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There have been few epidemiological studies of the relationship between the leukocyte count and dental disease. In the present study, therefore, we investigated the relationship between oral health indicated by the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN) and the total leukocyte count in the cohort study. The 1,035 subjects were male factory workers employed at a chemical factory in Osaka, Japan. Their oral conditions were recorded as the CPITN score. The relationship between the total leukocyte count and the oral condition of the subjects classified according to their smoking habits was investigated over a 5-year period. Among the current smokers, the total leukocyte count was highest each year for the group with CPITN level 4, followed by those with CPITN levels 3 and 2 in descending order, showing that the total leukocyte count was reduced as the periodontal diseases ameliorated. Among the nonsmokers, the total leukocyte count was high every year in the group with CPITN levels 4 or 3 compared to that of the group with CPITN level 2. The fluctuations of the total leukocyte count in current smokers and nonsmokers whose CPITN score increase or decreased in five years was investigated. There were no significant differences among the all groups.  相似文献   

目的:探讨Sysmex XE2100在浆膜腔积液检测白细胞中的临床应用。方法:随机采集70例住院患者的浆膜腔积液,以手工法计数白细胞为标准分成2组(第1组:0×106/L100×106/L,共35份)。在XE2100测定白细胞数量并分类,与手工计数和瑞氏染色分类进行比对分析。结果:第1组的XE2100法与手工法检测WBC的结果比较不具有相关性(yXE2100=0.9236x手工法+5.4764,R2=0.4062),第2组两法检测结果具有高度相关性(yXE2100=0.9949x手工法+9.2063,R2=0.9828)。XE2100法检测多核细胞和单个核细胞与染色法结果比较,也具有显著相关性(多核细胞:yXE2100=0.9347x手工法+2.7989,R2=0.9148;单个核细胞:yXE2100=0.9693x手工法+1.0107,R2=0.8093)。XE2100检测浆膜腔积液WBC的下限为100×106/L(变异系数大于20%)。结论:在一定条件下(白细胞高于100×106/L),XE2100可作为浆膜腔积常规检测方法之一,当标本疑似为恶性时需...  相似文献   

Peripheral leukocyte counts were examined in venous blood of more than 800 male workers exposed to toluene, xylenes, a combination of the two, or neither. Information on the social habits of smoking and drinking was obtained in an occupational health interview. The analysis showed that smoking (15 cigarettes/day on average) induced a significant increase (by 7%) in leukocyte counts, and that an additional increase was induced when the drinking habit was coupled with smoking. Drinking alone tended to increase the leukocyte counts but the effect was statistically nonsignificant, possibly because the number of nondrinking smokers was limited. The study stresses the importance of paying attention to smoking and drinking habits when evaluating hematological parameters such as peripheral leukocyte counts in solvent-exposed workers.  相似文献   

目的:探讨影响牙周病发病的相关危险因素,为临床防治牙周病提供依据。方法采用回顾性病例对照法,分别收集145例牙周病患者和145例健康体检者的临床资料,采用单因素和多因素logistic回归分析法来筛选影响牙周病的相关危险因素。结果多因素分析结果显示糖尿病史(OR=4.362)、营养不良(OR=3.865)、不良口腔卫生习惯(OR=4.371)、牙结石(OR=5.743)、未定期口腔检查(OR=2.762)、缺少牙周病防治知识(OR=3.077)等因素为牙周病发病的危险因素。结论引起牙周病的病因和危险因素较为复杂,应针对各独立危险因素采取有效预防措施,从而降低牙周病的发生率。  相似文献   

目的描述孕前女性牙周病与口腔唾液菌群的关联,探索患有牙周病的孕前妇女口腔唾液特征菌群。方法基于复旦大学公共卫生学院孕前队列,选取2016-2019年在上海市嘉定区妇幼保健院孕前体检夫妇中患有牙周病并计划备孕的妇女58例,以及60例牙周健康者作为研究对象,采用16S r DNA测序技术对118份唾液样本进行检测,比较两组口腔唾液菌群的特征和差异菌群。结果两组口腔唾液菌群在群落结构方面差异有统计学意义(F=2.739,P<0.05);与牙周健康者相比,患有牙周病的孕前妇女口腔微生物的丰富度显著更高[646.40(544.57,932.47)vs.777.26(649.64,1018.83),Z=2.740,P<0.05],提示牙周病患者口腔内富集更多微生物。差异菌群分析结果显示,患有牙周病的孕前女性口腔唾液中显著富集了牙周致病菌属如卟啉单胞菌属(Por Phyromonas)、Filifactor菌属和Parvimonas菌属,除此之外,还包括消化链球菌属(Pe Ptostre Ptococcus)、普雷沃菌_7属(Prevotella_7)等;而在健康人群中显著富集伯杰氏菌属(Bergeyella)、弯曲杆菌属(Cam Pylobacter)等(LDA得分>2.000,P<0.05)。结论育龄女性在备孕前应当重视牙周健康,保持良好的口腔环境,建议为备孕女性提供口腔检查,为牙周病患者提供及时的治疗与保健咨询服务。  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s Disease)流行病学   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
一、概述:阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer'sDisease,AD)是一种进行性、不能逆转的,且以进行性痴呆为主的大脑变性疾病。阿尔茨海默病约占老年性痴呆的55%。本病病理变化为大脑萎缩比较广泛,又称为弥漫性脑萎缩。病因至今未明,药物治疗效果不甚明显。随着人类寿命延长,年龄增高,本病的发病率也有升高趋势,因而日益引起人们的重视。1907年德国内科医生AloisAlzheimer描述此病,它是发生在老年及老年前期的以进行性痴呆为特征的大脑退行性病变,并以其名命名此病——阿尔茨海默病(简称AD)。早期的医学文献常把本病归为老年前期痴呆(45~65岁),又称早…  相似文献   

Objectives: Ketogenic diets (KDs) have long been used to treat epilepsy and are being explored in a variety of diseases. Preclinical data suggest KDs affect inflammation and cytokine release. It is unknown whether KDs affect white blood cell (WBC) counts over time. This is particularly important in clinical populations who may be immune-suppressed at baseline, such as those with cancer or autoimmune disorders.

Methods: A retrospective review of 125 consecutive adults seen at the Adult Epilepsy Diet Center (AEDC) was conducted. Clinical data regarding compliance, laboratory data, weights, and diet records were collected. A control cohort consisted of patients evaluated at the AEDC who elected not to complete a prescribed KD.

Results: In 52 adults on KDs, there was a small but statistically significant decrease in WBC and absolute neutrophil counts at 6 and 12 months into KD therapy. There was no effect on lymphocyte counts. This pattern was also seen in a small population of patients with gliomas (n?=?10) on KDs, most (n?=?8) of whom had also received chemotherapy and radiation, putting them at risk for bone marrow suppression. Across both glioma and non-glioma groups, patients with pre-existing lymphopenia did not have further worsening of their counts on the KD.

Conclusions: In this retrospective case-control study, a small but significant decrease in total WBC and neutrophil counts was observed in patients with epilepsy treated with the KDs. These patterns are similar in patients with and without gliomas suggesting baseline immunosuppression does not worsen with KD. These findings provide data for prospective confirmatory studies.  相似文献   

军团菌病流行病学调查及防制措施研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
[目的 ] 了解本区各种人群中军团菌感染情况 ;寻找较为理想的中央空调系统冷却水军团菌消除方法 ,为防制军团菌病提供科学依据。  [方法 ] 收集各种人群血清用微量凝集法检测军团菌抗体。应用病例对照方法分析军团菌性肺炎特殊临床表现及感染危险因素。采用物理除菌方法进行现场军团菌杀灭效果对比实验。  [结果 ] 本区各种人群军团菌抗体总阳性率为 7.5 9% ,肺炎及肺部感染者中军团菌抗体阳性率为 18.85 % ,中央空调冷却水军团菌培养阳性单位人群军团菌抗体阳性率比阴性单位高 4.0 9倍 ( χ2 =17.64 )。 2 3例军团菌性肺炎病例对照调查显示关节肌肉酸痛和胸痛是军团菌病较特异的临床体症 ,而发病前 2周曾去医院就诊或陪护及中央空调工作环境与军团菌的感染关系密切。应用ZG频谱式微电脑杀菌器做军团菌现场消除实验 ,经 72、2 40及 62 4h除菌效果观察均无军团菌生长 ,而对照组持续阳性 ,菌落数在 45~ 2 3 0cfu/mL。  [结论 ] 本区各种人群中均存在军团菌的感染 ,应加强对辖区内商务大楼、宾馆饭店等中央空调冷却水的监测和卫生管理 ,对军团菌培养阳性 ,菌落数≥ 10 0 0cfu/mL应采取强制性控制措施。ZG微电脑杀菌器能有效杀灭军团菌。  相似文献   

《Annals of epidemiology》2014,24(10):741-746
PurposeIn longitudinal studies, the onset of the index condition (e.g. exposure) does not always coincide with the start of a study's observation period, leading to the possibility of bias in estimation that derives from studying prevalent exposure rather than new exposure. We investigate the possible role of this bias in the relationship between periodontitis progression and coronary heart disease (CHD) among a cohort of men participating in the Veterans Administration Dental Longitudinal Study.MethodsAt baseline, there were 298 men with existing (i.e., prevalent) periodontitis. During follow-up, routine dental inspection identified 163 new (i.e., incident) cases of periodontitis. Change in mean alveolar bone loss score (MBLS) served as the measure of disease progression. Tabular analyses were performed to obtain crude, stratified, and adjusted measures of the association for periodontitis cases overall and separately for prevalent and incident cases. Potential bias was evaluated by comparing estimates across these subcohorts.ResultsAmong all periodontitis cases, increasing MBLS was associated with increasing risk of CHD event. Subdividing periodontal cases into new and prevalent cases revealed that the relationship was most pronounced among incident periodontitis cases (incident rate ratio for MBLS change >0.5 = 5.4), compared with prevalent cases (incident rate ratio for MBLS change >0.5 = 2.5).ConclusionsStudying prevalent cases of periodontitis underestimates the association between incidence periodontitis and CHD.  相似文献   

The magnitude and sources of variation in the white blood cell (WBC) count and differential count affect their information content and clinical value. This study describes components of variation in the WBC count and differential, estimates the magnitude of each component, and uses computer simulations to compare the information conveyed by the total WBC count and by the WBC differential count, expressed as the number of each type of cell and as the percentage of each cell type. Biologic variation is much greater than statistical sampling variation in differential WBC counts, even when a relatively small number of cells is classified. The commonly reported neutrophil percentage is inferior both to the neutrophil count and to the total WBC count in its ability to detect neutrophilia and to detect recovery from elevated levels. This conclusion holds for single as well as for sequential WBC differential determinations and regardless of the level of test result at which the clinician considers disease to be present. The total WBC count and the neutrophil count differ little in performance, so a neutrophilic patient's return to normal levels can safely be detected and monitored by relying on the less expensive total WBC count and foregoing repeated requests for differential counts.  相似文献   

The correlation between the severity of vibration syndrome and hand-tool operating time in chain saw workers has been studied. The total chain saw operating time was calculated by using the equation: chain saw operating hours/day X days/year X years, and 266 chain saw operators were classified into four groups (0-2000 h, 2000-5000 h, 5000-8000 h, over 8000 h). Forty-six forestry workers not using chain saws were used as controls. The prevalence rates of symptoms were checked and statistically compared in each group. In the group with under 2000 hours' experience, symptoms were generally confined to tingling, numbness, or pain; with 2000-5000 hours peripheral nerve and circulatory disturbances, including Raynaud's phenomenon, and muscle and general body conditions were influenced to some degree; with 5000-8000 hours' functional changes were noted; while with over 8000 hours about half the operators suffered severely from functional or organic changes due to vibration.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between periodontal disease and increased thickness of the carotid artery intima-media complex. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 220 adults (age ≥ 35 years) among participants in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). Carotid artery ultrasound and periodontal clinical examinations were conducted and included visible plaque index, gingival bleeding on probing index, probing pocket depth (PPD), and clinical attachment level (CAL). Individuals with increased carotid artery thickness showed fewer teeth and higher frequency of CAL ≥ 3mm, CAL ≥ 4mm, CAL ≥ 5mm, and CAL ≥ 6mm and PPD ≥ 4mm (p < 0.05). Despite the use of 18 definitions for periodontal disease, only one confirmed the hypothesis of an association between periodontal disease and subclinical atherosclerosis. Individuals with 10% or more sites with CAL ≥ 4mm were more likely to present carotid thickening.  相似文献   

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