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由于供心的短缺及心脏移植的长期生存率并不理想,长期心室辅助成为终末期心衰病人的最好选择。然而,血栓栓塞仍然是长期心室辅助最主要的并发症之一。如何控制长期辅助循环过程中血液的激活,提高辅助循环装置的生物相容性是辅助循环装置发展需要解决的重要课题。本对心室辅助装置内皮化的提出、目前进展、理论基础、方法及其存在的问题作一综述。  相似文献   

心室辅助装置的现状及问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心室辅助装置是用来部分或全部替代心脏的泵血功能,维持良好全身循环状态的机械装置,在近30年间得到了巨大的发展。本文简介了心室辅助装置的发展历史,主要介绍了心室辅助装置设计中的问题,现有装置的结构和类型及存在的溶血和血栓形成问题。  相似文献   

心室辅助装置是用来部分或全部替代心脏的泵血功能、维持良好全身循环状态的机械装置,在近30年间得到了巨大的发展。本文简介了心室辅助装置的发展历史,主要介绍了心室辅助装置设计中的问题、现有装置的结构和类型及存在的溶血和血栓形成问题  相似文献   

临床用叶轮式心室辅助装置的改进与完善   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
0 引 言 作者研制的叶轮式心室辅助装置,在数年前曾经辅助小公牛血液循环62d[1].  相似文献   

通过溶血试验、动态凝血时间试验、血小板黏附试验及全身急毒试验,评价聚氨酯硬段改性材料作为人工心室辅助装置材料的血液相容性和全身毒性,结果显示硬段改性聚氨酯材料血液相容性优于未改性聚氨酯材料,无明显全身毒性反应.  相似文献   

轴流泵是一种临时性心室辅助盖,近来正越来越多的用于传统以及个科,MIDCAB及TCA危重患者的循环支持。本文介绍了轴流泵概况及其在临床的应用进展。  相似文献   

背景:心室辅助装置已广泛应用于心力衰竭患者的治疗。虽然有不同的血泵在国外应用于临床,却很少在国内应用,主要原因是其价格太高。因此在国内研制相对价格较低的能应用于临床的自主血泵迫在眉睫。 目的:测试置入式磁悬浮离心心室辅助装置主体血泵的溶血性能。 方法:通过计算流体力学方法,对磁悬浮离心式心室辅助装置主体血泵内部流场做初步分析。血泵在后负荷100 mm Hg     (1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa)、流量5 L/min 情况下,通过体外模拟血循环系统驱动羊血测试血泵体外溶血性能,计算血泵实际标准溶血指数NIH。 结果与结论:在设计工况下计算流体力学结果显示血泵内部流线平稳,整个流道内部壁面剪切力均在68.5 Pa以下,内部静压力分布均匀,过渡平稳,没有不良区域出现。体外溶血实验测得标准溶血指数NIH值为(0.075±0.017) mg/L。提示血泵驱动叶片及内部流道设计合理,同第3代血泵相比有较好溶血性能。血泵实验期间无不良状况发生,可以进行下一步长期的动物体内实验,进而评估血泵体内血流动力学性能和血泵置入对实验动物脏器的影响。  相似文献   

目的研究我国自主研发的第3代完全磁悬浮心室辅助装置(CH-VAD)对于心衰患者的循环辅助效果。方法建立一套体外模拟循环系统(mock circulatory system,MCS)。该系统能够模拟人体健康休息状态以及心力衰竭状态,并与CH-VAD协同工作,测试CH-VAD在连续流状态下的辅助效果。另外,对CH-VAD的搏动流控制方法进行测试,该模式采用正弦波速度波形,使CH-VAD的运行与MCS心室周期同步。结果 CH-VAD在正常连续流状态下能够使心衰状态的血流动力学参数(动脉压、心排量)恢复到正常范围。初步的搏动流测试结果显示,当前的速度搏动幅值对血流动力学影响较小,搏动流状态下与连续流状态所对应的平均动脉压、动脉脉压、平均心排量与心排量波形等差异不大。结论 CH-VAD能够通过搏动控制器产生一定程度的速度搏动,提供足够的心室辅助,并可以进一步改良优化,提供符合生理条件的搏动血流。所研制的MCS能够提供心室辅助装置以及其他机械循环辅助装置一个有效、可控的体外测试平台,是机械循环辅助装置设计、优化和验证的重要工具。  相似文献   

据JAMA[2008,300(20):2398—406]报道,自从美国医保覆盖心室辅助装置后,对终末期心力衰竭患者使用后的长期成本效益有了最新评价。  相似文献   

双心室辅助装置(BiVAD)因多输入输出过程的相互作用,其植入相比左心室辅助装置更具挑战性。同时,因心室辅助装置(VAD)在临床上常工作于定转速(CS)模式,BiVAD面临由此引起的系统搏动性低及体循环与肺循环血容量不平衡等问题。本文提出一种缩短VAD支持时间的延时辅助方案,应用数值方法观察延时模式对心输出量、血流搏动性以及动脉瓣生理状态的影响,揭示系统的血液动力学变化规律。研究表明:与CS模式相比,本文提出的辅助方案通过延时设置可满足收缩期和舒张期内的最低灌注量要求,并能使保持关闭的动脉瓣恢复正常功能。主动脉瓣(AV)和肺动脉瓣(PV)开放比例随延时增长而上升,且流经AV/PV的血流量有助于左、右心血容量的平衡。此外,延时模式还可以提高动脉血流的搏动指数,有助于患者心室搏动功能的恢复。  相似文献   

目的 研究设计一种能用于心血管急危重症的经皮植入式左心辅助装置(血泵)。方法 根据机翼理论,设计一种经皮植入的左心辅助装置,通过测量3种不同参数(叶片旋转角度、血泵出水口距离、血泵出水口长度)的血泵所能产生的流量,最终选择最优化的血泵设计。结果 经过简易流量测定装置测量,当血泵采取单叶设计,血泵叶片的旋转角度为720°时,或血泵出水口与叶片的距离为0 mm时,血泵出水口长度为4 mm时,血泵流量最大。结论 选择能产生最大流量的参数值,研制出一种可在体外正常运转的经皮植入式左心辅助装置,为最终研制一种可用于临床的经皮植入式左心辅助装置提供理论和数据支持。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the possibility of estimating the mechanical heart valve (MHV) cavitation intensity using the slope of the driving pressure (DP) just before valve closure in a pneumatic ventricular assist device. We installed a 23-mm Medtronic Hall valve at the inlet of our pneumatic ventricular assist device (VAD). Tests were conducted under physiologic pressures at heart rates ranging from 60 to 90 beats/min and cardiac outputs ranging from 4.5 to 6.7 l/min. The valve-closing velocity was measured with a CCD laster displacement sensor, and the images of MHV cavitation were recorded using a high-speed video camera. The cavitation cycle time (equal to the observed duration of the cavitation bubbles) was used as the MHV cavitation intensity. The valve-closing velocity increased as the heart rate increased. Most of the cavitation bubbles were observed near the valve stop, and the cavitation intensity increased as the heart rate increased. The slope of the DP at 20 ms before valve closure was used as an index of the cavitation intensity. There were differences in the slope of the DP between low and high heart rates, but the slope of the DP had a tendency to linearly increase with increasing valve-closing velocity.  相似文献   

目的新一代植入式心室辅助装置(ventricular assist device,VAD)采用旋转式血泵(rotary blood pumps)技术,目前已成为治疗严重心力衰竭的重要手段,因而研究VAD与人体间的生理相互作用机制有着重要的意义。本研究通过在Matlab Simulink环境中建立人体心血管循环系统的集中参数数学模型,模拟左心衰患者在植入左心室辅助装置(left ventricular assist device,LVAD)后,循环系统的血流动力学特性。方法通过弹性腔和电路原理建立集中参数模型,主要包括心脏、肺循环、体循环、冠状动脉循环。调整模型的输入值使得模型的仿真结果符合设定的目标值。结果仿真结果证实LVAD可以使心衰患者的总心排量恢复正常,同时对于心脏有明显的除负荷效果、增加冠脉血流量并降低肺动脉楔压,因此可以缓解心衰末期患者重要器官供血不足、心肌缺氧以及肺水肿等并发症。同时通过改变左心室辅助装置的转速,末期左心衰患者可以恢复一定的运动能力。结论 CAMSIM集中参数模型符合人体血液循环特点。模型仿真结果证实了LVAD对心衰的辅助作用。  相似文献   

右心室(RV)衰竭已成为左心室辅助装置(LVAD)治疗的一种致命并发症。由LVAD引起的双心室搏动的不同步是引发RV功能障碍的重要因素。本文采用数值方法研究LVAD的控制模式对左、右心室搏动同步性的影响。数值结果表明:左心室(LV)与RV的收缩持续时间在无泵模式下没有显著差异(分别为48.52%和51.77%)。连续模式下,LV收缩期明显短于RV收缩期(LV vs.RV:24.38%vs.49.16%)和无泵模式的LV收缩期。搏动模式下,LV收缩期明显短于RV收缩期(LV vs.RV:28.38%vs.50.41%)但长于连续模式的LV收缩期。反搏动模式中的LV、RV收缩期差异较小(LV vs.RV:43.13%vs.49.23%),而LV收缩期短于无泵模式,并且长于连续模式。与连续和搏动模式相比,由反搏动模式提供的收缩期转速(RS)降低显著地校正了LV收缩持续时间,连续模式下缩短的收缩持续时间在反搏动模式下被校正为LV和RV之间的重新同步。因此,本文认为LV和RV收缩的再同步有助于预防RV功能障碍。总之,使用在收缩期间降低RS的反搏动模式有望用于由LVAD引起的双心室搏动不同步的临床校正。  相似文献   

左心辅助装置 (left ventricular assist device,L VAD)作为一种重度心衰的抢救措施及等待心脏移植阶段的过渡支持 ,近年来已取得长足进步 ,临床应用的病例数不断增加 ,抢救了许多濒死患者的生命。患者是否可以撤离 L VAD,何时撤离 L VAD,目前主要依据患者心功能的恢复情况而定。能否在用 L VAD前通过测定一些简单的、无创伤的指标来预测患者的愈后 ,该用什么指标 ,这对于临床有着重要意义 ,然而这些问题尚未弄清楚。本文就该方面研究的近况作一综述  相似文献   

目的由于血液成分血管性血友病因子(von Willebrand factor,vWF)的机械损伤现象发现和研究较晚,至今仍然定义模糊且缺乏相关的评价标准,非常不利于心室辅助装置(ventricular assist device,VAD)的创新设计与发展。本文通过研究分析,提出检测vWF受高剪切应力损伤的实验方法。方法人血作为基础血样,离心式血泵BPX-80剪切前后的猪血作为测试血样,通过免疫印迹法,将电泳分离的vWF转移到膜上,然后用特异性抗体检测膜上vWF多聚体的分子量分布情况,根据vWF分子量的灰度值比值,定量分析vWF多聚体的机械损伤,整个实验过程包括制胶、电泳、转印、免疫反应和显色5部分。结果得到条带清晰完整且容易区分的vWF分子量分布图。其中健康人血vWF高分子量、中分子量、低分子量区域的灰度值比值与文献中健康人血vWF的实际比值相一致。BPX-80血泵剪切猪血中高分子量vWF与未经剪切的猪血高分子量vWF灰度值的比值随时间呈下降趋势,表明BPX-80血泵剪切对猪血中vWF的降解情况。结论成功设计并建立了vWF多聚体分析实验方法,为此后制定vWF机械损伤的标准化体外评价方案提供重要参考。  相似文献   

The Toyobo-National Cardiovascular Center pneumatic ventricular assist device (Toyobo-NCVC VAD) is widely used in Japan; however, the current pneumatic drivers have some drawbacks, including their large size, heavy weight, and high power consumption. These issues cause difficulty with mobility and contribute to an unsatisfactory quality of life for patients. Because it is urgently necessary to improve patients’ safety and quality of life, we have developed a compact, low-noise, portable VAD driver by utilizing an electrohydraulic actuator consisting of a brushless DC motor and a regenerative pump. This unit can be actuated for as long as 2 h with two rechargeable lightweight batteries as well as with external AC power. It is compact in size (33 × 25 × 43 cm) and light in weight (13 kg), and the unit is carried on a mobile wheeled cart. In vitro testing with a Toyobo-NCVC VAD demonstrated a sufficient pumping capacity of up to 8 l/min. We conclude that this newly-developed compact portable driver can provide a better quality of life and improved safety for patients using protracted pneumatic VAD support.  相似文献   

 Nowadays, left ventricular assist devices are usually designed as high-speed, electric, rotary blood pumps. The pump drains blood from the left ventricular apex via an inlet cannula and ejects into the aortic root via an outlet conduit. To develop a high-performance pump, the present study utilizes partial differential equations to generate a surface representation of the impeller of the blood pump. Flow analysis around the impeller is performed by using the finite volume method to solve the fully incompressible three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations along with the k-ε turbulence model. The numerical results highlight flow features in the end-wall region of the pump, namely the clearance leakage cross-flow, and the vortex associated with this leakage. These secondary flows induce major energy losses in the pumping device. On the test study, a test loop was proposed to measure the performance characteristics. It was shown that the design would provide a flow rate of 4.4 l/min with a pressure head of 122 mmHg. The DC motor power under these conditions was about 6 W and the rotational speed was 4500 rpm. Both the flow rate and head can satisfy the demand for the left artificial heart to work normally. Received: September 25, 2002 / Accepted: January 23, 2003 Acknowledgments National Science Council, R.O.C., grant number NSC 91-2213-E-218-018 supported this work.  相似文献   

In this work we present numerical simulations of continuous flow left ventricle assist device implantation with the aim of comparing difference in flow rates and pressure patterns depending on the location of the anastomosis and the rotational speed of the device. Despite the fact that the descending aorta anastomosis approach is less invasive, since it does not require a sternotomy and a cardiopulmonary bypass, its benefits are still controversial. Moreover, the device rotational speed should be correctly chosen to avoid anomalous flow rates and pressure distribution in specific location of the cardiovascular tree. With the aim of assessing the differences between these two approaches and device rotational speed in terms of flow rate and pressure waveforms, we set up numerical simulations of network of one-dimensional models where we account for the presence of an outflow cannula anastomosed to different locations of the aorta. Then, we use the resulting network to compare the results of the two different cannulations for several stages of heart failure and different rotational speed of the device. The inflow boundary data for the heart and the cannulas are obtained from a lumped parameters model of the entire circulatory system with an assist device, which is validated with clinical data. The results show that ascending and descending aorta cannulations lead to similar waveforms and mean flow rate in all the considered cases. Moreover, regardless of the anastomosis region, the rotational speed of the device has an important impact on wave profiles; this effect is more pronounced at high RPM.  相似文献   

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