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OBJECTIVES: Evidence of systematic double-dissociations of neural activity associated with the generation of regular and irregular past tense in healthy individuals may prove decisive in distinguishing between single- and dual-route models of morphological processing, because the former (connectionist models of morphological processing) have only been able to simulate double-dissociations of past-tense morphology as low-probability phenomena. METHODS: Twenty-eight channel event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in response to past-tense production and subsequently analyzed using a 3-stage strategy. RESULTS: A data-driven algorithm temporally segmented the ERPs into 16 distinct epochs of stable field configuration (microstates). A space-oriented brain electric field analysis determined that one of those epochs, 288-321 ms after the verb stem presentation, showed significant differences between the regular and irregular verb conditions. As a further test of these results, a novel source localization technique that computes 3-dimensional distribution of cortical current density in the Talairach brain atlas--low-resolution electromagnetic tomography--found in the above microstate more activity for regulars in the right prefrontal and right temporal areas and for irregulars in the left temporal areas and the anterior cingulate cortex, which can be taken as evidence of systematic double-dissociation. CONCLUSIONS: The present results achieved with a source localization technique provide evidence of a two-way compartmentalization of neural activity corresponding to regular and irregular past tense, thus corroborating the dual-mechanism character of verb morphology.  相似文献   

Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BCECTS), also known as Rolandic epilepsy, is the most common benign childhood epilepsy. Centrotemporal spikes are characteristic findings on electroencephalography (EEG). Though the condition is considered benign, many studies have reported some degree of neuropsychological impairment in individuals with BCECTS. There is also growing evidence from neuroimaging studies that BCECTS may affect a larger portion of the brain than originally thought. We performed distributed source localization analysis of interictal spikes in BCECTS. Current-source density (CSD) of the maximal negative peak of the interictal spikes averaged from each of 20 EEG epochs in 11 patients with BCECTS was measured using standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA). Rolandic area was included in the distribution of the CSD in all of the patients. The significant CSD and its maximal point were distributed in multiple cortical regions over the Rolandic area. It is suggested that the widespread cortical distribution of interictal spikes seen in this study may be associated with atypical presentation and a variety of comorbidities of BCECTS. Our results imply that BCECTS represents a deviation from normal development during a critical period of brain maturation and that children with BECTS might be more likely to need special medical attention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Auditory event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded during a lexical decision task in response to linguistic and non-linguistic stimuli, to assess the detailed time course of language processing in general, and hemispheric dominance in particular. METHODS: Young adults (n=17) were presented with pairs of auditory stimuli consisting of words, pseudowords and words played backwards in a lexical decision task. ERPs were recorded from 21 scalp electrodes. Current densities were calculated using low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA). Statistic non-parametric maps of activity were derived from the calculated current densities and the number of active brain voxels in the left and right hemispheres was compared throughout the processing of each stimulus. RESULTS: Our results show that hemispheric dominance is highly time dependent, alternating between the right and left hemispheres at different times, and that the right hemisphere's role in language processing follows a different time course for first and second language. The time course of hemispheric dominance for non-linguistic stimuli was highly variable. CONCLUSIONS: The time course of hemispheric dominance is dynamic, alternating between left and right homologous regions, with different time courses for different stimulus classes.  相似文献   

Valproate (VPA) is an antiepileptic drug (AED) used for initial monotherapy in treating childhood absence epilepsy (CAE). EEG might be an alternative approach to explore the effects of AEDs on the central nervous system. We performed a comparative analysis of background EEG activity during VPA treatment by using standardized, low-resolution, brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) to explore the effect of VPA in patients with CAE. In 17 children with CAE, non-parametric statistical analyses using sLORETA were performed to compare the current density distribution of four frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha, and beta) between the untreated and treated condition. Maximum differences in current density were found in the left inferior frontal gyrus for the delta frequency band (log-F-ratio = ?1.390, P > 0.05), the left medial frontal gyrus for the theta frequency band (log-F-ratio = ?0.940, P > 0.05), the left inferior frontal gyrus for the alpha frequency band (log-F-ratio = ?0.590, P > 0.05), and the left anterior cingulate for the beta frequency band (log-F-ratio = ?1.318, P > 0.05). However, none of these differences were significant (threshold log-F-ratio = ±1.888, P < 0.01; threshold log-F-ratio = ±1.722, P < 0.05). Because EEG background is accepted as normal in CAE, VPA would not be expected to significantly change abnormal thalamocortical oscillations on a normal EEG background. Therefore, our results agree with currently accepted concepts but are not consistent with findings in some previous studies.  相似文献   

We have used event-related potentials (ERP) to assess cerebral activity following mild traumatic brain injuries in 20 college athletes practising contact sports. Concussion victims showed a striking decrease in P300 amplitude, an effect presumed to reflect alterations in attentional-cognitive processes. Moreover, the degree of impairment was strongly related to the severity of post-concussion symptoms. Our data suggest that concussions cause objectively measurable changes in the electrophysiological markers of brain activity and hence in the functions of the structures from which they originate. ERPs may thus constitute a reliable method to accurately monitor the clinical course and recovery of head injuries in athletes.  相似文献   

Recent electrophysiological research indicates that perceiversdifferentiate others on the basis of race extremely quickly.However, most categorization studies have been limited to Whiteparticipants, neglecting potential differences in processingbetween racial groups. Moreover, the extent to which race interfereswith categorization along other dimensions when race is madeirrelevant to a perceiver's task is not known. A gender categorizationtask was used to test the extent to which race information wouldimplicitly interfere with explicit gender categorization. Aspredicted, behavioral and electrocortical data indicated thatparticipants attended to both the task-relevant gender dimensionand the task-irrelevant race dimension. Additionally, processingof target race differed between Black and White participants.Ingroup attention biases in the N200 component of the event-relatedbrain potential facilitated target categorization, suggestinga potential functional role for early differentiation of ingroupand outgroup targets.  相似文献   

Lang S  Kotchoubey B 《Neuroreport》2000,11(15):3327-3331
This study investigates whether learning can manifest itself in EEG changes without explicit awareness of the acquired knowledge and without any motor requirement (to rule out acquisition of motor skills). Subjects passively heard particular stimulus combinations interspersed with random combinations. Immediately after this, stimulus combinations were presented which contained violations of the previously learned regular sequences. These violations elicited two frontally distributed negative waves peaked at about 250 ms and 500 ms, respectively. None of the participants could detect any regularity of the stimulation. No significant difference between regular vs random stimulus combinations was found during acquisition. These findings indicate that learning without explicit knowledge does not require motor activity (i.e. is independent of learning response sequences) and does not depend on stimulus probabilities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Event-related potentials (ERPs) are sensitive measures of both perceptual and cognitive processes. The aim of the present study was to identify brain regions involved in the processes of cognitive dysfunction in narcolepsy by means of ERP tomography. METHODS: In 17 drug-free patients with narcolepsy and 17 controls, ERPs were recorded (auditory odd-ball paradigm). Latencies, amplitudes and LORETA sources were determined for standard (N1 and P2) and target (N2 and P300) ERP components. Psychometry included measures of mental performance, affect and critical flicker fusion frequency (CFF). RESULTS: In the ERPs patients demonstrated delayed cognitive N2 and P300 components and reduced amplitudes in midline regions, while N1 and P2 components did not differ from controls. LORETA suggested reduced P300 sources bilaterally in the precuneus, the anterior and posterior cingulate gyri, the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and the parahippocampal gyrus. In psychometry, patients demonstrated deteriorated mood, increased trait anxiety, decreased CFF and a trend toward reduced general verbal memory and psychomotor activity. CONCLUSIONS: Narcoleptic patients showed prolonged information processing, as indexed by N2 and P300 latencies and decreased energetic resources for cognitive processing. SIGNIFICANCE: Electrophysiological aberrations in brain areas related to the 'executive attention network' and the 'limbic system' may contribute to a deterioration in mental performance and mood at the behavioral level.  相似文献   

Electrical sources of auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) determined by means of low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) in 48 unmedicated insomniac postmenopausal patients aged between 46 and 67 years were compared with those obtained in 48 age-matched normal female controls. Subsequently, the patients were included in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, comparative, randomized 3-arm trial phase - Climodien 2/3 [estradiol valerate (EV) 2 mg + the progestin dienogest 3 mg] was compared with EV 2 mg and placebo - followed by an open-label phase in which all of them received Climodien 2/2 (EV 2 mg + dienogest 2 mg). The double-blind and the open-label phase lasted 2 months. ERPs were recorded from 19 EEG leads in a two-tone oddball paradigm and electrical sources of standard N1 and P2 as well as target N2 and P300 components were estimated. In both patients and controls, LORETA revealed an activation of the superior temporal gyrus [auditory cortex, Brodmann areas (BA) 41, 42, 22] for all four components. For standard P2, an additional activation was observed medially parietally in the precuneus (BA 7, 5). For target N2, also a medial frontal source (BA 9, 10, 32) was identified. Finally, for the target P300 component - in addition to the aforementioned sources - activations in the prefrontal cortex (BA 9, 10, 46, 47), the inferior parietal cortex (supramarginal gyrus, BA 40, 39) and the posterior cingulum (BA 31) were found. Thus, patients and controls did not differ in the structural processes engaged in these fundamental aspects of information processing. However, patients demonstrated significantly reduced source strength - for standard ERP components predominantly in the temporal lobe and for target components predominantly in the frontal lobe, indicating reduced energetic resources available for perceptual and cognitive demands of the discrimination task. While, as compared with placebo, estrogen alone had only minor effects on ERP source strength, Climodien generally increased the impressed current density at the ERP peak latencies, predominantly in the temporal lobe, indicating an increased stimulus-induced cortical arousal in the primary and higher-order auditory cortex. Specifically, Climodien enhanced P300 source strength in the left middle temporal gyrus and in the left superior frontal gyrus, brain regions that on the one hand have been shown to be affected by hormone therapy in positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance neuroimaging studies and that on the other hand are among those critical for encoding and memory processes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare EEG current source densities in high IQ subjects vs. low IQ subjects. Resting eyes closed EEG was recorded from 19 scalp locations with a linked ears reference from 442 subjects ages 5 to 52 years. The Wechsler Intelligence Test was administered and subjects were divided into low IQ (< or =90), middle IQ (>90 to <120) and high IQ (> or =120) groups. Low-resolution electromagnetic tomographic current densities (LORETA) from 2,394 cortical gray matter voxels were computed from 1-30 Hz based on each subject's EEG. Differences in current densities using t tests, multivariate analyses of covariance, and regression analyses were used to evaluate the relationships between IQ and current density in Brodmann area groupings of cortical gray matter voxels. Frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital regions of interest (ROIs) consistently exhibited a direct relationship between LORETA current density and IQ. Maximal t test differences were present at 4 Hz, 9 Hz, 13 Hz, 18 Hz, and 30 Hz with different anatomical regions showing different maxima. Linear regression fits from low to high IQ groups were statistically significant (P < 0.0001). Intelligence is directly related to a general level of arousal and to the synchrony of neural populations driven by thalamo-cortical resonances. A traveling frame model of sequential microstates is hypothesized to explain the results.  相似文献   

The main goal of this review is to elucidate up to what extent pre-attentive auditory information processing is affected during human sleep. Evidence from event-related brain potential (ERP) studies indicates that auditory information processing is selectively affected, even at early phases, across the different stages of sleep-wakefulness continuum. According to these studies, 3 main conclusions are drawn: (1) the sleeping brain is able to automatically detect stimulus occurrence and trigger an orienting response towards that stimulus if its degree of novelty is large; (2) auditory stimuli are represented in the auditory system and maintained for a period of time in sensory memory, making the automatic-change detection during sleep possible; and (3) there are specific brain mechanisms (sleep-specific ERP components associated with the presence of vertex waves and K-complexes) by which information processing can be improved during non-rapid eye movement sleep. However, the remarkably affected amplitude and latency of the waking-ERPs during the different stages of sleep suggests deficits in the building and maintenance of a neural representation of the stimulus as well as in the process by which neural events lead to an orienting response toward such a stimulus. The deactivation of areas in the dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex during sleep contributing to the generation of these ERP components is hypothesized to be one of the main causes for the attenuated amplitude of these ERPs during human sleep.  相似文献   

Hypothyroidism is a common clinical problem during (131)Iodine-therapy of thyroid cancer. In the present investigation, possible cognitive dysfunction during hypothyroid state was assessed by means of neuropsychological tests and the recording of event-related brain potentials (ERPs). Fifteen patients undergoing therapy for thyroid cancer were examined twice: (1) substituted with thyroid hormones, (2) during hypothyroid state immediately prior to treatment. Standard neuropsychological tests were applied during both sessions and subjects showed a mild-to-moderate impairment in their hypothyroid state. In addition, ERPs were recorded from 19 scalp sites while subjects performed two visual search tasks. The serial task required the effortful one-by-one scanning of several items within a visual array, while the parallel task allowed processing of all stimulus items in parallel and automatically. ERPs showed a marked amplitude decrement and delay of the P3 component known to index the speed of stimulus evaluation and the amount of available processing resources. This effect was present only for the serial search task, while no changes were seen in the parallel search task. These data show that hypothyroidism during (131)Iodine-therapy is associated with clinically relevant cognitive dysfunctions, especially with effortful attention demanding tasks.  相似文献   

The temporal dynamics of the spatial scaling of attention during visual search were examined by recording event-related potentials (ERPs). A total of 16 young participants performed a search task in which the search array was preceded by valid cues that varied in size and hence in precision of target localization. The effects of cue size on short-latency (P1 and N1) ERP components, and the time course of these effects with variation in cue-target stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), were examined. Reaction time (RT) to discriminate a target was prolonged as cue size increased. The amplitudes of the posterior P1 and N1 components of the ERP evoked by the search array were affected in opposite ways by the size of the precue: P1 amplitude increased whereas N1 amplitude decreased as cue size increased, particularly following the shortest SOA. The results show that when top-down information about the region to be searched is less precise (larger cues), RT is slowed and the neural generators of P1 become more active, reflecting the additional computations required in changing the spatial scale of attention to the appropriate element size to facilitate target discrimination. In contrast, the decrease in N1 amplitude with cue size may reflect a broadening of the spatial gradient of attention. The results provide electrophysiological evidence that changes in the spatial scale of attention modulate neural activity in early visual cortical areas and activate at least two temporally overlapping component processes during visual search.  相似文献   

Naumann A  Bierbrauer J  Przuntek H  Daum I 《Neuroreport》2001,12(13):2807-2811
Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder, characterised by excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep attacks, cataplexy and abnormal manifestations of rapid eye movement sleep. Recent studies suggest that neuropsychological impairments in narcolepsy may include memory and attention deficits due to a monoaminergic or cholinergic transmitter dysfunction. To explore the nature of cognitive problems, the P300 and mismatch negativity (MMN) event-related potentials were investigated in narcoleptic patients and matched controls. Narcoleptics showed significantly increased P300 amplitudes relative to controls, especially at frontal recording sites. While control subjects exhibited typically larger MMN over the right than the left hemisphere, in particular at frontal and central electrodes, narcoleptics did not show this asymmetry. These results are interpreted as possible alterations in cognitive preattentive and attentive processing associated with altered functioning of the prefrontal cortex in narcolepsy.  相似文献   

《Social neuroscience》2013,8(4):314-325
The aim of the present study was to test whether the eyes of an intact face produced a specific brain response compared to the mouth, nose, or hair and whether their specificity was also maintained in a scrambled face. Fifteen subjects were asked to focus visual attention on global and single elements in intact faces and in their scrambled image. EEG data were recorded from 256-Hydrocel Geodesic Sensor-Net200. Event-related potentials (ERPs) analyses showed a difference between the intact face and the scrambled face from N170 component until 600 ms on the occipito-temporal montage and at 400–600 ms on the frontal montage. Only the eyes showed a difference between conditions (intact/scrambled face) at 500 ms. The most activated source detected by sLORETA was the right middle temporal gyrus (BA21) for both conditions and for all elements. Left BA21 resulted in significantly more activation in response to eyes in the intact face compared to the eyes in the scrambled face at 500 ms. The left BA21 has a central role in high-level visual processing and in understanding others' intentions. These findings suggest a specificity of the eyes and indicate that the eyes play the social and communicative role of comprehending the nonverbal intentions of others only when inserted in an intact face.  相似文献   

The present study investigated differences in sequential learning between subjects who were or were not informed of the presence of a repeating sequence (intentional or incidental group, respectively). Subjects had to learn a 16-letter-long repeating sequence that was irregularly disrupted by deviating stimuli. Reaction times indicated that both groups learned the sequential regularities. Intentional learners showed a larger learning effect. Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) recorded during performance of the task showed a reliably enhanced amplitude for the N2b- and P3b-components for deviant letters for intentional learners, but not for incidental learners. These results are discussed in the context of models proposing that different neural structures are involved in implicit and explicit serial learning.  相似文献   

Diminished responsivity to reward incentives is a key contributor to the social-communication problems seen in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Social motivation theories suggest that individuals with ASD do not experience social interactions as rewarding, leading to negative consequences for the development of brain circuitry subserving social information. In this study, we examined neural responses to social and non-social reward anticipation in 35 typically developing young adults, examining modulation of reward sensitivity by level of autistic traits. Using an Event-related potential incentive-delay task incorporating novel, more ecologically valid forms of reward, higher expression of autistic traits was associated with an attenuated P3 response to the anticipation of social (simulated real-time video feedback from an observer), but not non-social (candy), rewards. Exploratory analyses revealed that this was unrelated to mentalizing ability. The P3 component reflects motivated attention to reward signals, suggesting attenuated motivation allocation specific to social incentives. The study extends prior findings of atypical reward anticipation in ASD, demonstrating that attenuated social reward responsiveness extends to autistic traits in the range of typical functioning. Results support the development of innovative paradigms for investigating social and non-social reward responsiveness. Insight into vulnerabilities in reward processing is critical for understanding social function in ASD.  相似文献   

We developed a behavioral task for spatial orienting of attention in which the same physical stimulus cued covert peripheral shifts of attention to either the left or the right visual fields in different conditions. The design enabled us to record the brain activity engaged during spatial shifts of covert attention that was independent from the physical characteristics of the cueing stimulus using event-related potentials (ERPs). ERPs elicited by foveal cues differed according to the predicted target location starting ca. 160 ms, and differences persisted until the occurrence of the target stimuli. Multiple processes were linked to shifting spatial attention during the cue-target interval. The earliest effects consisted of enhanced negative potentials over the posterior scalp contralateral to the cued location. Later effects were concentrated over the right anterior scalp sites, where activity associated with shifts to the right visual field elicited larger positive potentials. The results extend our understanding of the neural system that orients spatial attention by providing valuable information about the temporal dynamics and hemispheric asymmetries of activity within its posterior and anterior regions.  相似文献   

Imaging studies and quantitative EEG have often, but not consistently, implicated the right hemisphere and the left prefrontal cortex in depression. To help clarify this picture, a spatial filter shown to be effective for enhancing differences between EEG populations was combined with an electrical tomographic approach called low-resolution electromagnetic tomography and used to compare the source-current densities from a group of 25 male subjects with depression and a group of 65 matched controls. To elicit differences, comparisons were made during resting conditions and during verbal and spatial cognitive challenges to the subjects. Estimates of the source-current density were derived from 43-electrode recordings of the EEG reduced to the delta, alpha and beta frequency bands. The depressed subjects were unmedicated and selected according to DSM IV criteria. Regions of significantly increased current density in depression compared to controls were generally right hemispheric, while regions of significantly decreased current density were generally frontal and left hemispheric. A within-group comparison of the depressed subjects during the two cognitive challenges suggested a left anterior functional hypoactivation in depression. Retrospective classification of the two groups indicated that the spatial challenge best separated the groups irrespective of frequency band.  相似文献   

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