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The overall effectiveness of prophylaxis in severe haemophilia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The aim of this retrospective review was to assess the overall effectiveness of prophylaxis when compared with on-demand treatment of haemophilic patients. Twenty-five children (22 with severe haemophilia A and three with severe haemophilia B) were evaluated. Five haemophilia A patients received primary prophylaxis (instituted before the onset of any joint bleed) while the other 17 haemophilia A and all three haemophilia B patients were on secondary prophylaxis. We compared factor usage, number of bleeding episodes, emergency room (ER) visits and hospitalizations while on prophylaxis to those while on demand therapy. All subjects were male, the median age at time of review was 11.4 years and at start of prophylaxis was 4.5 years. Thirteen of the 25 patients (52%) required indwelling venous catheters for access, seven of these had one or more (one-six) episodes of line sepsis. Haemophilia A patients received an average of 23.8 U kg(-1) (20-30 U kg(-1)) of recombinant factor VIII three times a week while haemophilia B patients received 50 U kg(-1) recombinant FIX twice weekly. There was a significant reduction in the mean number of major bleeds on prophylaxis from 15.5 to 1.9 per year and a significant decrease in target joints, ER visits and hospitalizations. Although factor usage per year was higher on prophylaxis, there was an overall reduction in number of bleeds and resultant decrease in hospitalizations and ER visits. By preventing new target joints, prophylaxis can lead to reduction in long-term morbidity and a better quality of life despite increased central lines and higher factor usage.  相似文献   

Summary.  Previous studies on the pattern of joint bleeding in patients with haemophilia have reported that the knee joint is most frequently affected. Home treatment data reporting bleeding frequency and location collected from 100 patients registered at six haemophilia centres in the UK have been analysed to determine current patterns of bleeding. Bleeding frequency has markedly decreased although bleeding into joints remains the main characteristic of haemophilia. However, the ankle joint has replaced the knee joint as the most common joint affected. Furthermore, it seems that the frequency of knee joint bleeding is also less than the elbow joint suggesting that the traditional pattern of joint bleeding in haemophilia has now changed significantly.  相似文献   

Recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) products provide a safe and efficacious replacement therapy for prophylaxis and treatment of bleeding episodes in patients with severe haemophilia A. This multinational, open‐label, non‐controlled trial investigated the safety and efficacy of turoctocog alfa, a new rFVIII product. The primary objective was to evaluate safety. A total of 150 patients (24 adolescents and 126 adults) with severe haemophilia A (FVIII activity ≤1%), with at least 150 exposure days (EDs) to any FVIII product and no history of inhibitors were enrolled, and 146 patients (97%) completed the trial. All patients received prophylaxis with turoctocog alfa for approximately 6 months and had a mean of 85 EDs during the trial. None of the patients developed FVIII inhibitors, there were no indications of early FVIII inhibitor development and no safety concerns were identified. A total of 225 adverse events were reported in 100 (67%) patients, with the most common being events associated with dosing procedures, headaches, and nasopharyngitis. A total of 499 bleeding episodes were reported during the trial, the majority (89%) were controlled with 1–2 infusions of turoctocog alfa. Based on patient reports, the success rate (defined as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ haemostatic response) for treatment of bleeding episodes was 81%. The overall median annualized bleeding rate was 3.7 (interquartile range: 8.7) bleeds/patient/year. In conclusion, turoctocog alfa provides a new, safe and effective alternative for prophylaxis and treatment of bleeding episodes in patients with haemophilia A.  相似文献   

Summary.  In patients with severe haemophilia and inhibitors, regular factor VIII inhibitor bypassing activity (FEIBA) prophylaxis has been shown to reduce the frequency of bleeding by up to 85% and to improve patient quality of life. FEIBA is well tolerated; the incidence of thrombotic events and of allergic reactions is extremely low. The concept of prophylaxis in haemophilia patients with inhibitors is relatively new and some clinicians may be unsure of how to use FEIBA in this context. These treatment recommendations, based on published evidence plus the collective experience of a group of haematologists (with practical knowledge of managing inhibitor patients with FEIBA prophylaxis), are intended to provide guidance to clinicians considering initiating and maintaining patients on FEIBA prophylaxis with specific focus on practical aspects of patient selection, dosing, monitoring and stop criteria.  相似文献   

Summary.  A survey was conducted in 2002 to determine the pattern of factor prophylaxis use in boys ≤18 years of age with haemophilia followed in North American treatment centres. Responses were obtained from 4553 cases (74% haemophilia A, 26% haemophilia B). The frequency of prophylaxis, defined as factor infusion greater than or equal to once per week for ≥45 weeks per year, was significantly higher for haemophilia A vs. haemophilia B cases (51% vs. 32%, P < 0.0001), and for boys with severe haemophilia A living in Canada vs. the USA (77% vs. 47%, P < 0.0001). Use of full-dose prophylaxis, defined as the infusion of 25–40 IU kg−1 of factor VIII on alternate days (minimum three times per week) or 25–40 IU kg−1 of factor IX twice weekly, was similar for boys ≤5 years of age in both Canada and the USA (30% and 33% haemophilia A and 35% and 13% haemophilia B). Reasons for initiating prophylaxis included a history of joint bleeding (88%) and age ≤2 years (23%). For prophylaxis triggered by joint bleeding, 38% of haemophilia treatment centres indicated that they would initiate prophylaxis after the first joint bleed and 66% after a history of target joint bleeding, defined most frequently as 2–4 bleeds over a 3–6 consecutive month period. A central venous line was used to ensure easy venous access for full-dose prophylaxis therapy in 80% of boys ≤5 years of age. These data offer a basis for projecting long-term factor concentrate needs for persons with haemophilia living in North America.  相似文献   

Regular replacement therapy (prophylaxis) for haemophilia has been shown to prevent development of disabling arthropathy and to provide a better quality of life compared to treatment on demand; however, at a substantially higher cost. Calculations based on pharmacokinetic principles have shown that shortening dose intervals may reduce cost. The aim of this prospective, randomized, crossover pilot study was to address whether daily dosing is feasible, if it reduces concentrate consumption and is as effective in preventing bleeding as the standard prophylactic dosing regimen. In a 12 + 12 month crossover study, 13 patients were randomized to start either their own previously prescribed standard dose, or daily dosing adjusted to maintain at least the same trough levels as obtained with the standard dose. Ten patients completed the study. A 30% reduction in cost of factor concentrates was achieved with daily prophylaxis. However, the number of bleeding events increased in some patients in the daily dosing arm and patients reported decreased quality of life during daily prophylaxis. Daily treatment had a greater impact on daily life, and the patients found it more stressful.Prophylaxis with daily dosing may be feasible and efficacious in some patients. A substantial reduction of factor consumption and costs can be realized, but larger studies are needed before the introduction of daily prophylaxis into clinical routine can be recommended.  相似文献   

Summary. Recurrent haemarthroses in patients with severe haemophilia A often result in irreversible joint damage. Treatment using routine infusions of factor VIII (FVIII) concentrate, a therapy known as prophylaxis, is currently recommended for the prevention of haemarthroses and arthropathy in persons with severe haemophilia A. However, until recently, the body of evidence supporting prophylaxis in comparison with FVIII infusions given only at the time of haemarthroses was mostly retrospective and anecdotal. Recently, two prospective randomized clinical trials have been conducted to compare prophylaxis with on‐demand FVIII treatment for the prevention of arthropathy and haemarthroses in young children with haemophilia A. A third prospective, non‐randomized trial evaluated a strategy of escalating the dose frequency of prophylaxis. Data from these studies will provide objective evidence for the prevention of haemarthroses and arthropathy in children with severe haemophilia A.  相似文献   

Summary. Prophylaxis is standard of care for boys with severe haemophilia A. Indications for prophylaxis in adulthood, non‐severe haemophilia A, haemophilia B and haemophilia with inhibitors are less well defined. This survey, conducted in 2006, aimed to describe prophylaxis use in patients of all ages and severities with haemophilia A or haemophilia B in Canada. Data on 2663 individuals (2161 haemophilia A; 502 haemophilia B), including 78 inhibitor‐positive patients, were returned by 22/25 Canadian haemophilia treatment centres. This represented 98% of the Canadian haemophilia population. Frequency of prophylaxis use, defined as infusion of factor VIII/IX concentrate at least once weekly for ≥45 weeks of the year, was highest in individuals with severe haemophilia A (69%). It was lower in individuals with severe haemophilia B (32%), moderate haemophilia A (18%) or B (5%) and mild haemophilia A (1%) or B (1%). Among individuals with severe haemophilia A, the frequency of prophylaxis use was 84% in children (≤18 years) and 55% in adults (>18 years). Thirteen per cent of inhibitor‐positive individuals were receiving prophylaxis with bypassing agents. Comparison with data obtained from a 2002 Canadian survey showed a greater use of prophylaxis in children ≤5 years of age with severe haemophilia A (73% vs. 49%). Prophylaxis is no longer confined to children with severe haemophilia A, but is used in a significant proportion of adults with severe haemophilia A and individuals with severe haemophilia B or moderate haemophilia A. Prophylaxis is being started earlier in boys with severe haemophilia A.  相似文献   

Recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) products provide a safe and efficacious replacement therapy for prophylaxis and treatment of bleeding episodes in patients with severe haemophilia A. This multinational, open‐label, non‐controlled trial investigated the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics (PK) of turoctocog alfa, a new rFVIII product, in a paediatric population. The primary objective was to evaluate safety. A total of 31 younger children (0–5 years) and 32 older children (6–11 years), with ≥50 exposure days to any factor VIII (FVIII) product and no history of inhibitors, received prophylaxis with turoctocog alfa (25–50 IU kg?1 every second day or 25–60 IU kg?1 three times weekly). PK assessments of turoctocog alfa and the patients’ previous FVIII product were performed in 28 patients. Mean exposure to turoctocog alfa was 60 exposure days per patient. This corresponds to approximately 4.5 months in the trial. None of the patients developed inhibitors (≥0.6 BU) and no safety concerns were raised. A total of 120 bleeding episodes (95%) were controlled with 1–2 infusions of turoctocog alfa. Based on patient reports, the success rate (defined as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ haemostatic response) for treatment of bleeding episodes was 92%. Overall, the median annualized bleeding rate was 3.0 (interquartile range: 8.5) bleeds patient?1 year?1. PK parameters were comparable between the two age groups. In conclusion, the present large global clinical trial showed that turoctocog alfa was safe, effective in treatment of bleeding episodes and had a prophylactic effect in paediatric patients.  相似文献   

Summary.  Prophylactic treatment of haemophilia has been gaining acceptance as the optimal therapeutic option in an increasing number of haemophilia centres in the developed world in recent years. This paper focus on three aspects of prophylactic therapy: when to start treatment, venous access and the dose/dose interval. Evidence is in favour of prophylactic treatment to be started at an early age using either a peripheral vein with 1–2 injections per week and a successive increase in the frequency depending on the child and the veins, or, using a Port-A-Cath which allows a better prophylactic coverage by infusions preferably every second day in haemophilia A and every third day in haemophilia B.  相似文献   

Abstract . Miners AH, Sabin CA, Tolley KH, Lee CA (Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London; University Hospital Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham; and Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust, London, UK). Assessing the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prophylaxis against bleeding in patients with severe haemophilia and severe von Willebrand's disease. J Intern Med 1998; 244 : 515–22. Objectives To assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prophylaxis with clotting factor against bleeding in patients with severe haemophilia and von Willebrand's disease (vWD). Design Treatment details that related to 179 patients with severe (< 1 u dL?1) haemophilia A, B and vWD were retrospectively examined for the period 1980–95. A subgroup of these patients, 25 adults and 22 children, who had previously received treatment on demand and who had switched to treating with prophylaxis, were studied in order to examine the effects of the change. The cost-effectiveness of prophylaxis was also analysed using another subgroup of 38 patients and by adjusting their treatment details by age and method of treatment. Setting Data were obtained on patients who were solely registered at the Royal Free Hospital Haemophilia Centre (RFHHC), London, UK. Outcome measure Bleeds. Results The median annual number of bleeds decreased from 23.5 (range 1–107) in 1980, to 14 (range 0–45) in 1995 (< 0.0001). Switching from treating on demand to prophylaxis reduced bleeding frequency in 41 out of 47 patients within the period of 1 year. At the base scenario, switching to prophylaxis cost an additional £547 per averted bleed; however, this figure was highly sensitive to certain variables. Conclusion Prophylaxis can reduce bleeding frequency but requires more clotting factor than treatment on demand. More detailed proof of cost-effectiveness is likely to require the use of modelling techniques.  相似文献   



Prophylaxis with extended half‐life factor VIII (FVIII) is approved for haemophilia A, but data regarding routine clinical use are limited.


To assess real‐world experience of ADYNOVATE® (Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant), PEGylated prophylaxis in children and adults with haemophilia A.


A retrospective chart review was conducted in three US haemophilia treatment centres. Records of all patients who began Adynovate prophylaxis in routine clinical practice were identified. Demographic, clinical and patient‐reported information beginning 6 months before initiation of Adynovate until the record review was analysed.


Fifteen patients (aged 9 months to 28 years), with median 9 months’ use of Adynovate (range 1‐15 months), were identified. All had switched from another prophylactic regimen, 13 (87%) from standard half‐life recombinant FVIII. Nine (60%) patients had ≥1 bleed within 6 months preswitch. The most frequent reason for switching was to reduce infusion frequency (14 patients). After switching, infusion frequency reduced for 13 patients, and overall weekly factor consumption decreased by 19%. Eight (53%) patients had no bleeds postswitch, three (20%) had spontaneous joint bleeds (vs four pre‐switch), and three (20%) had only mild traumatic bleeds. Patient/parental satisfaction with Adynovate was documented as positive in 13 of 15 (87%) cases; 2 patients were not satisfied and discontinued Adynovate. No adverse events were considered related to Adynovate.


In patients who switched from a standard half‐life FVIII to Adynovate prophylaxis in routine clinical practice, bleeding control was generally improved or maintained, with a lower infusion frequency and factor consumption in most patients.  相似文献   

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