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The transverse relaxation times, T(2), of N-acetylaspartate (NAA), total choline (Cho), and creatine (Cr) obtained at 3T in several human brain regions of eight healthy volunteers are reported. They were obtained simultaneously in 320 voxels with three-dimensional (3D) proton MR spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS) at 1 cm(3) spatial resolution. A two-point protocol, optimized for the least error per given time by adjusting both the echo delay (TE(i)) and number of averages, N(i), at each point, was used. Eight healthy subjects (four males and four females, age = 26 +/- 2 years) underwent the hour-long procedure of four 15-min, 3D acquisitions (TE(1) = 35 ms, N(1) = 1; and TE(2) = 285 ms, N(2) = 3). The results reveal that across all subjects the NAA and Cr T(2)s in gray matter (GM) structures (226 +/- 17 and 137 +/- 12 ms, respectively) were 13-17% shorter than the corresponding T(2)s in white matter (WM; 264 +/- 10 and 155 +/- 7 ms, respectively). The T(2)s of Cho did not differ between GM and WM (207 +/- 17 and 202 +/- 8, respectively). For the purpose of metabolic quantification, these values justify to within +/-10% the previous use of one T(2) per metabolite for 1) the entire brain and 2) all subjects. These T(2) values (which to our knowledge were obtained for the first time at this field, spatial resolution, coverage, and precision) are essential for reliable absolute metabolic quantification.  相似文献   

Comprehensive and quantitative measurements of T1 and T2 relaxation times of water, metabolites, and macromolecules in rat brain under similar experimental conditions at three high magnetic field strengths (4.0 T, 9.4 T, and 11.7 T) are presented. Water relaxation showed a highly significant increase (T1) and decrease (T2) with increasing field strength for all nine analyzed brain structures. Similar but less pronounced effects were observed for all metabolites. Macromolecules displayed field-independent T2 relaxation and a strong increase of T1 with field strength. Among other features, these data show that while spectral resolution continues to increase with field strength, the absolute signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in T1/T2-based anatomical MRI quickly levels off beyond approximately 7 T and may actually decrease at higher magnetic fields.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To measure 1H relaxation times of cerebral metabolites at 3 T and to investigate regional variations within the brain. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Investigations were performed on a 3.0-T clinical whole-body magnetic resonance (MR) system. T2 relaxation times of N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), total creatine (tCr), and choline compounds (Cho) were measured in six brain regions of 42 healthy subjects. T1 relaxation times of these metabolites and of myo-inositol (Ins) were determined in occipital white matter (WM), the frontal lobe, and the motor cortex of 10 subjects. RESULTS: T2 values of all metabolites were markedly reduced with respect to 1.5 T in all investigated regions. T2 of NAA was significantly (P < 0.001) shorter in the motor cortex (247 +/- 13 msec) than in occipital WM (301 +/- 18 msec). T2 of the tCr methyl resonance showed a corresponding yet less pronounced decrease (162 +/- 16 msec vs. 178 +/- 9 msec, P = 0.021). Even lower T2 values for all metabolites were measured in the basal ganglia. Metabolite T1 relaxation times at 3.0 T were not significantly different from the values at 1.5 T. CONCLUSION: Transverse relaxation times of the investigated cerebral metabolites exhibit an inverse proportionality to magnetic field strength, and especially T2 of NAA shows distinct regional variations at 3 T. These can be attributed to differences in relative WM/gray matter (GM) contents and to local paramagnetism.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To measure T(1) and T(2) relaxation times of metabolites in glioma patients at 3T and to investigate how these values influence the observed metabolite levels. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 23 patients with gliomas and 10 volunteers were studied with single-voxel two-dimensional (2D) J-resolved point-resolved spectral selection (PRESS) using a 3T MR scanner. Voxels were chosen in normal appearing white matter (WM) and in regions of tumor. The T(1) and T(2) of choline containing compounds (Cho), creatine (Cr), and N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) were estimated. RESULTS: Metabolite T(1) relaxation values in gliomas were not significantly different from values in normal WM. The T(2) of Cho and Cr were statistically significantly longer for grade 4 gliomas than for normal WM but the T(2) of NAA was similar. These differences were large enough to impact the corrections of metabolite levels for relaxation times with tumor grade in terms of metabolite ratios (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The differential increase in T(2) for Cho and Cr relative to NAA means that the ratios of Cho/NAA and Cr/NAA are higher in tumor at longer echo times (TEs) relative to values in normal appearing brain. Having this information may be useful in defining the acquisition parameters for optimizing contrast between tumor and normal tissue in MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) data, in which limited time is available and only one TE can be used.  相似文献   

Knowledge of T1 relaxation times can be important for accurate relative and absolute quantification of brain metabolites, for sensitivity optimizations, for characterizing molecular dynamics, and for studying changes induced by various pathological conditions. 1H T1 relaxation times of a series of brain metabolites, including J‐coupled ones, were determined using a progressive saturation (PS) technique that was validated with an adiabatic inversion‐recovery (IR) method. The 1H T1 relaxation times of 16 functional groups of the neurochemical profile were measured at 14.1T and 9.4T. Overall, the T1 relaxation times found at 14.1T were, within the experimental error, identical to those at 9.4T. The T1s of some coupled spin resonances of the neurochemical profile were measured for the first time (e.g., those of γ‐aminobutyrate [GABA], aspartate [Asp], alanine [Ala], phosphoethanolamine [PE], glutathione [GSH], N‐acetylaspartylglutamate [NAAG], and glutamine [Gln]). Our results suggest that T1 does not increase substantially beyond 9.4T. Furthermore, the similarity of T1 among the metabolites (~1.5 s) suggests that T1 relaxation time corrections for metabolite quantification are likely to be similar when using rapid pulsing conditions. We therefore conclude that the putative T1 increase of metabolites has a minimal impact on sensitivity when increasing B0 beyond 9.4T. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Determining the longitudinal relaxation time (T1) of blood at 3.0 Tesla.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is important to determine the longitudinal relaxation time of blood for black blood imaging, as well as for quantifying blood flow by arterial spin labeling (ASL). In this study a circulation system was used to measure blood T1 under physiological conditions at the new clinical field strength of 3.0T. It was found that 1/T1 in s(-1) was linearly dependent (P < 0.05) on hematocrit (Hct) within a normal range of 0.38-0.46. The relationships were 1/T1 = (0.52 +/- 0.15). Hct + (0.38 +/- 0.06) and 1/T1 = (0.83 +/- 0.07). Hct + (0.28 +/- 0.03) for arterial (oxygenation = 92% +/- 7%) and venous blood (69% +/- 8%), respectively, which led to estimated T1 values of 1664 +/- 14 ms (arterial) and 1584 +/- 5 ms (venous) at a typical human Hct of 0.42. The temperature dependencies of blood T1 were 22.3 +/- 0.6 ms/ degrees C and 19.8 +/- 0.8 ms/ degrees C for Hct values of 0.42 and 0.38, respectively. When a head coil transmit/receive setup was used, radiation damping caused a slight reduction (19 ms) of the measured T1 values.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to measure the longitudinal (T1) relaxation time of human lung parenchyma at 3.0 Tesla (T), independent of large vessel signal, and to examine T1 as a function of position in gravitational, isogravitational, and radial planes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixteen subjects were imaged. A series of 16-20 turbo field echo images was acquired over a 6-s period after the application of a single nonselective inversion (180 degrees ) pulse. Tissue-based segmentation was used to separate parenchymal tissue from large pulmonary vascular tissue in the resulting images. Time-intensity curves for each tissue type were constructed and spin-lattice relaxation time was determined by line-fitting the time-intensity curves. The lung slice was divided into 10 regions of interest in the gravitational, isogravitational, and radial directions and regional T1 versus position gradient analyses were performed. RESULTS: The T1 relaxation time of human lung parenchyma at 3.0T was determined to be 1374 +/- 226 ms, while the T1 of blood in large pulmonary vessels was 1623 +/- 236 ms. Whole lung T1 was found to be 1397 +/- 214 ms. T1 of lung parenchyma was found to be significantly shorter than the T1 of blood in large pulmonary vessels and whole lung T1. No regional gradient was seen in the gravitational or isogravitational directions, but a significant gradient was seen in the radial direction.  相似文献   

Current T1 values for blood at 3T largely came from in vitro studies on animal blood or freshly drawn human blood. Measurement of blood T1 in vivo could provide more specific information, e.g., for individuals with abnormal blood composition. Here, blood T1 at 3T was measured rapidly (<1 min) in the internal jugular vein using a fast inversion‐recovery technique in which multiple inversion time can be acquired rapidly due to constant refreshing of blood. Multishot EPI acquisition with flow compensation yielded high resolution images with minimum partial volume effect. Results showed T1 = 1852 ± 104 msec among 24 healthy adults, a value higher than for bovine blood phantoms (1584 msec at Hct of 42%). A second finding was that of a significant difference (P < 0.01) between men and women, namely T1 = 1780 ± 89 msec (n = 12) and T1 = 1924 ± 58 msec (n = 12), respectively. This difference in normal subjects is tentatively explained by the difference in Hct between genders. Interestingly, however, studies done on sickle cell anemia patients with much lower Hct (23 ± 3%, n = 10) revealed similar venous blood T1 = 1924 ± 82 msec, indicating other possible physical influences affecting blood T1. Magn Reson Med, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although recent studies indicate that use of a single global transverse relaxation time, T2, per metabolite is sufficient for better than ±10% quantification precision at intermediate and short echo‐time spectroscopy in young adults, the age‐dependence of this finding is unknown. Consequently, the age effect on regional brain choline (Cho), creatine (Cr), and N‐acetylaspartate (NAA) T2s was examined in four age groups using 3D (four slices, 80 voxels 1 cm3 each) proton MR spectroscopy in an optimized two‐point protocol. Metabolite T2s were estimated in each voxel and in 10 gray and white matter (GM, WM) structures in 20 healthy subjects: four adolescents (13 ± 1 years old), eight young adults (26 ± 1); two middle‐aged (51 ± 6), and six elderly (74 ± 3). The results reveal that T2s in GM (average ± standard error of the mean) of adolescents (NAA: 301 ± 30, Cr: 162 ± 7, Cho: 263 ± 7 ms), young adults (NAA: 269 ± 7, Cr: 156 ± 7, Cho: 226 ± 9 ms), and elderly (NAA: 259 ± 13, Cr: 154 ± 8, Cho: 229 ± 14 ms), were 30%, 16%, and 10% shorter than in WM, yielding mean global T2s of NAA: 343, Cr: 172, and Cho: 248 ms. The elderly NAA, Cr, and Cho T2s were 12%, 6%, and 10% shorter than the adolescents, a change of under 1 ms/year assuming a linear decline with age. Formulae for T2 age‐correction for higher quantification precision are provided. Magn Reson Med 60:790–795, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Differences in proton MRS T(2) values for phosphocreatine (PCr) and creatine (Cr) methyl groups (3.0 ppm) were investigated in studies of phantoms and human brain. Results from phantom studies revealed that T(2) of PCr in solution is significantly shorter than T(2) of Cr. Curve-fitting results indicated that the amplitude-TE curves of the total Cr resonance at 3.0 ppm in human brain (N = 26) fit a biexponential decay model significantly better than a monoexponential decay model (P < 0.006), yielding mean T(2) values of 117 +/- 21 ms and 309 +/- 21 ms. Using a localized, long-TE (272 ms) point-resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) proton MRS during 2 min of photic stimulation (PS), an increase of 12.1% +/- 3.5% in the mean intensity of the total Cr resonance in primary visual cortex (VI) was observed at the end of stimulation (P < 0.021). This increase is consistent with the conversion of 26% of PCr in VI to Cr, which is concordant with (31)P MRS findings reported by other investigators. These results suggest a significantly shorter T(2) for PCr than for Cr in vivo. This difference possibly could be exploited to quantify regional activation in functional spectroscopy studies, and could also lead to inaccuracies in some circumstances when the Cr resonance is used as an internal standard for (1)H MRS studies in vivo.  相似文献   

Proton T(2) relaxation times of cerebral water and metabolites were measured before, during, and after transient forebrain ischemia in rat at 9.4 T using localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS) with Hahn echoes formed at different echo times (TEs). It was found that the T(2) values of water and N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) methyl, but not total creatine (tCr) methyl, decrease significantly (approximately 10%) during ischemia, and this T(2) reduction is reversed by reperfusion. The T(2) reduction observed for NAA was most likely caused by the extravascular component of the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) effect induced by a drastically increased deoxyhemoglobin content during ischemia. The absence of T(2) changes for tCr can probably be explained by the fact that the BOLD-related T(2) decrease was counterbalanced by the conversion of phosphocreatine (PCr) to creatine (Cr), which has a longer T(2) than PCr, during ischemia. The changes in T(2) should be taken into account for the quantification of metabolite concentrations during ischemia.  相似文献   



To measure the in vivo longitudinal relaxation time T1 of GABA at 3 Tesla (T).

Materials and Methods:

J‐difference edited single‐voxel MR spectroscopy was used to isolate γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) signals. An increased echo time (80 ms) acquisition was used, accommodating the longer, more selective editing pulses required for symmetric editing‐based suppression of co‐edited macromolecular signal. Acquiring edited GABA measurements at a range of relaxation times in 10 healthy participants, a saturation‐recovery equation was used to model the integrated data.


The longitudinal relaxation time of GABA was measured as T1,GABA = 1.31 ± 0.16 s.


The method described has been successfully applied to measure the T1 of GABA in vivo at 3T. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2013;37:999–1003. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

31P MRS examinations of the brain of 10 healthy volunteers were performed to determine T2 of the coupled ATP signals by use of the localized 90° - TE/2 - 2662 - TE/2 - acq frequency selective spin echo sequence for elimination of phase and intensity distortions. The T2 relaxation times obtained are much longer than usually assumed: γ-ATP: 89 ± 9 ms; α-ATP: 84 ± 6 ms; β-ATP: 62 ± 3 ms.  相似文献   



To measure longitudinal (T1) and multi‐echo transverse (T2) relaxation times of healthy breast tissue at 3 Tesla (T).

Materials and Methods

High‐resolution relaxation time measurements were made in six healthy female subjects. Inversion recovery images were acquired at 10 inversion times between 100 ms and 4000 ms, and multiple spin echo images were acquired at 16 echo times between 10 ms and 160 ms.


Longitudinal relaxation times T1 were measured as 423 ± 12 ms for adipose tissue and 1680 ± 180 ms for fibroglandular tissue. Multi‐echo transverse relaxation times T2 were measured as 154 ± 9 ms for adipose tissue and 71 ± 6 ms for fibroglandular tissue. Histograms of the voxel‐wise relaxation times and quantitative relaxation time maps are also presented.


T1 and multi‐echo T2 relaxation times in normal human breast tissue are reported. These values are useful for pulse sequence design and optimization for 3T breast MRI. Compared with the literature, T1 values are significantly longer at 3T, suggesting that longer repetition time and inversion time values should be used for similar image contrast. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2010;32:982–987. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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