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Decompressive craniectomy has been advocated as a treatment for the cerebral edema associated with massive head injury. Although craniectomy has been successful in lowering intracranial pressure after head injury, a comparison of computerized tomographic scans of comparable patients with traumatic brain edema treated by medical means or decompressive craniectomy showed that bony decompression resulted in apparent exacerbation of edema. To investigate the possibility of enhancement of brain edema by craniectomy, we produced standardized cold lesions in the brains of 10 dogs. Five animals served as controls. In the other 5 animals we performed large decompressive craniectomies after lesioning. Physiological parameters were comparable in both groups. The dogs were killed 8 hours after lesioning. After fixation, their brains were cut into 1-mm-thick slices. We used an image analysis facility built around a PDP 11/105 computer to measure the volume of edema as outlined by Evans blue staining. The mean volume of the brain edema in the control animals was 0.27 +/- 0.19 ml. Mean edema volume was over 7 times greater in craniectomized animals (1.96 +/- 1.89 ml). This difference is statistically significant (p less than 0.05). The driving force for the formation of edema fluid is the difference between intravascular and interstitial presssure. Decompression of the brain by bone removal probably results in a reduction of interstitial fluid pressure and edema enhancement. The clinical literature contains no evidence that craniectomy decreases the morbidity or mortality of human head injury. In view of our experimental findings, this is not surprising. Indeed, pathological evidence indicates that severe edema (such as that accentuated by craniectomy) may produce permanent changes in the neuropil.  相似文献   

The regulator of the emergency medical ambulance service is involved in the various steps of the initial management of severe head trauma patients: handling calls, basic life support, prehospital advance life support, transport and hospital admission. The management is rapid (helicopter transports) coherent and adapted (adherence to the guidelines for severe head injury), and considers of local difficulties (geographical, possibility of admission to trauma centres), with the aim of improving the outcome of severely head-injured patients.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis of the clinical courses of 205 children with severe head injuries is given. In addition to the use of modern intensive care methods, advances are due to monitoring intracranial pressure directly, steroid therapy in very high dosis, and early activation in the subcute stage after injury. By this it is possible to lower mortality and to achieve better clinical results.  相似文献   

Prehospital management of patients with severe head injuries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Advanced prehospital emergency medical care of patients with a severe head injury must essentially focus on the impact of secondary cerebral insults of systemic origin on the outcome. The first objective of prehospital care is to prevent hypoxaemia and hypercapnia. Therefore, all patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale score equal to or lower than 8 must be treated with endotracheal intubation and controlled ventilation under continuous monitoring of SpO2 and PETCO2. Treatment is similar in head-injured patients with significant deterioration of consciousness level, seizures, respiratory distress, or severe facial and thoracoabdominal injuries. The endotracheal tube is inserted by the orotracheal route under direct laryngoscopy, after a rapid induction sequence of anaesthesia and immobilization of the cervical spine in neutral position. For the induction of anaesthesia in these high-risk patients (full stomach, unknown medical history, deteriorated haemodynamic status), etomidate and suxamethonium are the preferred agents. Sedation is maintained with an hypnoticopioid association (fentanyl). Simultaneously, the main goal is the maintenance of an optimal cerebral perfusion pressure, as arterial hypotension severely worsens cerebral ischaemia. Volume loading is accomplished with 0.9% saline and hydroxyethyl starch.  相似文献   

Analyses of 67 cases again emphasized that the following factors are critical in management: 1) early cerebral arteriography, followed by definitive surgery if indicated; 2) immediate pulmonary assessment with normalization of respiratory performance; 3) constant vigilance for associated injuries and appreciation of known medical diseases; 4) consideration of the use of ventricular pressure monitoring and drainage in suitable cases.  相似文献   

Objective: Thoracic firearm injuries (TFI) have become increasingly prevalent in children. Our purpose is to assess the injury pattern, Injury Severity Score (ISS), length of hospital stay (LOS), management and outcome of children with TFI with respect to the type of injury and to evaluate the value of ISS for predicting injury severity and the eventual need for thoracotomy, as well as the rate of morbidity and mortality. Methods: Between January 1987 and June 2002, 110 children (88 boys and 22 girls) ≤16 years of age with firearm injuries to the chest were evaluated. The children were divided in four groups according to cause of injury. An ISS was calculated for each child. Those children who died before admission were excluded from the study. The relationship between ISS and prognostic factors was analyzed in all four groups. Results: The mean age was 11.1±3.0 (range 3–16) years. Eighty-eight (80%) were male and 22 (20%) were female. The causes of firearm injuries were high-velocity gunshot wounds (HVGSW) in 52 (47.2%), low-velocity gunshot wounds (LVGSW) in 23 (20.9%), shotgun wounds (SGW) in 18 (16.3%), and explosives wounds (EW) in 17 (15.4%). Lung injury occurred in 72 (65.5%) patients. Tube thoracostomy was sufficient in 76.3% (84 of 110) for thoracic injury. The morbidity rate was 16.3% (18/110) and the mortality rate was 4.5% (5/110). Mean ISS was 16.62±8.2 (range 4–48). Fifty-eight patients (52.7%) had an ISS ≤16, while 31 (28.2%) had a score between 17 and 25, and 21 (19.1%) had a score greater than 25. The need for thoracotomy, as well as the rate of morbidity and mortality were significantly higher in children for those with an ISS >25. SGW and EW groups had a significantly higher ISS. The mean LOS was 10.84±4.7 days (range 4–42). The value of LOS was significantly higher in children with SGW and EW. Conclusion: The majority of TFI in children can be treated successfully by tube thoracostomy if there are no gross pulmonary lacerations and airway injuries. SGW and EW were commonly associated with higher ISS and LOS. The ISS was found to be an independent predictor of the need for thoracotomy, as well as for rates of morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of intracranial pressure by ventricular catheter were performed in 47 patients with severe head injuries. Thirty-three patients with decompressive operations such as osteoclastic craniotomy and dilatation by means of duraplastic have been compared with 14 patients with closed heads with regard to volume pressure response (intracranial elasticity). This was determined either by intraventricular injection of 2 ml saline or by drainage of cerebrospinal fluid. The examination clearly shows that patients with closed heads have a much higher intracranial elasticity than patients who have decompressive operations, so that in the first group minor differences of the intracranial volume cause extreme deviations of the intracranial pressure. Therefore, the decompressive operation has been advised in severe head injuries with increased intracranial pressure as a measure additional to high dose dexamethasone therapy and hyperventilation.  相似文献   

P Barlow  G Teasdale 《Neurosurgery》1986,19(6):989-991
We gave a questionnaire to a multinational group of 59 neurosurgeons to discover their views about certain aspects of predictions of outcome after severe head injury. Although there was wide variation in the opinions expressed, a majority of clinicians agreed that estimations of prognosis are possible within 3 days of severe head injury, that these estimates influence some of their management decisions, and that computer predictions should be at least as reliable as those of an experienced clinician. The findings suggest that clinicians may be receptive to the use of computerized predictions of outcome, but also indicate that many other factors influence difficult clinical decisions.  相似文献   

ICP monitoring appears not to be essential for the prognosis of head injury patients, but it may be of some clinical value in association with the neurological status and other clinical data. The results of ICP measurement show that a high level in brain pressure and the poor outcome have a better correlation with one another than a lower level of brain pressure and a good recovery.  相似文献   

Summary The results of a double-blind-study on the effects of placebo, a low dose and a high dose of dexamethasone on severe closed head injury are presented. 95 patients were selected and carefully analyzed according to mortality, neurological course and symptoms, midbrain lesions and final outcome. The results demonstrate that dexamethasone, particularly given in high doses, reduces mortality and improves the neurological course. The steroid treatment seems to improve chances as well as quality of survival. Apart from the dose, timing of administration is of great importance.
Zusammenfassung Es werden die Ergebnisse einer Doppel-Blind-Studie über die Auswirkungen von Placebo, niedriger und hoher Dosierung von Dexamethason bei schweren gedeckten Schädel-Hirn-Verletzungen mitgeteilt. Die Daten von 95 Patienten wurden sorgfältig analysiert in bezug auf Mortalität, neurologischen Verlauf und neurologische Symptome, Mittelhirn-Läsionen und Endzustand. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Dexamethason, besonders in hoher Dosis, die Mortalität senkt und den neurologischen Verlauf bessert. Die Steroid-Behandlung scheint sowohl die Überlebens-Chance wie auch -Qualität zu verbessern. Neben der Dosierung kommt dem Zeitpunkt der Verabreichung große Bedeutung zu.

BACKGROUND: The effects of decompressive craniectomy in the treatment of severe head injury remain unclear. Only very few randomized studies relating to this topic exist in the literature, including a very small number of patients with no class I evidence. METHODS: We rretrospectively reviewed a series of 221 patients operated on for a head injury during a 25-month period. Of these, 48 patients underwent a decompressive craniectomy. All data available on patients' Glasgow Coma Scale score, pupil size and reaction, and intracranial pressure were collected and analyzed. The patients' outcome was evaluated by the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) and the results compared with the data available in the Traumatic Coma Data Bank. Furthermore, the results were analyzed in respect of the time of surgical intervention (early or late), age, and the preoperative Glasgow Coma Score. RESULTS: Decompressive craniectomy reduced the midline shift in all patients with monolateral diffuse brain edema and contusions having a median value of 7 mm; in the remaining, it ameliorated the basal cisterns effacement. At a mean follow-up of 14 months, 6 (12.5%) patients died, 7 (15%) were discharged home with a GOS of 5, 18 (40%) showed a favorable outcome after rehabilitation with a GOS of 4 and 5, 6 (12.5%) had a severe disability (GOS 3), 9 (20%) were in a vegetative state (GOS 2), and 2 were lost to follow-up. The younger age, earlier surgery, and higher preoperative Glasgow Coma Scale score were related to better outcome (P < .001, P < .05, and P < .034, respectively). CONCLUSION: Our results seem to support the idea that decompressive craniectomy coupled with neurointensive care may be an effective way to reduce intractable raised intracranial pressure, and probably to improve patients outcome. However, it should be obvious that our results and those available in the literature can not be considered conclusive.  相似文献   

The head and neck cancer patient should be in the best possible medical condition before facing surgery, bearing in mind the status of the tumor and the urgency of the procedure. Careful assessment of the patient's upper airway will enable the anesthesiologist to select an appropriate course of action to secure the airway before the operation begins. In many cases, the patient can be safely intubated after the induction of general anesthesia. In other situations, the patient may require an examination of the airway while awake with the aid of sedation and topical analgesia to determine the safest intubation technique. If the patient has evidence of a difficult airway, a flexible fiberoptic-guided intubation may be indicated to secure the airway in the awake patient patient before general anesthesia is induced. Some patients with severe airway obstruction or large, bulky supraglottic tumors usually undergo an initial tracheostomy with local anesthesia to secure the airway. Following surgery, extubation of the patient's trachea requires careful attention and may have to be performed over a jet-ventilating stylet.  相似文献   

Possible mechanisms for the therapeutic effects of barbituric acid derivatives in severe head injuries have been discussed for half a century. In the following, a survey of the literature, and a discussion of three controlled clinical studies available until now is presented. A proven effect in terms of a beneficial long-term outcome for all injured patients has not been established.On the other hand there might be a subgroup of patients with an intact CO2 reactivity of the brain vessels who may profit from barbiturates administered after head trauma.Dedicated to Marianne and Gerhard Winkler  相似文献   

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