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报告1例双下肢皮肤胶原血管病.患儿女,13岁.双下肢淡红色斑片4年.皮肤科检查:双下肢多发、对称性淡红色斑片,边界欠清,部分皮损相互融合,按压皮损部分褪色.皮肤镜检查:可见多发扩张毛细血管.皮损组织病理:表皮大致正常,真皮浅层血管数量增多,管壁增厚,可见PAS染色阳性的透明样物质沉积.免疫组化:增厚的血管壁上Ⅳ型胶原呈...  相似文献   

20 0 4 10 52 应用光子嫩肤技术治疗颜面毛细血管扩张/罗奇(广州粤秀整形外科门诊部)…∥中华医学美学美容杂志.- 2 0 0 3,9(5) .- 2 84~2 8656例经4~8次治疗后,痊愈17例,显效2 3例,有效13例,无效3例。认为光子嫩肤技术通过某些特定波长的光,选择性地损伤位于浅表扩张毛细血管内的氧合血红蛋白,形成局部微血栓而导致扩张的毛细血管萎缩。该方法操作简单,损伤小,疗效确切,是一种具有应用前景的技术。(时岩)2 0 0 4 10 53 过敏性紫癜患者血管内皮生长因子含量测定/刘雯蓓(皖南医学院附院皮肤科)…∥中国皮肤性病学杂志.- 2 0 0 3,17(4 ) .…  相似文献   

22岁男性患者,双下肢反复瘀斑、溃疡伴疼痛3年。皮肤镜检查示浅褐色背景,中央亮白色条纹交织成网状,线状血管呈放射状分布,周边褐色色素沉着。皮损组织病理示真皮浅层小血管壁透明样变,微血栓形成,皮下脂肪间隔血管闭塞,血栓形成。诊断:青斑样血管病。给予利伐沙班治疗后皮损逐渐消退,随访2年未见复发。  相似文献   

20130514抗幽门螺杆菌对腹型过敏性紫癜疗效的研究/付敏(湖北通城县医院),谭志勇,姜功平∥皮肤病与性病.-2012,33(6).-319~32090例有消化道症状且非侵入性尿素[14C]呼气检测幽门螺杆菌(HP)呈阳性的过敏性紫癜(HSP)患者,随机分为两组,分别接受常规治疗(对照组)和常规加  相似文献   

<正>皮肤胶原瘤是一种由胶原纤维构成的结缔组织痣,临床表现为生长缓慢的无症状的结节或斑块,好发于躯干及上肢。而发疹性皮肤胶原瘤(eruptive cutaneous collagenoma)属于胶原瘤的一种特殊类型,临床少见,现将我科诊断1例报告如下。临床资料患者,男,61岁。主因双上肢、躯干多发性结节、斑块3年,于2012年5月就诊。患者3年前无明显  相似文献   

20 0 4 2 385 微小病毒 B19感染可能是过敏性紫癜的病因/王懿林 (山东临沂市医院儿科 )… / /新医学 .- 2 0 0 4 ,35(2 ) .- 89~ 90检测 2 6例过敏性紫癜患儿血清中人类微小病毒B19- Ig M和人类微小病毒 B19—脱氧核糖核酸 ,设立正常对照。结果显示病例组 4例 (15% ) B19- DN A及抗 B19-Ig M均阳性 ,2例 (8% )仅 B19- DN A阳性 ,2 0例 (77% )B19- DNA及抗 B19- Ig M同时阴性 ,人类 B19阳性率为23%。而对照组仅 1例 (4 % )抗 B19- Ig M阳性 ,两者比较差异有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 5)。说明人类微小病毒 B19病毒感染与过敏性紫癜…  相似文献   

20141417叶酸对儿童过敏性紫癜患者血清同型半胱氨酸与CD62 E的影响/曹庆科(嘉兴市第一医院),殷文浩,邹洪兴…//中国麻风皮肤病杂志.-2013,29(9).-567~569 采用循环酶法和酶联免疫吸附试验检测40例儿童过敏性紫癜(HSP)患者(根据是否伴有肾脏损害分为A,B组)与31名健康对照者(C组)外周血清同型半胱氨酸(HCY)与CD62E水平。  相似文献   

20042987 皮肤血管炎患者血清白介素和干扰素水平与疾病活动性的相关研究/陆小年(复旦大学华山医院皮肤科)…//临床皮肤科杂志.-2004,33(4).-219~220应用ELISA法检测。结果显示,变应性皮肤血管炎患者血清中IL-4水平高于正常人,IFN-γ与正常人差异无显著性;皮肤变应性结节性血管炎患者血清中IFN-γ高于正常人,且活动期高于缓解期。提示皮肤血管炎患者存在体液免疫异常;其发病可能与Th1优势应答有关;检测患者血清中IFN-γ水平,可作为监测该病活动性的一项指标。参5 (汤亚娥)20042988 皮肤结节性血管炎患者Th1/Th2型细胞因子表达的…  相似文献   

20052507 静脉注射大剂量免疫球蛋白对过敏性紫癜患儿Th1/Th2的影响,20052508 复发性过敏性紫癜患儿血清特异性IgE检测,20052509 儿童过敏性紫癜并发急性肠套叠19例临床分析,20052510 过敏性紫癜并发溃疡性结肠炎1例,20052511 芍药甘草汤合犀角地黄汤加昧治疗单纯型过敏性紫癜32例疗效观察。  相似文献   

Cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy is a rare microangiopathy first described by Salama and Rosenthal in 2000. Several cases have been reported to date, describing distinct histological findings of thick hyaline collagenous blood vessel walls in the superficial dermis. Clinical confusion can arise with generalised essential telangiectasia. We report a case occurring in a 76‐year‐old woman who presented with a 2‐year history of a telangiectatic rash progressing from her knees upwards. The diagnosis was confirmed on skin biopsy and treatment with pulsed dye laser was later initiated at the patient's request.  相似文献   

Cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy (CCV) is a rare acquired idiopathic microangiopathy characterised by the progressive development of diffuse asymptomatic telangiectasias over the skin. Histologically, the presence of a thick hyaline collagenous wall around the affected capillaries, comprising the accumulation of collagen type IV, is noted. We herein report the case of a 17‐year‐old Japanese boy with symmetrical patches of diffuse telangiectasias on the bilateral extremities that persisted for 10 months. A histological examination revealed dilated capillaries in the papillary dermis surrounded by thick perivascular deposition of hyaline‐like materials, which stained positive for periodic acid‐Schiff and collagen type IV. We additionally performed a review of 26 CCV patients previously reported in the English literature and summarised the clinical and histological features of generalised telangiectatic disorders, such as CCV, generalised essential telangiectasia and hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia. To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is important for dermatologists to recognise the clinical and histological characteristics of CCV and the importance of the histological analysis.  相似文献   

皮肤利什曼病一例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨利什曼病的流行病学、诊断、 治疗与预后。方法 分析我科收治的1 例皮肤利什曼病的临床、 病理、 实验室检查特点。结果:该患者以四肢溃疡为首发症状, 经皮肤组织病理、组织液涂片、组织液培养等结果证实为皮肤利什曼病。结论 需警惕从流行病区回国人员利什曼发病情况。  相似文献   

Cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy is a rare microangiopathy of superficial dermal blood vessels. Patients present with telangiectatic macules, predominantly on the extremities. A skin biopsy specimen is necessary to distinguish cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy from generalized essential telangiectasia. Microscopically, cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy resembles the superficial telangiectasias of generalized essential telangiectasia but additionally shows hyaline material in thickened vessel walls. The amorphous pink material is periodic acid-Schiff-positive and resistant to diastase. We describe a series of four patients with cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy and highlight its clinical and histopathologic features.  相似文献   

患者男,18岁。因躯干、四肢持续性黑褐色疣状痂15年就诊于我院门诊。15年前,患者腰腹部、双大腿出现散在点状褐色斑片,表面逐渐增厚成疣状,颜色加深呈黑褐色,无自觉症状;未到医院就诊治疗,皮疹不消退,并逐渐融合成片,延及躯干、四肢。患者诉洗澡时大部分痂皮可以擦掉,但数日内可再次出现。家族中无类似病史……  相似文献   

报告1例原发性皮肤中心母细胞淋巴瘤。患者,男,92岁。右小腿被蚊虫叮咬后出现肿块1年半,增多、扩大、破溃伴左小中块2个月。血常规、X光胸片、腹部B超、骨髓检查未划常。病检示肿瘤细胞形态似中心母细胞,免疫组化证实瘤细胞的B细胞性。EBER原位杂交末检测到EB病毒。患者未作放化疗,9个月后死亡。  相似文献   

皮肤垢着病样糠秕孢子菌感染1例   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
患者男,17岁,面部以双颧部为主出现灰褐色油腻性鳞屑斑片半年余。取鳞屑KOH直接镜检未见孢子及菌丝。用革兰染色油镜下观察可见大量圆形及少量卵形孢子。将鳞屑接种于花斑癣培基上37℃培养4周,可见有圆形和卵形糠秕孢子菌生长。经用伊曲康唑100mg/d治疗5周后,皮疹逐渐消退,但未痊愈,停药后皮疹又有复发倾向。  相似文献   

We describe a 16-year-old girl who presented with a 3-year history of telangiectatic patches on the extremities and trunk. Skin biopsies demonstrated dilated vessels with thickened walls containing hyaline material in the papillary dermis, resembling those seen in systemic amyloidosis, porphyrias, or lipoid proteinosis. A diagnosis of cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy was made. To our knowledge, cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy has previously only been described in adults aged 50 and older.  相似文献   

报告1例额部浸润性肌内脂肪瘤伴表皮角,患者女性91岁,为迄今所见报道中最年长的浸润性肌内脂肪瘤患者,肿瘤发生在额部,表面有皮角,比较少见。  相似文献   

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