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OBJECTIVES: To estimate the association between number of parents in the childhood home and childhood sexual abuse (CSA) with adjustment for childhood socioeconomic status (CSES). METHODS: Probability sample of 298, 18-49-year-old men from Philadelphia County, number of parents living in childhood home, socioeconomic data and CSA histories were obtained. RESULTS: 197 (66%) men participated. 186 (94%) of these lived with at least one parent; 76 (39%) and 110 (56%) lived with one parent versus two parents, respectively. 22 (29%) of 76 and 18 (16%) of 110 reported CSA histories, respectively (OR 2.08, p = 0.04). Two approaches to adjustment for CSES indicated continued association between parent number and CSA (OR 2.38-2.39, p = 0.05-0.07). Parent number was associated with numerous differences in CSA perpetrator characteristics and abuse experiences. Men from one-parent versus two-parent families reported significantly more non-family and female perpetrators (p = 0.03 and 0.01, respectively) and fondling experiences (p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Findings provide additional support for the association between parent number and CSA in boys, suggesting that parent number is not just a proxy for CSES. CSA experiences also differed between one-parent and two-parent homes. Findings generate numerous hypotheses for future study.  相似文献   

Childhood sexual abuse is a major public health problem affecting thousands of children and adolescents in the United States each year. For more than 20 years, researchers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers have had considerable disagreements about various aspects of child sexual abuse. Although everyone agrees that sexual abuse is a harmful thing for children to experience, there is a lack of consensus on a definition of sexual abuse, investigation of allegations, long-term consequences, what constitutes appropriate psychotherapy, and what public health policies should be developed to prevent sexual abuse. The purpose of this article is to explore advances that have been made in understanding and treating child sexual abuse, to look at the implications for further research, and to address the public health policies that exist for preventing child sexual abuse.  相似文献   

Because male homosexuals have usually been found to have poorer relationships with their fathers than male heterosexuals, and because children who are disappointments to their parents are more likely to be physically abused than other children, it was hypothesized that gays are more likely than heterosexual men to have been physically abused by parents. This hypothesis was tested comparing 17 gay male college students and 67 heterosexual male college students. Gay males were found to have been more abused during adolescence. Abuse was related to a history of childhood femininity, to having poor relationships with fathers, and to having engaged in gay sex during adolescence. A history of childhood femininity and engaging in gay sex may provoke parental abuse.  相似文献   

This study explored what terminology constitutes an erotic or arousing language for male and female, heterosexual and homosexual, and the extent to which that language is used with a sexual partner. Five sexual references were included: male genitalia, female genitalia, lovemaking/coitus, oral—genital contact, and hand—genital contact. Respondents consisted of 120 urban midwestern university students, 30 in each gender and sexual orientation category. Sexual orientation was as powerful a predictor as gender for language that was considered erotic. Lesbians and gay males more often than heterosexual females and males used erotic or arousing vocabulary with a spouse or lover. Gay males more often used slang with a spouse or lover than did heterosexual males and heterosexual females. Implications for sexual arousal based upon communication are discussed.  相似文献   

In a test of the hypothesis that a difference exists between males and females in motives for participating in sexual intercourse, a random sample of 249 college students was given a questionnaire containing questions about sexual behavior and attitudes, focusing on motives for having intercourse. There were significant differences between males and females in approval of casual sexual intercourse, number of premarital sexual partners, most important part of sexual behavior, and whether an emotional involvement was a prerequisite for participating in sexual intercourse. Effect-size analyses indicated that these differences are large, with a median 2 = 0.24. Both males and females approved of premarital sexual intercourse in a serious relationship and stressed the importance of feeling loved and needed. However, males found it easier to participate in sexual intercourse without an emotional commitment, whereas females were unlikely to want intercourse for physical pleasure in the absence of psychological involvement.  相似文献   

Context: Federal regulations mandate independent review and approval by an “institutional review board” (IRB) before studies that involve human research subjects may begin. Although many researchers strongly support the need for IRB review, they also contend that it is burdensome when it imposes costs that do not add to the protections afforded to research participants and that this burden threatens the viability of research. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently announced its intention to reform the regulations governing IRB review. Methods: We used a search of the PubMed database, supplemented by a bibliographic review, to identify all existing primary data on the costs of IRB review. “Costs” were broadly defined to include both expenditures of time or money and constraints imposed on the scope of the research. Burdensome costs were limited to those that did not contribute to greater protections for the participants. Findings: Evidence from a total of fifty‐two studies shows that IRBs operate at different levels of efficiency; that waiting to obtain IRB approval has, in some instances, delayed project initiation; that IRBs presented with identical protocols sometimes asked for different and even competing revisions; and that some decisions made (and positions held) by IRBs are not in accord with federal policy guidance. Conclusions: While the evidence is sufficient to conclude that there is burden associated with IRB review, it is too limited to allow for valid estimates of its magnitude or to serve as the basis for formulating policies on IRB reform. The single exception is multicenter research, for which we found that review by several local IRBs is likely to be burdensome. No mechanism currently exists at the national level to gather systematic evidence on the intersection between research and IRB review. This gap is of concern in light of the changing nature of research and the increasingly important role that research is envisioned to play in improving the overall quality of health care.  相似文献   

Recent reports of sexually transmitted infection-rate increases among men indicate the need for renewed study of male sexual risk behavior to aid development of updated and novel risk reduction interventions. Men who have childhood sexual abuse (CSA) histories consistently report frequent sexual risk behavior. The objective of this sturdy is to explore whether posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression are moderators and/or mediators of the association between CSA and sexual risk in adult men. A cross-sectional survey study employing random digit dial recruitment was administered to men aged 18–49 years from Philadelphia County. Two bundred ninety eight men were recruited and screened for CSA history, administered items from the Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale (PDS) and Center for Epidemiologic Studies—Depression (CES-D), and asked to estimate their number of lifetime sexual partners (LSPs). Effects of sociodemographic characteristics, CSA, PTSD, and depression on the number of LSPs were modeled using Poisson regression. Results show that 197 (66%) men participated; 43 (22%) had CSA histories. CSA was significantly associated with PTSD/depression (P=.03). Four sociodemographic variables (age, race, sexual identity, and education), CSA (incidence rate ratio, IRR=1.47, P<.001), PTSD (IRR=1.19, P=.04), depression (IRR=1.29, P=.001), all 2-way interactions, and the 3-way CSA/PTSD/depression interaction (IRR=11.00, P<.001) were associated with the number of LSPs (R2=0.27). In conclusion, sexual partnership patterns unique to men with CSA histories and comorbid PTSD/depression appear to lead to substantially higher numbers of LSPs. Estimates of this relationship may have been biased toward the null by underreporting that can occur with phone surveys. Cross-sectional studies do not support causal inferences; however, the identification of a moderating and mediating influence of PTSD/depression on the relationship between CSA and sexual risk behavior is important and suggests the need for future studies with larger samples that examine trajectories for CSA, psychiatric illness, and sexual partnerships.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Limited nationally representative information exists on the characteristics of teenagers who had first sex at an early age with an older partner. METHODS: Gender-specific analyses were conducted of 2002 National Survey of Family Growth data from 1,838 females and 1,426 males aged 18-24. Multivariate analyses examined the associations between family and individual characteristics and having a first sexual experience before age 16 with an older partner, and between age and partners' age difference at first sex and contraceptive use and having or fathering a child as a teenager. RESULTS: Sex at a young age with an older partner was associated with not living with a biological parent at age 14 and Hispanic ethnicity for females and males, early menarche and religious attendance for females, and black race for males. Among females and males, first sex by age 16 was negatively associated with contraceptive use at first sex (odds ratios, 0.7 for each) and positively associated with a teenage birth (1.6 and 2.9, respectively); having an older first partner was associated with poor reproductive health outcomes among females. Among females, the combination of young age and an older partner at first sex was positively associated with having a teenage birth. Among males, sex before age 16 with an older partner was associated with more than twice the odds of fathering a child as a teenager compared with the odds among those who had first sex at age 16-17. CONCLUSIONS: Interventions should target specific teenage populations, including males, to dissuade them from having sex at a young age and with older partners. Also, prevention efforts should target potential older teenage partners and adult partners of young teenagers.  相似文献   

Childhood sexual abuse is now recognized as a common occurrence, and it has been accepted that in a substantial number of cases victims suffer lasting psychological damage. Many such people are now speaking out and seeking help for the first time. They require sensitive assessment and understanding. Psychotherapy may well be helpful in appropriate cases, although studies of outcome are still lacking.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of questioning 1,253 women about experiences of sexual abuse during childhood. An incidence of 3.5% was identified; many of those affected reported benefit from the opportunity to discuss what had happened, an aspect which should be facilitated during routine consultations. The study identified a substantial burden on emotional health presenting into adult life. The wide range of places where abuse occurred and of relationships between the abusers/victims has important implications for educating children.  相似文献   

In the past few years, US federal agencies governing research with human subjects and institutional review boards have taken a higher-profile path than ever before, both at home and internationally. This trend carries profound significance for US-based institutions and has implications also for the rest of the world. What does this critical moment of heightened federal scrutiny mean for the workings of US institutional review boards? We examined board activity across 3 dimensions: time, place, and consciousness. We conclude that although institutions in all areas of biomedical and social science research are adapting their practices, the field of public health is especially well positioned to adapt to, and succeed in, new efforts to ensure protection of human research subjects.  相似文献   

Abstract: Increasing numbers of adults have been seeking help for childhood sexual abuse in recent years. Dearth of services led to the formation of a resource network from a range of health and welfare services in an inner region of Melbourne. Information gathered through the network indicates that adult survivors presented to primary health agencies in distinct ways. Some sought help primarily for sexual abuse, while others sought help for physical or emotional problems, with sexual abuse remaining masked. Yet others were prevalent in welfare settings, such as women's refuges. Generalist workers in such settings had varied levels of expertise in providing adequate help. When seeking to refer their patients because of concerns about suicide, they found appropriate referral difficult. Public sector mental health workers did not readily undertake work in childhood sexual abuse, and medical practitioners were relatively unaware about the relevance of childhood sexual abuse to physical and emotional ill-health.  相似文献   

Human sexuality researchers and institutional review boards often are concerned about the sensitive nature of the information that they obtain and whether this type of research increases the psychological risks to participants. To date, there are almost no empirical data that address this issue. We administered state and trait measures of anger, anxiety, and depression to 207 females who were administered four questionnaires that asked them to reveal highly sensitive, sexually explicit information, including questions regarding childhood sexual abuse. Then they were readministered the state and trait measures of distress. We found no significant differences, even among those who reported being sexually abused as children, suggesting that such studies do not significantly increase the risk of psychological harm to participants.  相似文献   

Does sexual abuse in childhood cause pedophilia: An exploratory study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The reliability of the notion that pedophilia is caused by sexual abuse in childhood was explored by examining retrospective self-reports of 344 males. Included in the study were 77 heterosexual pedophiles, 54 homosexual pedophiles, 51 nonpedophilic sex offenders against children, 36 sex offenders against physically mature females, 75 heterosexual paid volunteers who erotically preferred mature females, and 51 homosexual clients who preferred mature males. For each sex offender the differential diagnosis of an erotic preference for minors vs. a preference for physically mature partners was made by means of the phallometric test of erotic gender and age preferences. The analysis of self-reports confirmed that the proportion of pedophiles who report having been sexually abused in childhood by mature persons is larger than that of men who were not charged for or accused of a sex offense against a child though the difference is relatively small (28.6 vs. 13.9 and 10.7% for the heterosexual pedophiles and the two groups of gynephiles, respectively, and 25.9 vs. 11.8% for the homosexual pedophiles and androphiles, respectively). Further analysis demonstrated, however, that pedophiles who admitted having an erotic interest in children significantly more often claimed that they had been sexually abused as children than pedophiles who did not admit having such feelings. This interdependence renders the reliability of these self-reports questionable.This research was supported in part by grant MA-9134 from the Medical Research Council of Canada.Forensic Division Clarke Institute of Psychiatry  相似文献   

系统评价非自杀性自伤(non-suicidal self-injury,NSSI)与儿童性虐待(child sexual abuse,CSA)之间的关联性,为非自杀性自伤行为发生的防控提供参考.方法 计算机检索PubMed,Embase,CNKI和WanFang Data数据库,搜集国内外关于NSSI与CSA关联的原始研究.英文检索词包括:NSSI,self-mutilation,self-injury,self-harm,non-suicidal self-injury,self-injurious behavior,self-destructive behavior,self-damaging behavior,self-harm behavior,self-harming behavior,self-mutilative behavior,deliberate self-harm;sexual abuse,sex abuse等;中文检索词包括非自杀性自伤,自(我)伤(害),自残,自虐,性虐待.检索时限均为建库至2016年7月31日.由2名研究者独立进行文献筛选、资料提取和评价纳入研究的偏倚风险评估后,采用STATA 14.0软件进行Meta分析.结果 共纳入37篇文章,总样本量49 221例,其中NSSI组3 927例,非NSSI组40 814例.Meta分析结果显示,NSSI组的CSA比例高于对照组(OR=3.95,95%CI=3.30~4.74);亚组分析显示,遭受CSA的男性发生NSSI的风险大于女性(OR=4.28,95%CI=2.78~6.59);社区人群、亚洲人群以及无精神病风险人群的NSSI与CSA的相关性较大(OR值分别为4.45,5.31,4.60,95%CI值分别为2.86~6.94,3.20~8.79,3.38~ 6.26).结论 NSSI和CSA之间具有相关性,且在性别、样本来源、研究地区间存在一定差异.  相似文献   

孙言平  张贝  孙殿风 《中国学校卫生》2015,36(10):1476-1479
了解某大学专科女生儿童期性侵犯发生情况及其与童年期预防性侵犯教育的关联,为预防儿童性侵犯的发生提供参考.方法 采用自编问卷,对山东省某学院≥18岁的690名大专女生就有关儿童期受性侵犯经历进行回顾性调查,同时对预防性侵犯知识及其童年期亲子间预防性侵犯交流情况进行测评.结果 有144人(16.52%)回答16岁以前曾经历过非身体接触和(或)身体接触的性侵犯,其中8.84%的女生经历过身体接触性侵犯.侵害者均为男性,性侵犯发生后只有12.39%的儿童将经历告知了家长.童年期亲子间预防性侵犯交流情况比较,无性侵犯经历的学生与非身体接触性侵犯经历的学生得分差异无统计学意义(t=0.302,P>0.05);有身体接触性侵犯经历的学生得分明显低于无性侵犯经历的学生,且差异有统计学意义(t=2.273,P<0.05).结论 儿童期性侵犯问题在被调查的学生中并非少见,童年期亲子间预防性侵犯交流对预防身体接触性侵犯有积极影响.  相似文献   

On the basis of results of three West German sex surveys of a total of 4568 men and women born between 1936–1954, an analysis is made of the changes in youth sexuality in the 60s. Comparisons were made for boys and girls of high educational level (school attendance 13 years or more) and low educational level (school attendance 9 years or less). The following results were found: (1) The age at first masturbation for boys of both educational levels dropped only slightly; for girls of high educational level, the age dropped markedly during the last decade; there was no change among girls of low educational level. (2) The age at first coitus decreased markedly. This is especially true for the moreeducated boys and girls. (3) The age level at which sociosexual activities are started (dating, kissing, petting) decreased markedly among the less-educated boys and girls. (No data are available for more-educated boys and girls.) (4) These changes in behavior do not correspond to any radical change in sexual standards or sexual philosophy. (5) The ability to experience the first coitus positively and free from conflict increased in the less-educated groups. (No data are available for more-educated boys and girls.) Translated by David Harris, Berlin.  相似文献   

Shame following childhood sexual abuse (CSA) can be intensely painful and destructive to one's sense of self and place in the world. Organised around an internalised core belief of worthlessness, extreme shame presents as a major therapeutic challenge in therapy with many CSA survivors. A range of clinical and empirical literature, alongside recounts of survivors lived experience, shows that shame is an effect of CSA for many survivors. Yet research has rarely focused specifically on survivors’ qualitative or lived experiences of shame. This article reports the results of a scoping review of the empirical research investigating adult survivors’ experiences of shame following sexual abuse in their childhood. Conducted in March 2018, the search strategy involved on‐line searches of English language, peer review and select grey literature repositories for articles published up to the end of 2017. Of the 28 peer reviewed studies included in the review, only three studies specifically investigate adult survivors lived experiences of shame. The synthesised findings from the studies identify five themes demonstrating the pervasive and detrimental influence of shame following CSA: (1) Psychological effects and trauma symptoms; (2) Relationships and social connections and disconnections; (3) Disclosure; (4) Self concept; and, (5) The process of recovery. These findings resonate with conceptual literature and broader research on the influence of shame following violence and highlight areas for future research and clinical practice. This scoping review identifies three key gaps: a need for further research across specific populations and groups; research evaluating therapeutic interventions responding to shame; and research that specifically investigates adult survivors’ lived experiences of shame following CSA.  相似文献   

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