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The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that high blood lead levels are associated with depressed serum erythropoietin concentrations in workers occupationally exposed to lead. The results in exposed workers and in a control group of unexposed subjects were compared. Blood lead values were ≤ 20 μg/dl in unexposed subjects and ≥ 30 μg/dl in exposed subjects. The two groups of exposed workers and the control population were matched for sex and age. Hemoglobin levels were not affected by blood lead values and did not differ significantly between the three groups. The two-tailed, nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-test was used to compare unpaired groups. The Spearman rank correlation test was used to evaluate the dose–effect relationship between Pb and EPO. The analysis of the data indicate that erythropoietin values are significantly lower in exposed subjects than in controls. However no correlation was demonstrated between blood lead concentrations and erythropoietin in any group. Received: 10 January 1996 / Accepted: 2 May 1996  相似文献   

目的了解出租车司机饮食行为和膳食结构的特点,为相关部门制定健康教育策略提供依据。方法以随机拦截的方法,对上海虹桥机场蓄车池中的1018名出租车司机进行问卷调查。结果出租车司机每日在外就餐以及1日3餐均在外就餐的比例分别为98.4%和44.6%;吃早餐的司机中96.6%的司机的早餐营养不充足,仅0.9%的司机早餐营养充足;司机中不吃早餐、午餐和晚餐的比例分别为3.0%、2.0%和2.4%;司机工作在外时,午餐和晚餐主要是"主食+荤菜+素菜"的膳食构成模式,较少选择水果;司机选择午餐和晚餐的就餐环境,干净卫生和能吃饱是主要考虑的因素,仅4%左右的司机会考虑营养的因素,其中市区司机选择午餐和晚餐时考虑营养的比例高于郊区司机。结论出租车司机存在饮食不规律,1日3餐分配和膳食结构不合理的现象,应加强出租车司机的营养知识宣传教育,降低超重和肥胖,预防高血压等慢性病的发生。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市出租车司机的营养相关生活方式现状,为营养干预工作提供科学依据。方法抽取上海某机场蓄车池中候车的出租车司机1027人,通过出租车司机膳食营养调查问卷进行调查。结果52.68%的调查对象BMI属于超重和肥胖范围。蔬菜摄入量、水果摄入量和饮水量达到推荐水平的比例分别为40.41%、15.87%和51.41%,平均每人每天摄入量分别为259.25 g、104.85 g和1366.69 ml;1周内有单次超过20 min中等强度及以上的运动的比例为36.90%。结论上海市出租车司机超重和肥胖率远高于全国成人超重和肥胖率,蔬菜摄入量尚可,水果摄入量严重不足,缺乏运动,需加强营养与生活方式健康教育,促进其健康。  相似文献   

李辉  张健杰 《现代预防医学》2013,40(14):2593-2595
目的 研究职业性铅作业工人血铅和尿酸的变化,探讨血铅浓度变化和血尿酸指标之间的关系.方法 车间空气中铅烟的短时间接触浓度用原子吸收火焰法检测.选择一般情况可比的非铅作业工人作为对照,根据接触铅的浓度是否超过职业限值将263名铅接触工人分为职业限值内组及超职业限值组.分析不同血铅水平和血尿酸指标的变化.结果 (1)车间空气中铅烟的时间加权平均容许浓度(PC-TWA)达0.13 mg/m3,超标率为68.61%; (2)接铅超职业限值组血铅浓度达(3.16±0.03) μmol/L、尿酸为(528±109.48) μmol/L,均显著高于对照组(P<0.05); (3)血铅浓度的变化和尿酸异常率存在一致的变化趋势.结论 职业性铅接触引起血铅浓度升高和血尿酸升高,且血铅浓度越高,血尿酸升高程度越大.  相似文献   

Occupational and nonoccupational personal nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) exposures were measured using passive samplers for 31 taxi drivers in Asan and Chunan, Korea. Exposures were also estimated using a microenvironmental time-weighted average model based on indoor, outdoor and inside the taxi area measurements. Mean NO(2) indoor and outdoor concentrations inside and outside the taxi drivers' houses were 24.7+/-10.7 and 23.3+/-8.3 ppb, respectively, with a mean indoor to outdoor NO(2) ratio of 1.1. Mean personal NO(2) exposure of taxi drivers was 30.3+/-9.7 ppb. Personal NO(2) exposures for drivers were more strongly correlated with interior vehicle NO(2) levels (r = 0.89) rather than indoor residential NO(2) levels (r = 0.74) or outdoor NO(2) levels (r = 0.71). The main source of NO(2) exposure for taxi drivers was considered to be occupational driving. Interestingly, the NO(2) exposures for drivers' using LPG-fueled vehicles (26.3+/-1.3 ppb) were significantly lower than those (38.1+/-1.3 ppb) using diesel-fueled vehicle (P <0.01). Since drivers spent most of their time inside their vehicle and indoors at home, a microenvironmental model was used to estimate the personal NO(2) exposure with indoor and outdoor NO(2) levels of the residence, and interior vehicle NO(2) levels (P <0.001). Some subpopulations, such as professional drivers, might be exposed to high NO(2) levels because they drive diesel-using vehicles outdoors in Korea.  相似文献   

The Healthy People 2020 influenza immunization goal is 80% for non-institutionalized adults 18–64. However, vaccination rates remain stubbornly low. Culturally tailored approaches to communities with poor vaccine uptake are necessary. Taxi drivers are at risk for influenza and its complications, could serve as vectors for influenza infection, and could be an effective vaccination target to enhance herd immunity of the urban population. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study related to influenza vaccination among taxi drivers. The NYC Taxi Network surveyed a convenience sample of 53 taxi drivers to understand vaccination barriers. Only 17% had been vaccinated. Results informed a pilot tailored workplace intervention, which resulted in vaccinations for 44% of unvaccinated drivers. The study revealed that older drivers were more likely to be vaccinated than younger drivers, while the most common barrier to immunization was that drivers thought vaccination was ‘not necessary’.  相似文献   

Recent (1999) blood lead (PbB) isotopic compositions (n=17) of males and females in Yerevan, Armenia, indicate that previous emissions of leaded gasoline still dominate the populace's PbB concentrations 2 years after the country's apparent de facto elimination of leaded gasoline in Armenia. The range of PbB isotopic compositions overlaps those of air and near-road surface soils in Yerevan, and the averages of those isotopic compositions in blood (208Pb/207Pb=2.442; 206Pb/207Pb=1.158) and near-road soils (208Pb/207Pb=2.442; 206Pb/207Pb=1.157) are indistinguishable. Using a proxy for historic leaded-gasoline emissions in Armenia, these analyses suggest that leaded gasoline was, is, and will continue to be via the resuspension of lead-bound soils contaminated by previous depositions from leaded-gasoline emissions, a relatively important source of industrial lead in both Yerevan's atmosphere and its populace. However, the level of lead contamination in the Armenian populace, based on the PbB geometric mean of 4.0microg/dL (n=49) measured in this initial survey, appears to be much lower than recently proposed by the Armenian Ministry of Nature Protection.  相似文献   

儿童铅暴露与哮喘发病风险的病例对照研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景:环境中某些因素会明显影响儿童哮喘的发生以及转归。铅是显著影响儿童生长发育的主要环境因素之一。目的:探讨儿童不同程度铅暴露水平与哮喘发病风险之间的关系。方法:使用成组的病例对照研究方法,主要采用问卷调查方式对调查数据进行单因素和多因素条件Logistic回归分析。结果:哮喘儿童血铅水平明显高于正常健康儿童,而不同哮喘发作程度儿童的血铅水平无显著差异。单因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,有9个因素与儿童哮喘有关联;多因素条件Logistic回归分析显示5个因素被纳入方程,分别为儿童过敏史和特异性体质(OR为15.76)、家族哮喘病史(OR为11.59)、家族同居人员吸烟(OR为4.02)、儿童血铅水平(OR为3.17)和父母铅职业暴露(OR为1.98)。结论:哮喘儿童与健康儿童血铅水平存在差异,且铅暴露可能增加儿童哮喘的发病风险。  相似文献   

目的对某特大型铅酸蓄电池生产企业投产12年来工作场所铅烟和铅尘及接触人群血铅进行动态分析,评价其预防职业性铅中毒效果。方法通过现场职业卫生调查,了解其生产工艺流程和基本职业卫生情况;采用火焰原子吸收光谱法检测工作场所的铅烟(尘)浓度,用石墨炉原子吸收光潘法检测接触人群的血铅水平,并分别依照GBZ2.1—2007和GBZ37—2002进行评价。结果该铅蓄电池生产企业投产以来(2001--2012年)铅尘的时间加权平均浓度(CTWA)的检测值范围为0.002—3.105mg/m3,中位数0.047mg/m3,合格率45.0%~83.3%,平均合格率61.7%(187/303);铅烟CTWA为0.002~2.523mg/m3,中位数0.039mg/m3,合格率20.0%-100%,平均合格率49.0%(73/149)。铅烟(尘)合格率31.8%~88.9%,平均合格率57.7%(260/452),不同年度合格率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),铅烟(尘)合格率从2002年度的31.8%上升至2011年的88.9%。12年间定期职业健康检查共7893人次,血铅浓度为0.080~4.213μmol/L,平均为(1.098±0.464)μmol/L;男性、女性血铅分别为(1.131±0.440)、(0.727±0.340)μmol/L,男女血铅差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。随着年份的增长,人群血铅均值有下降的趋势(R=-0.755,P〈0.01)。12年间血铅〈1.9、1.9~2.9、〉2.9μmol/L人群构成比分别为94.83%、4.78%、0.39%。将血铅分为〈1.9(血铅正常)和≥1.9μmol/L(血铅偏高)2个等级进行构成比的卡方检验,不同年度间接触人群的血铅等级构成差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),血铅〈1.9μmol/L接触人群的构成比从2001年的80.99%上升至2012年的100.00%。共有7人诊断为慢性职业性铅中毒,其中轻度、中度中毒分别为5、2例。结论该企业投产以来铅烟(尘)浓度与接触人群的血铅水平逐年下降,血铅超标率和慢性职业性铅中毒发生率低,预防慢性职业性铅中毒效果显著。  相似文献   

目的通过对社区居民及出租车驾驶员慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的筛查,了解其不同的患病率和可能的患病因素,并探讨有效的预防控制措施。方法 2010年6月—2011年3月分别调查了社区居民596人和出租车驾驶员507人,首先进行问卷调查,随后进行肺通气功能检查,发现COPD病例。结果总人群中社区居民平均年龄大于出租车驾驶员,COPD患病率差异无统计学意义;≥40岁人群中社区居民平均年龄大于出租车驾驶员,COPD患者平均年龄社区居民大于出租车驾驶员;社区居民COPD患病率小于出租车驾驶员;总人群中轻、重度和极重度COPD患者,社区居民患病率高于出租车驾驶员。结论出租车驾驶员COPD患病年龄小于社区居民,而COPD患病率高于社区居民,分析与出租车驾驶员主动和被动吸烟、接触汽车尾气多、工作环境空气污染重有关,需加强对出租车驾驶员防控COPD的教育。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a review of data on assessment of exposure and adverse effects due to environmental and occupational lead exposure in Brazil. Epidemiological investigations on children lead exposure around industrial and mining areas have shown that lead contamination is an actual source of concern. Lead in gasoline has been phasing out since the 1980s, and it is now completely discontinued. The last lead mining and lead refining plant was closed in 1995, leaving residual environmental lead contamination which has recently been investigated using a multidisciplinary approach. Moreover, there are hundreds of small battery recycling plants and secondary smelting facilities all over the country, which produce focal urban areas of lead contamination. Current regulatory limits for workplace lead exposure have shown to be inadequate as safety limits according to a few studies carried out lately.  相似文献   

目的了解北京市出租车司机生活方式与健康现状,为改善出租车司机的健康状况提供科学依据。方法采用方便抽样的方法,在北京首都机场T3航站楼地下停车场候机排队的出租车中随机抽取1052人作为调查对象。采用问卷调查的方法收集司机的生活方式与健康状况等信息。结果北京市出租车司机的出车方式以单班为主(61.3%),出车时长每天平均(13.4±3.5)个小时,郊区司机的出车平均时长比城区多3个小时,睡眠时长每天平均(6.8±2.2)个小时。司机的BMI平均为(25.8±3.8)。仅有36.9%的司机在1周内参加过中等强度及以上的活动。48.4%的司机在最近1年参加过体检,城区司机的体检率(54.8%)高于郊区司机(45.4%)。68.4%的出租车司机吸烟,51.6%的司机饮酒,城区的吸烟率和饮酒率均高于郊区。20%的司机不能保证每天吃蔬菜,仅有22.5%的司机每天吃水果。每天平均吃蔬菜(347.1±212.4)g,常吃萝卜、黄瓜、西红柿。每天平均吃水果(204.2±150.0)g,常吃苹果、香蕉、西瓜。结论北京市出租车司机饮食起居无规律,工作时间偏长,存在许多不健康的生活方式,健康状况不容乐观。  相似文献   

Elevated blood lead levels in children are associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive functioning. Recent studies have reported inverse relations between lifetime exposure and intellectual functioning at blood lead concentrations below 10 microg/dL, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) level of concern. We report associations between blood lead and cognitive performance for first-grade Mexican children living near a metal foundry. Using a cross-sectional design, we examined the relation between children's concurrent blood lead concentrations (mean (SD) 11.4 microg/dL (6.1)) and their performance on 14 tests of global or specific cognitive functions. The blood lead-cognition relations were modeled using both linear and nonlinear methods. After adjustment for covariates, a higher blood lead level was associated with poorer cognitive performance on several cognitive tests. Segmented linear regressions revealed significant effects of lead but only for the segments defined by a concurrent blood lead concentration below 10-14 microg/dL. One implication of these findings is that at the age of 7 years, even in the absence of information on lead exposure in infancy and early childhood, a test result with blood lead < 10 microg/dL should not be considered safe. Together with other recent findings, these results add to the empirical base of support available for evaluating the adequacy of current screening guidelines and for motivating efforts at primary prevention of childhood lead exposure.  相似文献   

目的研究慢性铅接触者的早期肾损害指标。方法①对83例血铅增高的慢性铅接触工人按工龄分组,并测定尿N-乙酰-B-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)、尿β2-微球蛋白(β2-MG)、尿溶菌酶(Lys)、血尿酸(UA)、内生肌酐清除率(Ccr)等指标;②按是否单纯NAG增高分组,说明NAG在其中的意义。结果①慢性铅接触者NAG、β2-MG明显增高[分别为(18.2±3.7)vs(8.9±2.2),(0.48±0.12)vs(0.36±0.06),P<0.01,P<0.05],UA、Lys、Ccr无明显差异;②铅接触工龄1年以上者,NAG即有明显增高(18.2±3.3)vs(8.9±2.2),P<0.01);③单纯NAG增高组血铅水平明显低于非单纯NAG增高组[(2.292±0.437)vs(2.524±0.493),P<0.05]。结论铅的肾损害早期位于肾小管,尿NAG是最敏感的指标。  相似文献   

Aim: The aims of this study have been to investigate the occurrence of systematic differences in the personal exposure to motor exhaust between different groups of taxi, bus and lorry drivers, and to study if these are influenced by the choice of exposure indicator. Methods: We used one indicator of the gaseous phase, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and one of the particle phase (measured by DataRAM), of the exhausts. A total of 121 drivers were included in the study: 39 taxi drivers, 42 bus drivers and 40 lorry drivers. Personal measurements were performed during one working day. Nitrogen dioxide was measured with passive diffusive samplers and particles with Data-RAM, a logging instrument using nephelometric monitoring. The instrument measures particles between 0.1 and 10 μm in size. Results: The average exposure to NO2 for lorry drivers was 68 μg/m3; for bus drivers 60 μg/m3 and for taxi drivers 48 μg/m3. For particles the exposure was 57 μg/m3 for lorry drivers, 44 μg/m3 for bus drivers and 26 μg/m3 for taxi drivers. The result remained unchanged when exposures were adjusted for variation in urban background levels of NO2 and particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <10 μm (PM10). Conclusion: Lorry drivers experienced the highest exposure and taxi drivers the lowest with bus drivers in an intermediate position, regardless of whether NO2 or particles were used as exposure indicator. The levels of both NO2 and particles were higher for bus drivers in the city than for them driving in the suburbs. Using diesel or petrol as a fuel for taxis had no influence on the exposure for the drivers, indicating that the taxi drivers’ exposure mainly depends on exhaust from surrounding traffic.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine whether lead (Pb) in urine and cadmium (Cd) in blood, especially the former, can be used as markers of environmental exposure of general populations to these metals. Methods: Between 1991 and 1998, spot urine and peripheral blood samples, together with 24 h duplicates of food intake were collected from 607 non-smoking adult women in 30 survey sites (SS) in seven administrative regions all over Japan. Urine, blood and food duplicate samples were analyzed by inductively-coupled plasma spectrometry, for Cd and Pb in urine (Cd-U and Pb-U), in blood (Cd-B and Pb-B) and in food duplicates (Cd-F and Pb-F). Correlation between the measurements was examined by regression analysis. Results: The Cd-B correlated closely with Cd-U, and both Cd-B and Cd-U with Cd-F, on an individual basis (n = 607), on an SS basis (n = 30) and on a regional basis (n = 7). The Pb-U however did not correlate with Pb-B on a regional basis although they correlated with each other when analyzed on an individual as well as SS basis. Moreover, the correlation coefficients between Pb-U and Pb-B were much smaller than those between Cd-U and Cd-B. Neither Pb-U nor Pb-B showed significant correlation with Pb-F on any levels of statistical analysis. Conclusions: Both Cd-B and Cd-U can be employed as biomarkers of environmental Cd exposure. The reliability of Pb-U for use in place of Pb-B appeared to be small. Received: 21 January 1999 / Accepted: 2 November 1999  相似文献   

目的了解北京市出租车司机膳食结构与饮食行为,为改善出租车司机的营养健康状况提供科学依据。方法采用方便抽样的方法,在北京首都机场T3航站楼地下停车场候机排队的出租车中随机抽取1052人作为调查对象。采用问卷调查的方法收集司机的饮食行为、膳食结构等信息。结果 21.8%的出租车司机出车时3餐均在外就餐,郊区司机3餐进食时长低于城区司机。出租车司机不吃早餐、午餐、晚餐的比例分别是10.5%、4.4%和14.8%。出租车司机出车时午餐和晚餐的构成主要是"主食+荤菜+素菜",较少司机选择加入水果,尤其是午餐。干净卫生和能吃饱是司机们选择就餐环境时考虑的主要因素,仅有少部分司机在选择午餐(20.4%)或晚餐(27.4%)时会考虑营养因素。结论北京市出租车司机特别是郊区司机,目前仍存在饮食不规律、3餐分配及膳食结构不合理的现象。  相似文献   

Summary At a secondary smelter (24 smelting workers, 13 refinery workers), data on exposure to lead were collected by systematic observation of hygienic behaviour, a questionnaire, personal sampling of lead dust in ambient air (PbA) and determination of lead in the blood level (PbB). The smelting workers showed a negative relation between PbA and PbB. The 53% variance in PbB levels in the smelting workers can be explained by the combination of PbA, the percentage of time an air-stream helmet is worn, the frequency of cigarette smoking at the workplace and the amount of spitting. Air-stream helmets and spitting contribute to a lower PbB, whereas smoking contributes to a higher PbB. Moreover, expected PbB levels were computed by using several regression equations for the relation between PbA and PbB, as suggested in the Final OSHA Standard for Occupational Exposure to Lead (OSHA 1978). As the percentage of time an air-stream helmet is worn increases, the deviation from the expected PbB falls substantially. The refinery workers showed the expected weak positive correlation coefficient between PbA and PbB. No direct relation between the PbB level and the observed hygienic behaviour could be established. However, there was a positive relation between the level of education and the level of PbB. Moreover, the level of education was related to the frequency of eating at the workplace and negative as far as the percentage of time gloves are worn is concerned. Our conclusion is that hygienic behaviour is a major factor that modifies the relation between PbA and PbB in groups of workers. Incorporation of hygienic behaviour in the PbA-PbB model substantially improves the accuracy of predicting PbB levels and makes unexpected outliers and/or systematic deviations from the expected relation understandable. Adding a behavioural approach to the toxicological approach appears to make sense in explaining the bias in the relation between PbA and PbB.  相似文献   

儿童血铅与胎儿期铅污染的关系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
目的了解儿童血铅水平与胎儿期铅污染的关系。方法采集1~5岁儿童手指血和新生儿出生时的脐带血,用原子吸收石墨炉法测定血铅浓度。结果1122例儿童血铅平均为(0.42±0.15)μmol/L,血铅值≥0.483μmol/L的儿童占27.54%;127例新生儿脐带血铅平均为(0.16±0.12)μmol/L,血铅值≥0.483μmol/L的新生儿占0.79%。结论儿童血铅水平高主要是环境污染和生活行为引起,儿童在胎儿期血铅的本底水平已较高,所以预防儿童铅中毒应从孕妇做起。  相似文献   

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