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目的:了解掌握某部飞行人员飞行期间的膳食营养供给情况,为科学指导空勤灶合理膳食提供依据。方法:采用连续3d称量法,调查和分析华东地区某部8个空勤灶就餐飞行人员的膳食情况。结果:飞行人员膳食组成,猪肉、禽蛋、牛奶分别为供应标准的151.0%、138.0%和120.0%,明显偏高。牛羊肉、鱼虾、蔬菜、水果分别为供应标准的44.0%、85.0%、79.9%和50.0%,明显偏低。热量平均每人每日3721kcal。钙、磷、铁、维生素A、维生素B2、维生素B6、尼克酸摄入量达到标准,而维生素B1、维生素C摄入量偏低。三大营养素产热比中,脂肪的产热量所占比例达34.3%,明显偏高。P/S(多不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸比值)为0.83,偏低。结论:目前华东地区某部飞行人员飞行期间多数营养摄入量能够达到军标要求,但仍有一些不容忽视的问题:脂肪供应量偏高,特别是饱和脂肪酸摄入量偏高,蔬菜、水果摄入量偏低。应当增加蔬菜、水果和鱼类供应,及时补充维生素丸,适当控制饱和脂肪酸含量较高的猪肉等动物性食品摄入量。 相似文献
我部驻防辽宁东部,冬季和初春季节部队多以萝卜、土豆、白菜等冬储秋菜为主要副食,绿色新鲜蔬菜较少.食物品种单调.极易引起营养缺乏病。我们于1997年3月对部分基层分队膳食营养情况进行了调查。现将调查结果报告如下。 相似文献
摘要 药品使用的特殊性和复杂性使得药品使用监管成为药品管理中颇为重要的环节。风险管理概念被引入药品管理过程后,倍受国家和医疗机构的认可与推荐,已成为医院药学发展的热点和药学服务的关键环节。该文从医疗机构药品风险管理的程序入手,探讨在我国医药发展现状下医疗机构实现药品效益 风险平衡的措施和方法。 相似文献
刘女士来到一家大型超市,五花八门的精装“概念蛋”令她不知所措,开产蛋、五谷蛋、土鸡蛋、清洁蛋、营养蛋、草鸡蛋、天子鸡蛋、特质营养鸡蛋、散养蛋、绿色蛋、笨鸡蛋、生态蛋、有机蛋、早餐蛋、初孵蛋等,多达几十种。一些“概念蛋”的包装上还标注了“低胆固醇”、“无激素”、“无人工色素”、“高品质天然绿色食品”等,价格通常是普通鸡蛋的2~4倍。刘女士最后挑选了一种最贵的品牌,她认为,一分价钱一分货,高价的必定会好一些。 相似文献
目的了解某军校士官生中龋病牙周病患病状况,指导开展口腔健康保健工作。方法参照第3次全国口腔健康流行病学抽样调查方案,采用分层、整群抽样方法选择调查对象,采用SPSS13.0对数据进行统计分析,龋病以患龋率和龋均牙周病以患病率和检出率做为统计指标。结果共调查士官生496名,患龋率为40.12%,龋均为0.89,牙龈炎患病率为24.2%,牙结石检出率为79%,牙周病患病率为5.4%。结论与全军第二次龋病和牙周病监测结果比较患龋率牙结石检出率处于较高水平,应加强对军校士官生的系统性口腔卫生服务。 相似文献
随着世界环境和局势的不断变化,多样化军事任务已成为世界各国军队的重要使命。加强思想教育,坚定政治信念,培育战斗精神,强化军事素养,增强心理素质以及提升实战救治水平是培养优秀军事医学人才的必要途径。同时建立高效的指挥体系,不断完善卫勤保障信息系统以及军民一体化保障机制,才能切实打造出高效的军地应急保障渠道,提高我军卫勤核心保障能力。 相似文献
目的了解军队老干部在15年中膳食结构及微量元素摄入的变化情况。方法对1995、2005和2010年来我院疗养的军队老干部进行膳食调查,并对膳食中铁、锌、硒、铜、锰五种微量元素摄入情况进行分析与评价。结果 膳食结构中,谷类食物摄入逐年下降,已经接近中国居民平衡膳食宝塔推荐摄入量的低值;肉类、食盐、烹调油摄入量逐年升高并大大超过推荐量;乳类摄入量明显不足;热能、蛋白质、烟酸、VB1、VC、VE及胆固醇的摄入已超过推荐量,且呈逐渐上升趋势,VA、VB2及钙摄入量呈明显上升趋势,但还未达到推荐摄入量;脂肪供能比增长较快,2010年已达38.5%,大大超过推荐摄入量。微量元素铁、锌、硒摄入量呈逐年上升趋势,至2010年军队老干部膳食中铁、锌、硒、铜、锰五种微量元素已基本达到推荐摄入量。结论军队老干部营养状况改善明显,各种微量元素摄入量普遍得到提高,但脂肪、胆固醇、食盐摄入过高及乳类摄入不足的问题还比较严重,应继续加强营养宣传教育和正确引导。 相似文献
目的调查驻闽部队军人手部多汗症患病率及中重度手部多汗症对部队战斗力的影响。方法采用整群抽样的方法,对1164名驻闽军人进行问卷调查,主要内容包括手部多汗症患病情况和手部多汗症是否对操作、站岗、体能训练、成绩、比赛和情绪面有影响等。对部队战斗力影响数据采用χ2检验和Fisher精确检验法。结果 1164名驻闽军人中患中重度手部多汗症45例。中重度与轻度手部多汗症相比,从操作、站岗、体能训练、成绩、比赛和情绪等对部队战斗力产生显著影响(P〈0.01)。结论驻闽军人中重度手部多汗症患病率为3.9%,中重度手部多汗症严重影响部队战斗力,提示卫生勤务部门和军事部门应重视对军人手部多汗症的识别和防治,以提高部队战斗力。 相似文献
A survey of drug use among Israeli army personnel was conducted as part of a national survey of drug use initiated by the Anti Drug Authority of Israel during 1990. One thousand one hundred and twenty-five male and female soldiers from various units and ranks were selected by the use of randomized cluster sampling. Seventy to eighty-five per cent of the soldiers presented negative attitudes towards the use of illicit drugs and its users. Only 67 (6.1%) soldiers reported the use of some illicit drugs in the last 30 days; half of them started to use drugs before the age of 18. The main reported use was of hashish, marijuana and tranquillizers. The use of opium, heroin, cocaine was rarely reported. The use of cigarettes and alcohol within the last 30 days was much higher and was reported by 44.6% and 69.0% of the soldiers, respectively. Using multiple logistic regression analysis it was shown that illicit drug use in the last 30 days was significantly associated with higher number of individuals per household, less satisfaction with military service, and positive attitudes towards the use of drugs. The results of the present study, along with a comparison with different populations that were surveyed parallel to our research indicate that military service in the Israel Defence Force (IDF) is not associated with significant use of illicit drugs. Our results indicate the need for more attention to alcohol and cigarette use among army personnel. 相似文献
《Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal》2022,30(4):421-432
IntroductionSince the beginning of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, there has been a marked increase in the use of diets and dietary supplements (DDS) for the prevention and treatment of this emerging disease. While DDS are generally regarded as harmless, little evidence exists on the safety and efficacy of their use for COVID-19.ObjectivesTo investigate the pattern and determinants of DDS use among the United Arab Emirates (UAE) population for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.DesignCross-sectional web-based survey.SettingAdults residing in the UAE.ParticipantsParticipants (n = 2,060) residing in the UAE were recruited from databases of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs - Sharjah networks in the various Emirates.Primary and Secondary OutcomesPrevalence and determinants for the use of different DDS for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in the UAE, and sources of information for DDS use.ResultsThe majority of participants reported using a form of the DDS understudy, with special foods being the most common (95.5%), followed by intake of citrus fruits (62.1%), supplements use (56.6%), increased water intake (50%), and herbal teas (38.4%). Only 20% of participants reported the main source of information on DDS to be health care practitioners, with the majority relying on either social media (40.4%) or family and friends (28.7%). After adjustment, female gender, older age (>40 years), and Asian ethnicities were characteristics associated with higher odds of using most of the DDS modalities and were also correlates of reporting health care practitioners as the main source of information for their DDS use.ConclusionsThe findings showed widespread use of DDS for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. The use of DDS in this study was mainly guided by social media with a marginal role of health care practitioners. These findings call for a more integrative approach towards DDS to ensure its proper and safe use. 相似文献
目的研究野外条件下实兵对抗演习中参演人员中各类参演人群的心理状况,以减少官兵因焦虑、抑郁等情绪在军事行动中引起的非战斗性减员。方法应用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对某兵站实兵对抗121名参演人员进行了焦虑、抑郁等情绪相关测试和分析。结果兵站人员的躯体化、抑郁及焦虑因子分值高于军人常模(P〈0.05),非现役文职人员的症状总分高于兵站干部、士兵(均P〈0.05),其中焦虑、恐怖及敌对3个因子分值高于干部、士兵(均P〈0.05),士兵的各项得分与干部无明显差异(均P〉0.05)。结论对抗演习可使参演人员心理状况低下,心理问题的发生与环境的改变和人员身份类别有一定关系。 相似文献
T.B. Weyandt S.M. Schrader T.W. Turner S.D. Simon 《Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.)》1996,10(6):521-528
A collaborative study between the U.S. Army Biomedical Research and Development Laboratory (USABRDL) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) was designed to assess fecundity of male artillery soldiers with potential exposures to airborne lead aerosols. Potential exposure assessment was based upon information provided in an interactive questionnaire. It became apparent from extensive questionnaire data that many soldiers in the initial control population had potentially experienced microwave exposure as radar equipment operators. As a result, a third group of soldiers without potential for lead or microwave exposures, but with similar environmental conditions, was selected as a comparison population. Blood hormone levels and semen analyses were conducted on artillerymen (n = 30), radar equipment operators (n = 20), and the comparison group (n = 31). Analysis of the questionnaire information revealed that concern about fertility problems motivated participation of some soldiers with potential artillery or microwave exposures. Although small study population size and the confounding variable of perceived infertility limit the reliability of the study, several statistically significant findings were identified. Artillerymen who perceived a possible fertility concern demonstrated lower sperm counts/ejaculate (P = 0.067) and lower sperm/mL (P = 0.014) than the comparison group. The group of men with potential microwave exposures demonstrated lower sperm counts/mL (P = 0.009) and sperm/ejaculate (P = 0.027) than the comparison group. Variables used to assess endocrine, accessory sex gland, and sperm cell function were not different than the comparison group. Additional studies, incorporating larger numbers of individuals, should be performed in order to more optimally characterize potential lead and microwave exposure effects on male fecundity. 相似文献
Glintborg B Andersen SE Spang-Hanssen E Dalhoff K 《Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety》2005,14(9):639-645
PURPOSE: More and more patients use herbal medical products (HMP) and dietary supplements (DS). Due to the possibility of drug interactions and side effects, it is important that physicians are aware of the use. The aim of the present cross sectional survey was to analyse the consumption of HMP and DS among patients recently discharged from two hospital departments. METHODS: Patients were visited within 1 week after discharge and interviewed about their use of HMP and DS. Stored products were inspected and registered. Hospital files and discharge letters were examined to establish the frequency of registration. RESULTS: Totally, 83 surgical and 117 medical patients were included (n = 200), 139 patients (70%) were women. 53 patients (27%) stored no HMP or DS, whereas the home inventories of 147 patients (74%) comprised 343 products. 116 patients (58%) used HMP or DS daily and 25 patients (13%) used the products on demand. The most frequently used product was multivitamins (82 patients = 41%). Totally, 61% of the products were used on the patients' own initiative. In 3% of the used products, patients were aware of possible side effects. No patients were aware of possible drug interactions. Only 21% of the 211 HMP and DS used daily prior to admission were recorded in the hospital files. CONCLUSIONS: The use of HMP and DS was frequent among surgical and medical patients. The use was often not recorded in the hospital files and patients' knowledge of possible side effects and drug-interactions was minimal. 相似文献
目的了解在我军人员中的口腔保健情况,为我军开展军人口腔疾病医疗保健提供依据。方法采用世界卫生组织1987年版口腔健康调查基本方法和标准器材,并根据我军实际情况需要设定相关问卷调查项目,采用整群抽样的方法分别对西北某部643名官兵进行口腔健康调查。获得数据采用FoxPro6.0软件建立数据库,SPSS11.5软件进行统计描述分析。结果结果表明该部现役人员7.6%(49/643)官兵没有刷牙保健意识,63.8%(410/643)的官兵对我军目前的口腔保健有要求或意见。结论该部官兵口腔保健意识还不够,同时也长期存在我军基层官兵口腔保健服务缺失的问题。 相似文献