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由于近年来抗生素的发展和早期应用,脊柱感染发病率逐年降低,占全身骨骼感染的1%,而颈椎感染仅占脊柱感染的3%~6%。因其发病率低,且往往患者症状不典型,常常延误了最佳治疗时机,导致预后较差。我们对近期收治的1例颈椎化脓性感染合并不全瘫患者的情况报告如下。  相似文献   



To present a case of a patient with spinal infection (SI) and highlight the chiropractor’s role in the prevention or minimization of devastating complications of SI.


Recent literature trends suggest an increasing prevalence of SI. Patients with SI most commonly present with unremitting progressive back pain and may or may not have fever or neurological signs. To avoid negative post-infection sequelae, establishing an early diagnosis and treatment is crucial.

Clinical Features:

A 29-year-old female diagnosed with L5-S1 disc herniation with impingement of the right S1 nerve root opted for surgical management. Iatrogenic bowel perforation during her spinal surgery resulted in contamination of the spinal surgical site, and findings in keeping with disco-osteomyelitis with epidural and paraspinal phlegmon formation were visualized on contrast enhanced MRI.


Recent trends of increased spinal infection urge a heightened awareness by the chiropractor. The chiropractor can provide early diagnosis and supportive multidisciplinary care for such patients.  相似文献   

Pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis responds well to conservative treatment at early stage, but more complicated and advanced conditions, including mechanical spinal instability, epidural abscess formation, neurologic deficits, and refractoriness to antibiotic therapy, usually require surgical intervention. The subject of using metallic implants in the setting of infection remains controversial, although more and more surgeons acknowledge that instrumentation can help the body to combat the infection rather than to interfere with it. The combination of radical debridement and instrumentation has lots of merits such as, restoration and maintenance of the sagittal alignment of the spine, stabilization of the spinal column and reduction of bed rest period. This issue must be viewed in the context of the overall and detailed health conditions of the subjecting patient. We think the culprit for the recurrence of infection is not the implants itself, but is the compromised general health condition of the patients. In this review, we focus on surgical treatment of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis with special attention to the role of spinal instrumentation in the presence of pyogenic infection.  相似文献   

A case is presented of a 33-yr-old parturient with Harrington fusion of her spine who received spinal anaesthesia with 15 mg hyperbaric bupivacaine for Caesarean delivery. Multiple attempts of needle insertion in both midline and paramedian at the L3-4 interspace were unsuccessful, whereas the procedure was performed uneventfully at the midline of the L5S1 interspace. The anatomical considerations and difficulties in achieving reliable epidural anaesthesia after Harrington fusion are reviewed. Spinal anaesthesia performed at the L5S1 interspace may provide less technical difficulty and a more reliable result in such patients.  相似文献   

The basic principles of current idiopathic scoliosis treatment are three-dimensional correction and rigid fixation. Although it is accepted that Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation (CDI) meets these goals, there is concern about the potential risk of trunk imbalance and spinal decompensation during the derotation manoeuvre. The results of 45 patients with idiopathic scoliosis treated with CDI between December 1988 and August 1992 were retrospectively analysed. Mean age was 14.3 years and mean follow-up period was 48.6 months. An average correction of 49.6% was achieved in the major curves. The best results were obtained in King type III curves, with a 69.4% correction. Spinal imbalance was evaluated by measuring lateral trunk shift (LT), shift of head (SH) and shift of stable vertebra (SS). Decompensation was measured by the increase in secondary curves. When all curve types were included, the average preoperative LT value of 1.96 vertebral units (VU) was brought down to 0.91 VU postoperatively, achieving a 55.9% correction. Fourteen patients had an SH value of zero preoperatively and remained balanced after instrumentation. Of the 41 remaining patients, 21 achieved an SH value of zero postoperatively. When all cases were included, the average preoperative SH value was 1.0 VU, which was corrected to 0.42 VU with CDI (69% correction). An average correction of SS of 75.5% was obtained, with the mean preoperative value of 0.73 VU being corrected to 0.19 VU. At the last follow-up visit, a secondary curve had formed above the major curve in one patient, and three patients had a junctional kyphosis. Loss of correction in the frontal plane correlated with loss of correction of LT. The rigid and semiflexible lumbar curves had a tendency to progress when they were not instrumented, especially in type II curves. Junctional kyphosis could be prevented when concave laminar claws were used in the thoraco-lumbar region. It was concluded that spinal decompensation and imbalance could be minimized with careful preoperative planning, avoidance of overcorrection and use of long instrumentation in double major curves.  相似文献   



Diabetes mellitus (DM) is known as an important risk factor for surgical site infection (SSI) in spine surgery. It is still unclear however which DM-related parameters have stronger influence on SSI. The purpose of this study is to determine predisposing factors for SSI following spinal instrumentation surgery for patients with DM.


110 DM patients (66 males and 44 females) who underwent spinal instrumentation surgery in one institute were enrolled in this study. For each patient, various preoperative or intraoperative parameters were reviewed from medical records. Patients were divided into two groups (SSI or non-SSI) based on the postoperative course. Each parameter between these two groups was compared. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to determine predisposing factor for SSI.


The SSI group consisted of 11 patients (10 %), and the non-SSI group of 99 patients (90 %). Univariate analysis revealed that preoperative proteinuria (p = 0.01), operation time (p = 0.04) and estimated blood loss (p = 0.02) were significantly higher in the SSI group compared to the non-SSI group. Multivariate logistic regression identified preoperative proteinuria as a statistically significant predictor of SSI (OR 6.28, 95 % CI 1.58–25.0, p = 0.009).


Proteinuria is a significant predisposing factor for SSI in spinal instrumentation surgery for DM patients. DM patients with proteinuria who are likely to suffer latent nephropathy have a potential risk for SSI. For them less invasive surgery is recommended for spinal instrumentation. In this retrospective study, there was no significant difference of preoperative condition in glycemic control between the two groups.  相似文献   



This study was designed to identify the presence, type and origin of bacteria adjacent to the metal implant in the infected region in a canine model of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis treated with single-stage anterior autogenous bone grafting and instrumentation.


Dogs with pyogenic spondylodiscitis underwent one-stage debridement, autogenous bone grafting and titanium plate instrumentation and perioperative antibiotic therapy. The implants and adjacent vertebral bones were removed surgically at various postoperative time points (4, 8, 12 and 24 weeks) for bacteria detection. Bacteria were detected from retrieved spinal implants as well as surrounding bones by culture and/or pyrosequencing methods in 17 (85 %) of all 20 animals. The positive rate for bacteria presence was 45 % by culture and 80 % by pyrosequencing method.


Radiological or macroscopic examination showed no signs for infection recurrence in any animal regardless of bacteria presence at the surgical site. However, organism identical with the causative bacterium for spinal infection was found in only two of nine culture-positive animals.


Within the confines of the study, the use of metallic implants in an infected area did not lead to a clinically relevant infection although bacteria may exist at the surgical site. The use of metallic implants in an infected area of the spine is safe. The metallic implants may not be the “culprit” for the persistence or recurrence of infection.  相似文献   

脊柱侧凸后路三维矫形融合术后并发迟发性深部感染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:评估脊柱侧弯患者后路矫形术后深部迟发性感染的发病机理,早期诊断和治疗。方法:回顾性研究自1998年8月~2002年1月共509例行后路矫形的脊柱侧凸患者,其中有5例病人发生了深部迟发性感染。对深部迟发性感染距初次手术的时间,影像学资料,血沉,假关节的发生情况,分泌物的培养和药敏结果,伤口闭合类型和抗生素的使用情况进行了分析。结果:5例患者发生了迟发性感染(0.98%)。距初次手术平均时间为19.2个月,病人都有窦道的形成,2例患者背部疼痛,仅有1例患者在窦道形成前有发热史。平均血沉55.5mm/h,无患者发生假关节,培养结果均为金黄色葡萄球菌,所有患者均行内置物去除,一期闭合伤口并最终愈合。结论:皮下脓肿和窦道形成是迟发性感染的明确的诊断依据。人体皮肤上低毒性细菌的术中种植和金属腐蚀可能是迟发性感染的主要发生机理,一期闭合能使伤口早期愈合,短期内静脉使用抗生素(7d),然后口服抗生素(10d)是值得推荐的方法。  相似文献   

Anterior radical debridement and bone grafting is popular in the treatment of pyogenic infection of the spine, but there remains great concern of placing instrumentation in the presence of infection because of the potentiality of infection recurrence after surgery. The objective of this study was to prospectively evaluate the efficacy and safety of anterior instrumentation in patients who underwent simultaneous anterior debridement and autogenous bone grafting for the treatment of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis. The series consisted of 22 consecutive patients who were treated with anterior debridement, interbody fusion with autogenous bone grafting and anterior instrumentation for pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis of thoracic and lumbar spine. The patients were prospectively followed up for a minimum of 3 years (average 46.1 months; range 36–74 months). Data were obtained for assessing clinically the neurological function and pain and radiologically the spinal alignment and fusion progress as well as recurrence of the infection. All the patients experienced complete or significant relief of back pain with rapid improvement of neurological function. Kyphosis was improved with an average correction rate of 93.1% (range 84–100%). Solid fusion and healing of the infection was achieved in all the patients without any evidence of recurrent or residual infection. The study shows that combined with perioperative antibiotic regimen, anterior instrumentation is effective and safe in the treatment of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis of thoracic and lumbar spine directly following radical debridement and autogenous bone grafting.  相似文献   

<正>脊柱术后切口感染的发生率为0.7%~8.5%[1]。病原菌多以革兰氏阳性菌为主,其次是革兰氏阴性菌和厌氧菌,其中金黄色葡萄球菌感染的比例达74%,表皮葡萄球菌占11%,其他常见的病原菌有粪肠球菌、变形杆菌、假单胞菌属、类白喉菌、不动杆菌、阴沟肠杆菌、产气荚膜梭菌等[2]。结核杆菌感染的报道罕见,我们最近收治1例腰椎内固定术后伤口结核杆菌感染患者,报道如下。患者女,59岁,因"反复腰痛伴右下肢后外侧放射痛、  相似文献   

Introduction: The treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) spondylodiscitis is reported to be far more difficult than that of non-MRSA spondylodiscitis. At present, there seems to be no standard protocol for the treatment of MRSA spondylodiscitis cases in which conservative management has failed. Materials and methods: Between 1998 and 2001, five patients (aged 48–73 years; average: 63.8 years; SD: 9.9) with MRSA spondylodiscitis were treated surgically after conservative treatment had failed. Posterior spinal instrumentation was performed for all five patients, three of whom also underwent anterior debridement and bone graft. All the patients had neurological deficits and severe pain. To assess the invasiveness of the operation, we evaluated operating time, blood loss, and complications. Pain (verbal rating scale; VRS), neurological status (Frankel type), activities of daily living (ADL) (the Barthel index), WBC, CRP, and ESR in the preoperative, postoperative and final follow-up periods were used to evaluate the surgical outcomes. Results: Although we encountered several postoperative complications including deep wound infections, at the final follow-up visit, the neurological deficits, activities of daily living, Barthel index, and VRS had improved in all the patients. Changes in WBC, CRP, and ESR revealed suppression of infection in all patients. Conclusion: Surgical treatment for MRSA spondylodiscitis with posterior spinal instrumentation provided patients with satisfactory final outcomes.  相似文献   

Seventy-four patients who had deformity of the spine secondary to a neuromuscular disorder were treated using posterior fusion with Luque-rod segmental instrumentation. The mean curve was 73 degrees preoperatively and 38 degrees postoperatively. The mean loss of correction was 4 degrees at an average duration of follow-up of forty-two months (range, 2.0 to 7.3 years). Complications included one death, three deep wound infections, two pressure sores, six sets of broken rods, and one instance of distal rotation and migration of the rod. There were no major perioperative neurological complications. Failure of instrumentation occurred more frequently with 3/16-inch (4.8-millimeter) diameter than with 1/4-inch (6.4-millimeter) diameter stainless-steel rods. There was a tendency for cephalad progression of deformity when the fusion ended cephalad at or below the fourth thoracic vertebra. We concluded that Luque-rod segmental instrumentation with posterior spinal fusion is an effective treatment for patients who have neuromuscular scoliosis.  相似文献   

There have been few reports regarding the efficacy of posterior instrumentation alone as surgical treatment for patients with pyogenic spondylitis, thus avoiding the morbidity of anterior surgery. We report the clinical outcomes of six patients with pyogenic spondylitis treated effectively with a single-stage posterior fusion without anterior debridement at a mean follow-up of 2.8 years (2 to 5). Haematological data, including white cell count and level of C-reactive protein, returned to normal in all patients at a mean of 8.2 weeks (7 to 9) after the posterior fusion. Rigid bony fusion between the infected vertebrae was observed in five patients at a mean of 6.3 months (4.5 to 8) post-operatively, with the remaining patient having partial union. Severe back pain was immediately reduced following surgery and the activities of daily living showed a marked improvement. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was detected as the causative organism in four patients. Single-stage posterior fusion may be effective in patients with pyogenic spondylitis who have relatively minor bony destruction.  相似文献   

腰椎术后化脓性感染的早期治疗   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张纯  姚聪  贺西京  李浩鹏 《中国骨伤》2013,26(10):853-856
目的:探讨腰椎疾患术后化脓性感染的病因、诊断和早期治疗方法。方法:对2009年3月至2012年3月收治的7例腰椎术后化脓性感染患者进行回顾性分析,男6例,女1例;年龄42-62岁,平均46.5岁。其中合并椎管内感染并-侧肢体短暂瘫痪1例,其余为椎管外化脓性感染。均给予早期手术干预,术中采用持续低压脉冲生理盐水灌洗引流,术后行抗感染治疗。抗生素应用时间为4-6周,停药指征是血沉和C-反应蛋白完全正常,合并颅内化脓性感染者则必须脑脊液生化和常规检查结果完全正常。结果:7例患者均痊愈出院,住院时间2—3个月,出院时无任何神经系统残余症状。结论:腰椎术后化脓性感染-旦发生就属于骨科急重症,容易误诊,必须早期诊断。早期手术清创引流是挽救患者生命的惟-措施,而持续低压脉冲冲洗可以很好的清除深部组织间隙的残存感染灶,果断去除内固定可以一次性确保腰椎术后化脓性感染的根本控制。  相似文献   

Sixty patients were treated using a multilevel spinal instrumentation system. Spine arthrodesis was done posteriorly in all patients using a combination of two rods, hooks, screws, and cross-link plates. The Galveston technique was used in three patients. Five patients presented with late deep wound infections 1 to 5 years postoperatively. Two patients presented with a local subcutaneous abscess, whereas the remaining patients had a local drainage. Exploration revealed pus lining the instrumentation surface, at least one loose cross-link nut, and local hardware corrosion and metal infiltration of the surrounding tissues. All patients had a satisfactory bony arthrodesis, so instrumentation was removed. Intraoperative cultures revealed three coagulase-negative Staphylococci, one Acinetobacter baumani, and one Peptostreptococcus. A continuous irrigation system with antibiotics was placed for 5 days in all patients in combination with intravenous antibiotics and oral antibiotics. All patients responded to the treatment, with no recurrence of the infection after removal of the instrumentation. Although the exact nature of these infections requires additional investigation, the findings suggest a correlation between instrumentation failure and loosening and late infection. Bone involvement was not observed and removal of instrumentation was a reliable means of treatment.  相似文献   

Spinal hydatid disease is rarely encountered in nonendemic regions. It is a progressive disease that is associated with risks of serious morbidity. The authors report a case of an isolated primary hydatid cyst of the spine in a 34-year-old woman who presented with back pain, which had lasted for 3 months, as well as lower-extremity pain and fatigue, which had persisted for 2 months. A neurological examination yielded findings indicative of upper motor neuron involvement with complete sensory loss below the level of T-11. Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine showed multiple extradural cystic lesions with an abscess formation at T-11 and involvement of the paraspinal muscles. The patient underwent spinal decompression in which stabilization and total excision of the multiple epidural and psoas abscesses and paraspinal multiloculated cysts were performed. The diagnosis of hydatid disease associated with another infection was confirmed by histopathological evaluation. Albendazole was administered during the postoperative period. Previous reports of secondary infections accompanying this disease in extraspinal locations have been published. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, there have been no publications about a secondary infection associated with hydatidosis in the spinal cord. One should bear in mind that spinal hydatidosis may be accompanied by other infections in endemic regions. Antihelminthic treatment should be administered for a long period following early decompressive surgery and adequate stabilization.  相似文献   

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