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We used fMRI to investigate both common and differential neural mechanisms underlying two distinct types of switching requirements, namely switching between stimulus categorizations (color vs. form) and switching between response modalities (hand vs. foot responses). Both types of switching induced similar behavioral shift costs. However, at the neural level, switching between stimulus categorizations led to left‐hemispheric activations including the inferior frontal gyrus as well as the intraparietal sulcus extending to the superior parietal gyrus and the supramarginal gyrus. In contrast, switching between response modalities was associated mainly with left‐hemispheric activation of the intraparietal sulcus and the supramarginal gyrus. A conjunction analysis indicated common activation of the left intraparietal sulcus and the supramarginal gyrus for both types of switching. Together, these results qualify previous claims about a general role of the left prefrontal cortex in task control by suggesting that the left inferior frontal gyrus is specifically involved in switching between stimulus categorizations, whereas parietal cortex is more generally implicated in the selection of action rules. Hum Brain Mapp, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) plays a central role in the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder (MDD). As we reported in our previous study (Wagner et al., 2006), patients with MDD were characterized by an inability to deactivate this region during cognitive processing leading to a compensatory prefrontal hyperactivation. This hyperactivation in rACC may be related to a deficient inhibitory control of negative self-referential processes, which in turn may interfere with cognitive control task execution and the underlying fronto-cingulate network activation. To test this assumption, a functional magnetic resonance imaging study was conducted in 34 healthy subjects. Univariate and functional connectivity analyses in statistical parametric mapping software 8 were used. Self-referential stimuli and the Stroop task were presented in an event-related design. As hypothesized, rACC was specifically engaged during negative self-referential processing (SRP) and was significantly related to the degree of depressive symptoms in participants. BOLD signal in rACC showed increased valence-dependent (negative vs neutral SRP) interaction with BOLD signal in prefrontal and dorsal anterior cingulate regions during Stroop task performance. This result provides strong support for the notion that enhanced rACC interacts with brain regions involved in cognitive control processes and substantiates our previous interpretation of increased rACC and prefrontal activation in patients during Stroop task.  相似文献   

Inhibitory control is the stopping of a mental process with or without intention, conceptualized as mental suppression of competing information because of limited cognitive capacity. Inhibitory control dysfunction is a core characteristic of many major psychiatric disorders. Inhibition is generally thought to involve the prefrontal cortex; however, a single inhibitory mechanism is insufficient for interpreting the heterogeneous nature of human cognition. It remains unclear whether different dimensions of inhibitory processes—specifically cognitive inhibition, response inhibition, and emotional interference—rely on dissociated neural systems. We conducted systematic meta‐analyses of fMRI studies in the BrainMap database supplemented by PubMed using whole‐brain activation likelihood estimation. A total of 66 study experiments including 1,447 participants and 987 foci revealed that while the left anterior insula was concordant in all inhibitory dimensions, cognitive inhibition reliably activated specific dorsal frontal inhibitory system, engaging dorsal anterior cingulate, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and parietal areas, whereas emotional interference reliably implicated a ventral inhibitory system, involving the ventral surface of the inferior frontal gyrus and the amygdala. Response inhibition showed concordant clusters in the fronto‐striatal system, including the dorsal anterior cingulate region and extended supplementary motor areas, the dorsal and ventral lateral prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia, midbrain regions, and parietal regions. We provide an empirically derived dimensional model of inhibition characterizing neural systems underlying different aspects of inhibitory mechanisms. This study offers a fundamental framework to advance current understanding of inhibition and provides new insights for future clinical research into disorders with different types of inhibition‐related dysfunctions.  相似文献   

Functional imaging experimental designs measuring fatigue, defined as a subjective lack of physical and/or mental energy characterizing a wide range of neurologic conditions, are still under development. Nineteen right‐handed healthy subjects (9 M and 10 F, mean age 43.15 ± 8.34 years) were evaluated by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), asking them to perform explicit, first‐person, mental imagery of fatigue‐related multisensory sensations. Short sentences designed to assess the principal manifestations of fatigue from the Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory were presented. Participants were asked to imagine the corresponding sensations (Sensory Imagery, SI). As a control, they had to imagine the visual scenes (Visual Imagery, VI) described in short phrases. The SI task (vs. VI task) differentially activated three areas: (i) the precuneus, which is involved in first‐person perspective taking; (ii) the left superior temporal sulcus, which is a multisensory integration area; and (iii) the left inferior frontal gyrus, known to be involved in mental imagery network. The SI fMRI task can be used to measure processing involved in mental imagery of fatigue‐related multisensory sensations.  相似文献   

We discuss the strategies employed in data quality control and quality assurance for the cognitive core of Neurobiological Predictors of Huntington's Disease (PREDICT‐HD), a long‐term observational study of over 1,000 participants with prodromal Huntington disease. In particular, we provide details regarding the training and continual evaluation of cognitive examiners, methods for error corrections, and strategies to minimize errors in the data. We present five important lessons learned to help other researchers avoid certain assumptions that could potentially lead to inaccuracies in their cognitive data.  相似文献   

Learning occurs when an outcome differs from expectations, generating a reward prediction error signal (RPE). The RPE signal has been hypothesized to simultaneously embody the valence of an outcome (better or worse than expected) and its surprise (how far from expectations). Nonetheless, growing evidence suggests that separate representations of the two RPE components exist in the human brain. Meta‐analyses provide an opportunity to test this hypothesis and directly probe the extent to which the valence and surprise of the error signal are encoded in separate or overlapping networks. We carried out several meta‐analyses on a large set of fMRI studies investigating the neural basis of RPE, locked at decision outcome. We identified two valence learning systems by pooling studies searching for differential neural activity in response to categorical positive‐versus‐negative outcomes. The first valence network (negative > positive) involved areas regulating alertness and switching behaviours such as the midcingulate cortex, the thalamus and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex whereas the second valence network (positive > negative) encompassed regions of the human reward circuitry such as the ventral striatum and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. We also found evidence of a largely distinct surprise‐encoding network including the anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula and dorsal striatum. Together with recent animal and electrophysiological evidence this meta‐analysis points to a sequential and distributed encoding of different components of the RPE signal, with potentially distinct functional roles.  相似文献   

In the course of daily living, changing environmental demands often make our actions, once initiated, unnecessary or even inappropriate. Under such circumstances, the ability to inhibit the obsolete action and to update behavior can be of vital importance. Previous lesion and neuroimaging studies have shown that the right prefrontal cortex and the basal ganglia seem to play an important role in the inhibition of already initiated motor responses. The present study was designed to investigate whether the neural activity of inhibitory motor control was altered if the inhibition process was succeeded by an additional process, namely the reengagement into an alternative action. Therefore, cerebral blood oxygenation during performance of a stop‐change paradigm was registered in 15 male participants using event‐related functional magnetic resonance imaging. Data analysis showed, that during successful and failed stopping and changing (response inhibition and subsequent response reengagement) of initiated motor responses a very similar network was activated including primarily the right inferior frontal cortex (IFC). Besides, stopping‐related activation in right IFC was significantly greater for fast inhibitors than for slow ones. Results of the present study thus further underline the important role of right IFC in response inhibition and suggest that the inhibition process functions similarly regardless whether changing task demands require the complete suppression of an already initiated motor response or its suppression and a subsequent response reengagement into an alternative action. Hum Brain Mapp, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Can resting‐state functional connectivity (rs‐FC) detect the impact of learning on the brain in the short term? To test this possibility, we have combined task‐FC and rs‐FC tested before and after a 30‐min visual search training. Forty‐two healthy adults (20 men) divided into no‐contact control and trained groups completed the study. We studied the connectivity between four different regions of the brain involved in visual search: the primary visual area, the right posterior parietal cortex (rPPC), the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (rDLPFC), and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC). Task‐FC showed increased connectivity between the rPPC and rDLPFC and between the dACC and rDLPFC from pretraining to posttraining for both the control group and the trained group, suggesting that connectivity between these areas increased with task repetition. In rs‐FC, we found enhanced connectivity between these regions in the trained group after training, especially in those with better learning. Whole brain independent component analyses did not reveal any change in main networks after training. These results imply that rs‐FC may not only predict individual differences in task performance, but rs‐FC might also serve to monitor the impact of learning on the brain after short periods of cognitive training, localizing them in brain areas specifically involved in training.  相似文献   

Cognitive control is built upon the interactions of multiple brain regions. It is currently unclear whether the involved regions are temporally separable in relation to different cognitive processes and how these regions are temporally associated in relation to different task performances. Here, using stop‐signal task data acquired from 119 healthy participants, we showed that concurrent and poststop cognitive controls were associated with temporally distinct but interrelated neural mechanisms. Specifically, concurrent cognitive control activated regions in the cingulo‐opercular network (including the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex [dACC], insula, and thalamus), together with superior temporal gyrus, secondary motor areas, and visual cortex; while regions in the fronto‐parietal network (including the lateral prefrontal cortex [lPFC] and inferior parietal lobule) and cerebellum were only activated during poststop cognitive control. The associations of activities between concurrent and poststop regions were dependent on task performance, with the most notable difference in the cerebellum. Importantly, while concurrent and poststop signals were significantly correlated during successful cognitive control, concurrent activations during erroneous trials were only correlated with posterror activations in the fronto‐parietal network but not cerebellum. Instead, the cerebellar activation during posterror cognitive control was likely to be driven secondarily by posterror activation in the lPFC. Further, a dynamic causal modeling analysis demonstrated that postsuccess cognitive control was associated with inhibitory connectivity from the lPFC to cerebellum, while excitatory connectivity from the lPFC to cerebellum was present during posterror cognitive control. Overall, these findings suggest dissociable but temporally related neural mechanisms underlying concurrent, postsuccess, and posterror cognitive control processes in healthy individuals.  相似文献   

Cognitive flexibility is essential to cope with changing task demands and often it is necessary to adapt to combined changes in a coordinated manner. The present fMRI study examined how the brain implements such multi‐level adaptation processes. Specifically, on a “local,” hierarchically lower level, switching between two tasks was required across trials while the rules of each task remained unchanged for blocks of trials. On a “global” level regarding blocks of twelve trials, the task rules could reverse or remain the same. The current task was cued at the start of each trial while the current task rules were instructed before the start of a new block. We found that partly overlapping and partly segregated neural networks play different roles when coping with the combination of global rule reversal and local task switching. The fronto‐parietal control network (FPN) supported the encoding of reversed rules at the time of explicit rule instruction. The same regions subsequently supported local task switching processes during actual implementation trials, irrespective of rule reversal condition. By contrast, a cortico‐striatal network (CSN) including supplementary motor area and putamen was increasingly engaged across implementation trials and more so for rule reversal than for nonreversal blocks, irrespective of task switching condition. Together, these findings suggest that the brain accomplishes the coordinated adaptation to multi‐level demand changes by distributing processing resources either across time (FPN for reversed rule encoding and later for task switching) or across regions (CSN for reversed rule implementation and FPN for concurrent task switching).  相似文献   

The neural bases of interactions between anxiety and cognitive control are not fully understood. We conducted an fMRI study in healthy participants and in patients with an anxiety disorder (social phobia) to determine the impact of stress on the brain network involved in cognitive control. Participants performed two working memory tasks that differed in their level of performance‐induced stress. In both groups, the cognitive tasks activated a frontoparietal network, involved in working memory tasks. A supplementary activation was observed in the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) in patients during the more stressful cognitive task. Region of interest analyses showed that activation in the right VLPFC decreased in the more stressful condition as compared to the less stressful one in healthy subjects and remain at a similar level in the two cognitive tasks in patients. This pattern was specific to the right when compared to the left VLPFC activation. Anxiety was positively correlated with right VLPFC activation across groups. Finally, left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) activation was higher in healthy subjects than in patients in the more stressful task. These findings demonstrate that in healthy subjects, stress induces an increased activation in left DLPFC, a critical region for cognitive control, and a decreased activation in the right VLPFC, an area associated with anxiety. In patients, the differential modulation between these dorsal and ventral PFC regions disappears. This absence of modulation may limit anxious patients' ability to adapt to demanding cognitive control tasks. Hum Brain Mapp, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown age‐related impairments in the ability to suppress salient distractors. One possibility is that this is mediated by age‐related impairments in the recruitment of the left intraparietal sulcus (Left IPS), which has been shown to mediate the suppression of salient distractors in healthy, young participants. Alternatively, this effect may be due to a shift in engagement from proactive control to reactive control, possibly to compensate for age‐related impairments in proactive control. Another possibility is that this is due to changes in the functional specificity of brain regions that mediate salience suppression, expressed in changes in spontaneous connectivity of these regions. We assessed these possibilities by having participants engage in a proactive distractor suppression task while in an fMRI scanner. Although we did not find any age‐related differences in behavior, the young (N = 15) and older (N = 15) cohorts engaged qualitatively distinctive brain networks to complete the task. Younger participants engaged the predicted proactive control network, including the Left IPS. On the other hand, older participants simultaneously engaged both a proactive and a reactive network, but this was not a consequence of reduced network specificity as resting state functional connectivity was largely comparable in both age groups. Furthermore, improved behavioral performance for older adults was associated with increased resting state functional connectivity between these two networks. Overall, the results of this study suggest that age‐related differences in the recruitment of a left lateralized ventral fronto‐parietal network likely reflect the specific recruitment of reactive control mechanisms for distractor inhibition.  相似文献   

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