salary. We compared our findings with those of a job advertisements study from 2005. Results : We found 333 public health job advertisements in Australia and New Zealand. Common roles included project officers, researchers and managers. Nearly 40% of jobs asked for a ‘tertiary’ degree, with an additional 20% requiring a PhD degree. A qualification in public health was considered essential in 13% of job advertisements. Median annual salary range was $95,000–$111,365. Conclusions : There is not one specific public health job. Instead, such jobs are diverse in role, sector, qualification level required and the salary they confer. Implications for public health : There is a demand for skilled workers to perform increasingly complex public health functions, but this may eventually be outpaced by graduate supply. Furthermore, while salaries are considerable, long‐term positions are not, and this has implications for the sustainability of the public health workforce.  相似文献   

目的 调查接受人工智能乳腺超声系统(AIBUS)检查对象的满意度和意愿情况,为改善和提升智能筛查设备提供评价证据。方法 根据美国顾客满意度指数模型,采用Likert 5级评分设计问卷,包含检查效率、检查感知、医疗AI价值感知和意愿4个维度。现场调查成都市双流区参与AIBUS筛查的481名社区女性。采用结构方程模型分析满意度的影响因素。结果 检查对象对AIBUS的满意度总分为(65.58±7.09)(得分率82.0%),满意人数有262人(除意愿维度外满意问卷总分≥48分,占62.83%)。对满意度影响的效应值由大到小依次为检查感知(β = 0.893)、医疗AI价值感知(β = 0.635)、检查效率(β = - 0.256),满意度对意愿影响明显(β = 0.885),所有效应值显著。结论 总的说来,检查人群对AIBUS接受程度尚可,还需加强公众对医疗AI的认知,改善检查体验,提高社会对此类设备的接受度。本研究为人工智能筛查设备的推广应用提供需方视角评价思路。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: A study was conducted to determine what level of information is required by industrial hygienists before they can develop exposure estimates comparable with those developed from a more in-depth evaluation. METHODS: Three industrial hygienists evaluated formaldehyde exposures of 300 jobs selected from an earlier epidemiologic study. The jobs were evaluated over the following 6 cycles: (i) job title and industry; (ii) job title, industry, dates; (iii) job and department title and industry; (iv) cycle 3 information with dates; (v) cycle 3 information with a plant report; and (vi) job and department title, industry, dates, and the report. Each hygienist assigned jobs to 1 of 4 exposure categories, which were compared with the categories in the original epidemiologic study. RESULTS: Overall, the mean differences between the hygienists' evaluations and the standard, although small, changed little over the cycles. The kappa statistic was poor to moderate for all the cycles, but the agreement was greater than expected due to chance. There was moderate improvement in overall agreement over the cycles using the weighted kappa statistic, but little improvement in the intraclass correlation coefficients of the hygienists' evaluations, which ranged from 0.4 to 0.5. Department information improved the agreement with the standard by 5--10%, but dates did not the improve agreement. There were some differences by type of plant, job function, exposure level, and date of the estimate. Using a hypothetical exposure-response scenario, this level of misclassification would have resulted in missing an association. CONCLUSIONS: Although there was slight improvement with increasing levels of information, these findings suggest that the subjective categorical assessment of exposures by industrial hygienists will not produce exposure estimates comparable to more in-depth evaluations of exposure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: A population-based case-control study was conducted in central North Carolina to assess the relationship between occupational stress and preterm delivery. METHODS: Four hundred twenty-one women delivering infants before 37 weeks' gestation and 612 women delivering infants at term were interviewed a median of 6 months after delivery. Exposure information was collected for all jobs held for at least 1 month during pregnancy. RESULTS: Work in a "high strain" job (i.e., high demand and low control) was not associated with increased risk of preterm delivery compared with work in "low strain" jobs (all other combinations of job demand and control). Narrowing the exposure window to the third trimester did not modify the results. However, women who worked at a high-strain job full-time (odds ratio [OR] = 1.4, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.9, 2.0) or for 30 or more weeks (OR = 1.4, CI = 1.0, 2.2) had a modestly increased risk. Several analyses suggested that Black women were at greater risk from job strain than White women. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that chronic exposure during pregnancy to work characterized by high demand and low control may be modestly associated with preterm delivery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The association between job demand and job control and first nonfatal myocardial infarction was studied among the 25- to 64-year-old male population in Kaunas, Lithuania. METHODS: A translation of the Swedish version of the demand-control questionnaire was used. Both psychosocial work characteristics as independent risk factors and the possible effects of traditional risk factors (smoking, arterial hypertension, overweight) were analyzed in a case-control study among 203 men diagnosed in 2001-2002 with a first nonfatal myocardial infarction (cases) and 287 men randomly selected as controls. A logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the odds ratio for developing myocardial infarction in relation to self-reported job demand and job control. Possible confounders (age, marital status, education, type of occupation, smoking, blood pressure, body mass index) were controlled. RESULTS: The adjusted odds ratio was 0.56 [95% confidence interval (95% CI 0.37-0.85)] and 1.53 (95% CI 1.04-2.38), for demand and control, respectively. That for workers with low demand and low control was 1.89 (95% CI 0.99-3.60) as compared with low demand and high control. The risk of myocardial infarction for men in passive jobs (low demand and low control) was twofold that of the other respondents. CONCLUSIONS: The association between low job control and the risk of myocardial infarction was found to be consistent with research in western populations. In contradiction, however, to findings in western studies, low demand, rather than high demand proved to be a risk factor for 25- to 64-year-old men. Employees in passive jobs had the highest risk.  相似文献   

Independent study: 10-year programme review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Ohio State University College of Medicine has offered an independent study curricular option since 1970. This study reports our experience covering 10 entering classes and compares the independent study programme (ISP) students to the students who entered the traditional lecture-discussion programme (LDP). It looks at (a) entering demographic and personality characteristics, (b) academic, clinical and research performance during school and at graduation and (c) practice and career outcomes. The major findings are that, as groups, students from the two curricular programmes are far more alike than different but that the flexibility of an independent study programme provides special options without loss of academic achievement. Individual talents and interests were enhanced and research opportunities have aided recruitment and development of particular students. Independent study students pursued more research during medical school and hold more full-time academic positions in practice. A comparative cost study showed that, once the two programmes are operational, per student operational costs are equivalent. Results of this study indicate, that at Ohio State, the benefits of a two-track system outweigh the additional costs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between psychological demand and job control and demand with psychological distress among nurses. METHODS: A cross-sectional study included 502 female nurses working in a public hospital at the city of Salvador, state of Bahia, Brazil. The Demand-Control Model proposed by Karasek to evaluate the association between job control-demand and psychological distress was adopted. The SRQ-20 was used to measure psychological distress. RESULTS: The prevalence of psychological distress was 33.3%, ranging from 20.0% among lady nurses to 36.4%, among nurse assistants. Strong dose-response gradients were observed between demand and psychological distress and the negative association between job control and psychological distress. Prevalence of psychological distress was higher (PR=2.6; 95% CI: 1.81-3.75) among professionals in high-strain jobs (high demand, low control) when compared to professionals in low-strain jobs (low demand, high control), after adjustment by potential confounders in a logistic multiple regression model. CONCLUSIONS: Study findings reinforce the relevance of intervening in the organizational structure in order to increase control upon job and adjust the levels of psychological demands.  相似文献   

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