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This paper explores recent developments in prison public health, recommending that future prison health policies and practices become more ‘upstream’ in their outlook and approach. It is argued that this will require much firmer acknowledgement of the significance of broad, systemic and structural determinants of prisoner health, particularly if the World Health organization's vision for a ‘healthy prison’ is to be realized. Epidemiological evidence plainly shows that prisoners have experienced—and continue to experience—worse health than the general population, despite the fact that prison settings across the European Union have been targeted for health promotion by the World Health Organization since 1994. In 2005, WHO launched a new 10-year prison public health plan, which it envisages will begin to address key prison health determinants. In the UK, New Labour has identified prison health as a key public health objective within Choosing Health, although health interventions within prisons continue to be predominantly geared towards efficient and effective primary and secondary healthcare, and much less towards public health goals. This paper strives to open up the debate on prison public health, advocating a progressive and more sustainable approach to developing and commissioning health services for prisoners.  相似文献   

Through qualitative exploration with soon-to-be released men in three prisons in England, this article examines the difficulties that prisoners envisage on returning back to community settings, entering other settings such as workplaces, and the implications the transition may have for their health. Interviews and focus groups were conducted with 36 prisoners, some of whom were convicted of sexual offences and based on a vulnerable prisoner unit. While not all prisoners offered the information, approximately two-thirds of the sample had offended previously. The transition that individuals make from the prison setting to the community can be potentially complex and often detrimental to health. Accommodation issues were forecast as a major concern for those men without family ties. Temporarily residing with friends or living in hostel residences were viable options for many prisoners, but both had drawbacks which could increase the probability of engaging in substance misuse. Resettlement issues were perceived to be more difficult for sex-offenders; their ‘identity’ provided an additional burden which created further reintegration difficulties. Employment opportunities, for example, were predicted to be drastically reduced as the men had signed the sex-offenders’ register. This article suggests that opportunities for successful transition could be enhanced by a more ‘joined-up’ settings perspective and proposes that a settings-based approach to health promotion, which emphasises the synergy between social settings and addressing wider determinants of health, should be applied to prisons to reduce, rather than exacerbate, inequalities.  相似文献   

Occupational stress is a serious threat to the health of individual workers, their families and the community at large. The settings approach to health promotion offers valuable opportunities for developing comprehensive strategies to prevent and reduce job stress. However, there is evidence that many workplace health promotion programs adopt traditional, lifestyle-oriented strategies when dealing with occupational stress, and ignore the impact that the setting itself has on the health of employees. The aim of the present study was to address two of the barriers to adopting the settings approach; namely the lack of information on how psycho-social work characteristics can influence health, and not having the confidence or knowledge to identify or address organizational-level issues. A comprehensive occupational stress audit involving qualitative and quantitative research methods was undertaken in a small- to medium-sized public sector organization in Australia. The results revealed that the work characteristics 'social support' and 'job control' accounted for large proportions of explained variance in job satisfaction and psychological health. In addition to these generic variables, several job-specific stressors were found to be predictive of the strain experienced by employees. When coupled with the results of other studies, these findings suggest that work characteristics (particularly control and support) offer valuable avenues for creating work settings that can protect and enhance employee health. The implications of the methods used to develop and complete the stress audit are also discussed.  相似文献   

A framework for health promoting emergency departments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Since 1986, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been advocating for the health sector to move increasingly in a health promotion direction, beyond its responsibility for providing clinical and curative services (WHO, 1986). Some Emergency Departments (EDs) have partially achieved this through providing patient health information, screening and early intervention programs, injury prevention and asthma education. While EDs are a suitable setting for health promotion, they are grounded in a medical paradigm where most of the staff are educated to think exclusively of relation care. As such, a significant organizational shift is required for EDs to be more inclusive of health promotion principles. Following a comprehensive literature review, a theoretical framework was developed for the Health Promoting Emergency Departments Program (HPEDP). It describes the opportunities for health promotion in EDs through combining the 'strategies for health promotion' with the 'spectrum of health and disease'. This forms a matrix to enable health development, primary prevention and secondary prevention interventions to be planned in EDs. The framework is a tool to support the development of coordinate and comprehensive health promotion programs and to avoid the use of isolated victim-blaming strategies. Beyond EDs, planners in other health care institutions may also find the framework useful-particularly those settings where staff health promotion training and experience is limited.  相似文献   

Health and health service access in Zambian prisons are in a state of ‘chronic emergency’. This study aimed to identify major structural barriers to strengthening the prison health systems. A case-based analysis drew on key informant interviews (n?=?7), memos generated during workshops (n?=?4) document review and investigator experience. Structural determinants were defined as national or macro-level contextual and material factors directly or indirectly influencing prison health services. The analysis revealed that despite an favourable legal framework, four major and intersecting structural factors undermined the Zambian prison health system. Lack of health financing was a central and underlying challenge. Weak health governance due to an undermanned prisons health directorate impeded planning, inter-sectoral coordination, and recruitment and retention of human resources for health. Outdated prison infrastructure simultaneously contributed to high rates of preventable disease related to overcrowding and lack of basic hygiene. These findings flag the need for policy and administrative reform to establish strong mechanisms for domestic prison health financing and enable proactive prison health governance, planning and coordination.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, 'settings' based health promotion has become a central feature of efforts to promote health that recognize the significance of context. Emerging in part from a perception of an over-reliance on individualistic methods, the approach was built on a profound belief in its value and deployed a range of novel theoretical resources, mainly from organizational sociology and psychology. This initial enthusiasm has been maintained within policy directives, in the published literature and, from our own experience, amongst health promotion practitioners. At the same time, with the maturing of the approach, has come a healthy element of critical review. Drawing upon the literature and based upon our experiences within the Health Education Board for Scotland, this paper seeks to bring together a range of perspectives, casting a critical yet constructive eye on current settings theory and practice. The paper first reviews the nature of settings based work, highlighting the varied bases and expectations that underpin it. Similarly, the many factors that influence the ability of health promoters to deliver such activities are considered. In relation to the construction and delivery of such activity, the paper suggests that there needs to be an explicit and detailed assessment of the nature of the setting, the skills of the health promoter and the associated expectations.  相似文献   

Extant scholarship has demonstrated that macroeconomic austerity disproportionately harms marginalised end-users. Its impact on the governance and delivery of health provisions on such individuals, however, has received less attention. Drawing on interviews with 27 policy elites involved with England’s prison health policy, interviewees perceive that austerity policies have shaped and constrained the prison health system through the politics of deterioration, drift, distraction, and denial. The deterioration of the prison workforce size has been linked to diminished prisoner access to healthcare, attendant with an increased number of riots, assaults, acts of self-harm, and suicides. Concurrently, the microeconomic structure of organised crime is filling the void in prison governance, thus conducing to heightened abuse of psychoactive substances, as well as a surge in associated medical emergencies and violence. Successful prosecution of prior sexual offences, continued incarceration of those imprisoned for indeterminate sentences, and harsh sentencing practices have created policy drift, unremitting overcrowding, and reinforced excessive dependency on prison healthcare resources. The rapid turnover of justice ministers and intensified push for prison privatisation have enabled widespread distraction. Moreover, despite well-documented crises besetting English prisons, politicians seemingly remain in a state of denial. Preventive imprisonment, recurrent spending, and enhanced financial and political accountability measures are necessary to mitigate the effects of austerity and germane policies fomenting inimical impacts on England’s prison health system.  相似文献   

Jordan M 《Health & place》2011,17(5):1061-1066
The subject of place is salient certainly when deliberating the health of prisoners as a social group. This paper provides an overview and assessment of health and place in relation to mental health and the prison locale. Particular attention is devoted to prison culture, both staff and inmate. The incarceration experience (i.e. the nature of enforced residence in the prison environment) can affect negatively prisoners' mental health. The mental health of the prison population is poor, and mental health services in the prison setting have need of further improvement. However, the provision of mental healthcare and the pursuit of good mental health in the prison milieu are challenging. The prison-based—exceedingly complex—three-way relationship between culture–mental and health–mental healthcare is debated.  相似文献   

Beijing health promoting universities: practice and evaluation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The aims of this study were to create a health promoting university within the framework of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Strategies included reforming and issuing healthy policies, creating a healthy physical and social environment, developing personal health skills, reorienting the health services, and implementing intervention activities. To evaluate the study, 180 students and 120 teaching/administrative staff were sampled for an in-depth interview with open-ended questions administered 1 year after the launch of the project. To assess health knowledge and behavior, 2500 students were sampled to answer a questionnaire, both prior to and following project implementation. With respect to policies, environment and health services, 166 students and 117 teaching and administrative staff participated in the in-depth interview. Approximately three-quarters (75.90%) of university students considered that the physical environment of the campus had improved significantly and 83.73% reported they had a good social environment. All university administration departments made commitments to health promotion. Consultations on mental health, smoking cessation and STD/AIDS prevention were provided all year round. Health education was included in a curriculum as a selective course with 1-2 credits. Almost two-thirds (60.66%) of teaching/administrative staff reported that they had had a yearly physical examination. In the final stages of the research, significantly more college students reported improved mental health (38.25% compared with 17.93% at baseline) (p < 0.01) and more were knowledgeable about transmission of STDs/AIDS (57.00/35.50% compared with 51.66/28.20% at baseline, respectively) (p < 0.01). Significantly less regular smokers were found (45% compared with 15.81% at baseline) (p < 0.01). However, there was a significant increase in high-fat food intake (44.81% compared with 49.50%) (p < 0.01) and pre-marital sex (5.11% compared with 14.00%), and a significant decrease in physical exercise participation (29.41% compared with 23.50%) (p < 0.01). As a health promotion setting, the university community can benefit greatly from implementing health promotion campaigns based on the principles of the Ottawa Charter.  相似文献   

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), mental health is a state of well-being and not just the absence of diseases. With this definition, there has been a surge of mental health research, albeit still predominantly in Western countries, which is reflected in contemporary theories on positive mental health that include ‘flourishing mental health’, ‘salutogenesis’, and ‘fortigenesis’. However, in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), mental health research is slowly receiving scholarly attention. The aim of this paper was twofold: Firstly, to highlight progress that had been made in some LMICs, giving consideration to research across different settings and populations as a basis to argue for more research on positive mental health in the Ghanaian context. Secondly, to present a critical perspective on the current mental health research trends in Ghana, thus discussing important recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Despite the proposed ecological and systems-based perspectivesof the settings-based approach to health promotion, most initiativeshave tended to overlook the fundamental nature of ecosystems.This paper responds to this oversight by proposing an explicitre-integration of ecosystems within the healthy settings approach.We make this case by focusing on water as an integrating unitof analysis. Water, on which all life depends, is not only anintegral consideration for the existing healthy settings (schools,hospitals, workplaces) but also highlights the ecosystem contextof health and sustainability. A focus on catchments (also knowas watersheds and river basins) exemplifies the scaled and upstream/downstreamnature of ecosystems and draws into sharp focus the cross-sectoraland transdisciplinary context of the social and environmentaldeterminants of health. We position this work in relation tothe converging agendas of health promotion and ecosystem managementat the local, regional and global scales—and draw on evidencefrom international initiatives as diverse as the WHO Commissionon Social Determinants of Health, and the Millennium EcosystemAssessment. Using water as a vehicle for understanding the systemiccontext for human wellbeing, health promotion and disease preventiondraws inevitable attention to key challenges of scale, intersectoralgovernance and the complementary themes of promoting resilienceand preventing vulnerability. We conclude by highlighting theimportance of building individual and institutional capacityfor this kind of integration—equipping a new generationof researchers, practitioners and decision-makers to be conversantwith the language of ecosystems, capable of systemic thoughtand focused on settings that can promote both health and sustainability.  相似文献   

One of the abiding challenges of engaging critically with public health practice is speaking across disciplinary lines. I ask critical public health scholars to consider the technologies and practices that may render their ideas inaccessible to others, while also exploring the importance of retaining those practices. I propose that if critical scholars must take seriously health promotion’s focus on knowledge translation (KT) to rethink their own forms of communication, they will need to find strategies for doing so without compromising key aspects of their work. Although KT is praised for its paradigm-shifting break from knowledge transfer, it still involves conceptualizing knowledge as a commodity to be packaged for application. Nonetheless, a creative engagement with KT may be possible. Drawing on Emily Apter’s complementary and contradictory theses – ‘Nothing is translatable’ (xi) and ‘Everything is translatable’ (xii) – I suggest a new direction for thinking through the impossible and imperative task of translating critical public health scholarship.  相似文献   

No detailed analyses have been undertaken on the effects of Health Promoting Schools on oral health status. The objective of this study was to assess whether the oral health of 12-year-old children in supportive schools, where health promoting policies had been developed, was better than that of children in non-supportive schools. A sample of 1823 12-year-old children in 33 public (government-funded) schools were selected in deprived areas of Curitiba, Brazil. Principal component analysis, multiple regression, meta-analysis and meta-regression were used in the data analysis. Schools with a comprehensive curriculum were more likely to have a higher percentage of caries-free children (beta = 6.27, p = 0.02) and fewer children with dental trauma (beta = -5.04, p = 0.02). The commitment towards health and safety at school was strongly associated with dental trauma, as 9.7% fewer children had dental trauma (p = 0.00) in schools that demonstrated a commitment towards health and safety. At the school level, mother's education and family income were independently associated with children's caries experience and dental trauma, respectively. Children in supportive schools had better oral health than those in non-supportive schools. Our results suggest that some benefit can be obtained for the improvement of the oral health of children living in deprived areas if they attend supportive schools.  相似文献   

Towards a critical social science perspective on health promotion research   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
As part of our on-going efforts to formulate an alternativeparadigm for health promotion research, we discuss an approachthat we have called a ‘critical social science perspective’(CSSP). This perspective consists of a set of ‘reflexive’questions concerning the implicit assumptions and ideology underlyingthe research process, and the role of power, contradiction anddialectical relationships in theory and research practice. Thepaper briefly outlines key features of a CSSP and models itsapplication to health promotion research by examining why andhow smoking among young girls has emerged as a research issue.We illustrate how the ‘problem’ of young girls smokinghas been construed in terms of epidemiological evidence, scientificimperative, flawed strategy, feasibility, symbolic appeal, vestedinterests and resistance. A CSSP reveals the socio-politicalconstruction of research problems. The paper reflects on theimplications of adopting such a stance to research.  相似文献   

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