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The unilateral section of the trigeminal trunk was performed in 25 guinea pigs after compensation from right hemilabyrinthectomy. To avoid lesion of the cerebral cortex the trigeminal nerve was approached ventrally through the foramina lacerum and ovale which are fused in the guinea pig. Complete section of a trigeminal nerve induced reappearance of already compensated hemilabyrinthectomy symptoms: head and trunk torsion to the right, extension of left forelimb, eye nystagmus to the left, circling and rolling movements to the right, and impairment of body and head righting reflexes from lateral decubitus. These symptoms persisted for 6–8 hr after trigeminal neurotomy. Thus sensory trigeminal afferents seem to contribute to the mechanism of vestibular compensation.  相似文献   

Postlesional reorganization of vestibular afferent and commissural inputs onto second-order vestibular neurons was studied in the isolated brain after unilateral section of the N.VIII, of the ramus anterior (RA) of N.VIII, of the utricular (UT) or of the anterior vertical and horizontal canal nerves in combination. RA nerve section eliminated the inputs from utricular, anterior vertical and horizontal canal organs. In the first set of experiments we recorded field potentials on the operated side of the vestibular nuclei 2 months after RA nerve section. These responses were evoked by electrical stimulation of the RA nerve or of the posterior vertical canal nerve on the operated or on the intact side. The amplitudes of afferent field potentials evoked by stimulation of the spared posterior vertical canal nerve were increased. The amplitudes of afferent field potentials evoked by stimulation of the axotomized RA nerve remained unaltered. After N.VIII section the commissural, but not the afferent, field potentials increased significantly on the operated side following stimulation of N.VIII on the intact and on the operated side, respectively. After UT nerve section no change in commissural but an increase in the amplitude of afferent field potentials from each of the three intact canal nerves was observed on the operated side. In the context of earlier results these findings imply that second-order vestibular neurons, disfacilitated due to afferent nerve section, became receptive to additional, excitatory synaptic inputs, preferentially from intact vestibular nerve afferent fibers. The reduced excitation via afferent nerve inputs was thereby replaced by other afferent nerve inputs from spatially inadequate vestibular end-organs. The synaptic terminals of inactivated afferent nerve fibers were maintained and not repressed. The process of central reorganization after vestibular nerve lesion was activity related, the expansion of signals restricted to inputs from intact fibers, its extent graded and its onset delayed with respect to the onset of corresponding spinal changes and to the onset of postural recovery after the same type of nerve lesion. After the section of RA nerve or of an individual nerve branch the labyrinthine end-organs remained intact and were not removed as after unilateral labyrinthectomy (UL). Peripheral reinnervation of the end-organs was thus excluded after UL, but expected after one of the former types of lesion. Functional reinnervation of the utricular macula was mirrored behaviorally by the reappearance of severe postural deficits following a second RA nerve section. These lesion-induced postural deficits began to reappear if the repeated RA nerve section was delayed with respect to the first by about 3 months. We therefore studied postlesional reorganization in the brainstem 3 months after the first RA nerve section. Reinnervation of the utricular macula was accompanied by a rapid decline of the increased amplitudes of afferent and commissural vestibular field potentials towards control values, suggesting the reversibility of the lesion-induced central reorganization. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The spontaneous activity and dynamic responses to two frequencies (1.3 and 0.13 Hz) of sinusoidal angular horizontal head acceleration of type I neurons in the medial vestibular nucleus were recorded bilaterally in decerebrate Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) under three experimental conditions; normal labyrinth intact, acutely following unilateral labyrinthine lesion, and four to seven weeks following labyrinthine lesion. The mean spontaneous activity and number of detected type I neurons decreased immediately ipsilateral to the lesion but recovered significantly with time. In contrast, spontaneous activity on the contralateral side increased during compensation following hemilabyrinthectomy. The mean response gains at both frequencies of head oscillation were depressed bilaterally and asymmetrically acutely following the lesion such that the response gain of cells on the intact side exceeded that of the neurons recorded on the injured side. After compensation the number of detected type I neurons on the side ipsilateral to the injury increased but remained below normal levels. The mean gains remained depressed but became symmetric with compensation as a result of improvement in the response of ipsilateral neurons. The phase of responses were significantly advanced in the compensated animals. Although response gain is not fully restored, the linearity of the dynamic modulation in compensated animals is improved as evidenced by a continuous modulation of the increased spontaneous activity of neurons contralateral to the hemilabyrinthectomy. It is proposed that this effect is related to the concurrent improvement in the linearity of the horizontal vestibulo-ocular response. Electrical cathodal polarization of the vestibular nerve ipsilateral to the ablated labyrinth was utilized to investigate the relationship between recovery of spontaneous activity and dynamic function. Acutely following hemilabyrinthectomy, cathodal polarization restored activity in second-order type I neurons to near normal levels but their response gain to head rotation remained depressed. Similar galvanic stimulation in compensated animals also elevated ipsilateral spontaneous activity. As in the acute preparation, such stimulation did not modify the response gain or phase. Thus, the improvement in response of type I neurons in the compensated gerbil was not a direct consequence of restoration of spontaneous activity on the side of the injury.  相似文献   

Summary The spontaneous activity and dynamic responses to sinusoidal horizontal head angular acceleration of type II horizontal semicircular canal related neurons in the medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) were recorded bilaterally in decerebrate Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) under three experimental conditions: normal labyrinths intact, acutely following unilateral labyrinthine lesion, and four to seven weeks following labyrinthine lesion. The number of type II neurons detected contralateral to the lesion was greatly reduced both in the acutely hemilabyrinthectomized animals and following compensation. The gain of the responses was depressed bilaterally acutely following the lesion. A greater reduction in response gain was noted in cells contralateral to the lesion. The gain of the contralateral type II responses increased with time such that in the compensated animal bilaterally symmetric gains were recorded. While the significant changes which occur in the gain of type II neurons with recovery from peripheral vestibular lesions can largely be attributed to type I neurons on the other side of the midline, changes in type I neurons were not entirely reflected in the type II population. The spontaneous activity of type II neurons did not undergo any significant changes following the labyrinthine lesion. We present a model utilizing the dynamic responses to estimate the functional recovery of commissural connections in compensated animals. The overall gain of the contralateral type I to ipsilateral type I commissural polysynaptic pathway appears to improve, while the efficacy in the reverse direction remains depressed, suggesting that modifications in commissural connections, particularly involving the type II to type I connections within the MVN on the injured side, mediate aspects of behavioral recovery.  相似文献   

Summary The electromyographic (EMG) responses from soleus and tibialis anterior muscles and the monosynaptic H- and T-reflex responses from soleus muscles were recorded bilaterally from conscious baboon while unexpectedly dropping it with unrestricted vision. These responses were recorded either after unilateral vestibular neurectomy (U.N. baboons) or after bilateral neurectomy performed in one stage (B.N. 1 baboons) and in two stages (B.N. 2 baboons).A positive correlation was found between modifications and development of EMG responses and reflex data. In the U.N. baboons, some differences were observed when comparing data from the H- and T-reflex methods, suggesting that recovery of normal responses to fall is achieved both by means of direct influences on -motoneurons and via the -loop.In the U.N. baboons postural reactions to fall developed in three distinct periods. The first or critical stage showed asymmetrical EMG and reflex responses with increased responses from contralateral soleus muscle and decreased responses from ipsilateral soleus. Opposite effects were recorded from tibialis anterior flexor muscles. The second or acute stage which began around 4 to 7 days after surgery exhibited symmetrical, but very reduced, responses when compared to the control in soleus muscles, and symmetrical, but increased, responses from tibialis anterior muscles. This stage lasted until about the end of the second postoperative week and was followed by the third or compensatory stage during which EMG as well as reflex responses developed towards the control pattern in all tested muscles. Almost normal responses were recorded on both sides 3 weeks after surgery.Only a partial recovery was found in the B.N. 1 baboons, indicating that the contralateral remaining labyrinthine afferences constitute a necessary condition for the full compensation of postural reactions to fall in the case of unilateral vestibular neurectomy. The Bechterew's compensation was obtained in the B.N. 2 baboons.These results are discussed in relation with the general organization of the vestibulospinal pathways and with those concerning development of the postoperative activity at the vestibular nuclei level. A model of vestibular compensation achieved by means of a multisensory substitution process is suggested.Preliminary results have been presented at the IVth International Symposium of Posturography (Sofia, 1977)  相似文献   

 We tested the hypothesis that the reason some patients compensate well after unilateral vestibular deafferentation (uVD) and others do not could be due to differences in eye-head coordination or in blink characteristics during natural, active head movements. Patients with well-compensated uVDs do not report distressing postural unsteadiness or an aversive sensation of apparent motion of a visual scene (oscillopsia) or ”visual confusion” upon rapid head rotation as do those patients with poorly compensated uVDs. It has been suggested that well-compensated subjects eliminate the subjective sensations associated with retinal slip, which must occur as a result of an inadequate vestibuloocular reflex (VOR), either by restricting head movement to the lesioned side or by blinking during head turns. To test this, subjects stood at the curbside of a busy road with a 180o view of regular, fast-moving traffic, which they scanned in preparation of crossing the road, and their eye and head movements and blinks were measured in this natural situation. Both normals and uVDs generated similar ranges of head position, head velocity and gaze magnitude, and all subjects performed a blink during the gaze saccade. Contrary to the hypothesis, no systematic differences were found between normals and either group of uVDs. Received: 8 May 1998 / Accepted: 19 June 1998  相似文献   

Summary Excitation and inhibition of jaw-closing motoneurons (Masseteric and Temporal Motoneurons, Mass. and Temp. Mns) during transient jaw closing, the so-called jaw-closing reflex, and prolonged jaw opening elicited by palatal stimulation were studied. By pressing the anterior palatal surfaces sustained jaw opening was elicited, suggesting that sustained jaw opening results from inhibition of tonic background activity of jaw-closing motoneurons by inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) elicited by mechanical stimulation of the anterior palatal mucosa. Recordings showed that the onset of IPSPs was 80 ms earlier than the onset of jaw opening. Application of diffuse pressure stimulation to the posterior palatal surfaces elicited bursts of spikes triggered on excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), suggesting that mechanosensory receptors from the posterior palatal mucosa send excitatory synaptic inputs to jaw-closing motoneurons. Furthermore, it is suggested that mechanosensory inputs from the posterior palatal mucosa may excite neurons in the central pattern generator and provide the motor patterns responsible for jaw closure during the jaw-closing reflex. We have demonstrated that excitation of Mass. Mns innervating the deep masseter muscle mainly contributed to maintaining the occlusal phase of jaw closure during the jaw-closing reflex. However, the onset of EPSPs was 100 to 160 ms (n = 27) earlier than the onset of jaw closure. In studies on spontaneously occurring jaw closure it was demonstrated that there was a proportional increase in the number of spikes of the Temp. Mn and the mechanical response (jaw closure).  相似文献   

Removal of the peripheral vestibular receptor cells in one inner ear (unilateral vestibular deafferentation, UVD) results in a syndrome of ocular motor and postural disorders, many of which disappear over time in a process of behavioural recovery known as vestibular compensation. Excitatory amino acid receptors, in particular the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, have been implicated in vestibular compensation; however, the metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) have not been studied in this context. The aim of this study was to determine whether group I mGluRs in the brainstem vestibular nucleus complex (VNC) ipsilateral to the UVD are involved in vestibular compensation of the static symptoms of UVD in guinea pig. The selective group I mGluR antagonist (RS)-1-aminoindan-1,5,dicarboxylic acid (AIDA) was continuously infused into the ipsilateral VNC for 30-min pre-UVD and 30-min post-UVD by cannula, at a rate of 1 microl/h, using one of four doses: 0.1 fg, 0.1 pg, 0.1 ng or 0.1 microg (n=5 animals in each case). In control conditions, a 0.1-fg (n=4) or 0.1-microg (n=5) NaOH vehicle was infused into the ipsilateral VNC using the same protocol. In order to control for the possibility that AIDA disrupted spontaneous neuronal activity in the VNC in normal animals, 0.1 microg AIDA (n=4) or 0.1 microg NaOH (n=2) was infused into the VNC in labyrinthine-intact animals. In both groups, static symptoms of UVD (i.e. spontaneous nystagmus, SN, yaw head tilt, YHT and roll head tilt, RHT) were measured at 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 45 and 50 h post-UVD. In addition, the righting reflex latency (RRL) was measured in labyrinthine-intact animals in order to assess whether AIDA impaired motor coordination in labyrinthine-intact animals. In UVD animals, the highest dose of AIDA significantly reduced SN frequency and changed its rate of compensation (P<0.001 and P<0.0001, respectively). This dose of AIDA also caused a significant reduction in YHT (P<0.005) as well as a significant change in its rate of compensation (P<0.0001). However, RHT was not significantly affected. In the labyrinthine-intact animals, AIDA infusion did not induce a UVD syndrome, nor did it significantly affect RRL. These results suggest that group I mGluRs in the ipsilateral VNC may be involved in the expression of ocular motor and some postural symptoms following UVD. Furthermore, group I mGluRs may not contribute to the resting activity of vestibular nucleus neurons.  相似文献   

In this study we used a cellular network model of the brainstem vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) pathways to investigate the role of the vestibular commissural system in "vestibular compensation", the behavioural recovery that takes place after unilateral labyrinthectomy (UL). The network was initialized on the basis of mathematical analysis and trial simulations to generate a VOR response with a physiologically realistic gain and time constant. The effects of a selective decrease in the strength of commissural inhibitory input to the ipsi-lesional medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) neurones, without changes in other parts of the network, were investigated. Thus we simulated the marked down-regulation of GABA receptor efficacy that our recent experimental results have demonstrated in these cells after UL. The main outcome of this study is the delineation, for the first time, of a specific region of parameter space within which an adaptive change in commissural inhibitory gain is appropriate and sufficient to bring about a re-balancing of bilateral vestibular nucleus activity after UL. For this to be achieved, the relative contribution of the intrinsic, pacemaker-like membrane properties of the ipsi-lesional MVN cells must be equal to or greater than the synaptic input from the primary vestibular afferents in determining the in vivo resting discharge rate of these cells. Recent experimental evidence supports the view that the intrinsic properties of the MVN cells do contribute substantially to their resting discharge in vivo. Previous modelling studies that have excluded a role for the commissural system in vestibular compensation have arrived at this conclusion, because their models operated outside this region of parameter space. A second finding of this study is that, in a network that compensates through a selective change in commissural gain, the time constant of the VOR response is significantly reduced, mimicking the loss of velocity storage after UL in vivo. By contrast, the time constant is unchanged in a network that compensates through changes involving other non-vestibular inputs. These findings indicate that adaptive changes in commissural gain, through the dynamic regulation of GABA receptor efficacy in the vestibular nucleus neurones, may play an important role in vestibular plasticity. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Very weak and noisy trigeminal somatosensory evoked potentials (TSEPs) are considered, which are successfully evoked by electrical stimulation of the trigeminal nerve of 15 patients with endosseous oral implants. As TSEP analysis provides an objective means of assessing neuronal function, it is considered to be a promising tool for investigating tactile sensation through anchoring implants in bone. For this purpose, a study of TSEP signals acquired from patients with endosseous oral implants has been carried out. Since TSEPs are severely contaminated by background ongoing electrical activities of the brain, a methodology is developed for statistically detecting the transient signal (TSEP) in the biological noise (EEG). For nine out of 15 patients, transient signals are detected in the background EEG activity. The TSEPs of these nine patients are subjected to further analysis. A multichannel singular value decomposition (SVD)-based filtering method is applied which successfully separates out the most energetic TSEPs from the background EEG, thereby increasing significantly the SNR of the recorded signals and improving extraction of the characteristic components of the TSEPs. It is shown that the most prominent feature of the TSEP signals for patients with endosseous oral implants is a wave with peak latency between 9 and 15 ms, generally followed by a wave between 25 and 28 ms or 34 and 38 ms for the specific cortical response areas.  相似文献   

Summary Evoked field potentials have been recorded from the spinal cord after electrical stimulation of a cutaneous nerve in the pigeon. Four different postsynaptic negative waves (Nl to N4) could be discerned. These waves were obviously due to monosynaptic activation via the four different afferent fiber groups described for this cutaneous nerve (Necker and Meinecke 1984). Precise localization showed that large fibers project to deeper, medially located areas of the dorsal horn (near lamina IV) whereas smaller fibers project primarily to more laterally located superficial layers. A laterally recorded N-wave which was due to the activation of large fibers had a latency which indicated a disynaptic pathway.  相似文献   

Summary In previous studies a contribution of vision to vestibular-dependent muscle responses during free-fall was found in the intact monkey, and the role of remaining labyrinthine afferents in compensation of these postural reactions was studied in vestibular neurectomized monkeys. In the present investigation we have compared the role of visual motion cues in the recovery of muscle responses to fall in unilateral (U.N.) and bilateral vestibular neurectomized (B.N.) baboons. During free-fall, electromyographic (EMG) responses were recorded from splenius capitis, soleus and tibialis anterior muscles. EMG activities were recorded in two randomly presented conditions: with normal motion of the visual world (NV) and with the visual world stabilized with respect to the baboon's head (SV) until 6 weeks after surgery.In B.N. baboons, results showed that condition SV was accompanied by a very strong motor depression during the entire test period. A greater decrease was observed in the splenius and soleus muscles. In U.N. baboons, significantly depressed EMG responses were recorded in the SV condition during the first two stages of compensation only (0–2 weeks), in all tested muscles except the tibialis anterior muscle. On the other hand, these motor depressions appeared to depend upon the level of neuronal resting activity in the vestibular nuclei.It is inferred that the partial recovery of muscle responses to fall observed in B.N. baboons in the NV condition is mainly due to visual information concerning motion, which replaces to the labyrinthine afferents. In U.N. baboons, the visual motion cues would fulfil only a transitory substitution function by supplying the decrease of neuronal activity in the vestibular nuclei. Later on, full compensation would be carried out by means of the remaining labyrinth.Preliminary results were presented at the Association des Physiologistes (Lille 1979)  相似文献   

The adoption of bipedalism by hominids including man has complicated the tasks of balance control and the minimisation of body sway. We have investigated the role of the vestibular organs in controlling sway in the roll direction using galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS). Two stance conditions were studied: during forward lean posterior compartment muscles are activated and during backward lean anterior compartment muscles are activated. GVS-evoked vestibular signals in stance control leg muscles as a group: all the active muscles in the leg on the GVS cathode side are excited together and those in the contralateral leg (anode side) relax. The subject sways towards the anode side. During treadmill walking, vestibular actions are subtly different: the actions are largely restricted to muscles acting at the ankle joint, occur at longer latencies, are not reciprocal in the opposite limb, are modulated throughout the step cycle (largest early in stance) and are reversed in sign in the peroneus longus muscle. The subject deviates towards the anode side. Hand contact with a firm object reduces GVS-evoked responses in leg muscles during treadmill walking. Responses to GVS are observed during over-ground walking but not significantly during bicycling on an ergometer. The observations suggest that these vestibular actions are part of a roll stabilisation mechanism. They may be mediated through different spinal premotor mechanisms during standing and walking and turned off during bicycling, when leg muscles have no balance control function.  相似文献   

Summary The projections from brachial, ascending dorsal root fibers were studied autoradiographically in controls and chronically (four months) hemilabyrinthectomized frogs. Comparison showed that projections into the partially denervated vestibular nuclear complex of chronically hemilabyrinthectomized animals were far more dense than in control animals. In the cerebellar granular layer, no obvious difference in the extent of dorsal root projections was observed between both groups of animals. Cerebellar areas such as the auricular lobe and the dorsal rim, which normally receive many terminals from vestibular but not from dorsal root afferents, were not invaded by dorsal root fibers in chronically hemilabyrinthectomized frogs.  相似文献   

In addition to promoting long-lasting negative (and positive) dendritic field potentials elicited by stimulation of Schaffer collaterals in hippocampal slices, 4-aminopyridine causes a slow negative wave which may have another origin than the dendritic potentials.  相似文献   

目的 基于大鼠前额叶皮层多通道局部场电位(LFPs)的独立分量分析(ICA),研究LEPs的各个独立分量(ICs)的能量如何编码工作记忆过程中的事件.方法 以事件发生点为零点,分别将±500 ms内在大鼠记忆皮层记录的15通道LEPs,通过ICA分解为15个ICs,计算各分量在窗宽为50 ms的窗口内的能量.以步长为25ms移动窗口,获得15个ICs能量的动态分布.选择在±200 ms内能量明显增高(即其能量改变编码了事件)的ICs,通过ICA逆变换可知ICs对应的记录通道.结果 在对同一段实验数据进行多次重复分析时,由于ICA算法分解结果的不确定性,在±200 ms内能量明显增高的ICs不尽相同,但其对应的空间位置均为同一通道处,表明该通道所在位置即为LFPs编码该次事件的主要功能区域;而对多段实验数据的分析结果显示,实验数据与分析所得的主要功能区域具有较为理想的一一对应性.结论 多通道LFPs独立分量的能量可以编码工作记忆过程中的事件;ICA对于识别多通道LFPs对工作记忆事件的编码模式是有效的;ICA可以对编码事件的主要功能区域进行空间定位,且鲁棒性较为理想.  相似文献   

The aim of this experiment was to investigate whether vestibular compensation following unilateral vestibular deafferentation (UVD) is associated with changes in the expression of GABAA receptor subunits in the guinea pig vestibular nuclear complex (VNC) at 2, 10, and 30 h post-surgery. Using Western blotting, the 1 and 2 subunits (but not the 2 subunit) were detected in the VNC of labyrinthine-intact animals. However, there were no significant differences in the protein expression of the 1 and 2 subunits within the ipsilateral or contralateral VNC at any time post-UVD compared to sham and anesthetic controls. Furthermore, UVD did not induce the expression of the 2 protein. These results suggest that vestibular compensation in guinea pig, as in the rat, is not associated with changes in the protein levels of the GABAA receptor subunits 1, 2, and 2 in the VNC. However, a limitation of this study is that the Western blotting technique can detect only changes that are larger than 30% and therefore small changes cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

While we walk through the environment, we constantly receive inputs from different sensory systems. For us to accomplish a given task, for example to reach a target location, the sensory information has to be integrated to update our knowledge of self-position and self-orientation with respect to the target so that we can correctly plan and perform the remaining trajectory. As has been shown previously, vestibular information plays a minor role in the performance of linear goal-directed locomotion when walking blindfolded toward a previously seen target within a few meters. The present study extends the question of whether vestibular information is a requirement for goal-directed locomotion by studying a more complex task that also involves rotation: walking a triangular path. Furthermore, studying this task provides information about how we walk a given trajectory, how we move around corners, and whether we are able to return to the starting point. Seven young male, five labyrinthine-defective (LD) and five age- and gender-matched control subjects were asked to walk a previously seen triangular path, which was marked on the ground, first without vision (EC) and then with vision (EO). Each subject performed three clockwise (CW) and three counterclockwise (CCW) walks under the EC condition and one CW and CCW walk under the EO condition. The movement of the subjects was recorded by means of a 3D motion analysis system. Analysis of the data showed that LD subjects had, in the EC condition, a significantly larger final arrival error, which was due to increased directional errors during the turns. However, there was no difference between the groups as regards the overall path length walked. This shows that LD subjects were able to plan and execute the given trajectory without vision, but failed to turn correctly around the corners. Hence, the results demonstrate that vestibular information enhances the ability to perform a planned trajectory incorporating whole body rotations when no visual feedback is available.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate adaptive changes in the activity of vestibular nuclei neurons unilaterally deprived of their primary afferent inputs when influenced by visual motion cues. These neuronal changes might account for the established role that vision plays in the compensation for posturo-kinetic deficits after the loss of vestibular inputs. Neuronal recordings were made in alert, non-paralysed cats that had undergone unilateral vestibular nerve sections. The unit responses collected in both Deiters' nuclei were compared to those previously recorded in intact cats. We analysed the extracellular activity of Deiters' nucleus neurons, as well as the optokinetic reflex (OKR) evoked during sinusoidal translation of a whole-field optokinetic stimulus in the vertical plane. In intact cats, we found the unit firing rate closely correlated with the visual surround translation velocity, and the relationship between the discharge rate and the motion frequency was tuned around an optimal frequency. The maximum firing rate modulation was generally below the 0.25 Hz stimulus frequency; unit responses were weak or even absent above 0.25 Hz. From the 4th day to the end of the 3rd week after ipsilateral deafferentation, a majority of cells was found to display maximum discharge modulation during vertical visual stimulation at 0.50 Hz, and even at 0.75 Hz, indicating that the frequency bandwidth of the visually induced responses of deafferented vestibular nuclei neurons had been extended. Consequently, the frequency-dependent attenuation in the sensitivity of vestibular neurons to visual inputs was much less pronounced. After the first 3 weeks postlesion, the unit response characteristics were very similar to those observed prior to the deafferentation. On the nucleus contralateral to the neurectomy, the maximum modulation of most cells was tuned to the low frequencies of optokinetic stimulation, as also seen prior to the lesion. We found, however, a subgroup of cells displaying well-developed responses above 0.50 Hz. Under all experimental conditions, the neuronal response phase still remained closely correlated with the motion velocity of the vertical sinusoidal visual pattern. We hypothesize that Deiters' neurons deprived of their primary afferents may transiently acquire the ability to code fast head movements on the basis of visual messages, thus compensating, at least partially, for the loss of dynamic vestibular inputs during the early stages of the recovery process. Since the overall vertical OKR gain was not significantly altered within the 0.0125 Hz–1 Hz range of stimulation after the unilateral neurectomy, it can be postulated that the increased sensitivity of deafferented vestibular neurons to visual motion cues was accounted for by plasticity mechanisms operating within the deafferented Deiters' nucleus. The neuroplasticity mechanisms underlying this rapid and temporary increase in neuronal sensitivity are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 研究在清醒、丙泊酚麻醉过程中、翻正反射恢复后3种状态下,大鼠前额叶皮层多通道局部场电位(LFPs)的同步模式,作为界定麻醉程度的客观指标.方法 利用成年SD大鼠5只,在大鼠前额叶皮层植入16通道微电极阵列10 d后,应用Cerebus多通道信号采集分析系统,记录大鼠在清醒、丙泊酚麻醉过程中、翻正反射恢复后3种状态下前额叶皮层的16通道信号.丙泊酚麻醉按0.1 mg/(kg体重·min)的剂量,恒速静脉输注.对记录的原始信号进行预处理,获取LFPs,应用Hilbert变换计算LFPs相位系列.选择参考通道,分别计算3种状态下4s时间段内其它15通道LFPs相位与参考通道LFPs相位的相关动态值,计算窗口200 ms,窗口移动步长50 ms.结果 大鼠在清醒状态下LFPs相位的相关动态值比在丙泊酚麻醉状态下小(P〈0.05);恢复翻正反射后的LFPs相位相关动态值比清醒状态大(P〈0.05),比麻醉状态下小(P〈0.05).结论 大鼠在清醒状态下,其前额叶皮层LFPs相位未呈现同步性;在丙泊酚麻醉状态下,呈现高度的同步性;在麻醉复苏期间,同步性在2者之间.多通道LFPs相位的同步程度可以界定不同的麻醉程度.  相似文献   

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