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目的:建立延边地区朝鲜族正常(牙合)成人头影测量Downs分析法的正常值,初步研究中国朝鲜族颅面结构的性别差异和地域特征.方法: 选择延边地区72名正常(牙合)朝鲜族成人拍摄X线头颅定位侧位片,采用Downs分析法进行测量,并将测量值与韩国汉城地区朝鲜族和中国东北地区汉族同年龄组成人的测量值进行比较、分析其地域特征.结果: 建立了中国延边地区朝鲜族正常(牙合)成人Downs分析法的正常值、标准差及多角形图;朝鲜族正常(牙合)成人颅面部硬组织结构存在性别差异,面角男性小于女性, Y轴角男性大于女性;下中切牙-平面角、下中切牙-下颌平面角以及上中切牙凸距均为男性大于女性(P<0.01).与韩国正常(牙合)成人比较,面角小于韩国人,而Y轴角、平面角则大于韩国人;男性的颌突角及上中切牙突距也明显大于韩国男性(P<0.05).与东北地区汉族正常成人比较,面角、上下牙槽座角大于汉族,下颌平面角、Y轴角、下中切牙-下颌平面角、下中切牙-(牙合)平面角、上下中切牙角均小于汉族(P<0.05).结论:中国延边地区朝鲜族正常(牙合)成人牙颌颅面结构存在性别差异和地域特征.东北地区汉族、延边地区朝鲜族、韩国人的牙颌面特征存在明显的过渡性.  相似文献   

目的探讨青春发育减速期女性安氏Ⅱ1类错[牙合]减数治疗前后的牙颌组织变化。方法选择15例安氏Ⅱ1类错[牙合]女性患者,年龄12.2.14.3岁,均处于青春发育高峰期后期,低角水平生长型,拔除上颌两个第一前磨牙和下颌两个第二前磨牙,用MBT直丝弓矫治器治疗。治疗前后拍摄x线头颅侧位片,并对治疗前后牙颌组织变化进行配对t检验。结果上颌及上牙弓突度减小,上下中切牙角增大,腭平面角PP—sN和下颌平面角SN-MP减小,下颌升支长度Ar-Go、、前面高N—Me、后面高与前面高比值SGo/Nme增加,上下颌第一磨牙前移,下颌磨牙伸长,均具有统计学意义。下颌及下牙弓突度没有统计学意义上的增加。结论青春发育高峰期后期女性低角水平生长型安氏Ⅱ1类错[牙合]畸形,经矫治后下颌骨仍有一定生长,且发生逆时针旋转;此期安氏Ⅱ1类错[牙合]畸形治疗后的变化是正畸治疗和生长发育相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

目的对儿童和成人深覆牙合患者的颅颌面形态进行横断面研究,分析其生长发育中颅颌形态变化的趋势,探讨成人深覆牙合患者的颅颌面形态特征。方法随机抽取Ⅲ度儿童深覆牙合患者159例(平均年龄12.47岁),成人深覆牙合患者81例(平均年龄21.76岁),个别正常对照组51例(平均年龄18.41岁)。采用Winceph 7.0软件对3组X线头影测量项目进行测量,采用SPSS 12.0软件进行统计学分析。结果儿童深覆牙合患者在上前面高、下前面高、上颌第一磨牙相对于上颌前部的位置、上颌骨长度、上下颌骨-平面距、上颌磨牙-腭平面距、下颌切牙-下颌平面距、上下齿槽座点平面-下颌平面角、下颌角、下颌切牙距、覆盖、下颌平面-前颅底平面角、下颌磨牙-下颌平面距、后面高、上颌切牙距、下颌体长度、下颌升支高度、平面-前颅底平面角、上颌中切牙-前颅底平面角与成人深覆牙合患者间差异有统计学意义。成人深覆牙合患者在下颌-前颅底平面角、上下颌骨-前颅底平面角、颌凸角、上下颌骨矢状向不调指数、上下颌骨垂直向不调指数、上下颌骨-平面距、上下齿槽座点平面-下颌平面角、下颌角、覆盖、下颌平面-前颅底平面角、上颌后部位置、下颌磨牙-下颌平面距、上颌中切牙-前颅底平面角、下颌体长度、下颌升支高度、后颅底长度、平面-前颅底平面角、后面高与正常个体间差异有统计学意义。结论深覆牙合患者随着年龄的增长,颅、颌、、面部仍表现有一定的生长潜力,但是患者颌骨矢状关系并无改善。成人深覆牙合患者颌面部特征表现为垂直向、矢状向关系显著不调。  相似文献   

目的建立长春地区汉族青少年正常牙合Ricketts头影测量分析方法全部指标的正常值,并进行男女差异性的比较研究。方法在长春市各中小学进行汉族青少年个别正常牙合的普查,筛选出符合要求的个别正常牙合青少年120例:男,61例;女,59例。拍摄头颅定位侧位片,用Dolphin17.0软件测量Ricketts分析方法各项指标,SPSS17.0统计后,以均值±标准差的方法表示,并通过t检验比较各项测量指标间男、女差异性,P<0.05有统计学意义。结果得出长春地区汉族青少年正常牙合Ricketts分析法全部指标的正常值;除A点突度、上颌深度角、下颌体长度、前颅底长度性别差异有统计学意义外,其他各项指标性别差异均无统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论本研究所建立的长春地区汉族青少年正常牙合Ricketts分析方法各项测量指标的正常值可用于长春地区汉族青少年正畸患者的临床诊断、矫治设计和预后的分析。  相似文献   

目的探讨上颌扩弓对成人牙颌结构的影响。方法成人上颌扩弓组11例和非上颌扩弓矫治组(对照组)17例。测量矫治前、主动矫治结束时及保持2年时双侧上颌第一磨牙交角、临床牙冠高度、上颌第一磨牙间宽距、上颌中切牙根尖点宽距、上颌宽距、下颌平面角以及前下面高。结果保持2年较矫治前扩弓组上颌第一磨牙交角减小7.50±10.21°,对照组减小0.64±5.06°;扩弓组第一前磨牙临床牙冠高度增加0.61±0.45 m m,对照组增加0.21±0.51 mm;扩弓组上颌第一磨牙间宽距增加7.30±0.56mm,上颌中切牙根尖点宽距增加0.91±0.28mm,上颌宽距增加2.75±0.35mm;对照组上颌第一磨牙间宽距增加0.32±0.21mm,上颌中切牙根尖点宽距减少0.25±0.18mm,上颌宽距增加0.89±0.25mm,两组相比5项指标均具有显著性差异。结论成人上颌扩弓可以有效扩大上颌牙弓及上颌宽距,不会导致明显的下颌后下旋转和牙龈退缩。  相似文献   

目的 探讨上颌扩弓对成人牙颌结构的影响.方法 成人上颌扩弓组11例和非上颌扩弓矫治组(对照组)17例.测量矫治前、主动矫治结束时及保持2年时双侧上颌第一磨牙交角、临床牙冠高度、上颌第一磨牙间宽距、上颌中切牙根尖点宽距、上颌宽距、下颌平面角以及前下面高.结果 保持2年较矫治前扩弓组上颌第一磨牙交角减小7.50±10.21°,对照组减小0.64±5.06°;扩弓组第一前磨牙临床牙冠高度增加0.61±0.45 m m,对照组增加0.21±0.51 mm;扩弓组上颌第一磨牙间宽距增加7.30±0.56mm,上颌中切牙根尖点宽距增加0.91±0.28mm,上颌宽距增加2.75±0.35mm;对照组上颌第一磨牙间宽距增加0.32±0.21mm,上颌中切牙根尖点宽距减少0.25±0.18mm,上颌宽距增加0.89±0.25mm,两组相比5项指标均具有显著性差异.结论 成人上颌扩弓可以有效扩大上颌牙弓及上颌宽距,不会导致明显的下颌后下旋转和牙龈退缩.  相似文献   

上颌前方牵引矫治器是矫治因上颌发育不足而引起的骨性前牙反牙合的重要手段。作者应用上颌前方牵引矫治器治疗 12例替牙期骨性前牙反牙合患者 ,均获得了满意的疗效。现分析报告如下 :1 临床资料1.1 一般资料12例骨性前牙反牙合患者 ,男 5例 ,女 7例 ,年龄最小 7.7~10 .3岁 ,平均 8.6岁 ,均为骨性上颌发育不足 .呈凹面型 ,近中磨牙关系 ,下颌不能退至对刃牙合 ,X线头影测量显示 SNA角小于正常值 ,SNB角正常 ,ANB角 - 2 .10°。上前牙唇倾度正常或大于正常值 ,下前牙唇倾度正常或小于正常值。左手腕骨 X线片显示籽骨均未出现。1.2 …  相似文献   

目的研究拔牙矫治对青少年高角双颌前突患者硬组织生长发育的影响。方法对沈阳市口腔医院正畸科2002年7月至2004年8月收治的31例青少年高角双颌前突患者,在拔除4个第一双尖牙后,采用滑动直丝弓矫治技术进行矫治,然后以矫治前头影测量图为模板绘制2年后生长预测图,用Ricketts分析法对矫治后与生长预测图上的测量项目进行比较分析。结果矫治后各测量项目的结果与根据生长预测图得到的结果比较:(1)面轴角、面平面角、突度距、上颌深度角和下颌体弧度角改变差异无统计学意义。(2)上下中切牙轴倾角、下切牙高度距、下切牙突度距及唇突度距减小(P<0.05)。(3)下面高度角减小(P<0.05)。结论拔牙矫治可改变青少年双颌前突患者上下切牙的轴倾度和突度,不能改变颌骨的生长发育方向和生长速度。  相似文献   

目的计算畲族头影测量标准值,为正畸临床治疗提供依据。方法选择浙江丽水地区正常牙合成人42名,拍摄X线头影侧位定位片,用Ricketts分析法进行测量分析。结果通过畲族的成人正常牙合Ricketts头影测量分析,得出了畲族成人正常牙合头影测量的标准值。而畲族男女Ricketts各项指标比较,女性下颌平面角和下面高均较男性显著增加。结论畲族人是长面型,垂直生长型较多。而畲族女性面下1/3高度较男性长。  相似文献   

未手术成人腭裂患者颅面形态的X线头影测量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:应用X线头影测量方法对未接受手术修复的成年腭裂患者(年龄为16~27岁)颅面形态进行测量分析,探讨腭裂对颌骨发肓的影响。方法:用X线头影测量机获取15例(男7例,女8例)未手术成年腭裂患者的头颅定位侧位片,联合采用Downs和Steiner分析法进行定点测量分析,测量结果均值与广西正常成年人群牙颌资料进行比较,以t检验进行统计学分析。结果:未手术修复成人单纯腭裂患者上牙槽座角SNA,上颌体长度ANS-Ptm(FH),下中切牙-下颌平面角L1-MP的均值与正常颌比较均变小,而Po-NB距与正常组比较则变大,其差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或0.01)。结论:未手术成年腭裂患者颅面畸形主要表现为上颌骨前后向发育不足,垂直向发育未受影响;前颅底和下颌骨发育正常,而下牙槽突代偿性后缩可导致成年腭裂患者的假性颏前突。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate mandibular morphology in different facial types using various parameters. This study was conducted on lateral cephalograms of a total of 110 subjects, which included 55 males and 55 females between the age of 18-25 years having a mean of 22.3 years for males and 21.5 years for females. The sample was divided into normodivergent, hypodivergent, and hyperdivergent subgroups based on Jarabak's ratio. Symphysis height, depth, ratio (height/depth) and angle, antegonial notch depth, ramal height and width, mandibular depth, upper, lower, and total gonial angle, and mandibular arc angle were analyzed statistically and graphically. It was found that the mandible with the vertical growth pattern was associated with a symphysis with large height, small depth, large ratio, small angle, decreased ramus height and width, smaller mandibular depth, increased gonial angle, and decreased mandibular arc angle in contrast to mandible with a horizontal growth pattern. Sexual dichotomy was found with mean symphysis height and depth in the female sample being smaller than in the male sample, but symphysis ratio was larger in the female sample; males having greater ramus height and width, mandibular depth than females. The mandible seemed to have retained its infantile characteristics with all its processes underdeveloped in hyperdivergent group.  相似文献   

成都地区67名正常牙合青少年头影测量McNamara分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
目的:建立成都地区恒牙列初期正常 青少年McNamara 分析法的正常值。方法:选取成都地区恒牙列初期正常 青少年67 名,摄X线头颅侧位定位片,进行McNamara 分析。并与上海地区和白种人McNamara 分析法的正常值进行比较。结果:成都地区恒牙列初期正常 青少年McNamara 分析法的测量值无性别差异。成都地区恒牙列初期正常 青少年有效上颌长度、有效下颌长度和下前面高小于上海地区。成都地区青少年上下前牙突距比白种人大。结论:恒牙列早期McNamara 分析法的测量值存在地区和种族差异。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To quantify relevant cephalometric parameters for Filipinos according to age and sex. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 157 Filipino subjects (78 males, 79 females) who fulfilled specific criteria were selected from elementary, high school, and college students affiliated with Manila Central University. They were divided into comparison groups (GI, GII, GIII, and GIV) on the basis of chronological age and sex. Lateral cephalograms were taken for all subjects, and the mean and standard deviation for each parameter was recorded and compared among groups. RESULTS: The male group had a longer anterior cranial base (S-N), total facial height (N-Me), longer lower anterior facial height (N-ANS), longer ramus height (Cd-Go), longer lower posterior dentoalveolar height (Mo-Mi'), and total mandibular length (Gn-Cd) than the female group. All these linear measurements were statistically significantly different between males and females in GI, GIII, and GIV. On the other hand, SNB angle showed significant differences (P = .0271) in GIV only. In the lower third of the face, significant opposite tendencies were found in GIV. The female group showed a clockwise rotation, whereas the male counterpart had a counterclockwise rotation of the mandibular plane. The denture pattern of both groups was characterized by a proclination of both lower incisor (Ii to MP) and upper incisor (Is to SN). CONCLUSIONS: Convexity due to dentoalveolar protrusion is the naturally occurring facial profile for Filipinos. The adult females showed steeper mandibular and occlusal plane angles than the male samples.  相似文献   

目的:比较不同垂直骨面型成年患者上气道形态和舌骨位置的差异,为临床诊疗和颅面部生长发育的研究提供一定参考依据。方法:采用计算机辅助X线头影测量技术,对120名不同垂直骨面型成年患者的X线头颅定位侧位片进行测量,比较不同性别、不同垂直骨面型组间上气道矢状径和舌骨位置的差异。结果:上气道各段矢状径男性大于女性,但除V-LPW外无统计学差异;不同垂直骨面型组间存在显著差异,高角组<均角组<低角组。舌骨位置存在性别差异,AH-SN,AH-FH男性大于女性(P<0.01),AH-C3男性大于女性(P<0.001),舌骨位置男性比女性偏前下。不同垂直骨面型组间舌骨垂直向位置无显著差异(P>0.05),水平向从高角、均角到低角组AH-O逐渐减小,AH-C3逐渐增大,舌骨位置在水平向逐渐前移。结论:不同垂直骨面型成年患者上气道形态、舌骨位置存在差异,这可能与不同垂直骨面型下颌骨的旋转方式有关。  相似文献   

The present study sought to clarify the relationship between antegonial and ramus notch depths and condylar bone change, and analyse the effects of such change on craniofacial structure. The study sample was of 28 pre-orthodontic patients with signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, who underwent helical computed tomography to diagnose their TMJ pathology. Craniofacial structures were compared between 14 subjects with bilateral condylar bone change (BBC group: two male and 12 female) and 14 subjects with no bone change (NBC group: two male and 12 female). Sella-nasion-point B (SNB) and point A-nasion-point B (ANB) angles were significantly smaller in BBC than in NBC, with ramus height and mandibular body lengths significantly shorter in BBC than in NBC. The BBC lower facial height and SN-Go-Ar angle, as well as antegonial and ramus notch depths, were significantly greater than in NBC, and the mandible was significantly more retruded in BBC than in NBC. These results showed that condylar bone change might be related not only to mandibular size (e.g. retrusion) but also to mandibular outline (including antegonial and ramus notch depth).  相似文献   

Sixty-eight (36 male and 32 female) untreated skeletal Class I subjects with low (< or = 27 degrees ), average (>27 degrees - <37 degrees ), and high (> or = 37 degrees ) mandibular plane (MP-SN) angles were selected from the Bolton-Brush and Burlington Growth Studies. Cephalograms of each subject at ages 9 and 18 were traced, and 28 parameters were measured. The difference in each parameter from ages 9 to 18 was calculated, and comparisons were made between the groups with low, average, and high angles. Results showed that, for boys and girls at age 9, the low-angle groups exhibited significantly larger SNA angle, SNB angle, facial taper, PFH, PFH:AFH, and ramus height, and the high-angle groups showed significantly larger ANS-Me and gonial angle. From ages 9 to 18, all the male and female low-, average-, and high-angle groups showed an increase in SNA and SNB angles, and PFH:AFH, and a decrease in ANB angle, convexity (more flattened face), MP-SN angle, and gonial angle (mandibular forward rotation). The dental measurements showed few changes with growth in all groups. In terms of skeletal measurements from ages 9 to 18, similar growth changes were found between the sexes in most angular measurements, but males had larger values in linear measurements than females.  相似文献   

石家庄地区正常(牙合)成人X线头影测量McNamara分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的对石家庄地区正常[牙合]成人应用McNamara分析法进行X线头影测量分析,建立石家庄地区正常[牙合]成人McNamara分析法的正常值,为正畸和正颌外科临床诊断、矫治设计和疗效评估提供参考。方法选取石家庄地区正常袷成人74名,摄x线头颅侧位定位片进行McNamara分析,并与上海地区McNamara分析法的正常值进行比较。结果得出石家庄地区正常耠成人McNamara分析法的正常值范围及正常颅颌线距特征,并发现石家庄成年男性的有效上颌长度、有效下颌长度、前下面高、上切牙突距大于女性,石家庄成年男性的有效上颌长度、有效下颌长度、上切牙突距大于上海成年男性。结论McNamara分析法定量地反映颌骨间失状和垂直关系,线距测量具有充分的可比性。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to obtain quantitative information concerning the three-dimensional (3D) arrangement of the facial soft tissues of subjects with Down's syndrome. The 3D co-ordinates of 50 soft tissue facial landmarks were recorded by an electromechanical digitizer in 17 male and 11 female subjects with Down's syndrome aged 12-45 years, and in 429 healthy individuals of the same age, ethnicity and gender. From the landmark co-ordinates, geometric calculations were obtained of several 3D facial angles: facial convexity in the horizontal plane (upper facial convexity, mid facial convexity including the nose, and lower facial convexity), mandibular corpus convexity in the horizontal plane, facial convexity including the nose, facial convexity excluding the nose, interlabial angle, nasolabial angle, angle of nasal convexity, left and right soft tissue gonial angles. Data were compared with that collected for the normal subjects by computing the z-scores.Facial convexity in the horizontal plane (both in the upper and mid facial third), facial convexity in the sagittal plane and the angle of nasal convexity were significantly (P < 0.05) increased (flatter) in subjects with Down's syndrome than in the normal controls. Both left and right soft tissue gonial angles were significantly reduced (more acute) in the Down's syndrome subjects. Subjects with Down's syndrome had a more hypoplastic facial middle third with reduced nasal protrusion, and a reduced lower facial third (mandible) than reference, normal subjects.  相似文献   

Eighty-five (45 male and 40 female) skeletal Class II untreated subjects with low (< 27 degrees ), average (27 degrees - 36 degrees ), and high (> 36 degrees ) mandibular plane angles (MP-SN) were selected from the Bolton-Brush and the Burlington Growth Studies. Cephalograms of each subject at ages 9 and 18 were traced, and 28 parameters were measured. The difference in each parameter from ages 9 to 18 was calculated, and comparisons were made between the groups with low, average, and high angles. Results showed that for children at age 9, the high-angle group showed greater convexity, larger Y-axis and gonial angles, and greater anterior facial height, and the low-angle group had larger SNA and SNB angles, and greater posterior cranial base, mandibular body, ramus height, and posterior facial height. From ages 9 to 18, all the low-, average-, and high-angle groups showed a decrease of convexity (more flattened face) and a mandibular forward rotation (decreased MP-SN). The low-angle group displayed significantly more facial flattening and more mandibular forward rotation than did the high-angle group. Moreover, the mandibular incisors became more retroclined in the low-angle group and more proclined in the high-angle group with age. Comparisons between males and females showed similar skeletal growth patterns in angular measurements. However, a significant sex difference was noted in some linear measurements.  相似文献   

13名女性自9.5至15.5岁自然生长中下颌骨旋转的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的通过对13名未经正畸治疗的女性个体自9.5至15.5岁拍摄头颅侧位片的重叠研究,探讨面部正常生长发育过程中下颌骨的旋转。方法选择美国密西根大学生长发育中心收集的Dr. Mathews长期追踪观察的13名未经正畸治疗的安氏Ⅰ类高加索人种女性9.5~15.5岁拍摄的头颅侧位片,以种植体作为标志点,重叠并描记所有头颅侧位片。通过Dentofacial Software完成头影测量分析, 采用SPSS 15.0软件对不同年龄段的面部生长变化进行配对t检验。结果高加索人种女性9.5~11.5岁时前下面高、后面高、下颌升支和下颌种植体平面角的变化有统计学差异;11.5~13.5岁时前下面高、后面高、下颌升支的变化有统计学差异;13.5~15.5岁时后面高、下颌平面角、下颌种植体平面角的变化有统计学差异。结论生长发育过程中下颌骨下缘的改建会引起下颌骨的整体旋转。  相似文献   

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