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Summary Subjective symptoms related to autonomic dysfunction and quantitative non invasive tests measuring both sympathetic and parasympathetic functions of the autonomic nervous system were studied among a group of 41 chlorine-alkali workers with low long-term exposure to mercury (Hg') vapour and their matched referents. The test battery included measurements of pulse rate variation in normal and deep breathing, in the Valsalva manoeuvre and in vertical tilt as well as blood pressure responses during standing and isometric work. The exposure time had been 16 years on average, and the mean exposure to Hg vapour was estimated to have been about 30 g/m3 of air. Only a tendency for a subtle reduction of cardiovascular reflex responses and a slight increase of subjective symptoms were seen in the exposed group, but no significant autonomic dysfunction was associated with the low level of exposure.  相似文献   

Renal function and long-term low mercury vapor exposure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Renal function indicated by urinary albumin and N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase was studied among a group of male chlorine-alkali workers (N = 60) and their matched referents (N = 60). Exposure to mercury vapor had occurred at least 5 y (mean 13.7 y; SD 5.5 y). The estimated long-term exposure level calculated from the time-weighted average blood concentrations of mercury had been approximately 25 micrograms/m3 of air. Neither glomerular nor tubular effects were shown in the exposed workers.  相似文献   

Glutathione level after long-term occupational elemental mercury exposure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many in vitro and in vivo studies have elucidated the interaction of inorganic mercury (Hg) and glutathione. However, human studies are limited. In this study, we investigated the potential effects of remote long-term intermittent occupational elemental Hg vapour (Hg degrees ) exposure on erythrocyte glutathione levels and some antioxidative enzyme activities in ex-mercury miners in the period after exposure. The study included 49 ex-mercury miners divided into subgroups of 28 still active, Hg degrees -not-exposed miners and 21 elderly retired miners, and 41 controls, age-matched to the miners subgroup. The control workers were taken from "mercury-free works". Reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized disulphide glutathione (GSSG) concentrations in haemolysed erythrocytes were determined by capillary electrophoresis, while total glutathione (total GSH) and the GSH/GSSG ratio were calculated from the determined values. Catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione reductase (GR) activities in erythrocytes were measured using commercially available reagent kits, while urine Hg (U-Hg) concentrations were determined by cold vapour atomic absorption (CVAAS). No correlation of present U-Hg levels, GSH, GSSG, and antioxidative enzymes with remote occupational biological exposure indices were found. The mean CAT activity in miners and retired miners was significantly higher (p<0.05) than in the controls. No differences in mean GPx activity among the three groups were found, whereas the mean GR activity was significantly higher (p<0.05) in miners than in retired miners. The mean concentrations of GSH (mmol/g Hb) in miners (13.03+/-3.71) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than in the control group (11.68+/-2.66). No differences in mean total GSH, GSSG levels, and GSH/GSSG ratio between miners and controls were found. A positive correlation between GSSG and present U-Hg excretion (r=0.41, p=0.001) in the whole group of ex-mercury miners was observed. The significantly lower GSH level (p<0.05) determined in the group of retired miners (9.64+/-1.45) seems to be age-related (r= -0.39, p=0.001). Thus, the moderate but significantly increased GSH level, GR and CAT activity in erythrocytes in the subgroup of miners observed in the period after exposure to Hg degrees could be an inductive and additive response to maintain the balance between GSH and antioxidative enzymes in interaction with the Hg body burden accumulated during remote occupational exposure, which does not represent a severely increased oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Effects of low exposure to inorganic mercury on psychological performance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of low exposure to inorganic mercury on psychological performance was investigated: the study groups included eight chronically exposed workers and 20 who were only occasionally exposed. These were compared with a control group of 22 subjects from the same plant who were not exposed to mercury. All subjects were administered the WHO test battery to detect preclinical signs of central nervous system impairment: the battery includes the Santa Ana (Helsinki version) test, simple reaction time, the Benton test, and the Wechsler digit span and digit symbol. In addition, the Gordon test was used to study personality profiles and the clinical depression questionnaire. Urinary mercury was used as indicator for internal dose. To this effect, urinary mercury observed in workers examined from 1979 to 1987 was evaluated. Of the pyschic functions explored by behavioural tests, only short term auditory memory was found to be impaired in the chronically exposed workers (p less than 0.05 compared with the controls). The chronically exposed workers were also found to be more depressed than those in the two other groups. No changes of visual motor functions were observed. The personality of the occupationally exposed workers was found to be considerably changed compared with that of the control group. On the basis of the results obtained and in view of urinary mercury mean concentrations in the exposed group which were 30-40 micrograms/l over the years, it is suggested that the TLV-TWA for mercury should be lowered to 0.025 mg/m3 and that the biological urinary exposure indicator for biological monitoring should be 25 micrograms/l.  相似文献   

The effects of low exposure to inorganic mercury on psychological performance was investigated: the study groups included eight chronically exposed workers and 20 who were only occasionally exposed. These were compared with a control group of 22 subjects from the same plant who were not exposed to mercury. All subjects were administered the WHO test battery to detect preclinical signs of central nervous system impairment: the battery includes the Santa Ana (Helsinki version) test, simple reaction time, the Benton test, and the Wechsler digit span and digit symbol. In addition, the Gordon test was used to study personality profiles and the clinical depression questionnaire. Urinary mercury was used as indicator for internal dose. To this effect, urinary mercury observed in workers examined from 1979 to 1987 was evaluated. Of the pyschic functions explored by behavioural tests, only short term auditory memory was found to be impaired in the chronically exposed workers (p less than 0.05 compared with the controls). The chronically exposed workers were also found to be more depressed than those in the two other groups. No changes of visual motor functions were observed. The personality of the occupationally exposed workers was found to be considerably changed compared with that of the control group. On the basis of the results obtained and in view of urinary mercury mean concentrations in the exposed group which were 30-40 micrograms/l over the years, it is suggested that the TLV-TWA for mercury should be lowered to 0.025 mg/m3 and that the biological urinary exposure indicator for biological monitoring should be 25 micrograms/l.  相似文献   

Biological monitoring and exposure to mercury   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Occupational health professionals' interest in controlling mercury (Hg) exposure, and the use of biological monitoring in this context, has been ongoing for a number of years. Evidence from urinary Hg results in a number of UK firms who have undertaken some form of biological monitoring or occupational health surveillance suggest that exposure has decreased over the last 10-15 years. This decrease precedes the establishment in the UK of an advisory biological monitoring guidance value (HGV) for urinary Hg and the production of updated medical guidance from the Health & Safety Executive on Hg exposure (MS12 1996). This latter document recommends a urinary sampling interval for urinary Hg of between 1 and 3 months, which is consistent with the reported toxicokinetics of Hg excretion, but we highlight that urinary Hg represents integrated exposure over many previous months. Mercury is a recognized nephrotoxin and MS12 1996 mentions the use of regular dipstick protein estimations. We review our experience of investigating proteinuria and enzymuria in a large-scale cross-sectional occupational study. The incidence of Hg-induced renal disease is probably very rare at current exposure levels. Therefore acceptance of a high false-positive rate of proteinuria not related to Hg exposure needs to be considered in any urinary protein testing regime of Hg workers. The establishment of an HGV for urinary Hg has raised questions about the uncertainty associated with a urinary Hg result, including factors such as diurnal variation, whether urine correction by creatinine or specific gravity is preferable and the possibility of non-occupational sources of Hg contributing significantly towards breaching the HGV. Correction of urinary Hg results by creatinine or specific gravity and the use of a fixed sampling time, such as the beginning or end of the day, substantially reduce the uncertainty in a urinary Hg measurement. But even with good laboratory precision, an individual with a true urinary Hg excretion of 20 nmol/mmol creatinine could supply urine samples of between 14 and 26 nmol/mmol creatinine. The influence of dietary sources in the UK contributing to urinary Hg values approaching or exceeding the HGV is unlikely. The use of tribal or ethnic cosmetics and remedies needs to be considered if a urinary Hg result looks inappropriately high, as some such preparations have been found to contain Hg and can be absorbed through the skin. The ability of excessive chewers or teeth grinders who have a large number of dental amalgam fillings to breach the urinary HGV in the absence of substantial occupational Hg exposure has been reported in a few Scandanavian studies. We report here a likely case of this phenomenon. Since the establishment of the HGV, our biological monitoring Hg data from a number of industry sectors using inorganic or metallic Hg have suggested that a minority of samples (13%) are still greater than the HGV.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inorganic mercury is toxic to the nervous system, kidneys, and reproductive system. We studied the health effects of mercury exposure among former employees of a chloralkali plant that operated from 1955 to 1994 in Georgia. METHODS: Former plant workers and unexposed workers from nearby employers were studied. Exposure was assessed with a job-exposure matrix based on historical measurements and personnel records. Health outcomes were assessed with interviews, physical examinations, neurological and neurobehavioral testing, renal function testing, and urinary porphyrin measurements. Exposure-disease associations were assessed with multivariate modeling. RESULTS: Exposed workers reported more symptoms, and tended toward more physical examination abnormalities, than unexposed workers. Exposed workers performed worse than unexposed subjects on some quantitative tests of vibration sense, motor speed and coordination, and tremor, and on one test of cognitive function. Few findings remained significant when exposure was modeled as a continuous variable. Neither renal function nor porphyrin excretion was associated with mercury exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Mercury-exposed chloralkali plant workers reported more symptoms than unexposed controls, but no strong associations were demonstrated with neurological or renal function or with porphyrin excretion.  相似文献   

Microenvironmental exposure to mercury vapor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Work area and breathing zone samples were collected in a factory utilizing metallic mercury and analyzed for mercury vapor content. Breathing zone samples averaged several fold higher in concentration than concurrent area samples, reflecting a "microenvironmental" exposure to mercury vapor, presumably from contaminated clothing and hands. Blood and corrected total urine mercury values correlated well with the average microenvironmental exposure level for each worker. Measurements of unbound mercury in urine samples were sensitive at picking up minimal exposures. Excessive amounts of unbound mercury were not found in the urine, even with wide day-to-day swings in microenvironmental mercury vapor levels, suggesting that the human body can adapt to a chronic, moderate exposure to mercury vapor.  相似文献   

Service station attendants' exposure to benzene, based on 85 TWA results at 7 stations, were well below 1 ppm except one exposure of 2.08 ppm. Short term exposures were 1.21 ppm or less over 15 minutes. Attendants' TWA exposures to total gasoline vapor were 114 ppm or less, with measured 15 minute exposures no higher than 100 ppm during actual filling operations. One station had vapor recovery nozzles; exposures here were below the detectable level (0.01 ppm benzene) on 10% more days than the next lowest station. Still, the magnitude of overall exposures and the degree of reduction indicate that vapor recovery is not needed to control exposures. Some attendants had consistently higher exposures than others. This is felt to be due to work practices, such as standing close to the fill opening, plus local wind conditions around the car as it is filled with gasoline.  相似文献   

Male and female Long-Evans rats were exposed in inhalation chambers to vapors of nitroethane at concentrations of 100 or 200 ppm, 7 hr per day, 5 days per week for 2 years. During the study, general observations were made daily and body weights were obtained weekly for the first 6 months of the study and biweekly thereafter. Any rats that were found dead or sacrificed moribund during the 2-year exposure phase of the study were given a thorough gross examination and tissues were retained for microscopic examination. After 2 years of inhalation of nitroethane, all surviving rats were sacrificed and subjected to the same thorough gross examination. Blood samples were obtained from representative groups of animals for hematology and serum chemistry studies. All rats were examined histopathologically. Exposure of the rats to nitroethane had no pharmacologic effects nor were there any effects on mortality of rats of either sex at either level of exposure. Throughout most of the investigation, body weights of both sexes of both exposed groups were slightly less than those of respective controls, but lack of a well-defined dose-response relationship suggested the involvement of factors other than just exposure to nitroethane. There were no effects of exposure to nitroethane on hematology nor were there any biologically significant effects of exposure to nitroethane on clinical chemistry or on organ weights. No significant nonneoplastic or neoplastic pathology was found as a consequence of exposure of the rats to nitroethane.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: n-Hexanal is a major component in emissions from stored wood pellets. The production and use of wood pellets has increased dramatically. Our aim was to evaluate acute health effects of n-hexanal vapors. METHODS: Twelve healthy volunteers were exposed to 0, 2, and 10 ppm n-hexanal for 2 hours at rest in a balanced order. RESULTS: Ratings of discomfort in the eyes and nose, solvent smell, and headache increased significantly with the level of exposure. Frequency of blinking was significantly increased at 10 ppm. No effects on pulmonary function and nasal swelling were detected, except a not-significant tendency to increased nasal obstruction at 10 ppm. No clear effects on plasma inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein and interleukin-6) were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Two hours of exposure to n-hexanal results in mild irritation at 10 ppm, with no apparent adversity at 2 ppm.  相似文献   

The potential reproductive toxicity of mercury vapour was investigated by comparing the rate of spontaneous abortions among the wives of 152 workers occupationally exposed to mercury vapour with the rate among the wives of 374 controls in the same plant. The results indicate an increase in the rate of spontaneous abortions with an increasing concentration of mercury in the fathers' urine before pregnancy. At concentrations above 50 micrograms/l the risk of spontaneous abortion doubles (odds ratio (OR) = 2.26; 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 0.99-5.23). Special care was taken to avoid bias in reporting abortions and known risk factors of spontaneous abortions do not seem to explain the results. Several biological mechanisms might account for them including, in particular, direct action of mercury on the paternal reproductive system and indirect toxicity to the mother or embryo through transport of mercury from the father. These indications could be of practical importance and should therefore be further documented.  相似文献   

Gasoline is a volatile complex mixture of hydrocarbon compounds that is easily vaporized during handling under normal conditions. Modern reformulated gasoline also contains oxygenates to enhance octane number and reduce ambient pollution. This study measured the difference in the exposure of customers to gasoline and oxygenate vapors during refueling in service stations with and without vapor recovery systems. Field measurements were carried out at two self-service stations. One was equipped with Stage I and the other with Stage II vapor recovery systems. At Stage I stations there is vapor recovery only during delivery from road tanker, and at Stage II stations additional vapor recovery during refueling. The exposure of 20 customers was measured at both stations by collecting air samples from their breathing zone into charcoal tubes during refueling with 95-octane reformulated gasoline. Each sample represented two consecutive refuelings. The samples were analyzed in the laboratory by gas chromatography using mass-selective detection for vapor components. The Raid vapor pressure of gasoline was 70 kPa and an oxygen content 2 wt%. Oxygenated gasoline contained 7 percent methyl tert-butyl ether (MtBE) and 5 percent methyl tert-amyl ether (MtAE). The geometric mean concentrations of hydrocarbons (C3-C11) in the customers' breathing zone was 85 mg/m3 (range 2.5-531 mg/m3) at the Stage I service station and 18 mg/m3 (range < 0.2-129 mg/m3) at the Stage II service station. The geometric mean of the exposure of customers to MtBE during refueling at the Stage I service station was 15.3 mg/m3 (range 1.8-74 mg/m3), and at the Stage II service station 3.4 mg/m3 (range 0.2-16 mg/m3). The differences in exposure were statistically significant (p < 0.05). The mean refueling times were 57 seconds (range 23-207) at the Stage I and 66 seconds (range 18-120) at the Stage II station. The measurements were done on consecutive days at the various service stations. The temperature ranged from 10 to 17 degrees C, and wind velocity was 2-4 m/s. The climatic conditions were very similar on the measurement days. Based on this study it was found that the Stage II vapor recovery system reduces gasoline emission considerably. The exposure level of customers at the Stage II station during refueling was circa 20-25 percent of the exposure at the Stage I service station when conditions were equal and no other confounding factors such as leaks or spills were present.  相似文献   

The potential reproductive toxicity of mercury vapour was investigated by comparing the rate of spontaneous abortions among the wives of 152 workers occupationally exposed to mercury vapour with the rate among the wives of 374 controls in the same plant. The results indicate an increase in the rate of spontaneous abortions with an increasing concentration of mercury in the fathers' urine before pregnancy. At concentrations above 50 micrograms/l the risk of spontaneous abortion doubles (odds ratio (OR) = 2.26; 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 0.99-5.23). Special care was taken to avoid bias in reporting abortions and known risk factors of spontaneous abortions do not seem to explain the results. Several biological mechanisms might account for them including, in particular, direct action of mercury on the paternal reproductive system and indirect toxicity to the mother or embryo through transport of mercury from the father. These indications could be of practical importance and should therefore be further documented.  相似文献   

Runcorn, North West England, has been a site of industrial activity for over 100 years. Preliminary investigations have revealed excess risk of renal mortality in the population living closest to several sources of pollution. Exposure to airborne mercury has been highlighted as a possible cause, although there is also concomitant exposure to solvents and other heavy metals in this population. The authors used validated air dispersion modeling to identify mercury-exposed populations. Standardized mortality ratios for kidney disease were computed using the North West government region as the reference. There was a significant exposure-response relation between modeled estimates of mercury exposure and risk of kidney disease mortality (test for trend: p = 0.02 for men and p = 0.03 for women), and this relation was more pronounced for estimated historical exposure (test for trend: p = 0.01 for men and p < 0.001 for women). These findings suggest that exposure to mercury is a possible cause of the excess kidney disease mortality in this population, indicating that there might still be a health legacy of the historically high levels of industrial activity in the Runcorn area.  相似文献   

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