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脑深部电刺激治疗帕金森病的护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡友锦  严凌燕  国宁 《护士进修杂志》2011,26(14):1280-1281
目的 探讨脑深部电刺激(Deep brain stimulation,DBS)治疗帕金森病围手术期配合和护理要点.方法 分析我院2006年8月~2010年9月脑深部电刺激治疗的21例原发性帕金森病患者的临床护理资料,在护理过程中,重点关注病人术前心理护理和宣教、术后做好病情观察、并发症的观察和护理、注意事项的宣教等.结...  相似文献   

脑深部电刺激术(deep brain stimulation,DBS)目前已成为国内外认可的帕金森病重要治疗方案。随着脑科学、手术方法、磁共振成像技术的不断发展,以及大量临床循证医学证据的逐渐完善,DBS治疗帕金森病在手术时机、靶点选择、症状控制、治疗机制、设备改进等方面均取得了较大的进展。但是,其在中轴运动症状和非运动症状的控制方面尚存在一些不足,设备、程控设置等方面也有待改进。  相似文献   

帕金森病(Parkirlsorl’S disease,PD) 又称震颤麻痹,是一种常见于中老年的中枢神经系统疾病,多在60岁以后发病,疾病呈进行性发展。主要表现为患者动作缓慢,手脚或身体其它部分的静止性震颤,身体失去了柔软性,变得僵硬,姿势、步态异常等典型性临床特征[1]。严重影响病人的生活质量,尽管使用内科药物治疗可以控制部分症状,但随着疾病的发展,药量的逐渐增加,而药效却逐渐的降低,使得一部分病人最终求助于外科治疗。脑深部电刺激(deep brain stimulation,DBS)技术是神经外科治疗运动障碍性疾病的重要手段之一,又称为“脑起搏器”[2]。DBS术后护理与其他神经外科手术后护理相比,有明显的特点,护理人员需要在掌握基本护理技术的同时,也应熟悉DBS手术的流程,了解该疗法的整个环节,提前考虑到术前、术后可能出现的问题,有针对性地进行观察和护理。我院2011年7月至2013年11月应用DBS治疗帕金森病患者25例,获得了良好的效果,优质的护理更是术后取得良好疗效的重要保障。现报道如下。  相似文献   

目的探讨脑深部电刺激治疗帕金森病的手术配合要点。方法总结20例帕金森病患者行脑深部电刺激治疗手术配合的护理经验。结果 20例患者共植入38根电极,手术过程顺利,患者临床症状均明显改善;无1例发生颅内血肿、感染、永久神经系统功能障碍和护理并发症。结论熟知手术器械性能,做好术前准备和术中默契的配合对保证手术的顺利进行具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨脑深部电刺激手术治疗帕金森病的围术期护理。方法回顾分析了我院采用脑深部电刺激手术治疗的帕金森病患者13例,其中男8例,女5例,对其围术期护理进行分析总结。结果均以STN为刺激靶点,全部手术患者肌僵直、运动徐缓、震颤等症状即明显改善,2例患者停药,11例患者可明显减少左旋多巴等药物用量。结论笔者认为脑深部电刺激手术治疗帕金森病疗效可靠,并发症少,围术期加强心理护理及康复护理对获得满意疗效极为重要。  相似文献   

[目的]总结脑深部电刺激术(DBS)治疗帕金森病病人的手术全期护理。[方法]对29例帕金森病人行DBS治疗,加强全面细致的手术全期护理,包括术前专科化访视、术中手术配合及术后回访等,以促进病人的全面康复。[结果]29例病人术后肢体运动障碍均得到不同程度改善,无颅内出血、感染等并发症的发生。[结论]加强DBS治疗帕金森病病人的护理是手术成功的保证。  相似文献   

[目的]观察帕金森病病人在使用脑深部电刺激术治疗前后的心理变化,以进行针对性的护理,提高手术成功率及康复效果。[方法]通过对20例病人进行心理状态分析,分别在手术治疗前、中、后进行有目的心理护理。[结果]手术前消除了病人的心理顾虑,取得了病人的配合;术中使病人放松紧张情绪;术后使病人树立自信心,提高生活质量。[结论]针对性的心理护理,使病人能以平和的心态接受手术治疗,促进早日康复。  相似文献   

[目的]观察脑深部电刺激治疗(DBS)帕金森病(PD)术后并发症发生情况及护理。[方法]对2013年4月—2013年12月实施DBS 手术的28例 PD 病人并发症发生情况及护理进行总结。[结果]12例病人术后出现并发症,发生率42.86%,其中脑出血1例,呼吸困难3例,排异反应1例,导线外漏合并颅内积气1例,单纯颅内积气6例;除一例并发脑出血的病人术后32 d 死亡外,其余病人经积极治疗及随访逐渐好转。[结论]DBS 术后并发症发生率较高,需加强术后观察及护理。  相似文献   

李楠楠  袁强  彭蓉 《华西医学》2011,(1):129-132
帕金森病(Parlkinson's disease,PD)是中老年人常见的神经系统变性疾病.脑深部电刺激(deep brain stimulation,DBS)可以改善中晚期或药物难治性PD患者的运动症状、生活质量,并且丘脑底核脑深部电刺激(subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulat...  相似文献   

目的探讨脑深部刺激(deep brain stimulation,DBS)治疗帕金森病(Parkinson disease,PD)的手术配合与护理措施。方法回顾性分析174例DBS手术,总结DBS的手术配合和围术期的护理方法。结果手术均获成功,术后随访3~104个月,平均(29.4±10.6)个月,帕金森统一评分改善率为46.2%。手术护士术前应做好患者、环境和物品准备,术中应根据手术不同阶段的特点熟练配合,术后对仪器进行正确和严格的保养。结论 DBS治疗PD是一种创伤小、临床效果好、运动功能恢复较为理想的治疗方法,严格执行无菌操作、熟悉手术步骤、准确熟练地进行手术配合,是手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

目的建立急性阶梯式左旋多巴试验,观察原发性帕金森病和非帕金森病帕金森综合征患者急性多巴反应性受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线,以期选择适当的运功改善程度指标临界值诊断原发性帕金森病。方法对帕金森病患者102例和非帕金森病帕金森综合征患者49例进行不同剂量水平的急性左旋多巴试验,以统一帕金森病评分量表(UPDRS)运动部分评分为指标,比较两组患者在不同左旋多巴/苄丝肼剂量水平服药后UPDRS运动部分评分平均最大改善率的差异,建立急性左旋多巴试验的ROC曲线,计算不同临界值下的诊断敏感度和特异度。结果在左旋多巴/苄丝肼150/37.5mg、200/50mg、300/75mg剂量均有临界值可到达80%以上的敏感度和特异度。临界值设定在300/75mg剂量水平的28.5%时可达到97.1%的敏感度;临界值设定在150/37.5mg剂量水平的22.5%可达到93.2%的特异度。结论通过阶梯式急性左旋多巴试验方法可以有效量化帕金森病患者的多巴反应性。选择一定的UPDRS运动评分最大改善率为临界值可使该试验在帕金森病诊断中达到较高的敏感度和特异度。  相似文献   

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an important treatment option for neuropathic pain. DBS has a considerable history, and it can be used successfully for a wide number of pain syndromes. Epidural motor cortex stimulation (MCS) also is a treatment option for neuropathic pain. Less invasive than DBS, MCS has been rapidly adopted and studied since first described in 1991. A growing body of literature supports the use of MCS for facial pain, though further study to better define the mechanism of action and the most appropriate patient populations is ongoing.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the effectiveness of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the globus pallidus internus (GPi) on tic severity and common comorbidities in patients with severe Tourette syndrome that is refractory to pharmacological treatment and psychotherapy.Patients and MethodsWe retrospectively assessed the long-term clinical outcomes of 13 patients with treatment-refractory Tourette syndrome who underwent DBS targeting the GPi at the Beijing Tiantan Hospital from January 1, 2006, through May 31, 2013. The primary outcome was a change in tic severity as measured by the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale, and the secondary outcome was a change in associated behavioral disorders and mood as measured by the Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome–Quality of Life Scale assessment.ResultsCompared with baseline, the mean reduction in the total Yale Global Tic Severity Scale scores at last follow-up (mean, 41.9 months; range, 13-80 months) was 52.1% (range, 4.3%-83.6%), and the mean improvement rates at 1 month, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months, 30 months, and 36 or more months were 11.8%, 20.0%, 26.8%, 36.7%, 44.7%, 49.0%, and 56.7%, respectively. A paired-sample t test revealed significant improvement of tic symptoms after 6 months of DBS programming (P<.05). The Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome–Quality of Life Scale score improved by a mean of 45.7% (range, 11.0%-77.2%).ConclusionThis study is currently the largest reported GPi DBS case series of patients with treatment-refractory TS with the longest follow-up. Our results support the potential beneficial effect of GPi DBS on disabling tic reduction and improvement of quality of life.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the brain has a 2000 year history. Deep brain stimulation (DBS), one form of neurostimulation, is a functional neurosurgical approach in which a high‐frequency electrical current stimulates targeted brain structures for therapeutic benefit. It is an effective treatment for certain neuropathologic movement disorders and an emerging therapy for psychiatric conditions and epilepsy. Its translational journey did not follow the typical bench‐to‐bedside path, but rather reversed the process. The shift from ancient and medieval folkloric remedy to accepted medical practice began with independent discoveries about electricity during the 19th century and was fostered by technological advances of the 20th. In this paper, we review that journey and discuss how the quest to expand its applications and improve outcomes is taking DBS from the bedside back to the bench.  相似文献   

Objective: To summarize the techniques for physiological localization that contribute to increased accuracy in the surgical treatment of movement disorders. Methods: Initial targeting through imaging referenced to stereotactic atlas are confirmed through physiological localization. Spontaneous recording, elicited recording, evoked potentials and stimulation provided physiological localization for target confirmation in the placement of lesions or DBS. Results: Imaging and stereotactic techniques produce inaccuracy that may be address by physiological localization. Microelectrode recording from basal ganglia and thalamic sites provides signature neuronal patterns to confirm and guide the trajectory. Spontaneous and elicited neuronal response are recorded from microelectrodes. Conclusions: Accuracy of movement disorders surgery is enhance through use of physiological localization. A multimodality approach provides techniques that allow localization in a variety of patient and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

左旋多巴是治疗帕金森病的金标准,但是长期应用后导致运动并发症。近年来研究表明,运动并发症的产生可能与纹状体多巴胺受体长期受到非生理性脉冲样刺激有关,从而提出帕金森病治疗的新理念——连续多巴胺能刺激。改变L-dopa药代动力学特征和给予多巴胺受体激动剂是进行连续多巴胺能刺激的主要手段。连续多巴胺能刺激策略的初步应用显示了良好的临床疗效,但是长期临床疗效仍需要进一步确认。  相似文献   

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