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铸造工人腰背痛流行病学特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
[目的 ]描述铸造工人腰背痛流行病学特征 ,探讨职业相关因素。 [方法 ]对 6 17名铸造工人进行背部骨科体检和疼痛测量。 [结果 ]清理和造型工种背部压痛阳性率显著高于后勤组 ,OR值分别达 6 16和 11 90 ,控制性别、年龄和工龄等混杂因素后 ,OR值更为加大 ;曾有腰背痛主诉没有差异 ,但与目前工作有关的调整腰背痛患病率仍以清理和造型高 ,与后勤比OR值在 2倍左右。造型工疼痛诱因以过度用力、重复劳动和不良姿势为主 ,共占 88 4%。腰背疼痛强度多为中等度。 [结论 ]静态弯腰作业和重体力弯腰作业与腰背痛患病率密切相关  相似文献   

采用统一问卷和体检资料,对滕州某手帕厂缝纫作业工人患腰背痛的危险因素进行了调查分析。结果:缝纫作业工人腰背痛患病率为33.97%。腰背痛的相关危险因素有身高≥155cm(OR=2.54)、工龄(OR=3.21)。坐位时间≥8h(OR=2.04)。  相似文献   

作者调查铸造工人及相应对照组各208例416只眼黄斑状况,就其黄斑部异常的发生率、异常的分类及与工龄的关系加以分析比较,并经统计学处理。证实铸造工人黄斑部异常改变是一种红外线的、以非热性为主的眼底病变,且随着工龄的递增而发病率增加。  相似文献   

某厂铸造工人恶性肿瘤死亡的队列研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对哈尔滨某厂铸钢、铸铁车间1971年1月1日在册的全部职工进行了回顾性队列研究,观察期为1971年1月1日至1992年12月13日,结果表明,不论以哈尔滨市70年代还是80年代一般男性人群为参比,该厂铸造工人恶性肿瘤和肺癌都超量,提示肺癌的超量与职业因素有关,研究结果支持粉尘,尘肺与肺癌有联系的观点。  相似文献   

铸造作业工人与工作有关疾病分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对铸造作业工人与工作有关疾病进行了17年回顾性队列研究。结果表明,铸造工人呼吸性疾病、心脏病、高血压、消化性疾病、腰背痛以及关节炎的人年经病率明显高于对照组,RR值随铸造工龄而增加;对工种分析显示,“清理工”职业危害最严重,其次是“浇注工”、“造型工”和“配砂工”;吸烟可使某些疾病的发病危险性增加。采取综合性治理措施后,除心脏病和高血压外,其他疾病人年发病率均明显降低。  相似文献   

王充  徐雷  郑琳 《现代预防医学》2008,35(8):1547-1549
[目的]了解加油站环境内空气锰浓度以及评价长期接触锰的加油站工人体内锰负荷.[方法]本实验通过对广州4个加油站周围大气以及油站工人的尿液及头发进行采样,经处理后用原子吸收法测定其中的锰含量,通过与对照人群比较来评价加油站大气中的锰浓度及加油站工人体内锰的负荷.[结果]实验组的尿锰,发锰含量高于对照组.4个采样点呼吸带空气锰浓度均超过国家标准.[结论]广州加油站周围大气中锰含量已明显高出我国工作场所日平均最高容许浓度,加油站工人尿锰,发锰体内负荷高,对接触人群存在潜在的危害.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高和高温作业环境条件的改善,其工人的营养状况是否发生了改变,为此,我们对某厂86名男性高温作业工人进行了膳食营养调查。1对象与方法1.1调查对象某厂86名男性高温作业工人,平均年龄为36.2±10.4岁,平均工龄为13.2±5.8年,其劳动强度属中等。1.2调查方法采用询问法[1],连续3天对工人每餐、及餐间所食的所有食品进行记录,然后查《食物成份表》[2],再进行统计分析,并与中国营养学会推荐的每日膳食中营养素供给量与我国膳食指南中的各种成分供给量相比。2结果与讨论2.1工人基本情况该厂高温作业工人…  相似文献   

铸工尘肺的调查与观察   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
吕健 《中国职业医学》1991,18(6):371-372
为了解铸造粉尘对作业工人的危害情况,我们对两厂铸工232人进行了调查与观察,现将结果报告如下。对象和方法对象:A厂铸工200人,B厂铸工32人,合汁232人,其中男176人,女56人,平均年龄39.20(19~  相似文献   

目的:观察穿刺针斜面与脊柱平行穿刺法减少椎管麻后腰背痛的效果。方法:选择下腹部或下肢手术拟行腰一硬联合麻醉患者300例,随机分为穿刺针斜面与脊柱平行法(P组)150例和与脊柱垂直法(C组)150例,分别于麻醉后第1天、第3天、第7天随访观察记录两组腰背疼痛情况。结果:P组第1天、第3天、第7天腰痛疼痛情况为25例、11例、3例,发生率为17%、7%、2%,C组为56例、34例、8例,发生率为37%、23%、5%。两组比较差异有统计学意义(〈0.05)。结论:穿刺针斜面与脊柱平行穿刺法可明显减少椎管麻醉后腰背疼痛的发生。  相似文献   

目的 通过横断面流行病学记查,寻找汽车铸造厂作业工人腰背痛的主要危险因素,为此类疾患的预防提供科学依据.方法 在某汽车公司铸造厂对1340名工人进行腰背痛和劳动负荷问卷调查,利用logistic回归进行危险因素分析.结果 铸造厂工人的腰背痛年患病率为58.9%,其中铸造、物流和造型工种工人腰背痛年患病率较高,分别为64.6%、64.6%和62.5%.以不适体位搬举、大幅度弯腰、弯腰与转身并存及搬运重物这些负荷因素导致患腰背痛危险性最高,其OR值分别为2.085、1.961、1.967和1.956.各个危险因素在不同工种中的分布不同.多元logistic同归分析表明,搬运重物、不适体位搬举、大幅度弯腰、弯腰与转身并存及工龄和性别均被选人模型.结论 手工搬运重物、不良劳动姿势或二者同时存在是导致腰背痛的首要危险因素,应从这方面入手,加强工效学干预研究,减少此类疾患.
Objective To study the main risk factors of low back pain of workers in a foundry factory of the automobile company using cross sectional epidemiological investigation, and to provide scientific base for preventing the disorder. Methods The low back pain and work loads of 1340 workers in a foundry factory of the automobile company were investigated using questionnaire, and logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the risk factors. Results The one-year morbidity of low back pain in workers was 58.9%the morbidities of low back pain in workers engaged in foundry, transportation and modeling were 64.6 %, 64.6 % and 62.5 %, respectively. The lifting with squat postures, bending trunk heavily, bending trunk with twisting and moving the heave objects were found to be the most dominant risk factors for low-back pain, the OR values were 2.085, 1.961, 1.967 and 1.956, respectively. The distributions of risk factors were different among the different jobs. The logistic regression analysis showed that moving the heave objects, lifting with squat postures, bending trunk heavily, bending trunk with twisting existed simultaneously, also the work years and gender were the risk factors. Conclusion The manual moving heave objects, awkward working posture or both were the most important risk factors for low-back pain. The intervene ergonomic study should be performed in future to reduce the morbidity of low-back pain.  相似文献   

目的探讨装饰板加工工人腰背痛发病情况与工人劳动操作中不良生产条件的关系。方法采用作业场所工效学分析和问卷调查方法对某装饰板加工企业进行了不良工效学因素和工人腰背痛症状的调查。结果装饰板加工工人存在的不良工效学因素主要有操作台面较低、工作姿势和动作不良、劳动时间过长等。选板、贴面和修补工种工人腰背痛主诉分别为72.2%、56.8%和100.0%,且与工人操作台面高低和弯腰持续的时间长短、弯腰的频率和幅度大小有关。结论操作台面过低,工人弯腰时间较长与腰背痛高发有一定关系。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of two different approaches for the prevention of low back pain (LBP) was compared in forklift workers. The first approach (personal) consisted of providing lumbar support, arctic jacket and physical exercise, and the second (facility approach) included the improvement of forklift seats and tires. METHODS: The self-reported prevalence of LBP was surveyed three times before and after the two forms of interventions, in 260 male blue-collar workers including 27 forklift workers, and 55 male white-collar workers of a copper smelter. RESULTS: The initial prevalence of LBP was 63% in the forklift workers, which was significantly higher than that found in the other blue-collar workers (32%) and in the white-collar workers (22%). One year after the first intervention (personal approach) to the forklift workers, the prevalence of LBP fell to 56%. The second intervention (facility approach), which was mainly comprised of a reduction in whole body vibration, was subsequently added, and 9 months later the prevalence of LBP in the forklift workers further decreased to 33%. The reduction of the prevalence from the initial survey was significant (P = 0.008), and that from the second survey was nearly significant (P = 0.070). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the facility approach is more effective for a reduction of LBP than the personal approach.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In recent years the demand for frozen food in the Western world has been growing, and the number of cold storeroom has increased proportionately. There are very few studies documenting cold exposure as a risk factor for musculoskeletal symptoms (MSS). This study describes the prevalence of MSS, in particular low back pain (LBP) among cold storeroom workers in Israel and explores the connection between exposure to cold at work and MSS. METHODS: A cross-section survey included 122 males between the ages of 20-45 who had been employed for at least 1 year in three food stores in Israel. The subjects were classified as an exposed group working at temperatures of -20 degrees C and a control group working at room temperatures (20 degrees C to 25 degrees C). The prevalence rate of MSS, in particular LBP, was assessed using the Standardized Nordic Questionnaire. RESULTS: Cold storeroom workers had increased odds of reporting back symptoms in the previous 12 months (odds ratio (OR) = 2.9, 95% CI = 1.3-6.7) and during work (OR = 4.8, 95% CI = 1.8-13.0) compared with their colleagues working in storerooms at regular temperatures. Among workers who described themselves as satisfied at work, the cold storeroom workers had increased odds of reporting back symptoms in the last 12 months and during work (OR = 3.9, 95% CI = 1.5-10.6, OR = 9.4, 95% CI = 2.0-44.6, respectively) while there was no association between store type and LBP among dissatisfied workers. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study strengthen the hypothesis that workers in cold environments are at a greater risk of LBP.  相似文献   

This investigation examined surface electromyography as an additional tool in the comprehensive clinical evaluation of patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). Electromyographic signals from electrodes placed in the lumbar area of 30 CLBP patients and 30 non-pain control subjects were compared. Patients and controls were matched for age, gender, and body mass index. Paired t test showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups. The muscle activity mean values were threefold higher in CLBP patients than in controls (P < 0.00001) in the static testing, and twofold higher in CLBP patients than in controls (P < 0.00001) in the dynamic testing. Our findings indicate that surface electromyography assessment of the paraspinal muscle activity may be a useful objective diagnostic tool in the comprehensive evaluation of CLBP.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although guidelines for the management of low back pain have been promoted, few studies have assessed their effectiveness. One previous study did not include patients with workers' compensation claims. AIM: To assess the efficacy of evidence-based care for acute low back pain in patients eligible for workers' compensation. METHODS: In a prospective audit, workers in a health service who presented with acute low back pain were offered the option of usual care from their general practitioner or care provided by a staff specialist who practiced according to evidence-based guidelines. Outcomes were measured in terms of return to normal duties, time off work, recurrence of pain or persistence of pain. RESULTS: Evidence-based care was accepted by 65% of injured workers. Compared with those who elected usual care, these workers had less time off work, spent less time on modified duties and had fewer recurrences. A significantly greater proportion (70%) resumed normal duties immediately, and fewer developed chronic pain, than those managed under usual care. Three types of patients were identified: those who complied readily with evidence-based care, those who initially expressed firm beliefs about how they should be managed and those with occupational psychosocial factors. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence-based care can be successful in retaining patients at work, reducing time off work or on modified duties and reducing recurrences and chronicity. The gains are achieved by conscientiously talking to the patients, and not by any particular or special passive interventions.  相似文献   

Low back pain represents one of the most frequent health problems in several working populations and is an important problem for occupation health doctors. In fact, these professionals are often required to face with the specific management of this condition, also by participating with other professionals into the implementation of organizational and structural measures. This contribute describes a variety of interventions aimed at treating the syndrome and recovering the working ability of the patient-worker, including the initial clinical evaluation, the assessment of the casual relationship between work and the syndrome, the treatment, the formulation of proposals to modify the worker's physical and working activity, the ongoing heath surveillance and a more in-depth clinical and instrumental evaluation, including surgical treatment.  相似文献   

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