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医保对象对职工医疗保险制度反应性的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文对享受上海市城镇职工基本医疗保险的市民进行随机抽样调查,就其对医保政策的评价和就医行为反应性改变,分析医保改革的有效性和震荡度.提出加强医保法制建设,强化费用分担意识,完善医保政策,进一步体现福利性、公益性、公平性.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accuracy of household survey estimates of the size and composition of the nonelderly population covered by nongroup health insurance. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Health insurance enrollment statistics reported to New Jersey insurance regulators. Household data from the following sources: the 2002 Current Population Survey (CPS)-March Demographic Supplement, the 1997 and 1999 National Surveys of America's Families (NSAF), the 2001 New Jersey Family Health Survey (NJFHS), a 2002 survey of known nongroup health insurance enrollees, a small 2004 survey testing alternative health insurance question wording. STUDY DESIGN: To assess the extent of bias in estimates of the size of the nongroup health insurance market in New Jersey, enrollment trends are compared between official enrollment statistics reported by insurance carriers to state insurance regulators with estimates from three general population household surveys. Next, to evaluate possible bias in the demographic and socioeconomic composition of the New Jersey nongroup market, distributions of characteristics of the enrolled population are contrasted among general household surveys and a survey of known nongroup subscribers. Finally, based on inferences drawn from these comparisons, alternative health insurance question wording was developed and tested in a local survey to test the potential for misreporting enrollment in nongroup coverage in a low-income population. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS: Data for nonelderly New Jersey residents from the 2002 CPS (n=5,028) and the 1997 and 1999 NSAF (n=6,467 and 7,272, respectively) were obtained from public sources. The 2001 NJFHS (n=5,580 nonelderly) was conducted for a sample drawn by random digit dialing and employed computer-assisted telephone interviews and trained, professional interviewers. Sampling weights are used to adjust for under-coverage of households without telephones and other factors. In addition, a modified version of the NJFHS was administered to a 2002 sample of known nongroup subscribers (n=1,398) using the same field methods. These lists were provided by four of the five largest New Jersey nongroup insurance carriers, which represented 95 percent of all nongroup enrollees in the state. Finally, a modified version of the NJFHS questionnaire was fielded using similar methods as part of a local health survey in New Brunswick, New Jersey, in 2004 (n=1,460 nonelderly). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: General household sample surveys, including the widely used CPS, yield substantially higher estimates of nongroup enrollment compared with administrative totals and yield estimates of the characteristics of the nongroup population that vary greatly from a survey of known nongroup subscribers. A small survey testing a question about source of payment for direct-purchased coverage suggests than many public coverage enrollees report nongroup coverage. CONCLUSIONS: Nongroup health insurance has been subject to more than a decade of reform and is of continuing policy interest. Comparisons of unique data from a survey of known nongroup subscribers and administrative sources to household surveys strongly suggest that the latter overstates the number and misrepresent the composition of the nongroup population. Research on the nongroup market using available sources should be interpreted cautiously and survey methods should be reexamined.  相似文献   

An increasing proportion of children in the United States lives in families with complicated family structures and a mix of immigrant and US-born family members. Eligibility rules for health insurance coverage, however, were not designed with these families in mind. The result can be complicated insurance patterns among siblings within families, with some “sibships” only being partially-insured, and other sibships having both private and public coverage. We hypothesize that mixed coverage among siblings causes confusion and logistical difficulties for parents and may lead to less access to appropriate health care for their children. In this article, we use data from the 2009–2011 National Health Interview Survey (n = 51,418 children in 20,478 sibships) to present estimates of the prevalence of mixed health insurance coverage among siblings and describe the predictors of such coverage. We also use linked data from the 2001–2005 National Health Interview Survey and 2002–2007 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (n = 17,871) to show how mixed coverage is related to health care utilization. We find that although few sibships are characterized by different health insurance coverage types, mixed coverage among siblings is far more common among families with mixed nativity status, and blended families with step- and half-siblings. In terms of outcomes, children living in sibships with mixed coverage have significantly lower odds of having a usual source of health care. We also consider whether the association between mixed insurance coverage and health care outcomes differs across particular combinations of insurance coverage. We find that both publicly-insured children who have uninsured siblings and privately-insured children with publicly-insured siblings are less likely to have a usual source of care than similar children with uniformly-insured siblings. Because a usual source of care is associated with better health care outcomes, we argue that policymakers should consider ways to reduce mixed coverage among children and families.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the willingness to pay for health insurance and hence the potential market for new low-cost health insurance product in Namibia, using the double bounded contingent valuation (DBCV) method. The findings suggest that 87 percent of the uninsured respondents are willing to join the proposed health insurance scheme and on average are willing to insure 3.2 individuals (around 90 percent of the average family size). On average respondents are willing to pay NAD 48 per capita per month and respondents in the poorest income quintile are willing to pay up to 11.4 percent of their income. This implies that private voluntary health insurance schemes, in addition to the potential for protecting the poor against the negative financial shock of illness, may be able to serve as a reliable income flow for health care providers in this setting.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of rising health insurance premiums on coverage rates. DATA SOURCES & STUDY SETTING: Our analysis is based on two cohorts of nonelderly Americans residing in 64 large metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) surveyed in the Current Population Survey in 1989-1991 and 1998-2000. Measures of premiums are based on data from the Health Insurance Association of America and the Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research and Educational Trust Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits. STUDY DESIGN: Probit regression and instrumental variable techniques are used to estimate the association between rising local health insurance costs and the falling propensity for individuals to have any health insurance coverage, controlling for a rich array of economic, demographic, and policy covariates. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: More than half of the decline in coverage rates experienced over the 1990s is attributable to the increase in health insurance premiums (2.0 percentage points of the 3.1 percentage point decline). Medicaid expansions led to a 1 percentage point increase in coverage. Changes in economic and demographic factors had little net effect. The number of people uninsured could increase by 1.9-6.3 million in the decade ending 2010 if real, per capita medical costs increase at a rate of 1-3 percentage points, holding all else constant. CONCLUSIONS: Initiatives aimed at reducing the number of uninsured must confront the growing pressure on coverage rates generated by rising costs.  相似文献   

计划经济体制下,几乎所有的城镇职工都在机关、事业单位或国有和集体企业工作,单位负责卫生服务筹资.随着我国市场经济转变,雇佣关系变得复杂.该文资料来自于机关、企、事业单位的调查,结果显示,国有企业的职工年龄结构偏大,离、退休人员较多,负担较重,而一些新建企业职工则较年轻,这些差别主要反映在卫生保健费用支出上,也影响着企业参加职工医疗保险制度的积极性.企业经济状况也是影响参保的因素之一.该文所描述的这些复杂的因素应在医疗保险改革政策制定中受到重视并加以解决.  相似文献   

文章从时间维度和国际经验两个视角,对健康保险的定义和实践进行回顾分析,指出我国健康保险制度存在相关概念混淆、理论基础不扎实的问题,并深入探讨了理想状态下的健康保险核心功能与基础理论。研究认为,我国的全民健保路径应以尊重和维护公民健康权利为基础,遵循公平、效率、可持续发展原则,充分利用保险原理和风险管理技术,延伸和扩充狭义健康保险内涵,走一条渐进提升的改革路径。  相似文献   

卫生服务与医疗保障管理体制的国际趋势及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析医疗卫生服务、医保基金、参保人群三方相互关系基础上,论述了理顺医保基金与卫生服务两大体系之间相互关系的必要性和重要性。文章根据国际上卫生服务与医疗保障管理体制的发展变革趋势,提出应该重视"一手托两家"的体制建设,促使卫生服务体系与医疗保障制度更好地满足患者的需要和时代的要求。  相似文献   

新医改对我国医疗保障制度发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新医改的背景下,财政投入、政策导向和社会环境都为医疗保障制度提供了良好的发展机遇。本文分析了公共卫生体系、医疗服务体系和药品供应保障体系的改革对医疗保障制度的影响,并提出了促进医保制度发展的政策建设。  相似文献   

马强 《卫生软科学》2008,22(6):426-428
医疗保险制度改革是我国目前争论的焦点问题之一。争论的焦点在于医疗保险是否应该市场化,即如何处理国家与市场的关系。笔者认为我国政府参与应旨在为国民提供基本的医疗保障,同时应尽快实现医疗机构产权多元化,发展各种形式的医疗机构,满足不同人群的医疗需求。  相似文献   

Increasing the proportion of adults that have regular, comprehensive eye exams and reducing visual impairment due to uncorrected refractive error and other common eye health problems are federal health objectives. We examine the effect of vision insurance on eye care utilization and vision health outcomes by taking advantage of quasi-experimental variation in Medicaid coverage of adult vision care. Using a difference-in-difference-in-difference approach, we find that Medicaid beneficiaries with vision coverage are 4.4 percentage points (p < 0.01) more likely to have seen an eye doctor in the past year, 5.3 percentage points (p < 0.01) less likely to report needing but not purchasing eyeglasses or contacts due to cost, 2.0 percentage points (p < 0.05) less likely to report difficulty seeing with usual vision correction, and 1.2 percentage points (p < 0.01) less likely to have a functional limitation due to vision.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine determinants of hospital loss in Thailand. Administration national data for 640 public hospitals of fiscal year 2002 from Ministry of Public Health were analyzed. Results showed that various managerial, service mix, and market variables were significantly associated with the likelihood of the hospital being unprofitable. Hospital characteristics were associated with the amount of loss. The results also suggested that managing the number of hospital employees, inventory, and patient hospitalization could control the amount of loss. In conclusion, most of identified factors associated with hospital loss were manageable. The ramification of this study was to help policy makers understand the hospital loss situation in Thailand after implementing the UC scheme and design policy to resolve the hospital loss problems.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence on the role of public health insurance in mitigating adverse outcomes associated with health shocks. Exploiting the rollout of a universal health insurance program in rural China, I find that total household income and consumption are fully insured against health shocks even without access to health insurance. Household labor supply is an important insurance mechanism against health shocks. Access to health insurance helps households to maintain investment in children's human capital during negative health shocks, which suggests that one benefit of health insurance could arise from reducing the use of costly smoothing mechanisms.  相似文献   

South Korea introduced mandatory social health insurance forindustrial workers in large corporations in 1977, and extendedit incrementally to the self-employed until it covered the entirepopulation in 1989. Thirty years of national health insurancein Korea can provide valuable lessons on key issues in healthcare financing policy which now face many low- and middle-incomecountries aiming to achieve universal health care coverage,such as: tax versus social health insurance; population andbenefit coverage; single scheme versus multiple schemes; purchasingand provider payment method; and the role of politics and politicalcommitment. National health insurance in Korea has been successfulin mobilizing resources for health care, rapidly extending populationcoverage, effectively pooling public and private resources topurchase health care for the entire population, and containinghealth care expenditure. However, there are also challengesposed by the dominance of private providers paid by fee-for-service,the rapid aging of the population, and the public-private mixrelated to private health insurance.  相似文献   

BackgroundPre-ACA, less than 6% of children with disabilities were uninsured, compared with more than 42% of young adults with disabilities ages 19–25. Individuals with disabilities face greater barriers to health care access upon transition into adulthood.ObjectivesWe examined whether the ACA dependent coverage provision and Medicaid expansion improved the transition from pediatric to adult healthcare systems by reducing the gap in insurance coverage and access to care between teens and young adults with disabilities.MethodsUsing cross-sectional data from the 2006–2009 and 2011–2015 National Health Interview Survey (n = 10,136), we estimate the change in insurance coverage and access to care from pre-to post-ACA time periods for teens (ages 13–18) and young adults (ages 19–25) with disabilities in a difference-in-differences model. We completed the same analyses for these groups in Medicaid expansion and non-expansion states.ResultsBoth teens and young adults with disabilities made significant gains in insurance coverage (4.55 and 8.96% point gains respectively, p < .001) and access to care (4.01 and 3.14% points decline in delayed care due to cost, p < .05) under the dependent coverage provision and Medicaid expansion.ConclusionsMedicaid expansion had a greater impact on both insurance coverage and on access to care than did the dependent coverage provision. The benefits of these changes flowed primarily to young adults with disabilities, reducing the gaps in insurance coverage between teens and young adults, and expanding access to care for both groups, providing a more seamless transition from pediatric to adult health care systems, post-ACA.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the change in price elasticity of health insurance choice in Germany after a reform of health insurance contributions. Using a comprehensive data set of all sickness funds between 2004 and 2013, price elasticities are calculated both before and after the reform for the entire market. The general price elasticity is found to be increased more than 4-fold from −0.81 prior to the reform to −3.53 after the reform. By introducing a new kind of health insurance contribution the reform seemingly increased the price elasticity of insured individuals to a more appropriate level under the given market parameters. However, further unintended consequences of the new contribution scheme were massive losses of market share for the more expensive sickness funds and therefore an undivided focus on pricing as the primary competitive element to the detriment of quality.  相似文献   

Using a cross-national comparative approach, we examined the influence of health insurance on U.S. immigrant versus non-immigrant disparities in access to primary health care. With data from the 2002/2003 Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health, we gathered evidence using three approaches: 1) we compared health care access among insured and uninsured immigrants and non-immigrants within the U.S.; 2) we contrasted these results with health care access disparities between immigrants and non-immigrants in Canada, a country with universal health care; and 3) we conducted a novel direct comparison of health care access among insured and uninsured U.S. immigrants with Canadian immigrants (all of whom are insured). Outcomes investigated were self-reported unmet medical needs and lack of a regular doctor. Logistic regression models controlled for age, sex, nonwhite status, marital status, education, employment, and self-rated health. In the U.S., odds of unmet medical needs of insured immigrants were similar to those of insured non-immigrants but far greater for uninsured immigrants. The effect of health insurance was even more striking for lack of regular doctor. Within Canada, disparities between immigrants and non-immigrants were similar in magnitude to disparities seen among insured Americans. For both outcomes, direct comparisons of U.S. and Canada revealed significant differences between uninsured American immigrants and Canadian immigrants, but not between insured Americans and Canadians, stratified by nativity. Findings suggest health care insurance is a critical cause of differences between immigrants and non-immigrants in access to primary care, lending robust support for the expansion of health insurance coverage in the U.S. This study also highlights the usefulness of cross-national comparisons for establishing alternative counterfactuals in studies of disparities in health and health care.  相似文献   

Dramatic expansions in public health insurance eligibility for U.S. children have only modestly reduced the aggregate number of uninsured at the national level. This paper shows that Medicaid and SCHIP expansions had different impacts on child health insurance coverage patterns based upon local labor market characteristics. Metropolitan areas with high levels of unemployment were most likely to have seen improvements in overall insurance coverage for children between 1990 and 2001. Areas with greater fractions of employment in services, retail or wholesale trade were more likely to have experienced increases in public coverage but not overall coverage rates.   相似文献   

We test the effect of report cards on consumer choice in the HMO market. Federal employees were provided with report cards on a limited basis in 1995 and then on a widespread basis in 1996. Exploiting this natural experiment, we find that subjective measures of quality and coverage influence plan choices, after controlling for plan premiums, expected out of pocket expenses and service coverages. The effect is stronger within a small sample of new hires compared to a larger sample of existing federal employees. We also find evidence that report cards increase the price elasticity of demand for health insurance.  相似文献   

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