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Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) describes the clinical manifestations of reflux of gastric contents and the associated symptoms and patterns of tissue injury. Although its exact prevalence is difficult to determine, there is no doubt the GERD is the most common esophageal disease and probably among the most prevalent conditions seen in the primary care setting. GERD has a wide clinical spectrum, making the diagnostic evaluation challenging and complicated at times. Confirmatory test are rarely needed in patients with typical symptoms of heartburn or regurgitation who have a good clinical response to GERD therapy. This article describes the diagnostic tests necessary for some cases of GERD.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the success of therapy for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has thus far been primarily on the basis of the endoscopic evaluation of the ability of drugs to heal esophageal mucosal breaks and to a lesser extent on their ability to decrease the diverse symptoms of acid reflux. However, because most patients with GERD have no visible esophageal lesions using conventional endoscopic methods, this paradigm requires serious reconsideration. As patients with nonerosive reflux disease (NERD) are just as symptomatic as patients with erosions and are no easier to treat the use of endoscopic end points alone, as criteria for determining healing and efficacy of therapy requires reassessment. In addition, the symptoms of GERD are now appreciated to be broad-based, including many extraesophageal symptoms that contribute to the marked reduction in quality of life for GERD patients. For this reason, and because endoscopic criteria cannot be applied to evaluating therapy in NERD, the success of GERD therapy should be judged primarily in terms of diminishment of GERD-related symptoms--a return to the traditional way that patients judge therapeutic success.To objectively determine the success of therapy in GERD, multisymptom GERD questionnaires have been developed. The most promising are those that reflect the numerous types of GERD symptoms, are patient-administered, quantitative, responsive, and have been validated in both NERD and erosive GERD patients. The ReQuest instrument is especially attractive as it records the entire range of GERD symptoms on a daily basis (including also their frequency and intensity) and is responsive to changes with time and with therapy. Symptom-based evaluative tools should greatly aid the objective evaluation of GERD symptoms, monitor precisely how patients respond to therapy and thereby lead to improvements in GERD management.  相似文献   

Antireflux surgery outcomes in pediatric gastroesophageal reflux disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVES: Antireflux surgery is performed frequently in children with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Few comparative studies exist which assess the indications for and short- or long-term outcome of open Nissen fundoplication (ONF) and laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (LNF) for pediatric GERD. We investigated the frequency of reoperation and factors that might influence its occurrence. METHODS: We performed a retrospective, follow up cohort study of all children 相似文献   

胃食管反流病(GERD)是一种复杂的疾病,具有异质的症状特征和多方面的致病基础。食管粘膜阻抗是反流的标志。受损的食管粘膜完整性在引起GERD症状中起作用。测量了沿食道的粘膜阻抗的变化程度,可用于诊断GERD患者反流对食管粘膜造成的影响。使用食管多通道腔内阻抗pH实验测量食管基线阻抗被认为是检查食管粘膜完整性研究的替代技术,有助于鉴别GERD与非GERD。内镜引导下粘膜阻抗试验是一项新技术,它利用一根直视导管接触食管内壁,以确定慢性胃十二指肠内容物引起的上皮细胞变化。这个测试本质上是测量食管上皮细胞对电流的传导能力。慢性GERD患者的食管上皮细胞改变,细胞间的间隙扩大和长期处于湿润状态,导致高导电性和低粘膜阻抗。内窥镜检查指导下的粘膜阻抗和粘膜导纳的实时测量可能有助于估计粘膜完整性,并可能以类似于24 h食管多通道腔内阻抗pH监测的方式成为GERD患者的有用诊断工具。  相似文献   

The role of acid is very well established in the pathogenesis of gastroesophageal reflux disease and acid suppression constitutes the main approach to its medical treatment. With the current frequent use of proton pump inhibitors, we are seeing increasing numbers of patients in whom symptoms persist despite pharmacological acid suppression. Reflux monitoring has been traditionally performed through esophageal pH measurement to detect acid reflux (i.e., drops in esophageal pH to below 4.0). Multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH measurement constitutes an important development in reflux monitoring because, in addition to detecting acid reflux, it enables measurement of nonacid reflux (i.e., with a pH > 4.0, also known as ‘weakly acidic’ for pH > 4 but < 7, or ‘weakly alkaline’ if pH > 7), which may be responsible for symptoms in some patients who are being treated with proton pump inhibitors. This review describes the approach to measuring nonacid reflux, the possible mechanisms responsible for symptoms due to this type of reflux, the clinical importance of this phenomenon and available treatment options; and the role of multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH monitoring in the evaluation of refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease.  相似文献   

目的 评价抗反流黏膜切除术治疗胃食管反流病的临床有效性和安全性。 方法 2015年12月至2018年7月,郑州大学第一附属医院消化内科行抗反流黏膜切除术的18例胃食管反流病病例资料纳入回顾性研究,统计治疗效果(治疗后烧心及反流症状改善情况、24 h食管pH监测结果等)以及并发症发生情况。 结果 18例均成功进行了抗反流黏膜切除术,操作成功率为100%,其中8例行ESD、10例行EMR。24 h食管pH监测结果显示,治疗后Demeester评分、pH<4时间百分比、总反流事件、pH<4时间长于5 min的反流次数较术前均明显降低[(20.16±9.12)分比(74.16±20.03)分、(2.70±0.88)%比(6.42±1.37)%、(43.78±19.68)次比(156.56±41.22)次、(2.89±1.68)次比(9.89±2.95)次,P均<0.05]。无术后出血、穿孔、感染病例。随访3~34个月,烧心及反流症状改善总有效率为89%(16/18)。胃镜随访显示18例贲门均较前缩紧,收缩良好;16例反流性食管炎较前明显好转,黏膜糜烂愈合。 结论 抗反流黏膜切除术治疗胃食管反流病安全有效,且简单易行。  相似文献   

胃食管反流病问卷对胃食管反流病的诊断价值   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 评价胃食管反流病问卷(GerdQ)在胃食管反流病(GERD)患者中的诊断价值,初步探讨中国GERD人群的症状特点.同时探索一种适合中国人群的质子泵抑制剂(PPI)试验的诊断标准.方法 在全国五家医院进行多中心研究.所有入组患者填写GerdQ问卷表.以胃镜检查、24 h食管pH监测和PPI试验其中任何一项阳性作为GERD的诊断标准,评价GerdQ的诊断价值.以拟定PPI试验诊断标准与胃镜和食管pH监测的诊断相比较,并优化PPI试验的诊断标准.结果 拟定PPI试验诊断的敏感度为0.6627,特异度为0.4872.经统计分析,以PPI治疗1周最后3 d烧心、反流症状总评分较治疗前相比下降3分为优化PPI试验诊断标准,诊断的敏感度为0.3787,特异度为0.8077,阳性预测值为0.8101,阴性预测值为0.3750,Youden指数最大为0.1864.经人群矫正,GerdQ取临界值为10分时,Youden指数达到最大0.1080,诊断的敏感度为0.6690,特异度为0.4390.50岁以上女性患者随着评分的增高,问卷诊断价值下降.结论 GerdQ具有肯定的诊断价值.但在临床工作中,对特殊人群中症状突出而PPI诊断性治疗反应不佳的患者,GERD的诊断应慎重.PPI试验的评分以治疗1周最后3 d为佳.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Epidemiological studies have shown that 10-48% of people in developed countries have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms such as heartburn and acid regurgitation. The present study aimed to examine the prevalence of GERD symptoms and GERD in Japanese subjects. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of Japanese subjects who visited a clinic for a routine health check up was carried out. Subjects were asked to fill out a self-report questionnaire. GERD was defined as the presence of heartburn and/or acid regurgitation at least twice per week. RESULTS: Of the 6035 eligible subjects, 2662 (44.1%) reported having had heartburn and/or acid regurgitation during the past year: 124 (2.1%) daily, 275 (4.6%) twice per week, 773 (12.8%) twice per month and 1490 (24.7%) less than twice per month. Three hundred and ninety-nine (6.6%) subjects were diagnosed as having GERD and there was no relationship between the prevalence of GERD and either sex or age. The prevalence of bothersome GERD symptoms was significantly higher in subjects with GERD than in those without GERD. CONCLUSION: Approximately 6.6% of Japanese have GERD and most persons with GERD described heartburn or acid regurgitation as bothersome.  相似文献   

Background and Aim:  Epidemiological studies have shown that 10–48% of people in developed countries have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms such as heartburn and acid regurgitation. The present study aimed to examine the prevalence of GERD symptoms and GERD in Japanese subjects.
Methods:  A cross-sectional study of Japanese subjects who visited a clinic for a routine health check up was carried out. Subjects were asked to fill out a self-report questionnaire. GERD was defined as the presence of heartburn and/or acid regurgitation at least twice per week.
Results:  Of the 6035 eligible subjects, 2662 (44.1%) reported having had heartburn and/or acid regurgitation during the past year: 124 (2.1%) daily, 275 (4.6%) twice per week, 773 (12.8%) twice per month and 1490 (24.7%) less than twice per month. Three hundred and ninety-nine (6.6%) subjects were diagnosed as having GERD and there was no relationship between the prevalence of GERD and either sex or age. The prevalence of bothersome GERD symptoms was significantly higher in subjects with GERD than in those without GERD.
Conclusion:  Approximately 6.6% of Japanese have GERD and most persons with GERD described heartburn or acid regurgitation as bothersome.  相似文献   

An association of apnea and gastroesophageal reflux (GER) was proposed previously. However, pH metry as the standard diagnostic tool for GER only measures acid reflux (pH < 4). It is difficult to interpret studies in infants with a presumed association between apnea and GER based on pH metry because the buffering effect of feeding may result in predominantly nonacid GER. The aim of this study was to investigate the temporal association of apnea and GER with the pH-independent intraluminal impedance technique (IMP). Infants with recurrent regurgitation or respiratory symptoms suggestive of apnea were investigated simultaneously with IMP, pH monitoring, and polygraphy. IMP patterns, pH, oronasal flow, and chest wall movement were recorded and analyzed. In 22 infants, 364 GER episodes were recorded by IMP. One hundred and sixty five apneas were documented by visual validation of polygraph records. Forty-nine apneas (29.7%) were associated with GER; 11 (22.4%) of these showed acid reflux (pH < 4). A significant correlation between the time spent apneic and GER was found (P < 0.001). There is marked association between apnea and gastroesophageal reflux in infants. Patients potentially at risk cannot be reliably identified by pH metry. Its exclusive use is therefore not suitable for the detection of all GER-associated apneas in infants. The pH-independent intraluminal impedance technique has proven to be a sensitive diagnostic tool for this approach.  相似文献   

The article presents research data of duodenogastral reflux (DGR) role in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is shown that in the presence DGR, the reflux esophagitis is detected at a higher frequency and outside of esophageal manifestations of the disease. The comorbidities of hepatobiliary zone and pancreas contributes to the DGR development, as well as the syndrome of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine.  相似文献   

胃食管反流病食管测压的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
胃食管反流病(GERD)是指酸性胃液或胃液及胆汁由胃反流入食管引起的疾病,是消化科常见病、多发病.有些研究提示,25%以上成年人受此病影响[1],而且多数人有正常内镜下表现[2].正常情况下,由于食管借助于横膈、His角、贲门口粘膜皱襞及LES作用,特别是后者来防止胃食管反流(GER).当上述作用减弱时,就可能发生胃食管反流病.虽然LES尚未在解剖学上得到证实,但食管压力检测证实了LES存在,随着该技术的完善发展及腔内pH监测技术的应用,为胃食管反流病的发病机制及疾病的诊断治疗提供了可靠的依据.目前应用较广泛的测压系统是灌注式导管测压系统,它由液压灌注系统,压力导管,换能器及用于记录分析的计算机及相应软件所构成.另一种为内置微型传感器的测压导管及记录仪组成,可用于24 h动态监测.另外还有与以上两种测压系统配合应用的袖套导管及环行袖套式固态测压导管,适用于对食管括约肌进行压力测定.测压方法主要有静态测压,采用定点牵拉或快速牵拉法,另一种为动态测压,可对近于自然状态下的食管动力进行长时间连续监测.  相似文献   

On-demand therapy for gastroesophageal reflux disease   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The following pages summarize the proceedings of a symposium held in May 2006 on the emerging role of on-demand therapy for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Medical therapy for GERD has undergone significant change in recent years with the advent of effective, but expensive, antisecretory agents. On-demand (patient-driven) therapy is attractive to payers and patients, because it appears to be both cost-effective and convenient. Many individuals appear to accept occasional symptomatic breakthrough in exchange for personal control of their disease. On-demand therapy should be distinguished from intermittent therapy, which is either patient- or physician-driven, but which requires intermittent episodes of continuous therapy followed by discontinuation until symptoms recur. Proton pump inhibitors appear to be effective on-demand agents despite theoretical pharmacodynamic limitations for this class of drug. The available data support the use of on-demand therapy for GERD in uninvestigated reflux disease, nonerosive reflux disease, and possibly mild esophagitis as well. On-demand therapy should not be considered for patients with severe esophagitis.  相似文献   

Endoscopic therapies for gastroesophageal reflux disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although medical and surgical treatments are available for gastroesophageal reflux disease, endoscopic therapies for this condition are relatively new. This review describes the principles behind such treatments as well as the individual procedures themselves, focusing on mechanisms of action, safety and tolerability, and efficacy in animal and human clinical trials. Future trends in endoscopic therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

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