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This study assessed the effects of phentolamine on rewarming patterns and metabolic acidosis in 37 patients subjected to hypothermia during cardiopulmonary bypass for the performance of aortocoronary bypass grafting. An additional 16 patients undergoing the same surgery received no phentolamine and served as a control group. In all patients, sodium bicarbonate (44.6 mEq) was administered only when the negative base excess was 3.0 mEq/L or greater. Sixty-eight percent of the patients receiving phentolamine and 56% of the control patients exhibited a uniform rewarming pattern in which the rectal, hand, and foot temperatures increased in parallel. In 32% of the patients receiving phentolamine and in 44% of the control patients, rectal and hand temperatures increased more than foot temperature during rewarming. Analysis of base excess values in the subgroups of patients with similar rewarming patterns indicated that base deficits were significantly decreased in patients receiving phentolamine. Phentolamine administration was also associated with significantly lower blood lactate levels and sodium bicarbonate requirements, as well as improvements in overall appearance and mental status. These data suggest that the routine use of phentolamine in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass may be associated with more uniform body cooling and rewarming and improved tissue perfusion.  相似文献   

The overall and three component activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex were measured in the liver and muscle from a patient who died at 1.9 years with increased concentrations of serum lactate, α-ketoglutarate and branched chain amino acids. The component activities of both lipoate acetyltransferase and pyruvate dehydrogenase were similar to those of normal controls, but the overall pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity was 11 to 30% of controls and lipoamide dehydrogenase activity was not detected. The overall activity was significantly increased by the addition of lipoamide dehydrogenase purified from human liver.Immunochemical studies carried out with antibody prepared against lipoamide dehydrogenase from rat liver, could detect no immunoreactive material in liver and muscle homogenates from the patient, suggesting that the deficiency of lipoamide dehydrogenase activity was due to the lack of enzyme protein.  相似文献   

The skeletal muscle from a patient with familial intrahepatic cholestasis associated with vitamin E deficiency was studied by electron microscopy. The muscle fibers showed a variety of pathologic features including degenerative, necrotic and regenerative changes. Granule-like inclusions found in our biopsy specimens were similar in structure to those observed in vitamin E deficient animals. These inclusions were noted not only in the skeletal muscle fibers but also in endothelial cells of the intramuscular capillaries, Schwann cells and perineural cells. Disruption and disappearance of the plasma membrane, separation, disruption and pleats formation of the external lamina, and multilayered external laminae were observed in muscle fibers most frequently. The nerves among muscle fibers also showed degenerative features. These severely degenerative alterations of the muscle fiber have not so far been reported in vitamin E deficient patients. We discuss the process of cell damages caused by vitamin E deficiency.  相似文献   

目的:分析Fas介导细胞凋亡的可能机制,探讨运动与Fas介导心肌、骨骼肌、淋巴细胞凋亡的关系,从新的认识层次解释运动训练状态下组织细胞损伤的变化,对过度训练的预防与治疗提供科学的理论依据。资料来源:采用计算机检索springlinker,pubmed数据库1994-01/2004-12Fas介导骨骼肌、心肌、淋巴细胞凋亡的相关文章,检索词为“Fas,apoptosis,exercise,skeletalmuscle,cardiomyocyte,lymphocyte”,并限定文章的语种类为“English”。同时利用计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库1994-01/2004-12的相关文章,限定文章语言种类为中文,检索词“运动,细胞凋亡,骨骼肌,心肌,淋巴细胞”。资料选择:对资料进行初审,纳入标准:关于Fas介导心肌、骨骼肌、淋巴细胞凋亡的研究。排除标准:排除重复性研究。资料提炼:共收集到符合上述要求的文献58篇,排除29篇重复性研究,29篇符合纳入标准。资料综合:细胞凋亡是一种由基因控制的细胞自主性死亡过程,其性质为生理性细胞死亡,Fas作为诱发细胞凋亡的死亡因子,在调控细胞凋亡中有着重要的生物学意义。对运动与Fas介导细胞凋亡信号传导机制的研究,将会从新的认识层次解释运动训练状态下组织细胞损伤的变化,对过度训练的预防与治疗提供科学的理论依据。此外,Fas在许多肿瘤、免疫系统疾病、脊髓损伤中起重要作用。结论:对运动与Fas介导凋亡的深层次研究,可能会揭示治疗疾病的机制带来新的运动治疗方法,对促进人类健康无疑有重要实际意义。  相似文献   

目的:分析Fas介导细胞凋亡的可能机制,探讨运动与Fas介导心肌,骨骼肌,淋巴细胞凋亡的关系,从新的认识层次解释运动训练状态下组织细胞损伤的变化,对过度训练的预防与治疗提供科学的理论依据。资料来源:采用计算机检索springlinker,pubmed数据库1994—01/2004-12 Fas介导骨骼肌、心肌,淋巴细胞凋亡的相关文章,检索词为“Fas,apoptosis,exercise,skeletal muscle,cardiomyoeyte,lymphocyte”,并限定文章的语种类为“English”。同时利用计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库1994—01/2004-12的相关文章,限定文章语言种类为中文,检索词“运动,细胞凋亡,骨骼肌.心肌,淋巴细胞”。资料选择:对资料进行初审,纳入标准:关于Fas介导心肌,骨骼肌,淋巴细胞凋亡的研究。排除标准:排除重复性研究。资料提炼:共收集到符合上述要求的文献58篇.排除29篇重复性研究,29篇符合纳入标准。资料综合:细胞凋亡是一种由基因控制的细胞自主性死亡过程.其性质为生理性细胞死亡.Fas作为诱发细胞凋亡的死亡因子,在凋控细胞凋亡中有着重要的生物学意义。对运动与Fas介导细胞凋亡信号传导机制的研究.将会从新的认识层次解释运动训练状态下组织细胞损伤的变化,对过度训练的预防与治疗提供科学的理论依据。此外;Fas在许多肿瘤、免疫系统疾病,脊髓损伤中起重要作用。结论:对运动与Fas介导凋亡的深层次研究,可能会揭示治疗疾病的机制带来新的运动治疗方法,对促进人类健康无疑有重要实际意义。  相似文献   

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked, lethal disease caused by mutations of the dystrophin gene. No effective therapy is available, but dystrophin gene transfer to skeletal muscle has been proposed as a treatment for DMD. We have developed a strategy for efficient in vivo gene transfer of dystrophin cDNA into regenerating skeletal muscle. Retroviral producer cells, which release a vector carrying the therapeutically active dystrophin minigene, were mitotically inactivated and transplanted in adult nude/mdx mice. Transplantation of 3 x 10(6) producer cells in a single site of the tibialis anterior muscle resulted in the transduction of between 5.5 and 18% total muscle fibers. The same procedure proved also feasible in immunocompetent mdx mice under short-term pharmacological immunosuppression. Minidystrophin expression was stable for up to 6 mo and led to alpha-sarcoglycan reexpression. Muscle stem cells could be transduced in vivo using this procedure. Transduced dystrophic skeletal muscle showed evidence of active remodeling reminiscent of the genetic normalization process which takes place in female DMD carriers. Overall, these results demonstrate that retroviral-mediated dystrophin gene transfer via transplantation of producer cells is a valid approach towards the long-term goal of gene therapy of DMD.  相似文献   

Genetic deficiency of short-chain acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) dehydrogenase activity was demonstrated in cultured fibroblasts from a 2-yr-old female whose early postnatal life was complicated by poor feeding, emesis, and failure to thrive. She demonstrated progressive skeletal muscle weakness and developmental delay. Her plasma total carnitine level (35 nmol/ml) was low-normal, but was esterified to an abnormal degree (55% vs. control of less than 10%). Her skeletal muscle total carnitine level was low (7.6 nmol/mg protein vs. control of 14 +/- 2 nmol/mg protein) and was 75% esterified. Mild lipid deposition was noted in type I muscle fibers. Fibroblasts from this patient had 50% of control levels of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity towards butyryl-CoA as substrate at a concentration of 50 muM in a fluorometric assay based on the reduction of electron transfer flavoprotein. All of this residual activity was inhibited by an antibody against medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. These data demonstrated that medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase accounted for 50% of the activity towards the short-chain substrate, butyryl-CoA, under these conditions, but that antibody against that enzyme could be used to unmask the specific and virtually complete deficiency of short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase in this patient. Fibroblasts from her parents had intermediate levels of activity towards butyryl-CoA, consistent with the autosomal recessive inheritance of this metabolic defect.  相似文献   

In patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), the poor relationship between systemic exercise performance and cardiac function, together with morphologic and metabolic abnormalities in skeletal muscle, raises the possibility that skeletal muscle function may be impaired and limit systemic exercise performance. We assessed strength and endurance of the knee extensors during static and dynamic exercise in 16 patients with Class I-IV CHF and eight age-matched sedentary controls and related these measurements to systemic exercise performance. To assess skeletal muscle function independent of peripheral blood flow, endurance was repeated under ischemic conditions. Strength was not significantly different in the two groups. Dynamic endurance, quantified as the decline in peak torque during 15 successive isokinetic knee extensions, was significantly reduced in the patients compared to controls during aerobic (peak torque 65 vs. 86% of initial for exercise at 90 deg/s and 60 vs. 85% for exercise at 180 deg/s; P less than 0.002 for both), and during ischemic exercise (56 vs. 76% of initial torque; P less than 0.01). Static endurance, defined as the time required for force during a sustained maximal voluntary contraction to decline to 60% of maximal, was reduced in the patients compared to controls (40 +/- 14 vs. 77 +/- 29 s; P less than 0.02). There were highly significant relationships between systemic exercise performance and skeletal muscle endurance at 90 and 180 deg/s in the patients with CHF (r = 0.90 and 0.66, respectively). These findings indicate that skeletal muscle endurance is impaired in patients with CHF, that this abnormality is in part independent of limb blood flow, and that these changes may be important determinants of systemic exercise performance.  相似文献   

Detailed studies, using gas chromatography and mass spectrometric methods, of the urinary organic acids excreted by a patient with proven pyruvate decarboxylase deficiency are reported. In addition to the greatly-increased levels of lactate and pyruvate, marked elevation in the levels of 2-oxoglutaric, malic, and isocitric acids were observed, with associated increases 2-hydroxyglutaric, fumaric, succinic, and glyceric acids, and reduced citric acid excretion. The levels of excretion during clinically static and acute periods are compared to those in a normal neonate and normal infants. The metabolites observed indicate a probable defect in the oxidation of pyruvate by pyruvate dehydrogenase and suggest the presence of secondary defects in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Studies of this type may enable the relatively rapid identification of the probable underlying enzyme deficiency in cases of congenital lactic acidosis, prior to confirmatory enzyme studies.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus increases the risk of heart failure independently of underlying coronary artery disease. It also causes skeletal muscle dysfunction, which is responsible for reduced exercise capacity commonly seen in heart failure. The underlying pathogenesis is partially understood. Several factors may contribute to the development of cardiac and skeletal muscle dysfunction in heart failure and diabetes mellitus. Based on the findings in animal models, this review discusses the role of oxidative stress that may be involved in the development and progression of cardiac and skeletal dysfunction associated with diabetes.  相似文献   

Carnitine metabolism has been previously shown to change with exercise in normal subjects, and in patients with ischemic muscle diseases. To characterize carnitine metabolism further during exercise, six normal male subjects performed constant-load exercise on a bicycle ergometer on two separate occasions. Low-intensity exercise was performed for 60 min at a work load equal to 50% of the lactate threshold, and high-intensity exercise was performed for 30 min at a work load between the lactate threshold and maximal work capacity for the individual. Low-intensity exercise was not associated with a change in muscle (vastus lateralis) carnitine metabolism. In contrast, from rest to 10 min of high-intensity exercise, muscle short-chain acylcarnitine content increased 5.5-fold while free carnitine content decreased 66%, and muscle total carnitine content decreased by 19% (all P less than 0.01). These changes in skeletal muscle carnitine metabolism were present at the completion of 30 min of high-intensity exercise, and persisted through a 60-min recovery period. With 30 min of high-intensity exercise, plasma short-chain and long-chain acylcarnitine concentrations increased by 46% and 23%, respectively. Neither exercise state was associated with a change in the urine excretion rates of free carnitine or acylcarnitines. Thus, alterations in skeletal muscle carnitine metabolism, characterized by an increase in acylcarnitines and a decrease in free and total carnitine, are dependent on the work load and, therefore, the metabolic state associated with the exercise, and are poorly reflected in the plasma and urine carnitine pools.  相似文献   

We evaluated a 22-yr-old Swedish man with lifelong exercise intolerance marked by premature exertional muscle fatigue, dyspnea, and cardiac palpitations with superimposed episodes lasting days to weeks of increased muscle fatigability and weakness associated with painful muscle swelling and pigmenturia. Cycle exercise testing revealed low maximal oxygen uptake (12 ml/min per kg; healthy sedentary men = 39 +/- 5) with exaggerated increases in venous lactate and pyruvate in relation to oxygen uptake (VO2) but low lactate/pyruvate ratios in maximal exercise. The severe oxidative limitation was characterized by impaired muscle oxygen extraction indicated by subnormal systemic arteriovenous oxygen difference (a-v O2 diff) in maximal exercise (patient = 4.0 ml/dl, normal men = 16.7 +/- 2.1) despite normal oxygen carrying capacity and Hgb-O2 P50. In contrast maximal oxygen delivery (cardiac output, Q) was high compared to sedentary healthy men (Qmax, patient = 303 ml/min per kg, normal men 238 +/- 36) and the slope of increase in Q relative to VO2 (i.e., delta Q/delta VO2) from rest to exercise was exaggerated (delta Q/delta VO2, patient = 29, normal men = 4.7 +/- 0.6) indicating uncoupling of the normal approximately 1:1 relationship between oxygen delivery and utilization in dynamic exercise. Studies of isolated skeletal muscle mitochondria in our patient revealed markedly impaired succinate oxidation with normal glutamate oxidation implying a metabolic defect at the level of complex II of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. A defect in Complex II in skeletal muscle was confirmed by the finding of deficiency of succinate dehydrogenase as determined histochemically and biochemically. Immunoblot analysis showed low amounts of the 30-kD (iron-sulfur) and 13.5-kD proteins with near normal levels of the 70-kD protein of complex II. Deficiency of succinate dehydrogenase was associated with decreased levels of mitochondrial aconitase assessed enzymatically and immunologically whereas activities of other tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes were increased compared to normal subjects. The exercise findings are consistent with the hypothesis that this defect impairs muscle oxidative metabolism by limiting the rate of NADH production by the tricarboxylic acid cycle.  相似文献   

Previous studies provided evidence that sepsis-induced muscle proteolysis in experimental animals is caused by increased ubiquitin-proteasome-dependent protein breakdown. It is not known if a similar mechanism accounts for muscle proteolysis in patients with sepsis. We determined mRNA levels for ubiquitin and the 20 S proteasome subunit HC3 by Northern blot analysis in muscle tissue from septic (n = 7) and non-septic (n = 11) patients. Plasma and muscle amino acid concentrations and concentrations in urine of 3-methylhistidine (3-MH), creatinine, and cortisol were measured at the time of surgery to assess the catabolic state of the patients. A three- to fourfold increase in mRNA levels for ubiquitin and HC3 was noted in muscle tissue from the septic patients concomitant with increased muscle levels of phenylalanine and 3-MH and reduced levels of glutamine. Total plasma amino acids were decreased by approximately 30% in the septic patients. The 3-MH/creatinine ratio in urine was almost doubled in septic patients. The cortisol levels in urine were higher in septic than in control patients but this difference did not reach statistical significance. The results suggest that sepsis is associated with increased mRNAs of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in human skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

1. Chronic metabolic acidosis is associated with impaired growth and negative nitrogen balance, suggesting that it promotes endogenous protein catabolism. 2. Skeletal muscle is the major repository of body protein and is a potential target for stimuli of protein catabolism. 3. This study in vivo examines the effects of chronic metabolic acidosis on the relationship between growth, nitrogen disposal and skeletal muscle catabolism in the rat. 4. Growth, nitrogen utilization and acquisition of body mass were significantly impaired in acidotic animals compared with pair-fed controls. 5. Total nitrogen excretion was significantly increased in acidotic rats despite decreased urea production. The time course of this response to acidosis was synchronous with that of accelerated protein catabolism in skeletal muscle. 6. It is proposed that metabolic acidosis impairs growth by stimulating skeletal muscle protein catabolism. It is suggested that this forms part of a co-ordinated multi-organ homoeostatic response to acidosis, skeletal muscle and down-regulated urea production supplying the nitrogen required for renal ammoniagenesis.  相似文献   

Insulin-stimulated glycogen synthase activity in human skeletal muscle correlates with insulin-mediated glucose disposal rate (M) and is reduced in insulin-resistant subjects. We have previously reported reduced insulin-stimulated glycogen synthase activity associated with reduced fasting glycogen synthase phosphatase activity in skeletal muscle of insulin-resistant Pima Indians. In this study we investigated the time course for insulin stimulation of glycogen synthase and synthase phosphatase during a 2-h high-dose insulin infusion (600 mU/min per m2) in six insulin-sensitive caucasians (group S) and in five insulin-resistant Pima Indians (group R). Percutaneous muscle biopsies were obtained from the quadriceps femoris muscle after insulin infusion for 0, 10, 20, 40, and 120 min. In group S, insulin-stimulated glycogen synthase activity increased with time and was significantly higher than in group R. In group S, synthase phosphatase activity increased significantly by 25% at 10 min and then decreased gradually. No significant change in synthase phosphatase was seen in group R and activity was lower than group S at 0 to 20 min. These data suggest that a low basal synthase phosphatase activity and a defect in its response to insulin explain, at least in part, reduced insulin stimulation of skeletal muscle glycogen synthase associated with insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Larsson B  Björk J  Henriksson KG  Gerdle B  Lindman R 《Pain》2000,84(2-3):379-387
The association of cytochrome c oxidase negative fibres (COX-negative) and ragged-red fibres (RR-fibres) with work related trapezius myalgia has been proposed. Hitherto studies have been small or without control groups. The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalences of RR-fibres and COX-negative fibres in female cleaners with (n=25) and without (n=23) trapezius myalgia and in clinically healthy female teachers (n=21). The cleaners did mainly floor cleaning requiring monotonous loading on the trapezius muscle. A questionnaire covering background data and aspects of pain (prevalence, duration, intensity and influence on daily living) was answered. Biopsies were obtained from the trapezius muscle by an open surgical technique. The three groups did not differ in prevalence of COX-negative or COX-superpositive (i.e. type-I fibres with extremely strong brownish reaction in both the COX and SDH/COX stainings) fibres. The prevalence of COX-negative fibres was age dependent. Two subgroups of RR-fibres were present when stained for COX; COX-negative (73%) and COX-superpositive (26%) fibres. Forty-two percent of the COX-negative fibres were RR-fibres and 79% of the COX-superpositive were RR-fibres. A significantly (P=0.002) higher proportion of the COX-superpositive fibres in the cleaners were RR-fibres compared to the teachers. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that age, occupation as cleaner and a tender point in the trapezius were significantly associated with increased prevalences of RR-fibres; a cleaner with a tender point had a 4.35 higher prevalence of RR-fibres compared to a teacher without a tender point. No correlations between other pain related variables and prevalence of RR-fibres were noted. In conclusion, RR-fibres but not COX-negative or COX-superpositive fibres were correlated with cleaning work tasks and with a tender point in the trapezius.  相似文献   

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