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梁义红  周萍 《健康大视野》2006,14(7):103-104
随着现代眼科学的发展,在眼科护理工作中强化慎独意识,不断提高护士自身素质,保证护理各个环节的安全性,对提高医疗和护理质量有着非常重要的意义。主要从四个方面进行讨论:①慎独在眼科护士配药过程中的重要性;②慎独在眼科护士药疗过程中的重要性;③慎独在眼科护士护理手术病人过程中的重要性;④慎独在眼科护理工作中的防范差错事故的重要性。我院通过对眼科护士慎独意识的培养,提高护士自身素质,对安全完成护理工作有着积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

素质原本是心理学的一个专门术语,是指人的一种较稳定的心理特征。素质广义的解释分先天与后天两方面,先天自然性的一面,是指人在某些方面与生俱来的特点和原有基础,即天生的感知器官、神经系统,特别是大脑结构和功能上的一系列特点而言;素质后天的社会性的一面是主要的,是指通过不断地培养、教育、自我修养、自我磨练而获得的一系列知识技能、行为习惯、文化修养、品质特点的总和。护士的素质包括思想品质素质和专业素质两个方面。而对于手术室护士就有更高更广泛的要求,特别是对于当代手术室护士的素质能力,只有提高了手术室护士的素质,才能改善手术室的护理质量,更好地适应当代手术室的工作要求¨q]。护士的素质能力是当前的重要课题,作者结合多年担任手术室护士和护士长的经验,就手术室护士应具有的素质能力,提高手术室护士素质的途径和方法做如下报告。  相似文献   

针对新护士在操作医院信息系统的护士工作站时存在的问题,作提出了相应的解决措施。(1)提高新护士的素质,增强岗位责任感;(2)提高微机操作水平,尽快适应网络运行;(3)规范标准健全制度,保证医院信息系统安全高效运行。  相似文献   

目的:探讨如何培养提高护士的综合素质。方法:利用素质模型、开展场景应急演练、加强综合性学习教育、多样化在职培训,标准化训练等。结果:有效的提升了护士的护理质量全面的提高了护士的综合素质。结论:以上方法能够有效地提高护士的整体综合素质。  相似文献   

急诊科护士在职教育初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了适应现代急诊医学发展的需要,提高抢救质量,迅速提高急诊护理队伍素质已是一项刻不容缓的任务。而在职教育是一条有效的途径。针对科室护士现状,采取了四个结合的培训方法,即打实基础与更新知识结合;理论学习与应急训练结合;送出去学习与请进来授课结合;培训与考核相结合。提高了护士学习的自觉性,使护士的职业素质和抢救水平都有了较大的提高。  相似文献   

目的:探讨如何培养提高护士的综合素质.方法:利用素质模型、开展场景应急演练、加强综合性学习教育、多样化在职培训,标准化训练等.结果:有效的提升了护士的护理质量全面的提高了护士的综合素质.结论:以上方法能够有效地提高护士的整体综合素质.  相似文献   

王清燕 《现代保健》2012,(21):46-47
目的:通过护理查房来提高护士专业素质,体现护士专业价值。方法:科室组织全科护士进行护理查房。结果:提高了护士的专业素质,对低年资护士提高较为显著,激发了护士的学习热情。结论:定期组织全科护理查房是提高护士专业素质较为有效的方法。  相似文献   

试论整体护理模式对护士人文素质的要求   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目前我国护士人文素质现状不容乐观,而护理模式的转变,则对护士的人文素质提出了更高的要求;整体护理模式的确立,要求护理人员培养人文意识,塑造人文精神,营造人文氛围,密切护患关系和满足患者需要,从而提高整体护理质量。  相似文献   

实行以病人为中心规范化整体护理的实践与思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
规范化整体护理包括:建立模式病房,逐步取消陪护,开展健康教育,实行弹性排班,试行社会化保洁,组织护理专家会诊等。要完善以病人为中心规范化整体护理:要更新观念提高认识;把时间还给护士,把护士还给病人;必须增加护士编制,提高护士素质。  相似文献   

县级医院护理人员礼仪培训效果初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探索县级医院护理礼仪培训的有效方法与效果。方法:对某县医院186名护理人员通过系统的礼仪知识讲座、分批集中培训、利用网络课件分散训练等方式进行护理礼仪培训,比较培训前和培训近一年后护士礼仪知识、非护理人员对护士群体综合素质评定、患者及其亲属对护理工作满意度等方面情况。结果:护理人员礼仪知识水平明显提高(P=0.000);护理人员综合素质的他评值显著提高(P=0.000);患者及其亲属对护理工作的满意度明显提高(P一0.001)。结论:护士礼仪培训能提高护理人员礼仪知识水平和整体素质,提高患者及其亲属的满意度;医院领导的重视和支持是保证县级医院护士礼仪培训效果的重要前提;全员参与,创设医院整体氛围,可增强培训效果;集中培训与分散训练相结合,注重督促落实,才能确保培训目标的达成;多媒体教学手段和网络设备有助于强化培训效果。  相似文献   

整体护理中提高护士综合素质的实践   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
在实施整体护理工作中,努力探讨提高护理人员综合素质的最佳途径。主要做法是结合医院实际分层次训练,培养实用型护理人才,塑造护理人员美的形象,合理利用人力资源,坚持在实践中摸索一条适合医院发展的培养人才的路子。  相似文献   

目的::探讨品管圈在优质护理病房降低呼叫器使用频率的应用价值。方法:成立品管圈活动小组,分析优质护理病房中呼叫器因治疗原因使用所占的比率,并采取相应措施以降低其比率。结果:优质护理病房中呼叫器因治疗原因用所占的比率从79.66%降低到54.58%(P<0.01)。结论:品管圈方法的应用能有效降低优质护理病房中呼叫器因治疗原因使用的频率,可以加强护士主动巡视病房的意识,增强工作责任感和满足感,发挥其积极性、创造性、主动性,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨PBL教学法在提高基层医院外科护理带教中的实践效果。方法将在本医院外科实习的50名护生随机分为对照组和试验组各25例,对照组采用常规教学法,试验组采用PBL教学法,统计并分别比较两组护生在理论考试、操作考试成绩和试验组护生对PBL教学法的评价中的差异。结果试验组护生的理论考试成绩、操作考试成绩均优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论与常规教学法相比,PBL教学法更能提高基层医院外科临床带教的学习质量,有助于培养护生的临床与理论创新能力。  相似文献   

目的:探索集团化护理质量管理的方法,加强护理质量管理,细化护理服务流程,保证护理安全。方法:建立并完善护理培训机制,有计划的将集团护理人员按工作年限、职称及专业发展等进行护理理论、技术操作、护理礼仪等进行规范化培训。结果:使护理人员更新了服务理念,增强了主动服务意识。结论:提高了护理人员的整体素质,多数护理人员能在患者需要之前为患者解决问题,有计划有步骤地为患者提供全程护理服务,提高了患者满意度。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this qualitative study was to explore in depth selected expert nurses' experiences of the phenomenon of violence against women and the nurses' roles as health care providers to those women. The authors adopted a grounded theory method and produced an emerging theory comprising two key themes: nurses' personal perceptions toward intimate partner violence and nurses' feeling equipped to intervene. The findings showed that violence against women existed in a small local community and raised pitfalls caused by nurses' knowing the inhabitants. Furthermore, the findings indicate the devotion of nurses and the importance of their role in the care of battered women and the sharing of knowledge. Thus, the nurses compensate for a lack of training through personal maturity and security within the social context.  相似文献   

Job dissatisfaction among nurses contributes to costly labor disputes, turnover, and risk to patients. Examining survey data from 95,499 nurses, we found much higher job dissatisfaction and burnout among nurses who were directly caring for patients in hospitals and nursing homes than among nurses working in other jobs or settings, such as the pharmaceutical industry. Strikingly, nurses are particularly dissatisfied with their health benefits, which highlights the need for a benefits review to make nurses' benefits more comparable to those of other white-collar employees. Patient satisfaction levels are lower in hospitals with more nurses who are dissatisfied or burned out-a finding that signals problems with quality of care. Improving nurses' working conditions may improve both nurses' and patients' satisfaction as well as the quality of care.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of an intervention on call centre nurses' knowledge of decision support and skills in coaching callers facing value-sensitive health decisions. Forty-one registered nurses at a health call centre were randomly assigned to an intervention or control group. The intervention was a coaching protocol, online tutorial, skills building workshop and performance feedback. The main outcome measures were: knowledge test; blinded quality assessment of coaching skills during simulated calls and call duration. Compared with controls, nurses in the intervention group had better knowledge (74 versus 60%, P = 0.007) and decision coaching skills (81 versus 44%, P < 0.001), particularly in assessing decisional needs (information, values clarity, support, stage and timing of decision) and addressing support issues. Call duration did not differ (18.5 versus 16.7 min, P = 0.73). The coaching protocol was rated as compatible with nurses' views on decision-making and more advantageous compared with their usual practices. The intervention improved the quality of nurses' decision coaching without affecting call duration.  相似文献   

Hospital restructuring and the work of registered nurses   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
American hospitals have undergone three waves of organizational restructuring in the past two decades. These changes have had direct effects on a key set of employees--nurses. A review of the relevant literature to identify the ways in which hospital restructuring affects the work of registered nurses focuses on three important structural characteristics of nursing work: nurses' work roles, workload, and control of work. The review concludes that the impact of restructuring on each of the characteristics affects nurses' satisfaction with their work and may also affect the quality of patient care. While much of the policy debate around restructuring focuses on the extent to which reductions in nurse staffing levels affects quality of care, it is important to examine not only changes in nurse staffing levels, but changes in the work performed by registered nurses, as well.  相似文献   

Objectives. To study the impact of performance obstacles on intensive care nurses' workload, quality and safety of care, and quality of working life (QWL). Performance obstacles are factors that hinder nurses' capacity to perform their job and that are closely associated with their immediate work system.
Data Sources/Study Setting. Data were collected from 265 nurses in 17 intensive care units (ICUs) between February and August 2004 via a structured questionnaire, yielding a response rate of 80 percent.
Study Design. A cross-sectional study design was used. Data were analyzed by correlation analyses and structural equation modeling.
Principal Findings. Performance obstacles were found to affect perceived quality and safety of care and QWL of ICU nurses. Workload mediated the impact of performance obstacles with the exception of equipment-related issues on perceived quality and safety of care as well as QWL.
Conclusions. Performance obstacles in ICUs are a major determinant of nursing workload, perceived quality and safety of care, and QWL. In general, performance obstacles increase nursing workload, which in turn negatively affect perceived quality and safety of care and QWL. Redesigning the ICU work system to reduce performance obstacles may improve nurses' work.  相似文献   

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