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四种胰肠吻合方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胰十二指肠切除是壶腹部癌与胰头癌(即壶腹周围癌)的经典手术,手术并发症多、死亡率高、愈后差是其临床特点。特别是胰瘘是其常见而严重的并发症之一.而胰肠吻合的质量是关系到是否发生胰瘘的最重要的因素.因而对胰肠吻合方法的探讨已成为胰腺外科的一项重要课题。本文回顾总结了我院最近4年38例胰十二指肠切除的胰肠吻合方法及并发症情况。以期能为提高此手术的安全性和满意疗效提供有益帮助。  相似文献   

胰十二指肠切除是壶腹部癌与胰头癌(即壶腹周围癌)的经典手术,手术并发症多、死亡率高、愈后差是其临床特点.特别是胰瘘是其常见而严重的并发症之一,而胰肠吻合的质量是关系到是否发生胰瘘的最重要的因素,因而对胰肠吻合方法的探讨已成为胰腺外科的一项重要课题.本文回顾总结了我院最近4年38例胰十二指肠切除的胰肠吻合方法及并发症情况,以期能为提高此手术的安全性和满意疗效提供有益帮助.  相似文献   

吻合方法对防止胰肠吻合口漏的重要性   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
0引言自1935年Whipple发明胰十二指肠切除术(pancreatico-duodenectomy,PD)以来,胰肠吻合口漏一直是最常见、最严重的并发症,其危害性主要在于被胆肠液激活的胰酶漏入腹腔,腐蚀和消化周围组织,引起致命性大出血、肠漏和不易控制的腹腔感染等,最终造成患者死亡.文献报道PD后胰肠吻合口漏的发生率在5-25%,与之有关的死亡率达到20-50%.据美国最有代表性的2个胰腺外科中心约翰霍普金斯医院(johns hopkins)和麻省总院(massachusetts general hospital)最近的大宗病例报告,胰肠吻合口漏的发生率分别为14%和9.2%.文献中出现过30多种胰肠吻合法,尤…  相似文献   

胰肠吻合口漏的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
100多年前,意大利医生Codibilla首次尝试部分胰腺和十二指肠切除,遂被认为是胰十二指肠切除术(pancreaticoduodenectomy,PD)的先驱.从上世纪40年代Allen 0.Whipple首次完成一期Whipple术式开始[1],PD便成为治疗胰头和壶腹部良恶性疾病的标准术式.  相似文献   

雷杰  刘振显  费建东 《山东医药》2007,47(24):94-94
胰漏为胰十二指肠切除术后最常见、最严重的并发症之一。2004年10月~2006年10月,我们在16例胰十二指肠切除术中采用捆绑式胰肠吻合法,术后均未发生胰漏。现报告如下。  相似文献   

张晨阳  张艳丽 《山东医药》2006,46(15):46-47
总结52例胰十二指肠切除术治疗胆总管下段癌、十二指肠乳头癌及胰头癌的近期治疗结果。其中采用改良胰空肠单层褥式套入端端吻合,胆肠单层内翻缝合术12例。施行标准Whipple术40例。认为行改良术式的胆肠、胰肠吻合操作简便,安全可靠,并发症少,优于标准的Whipple术式。  相似文献   

黄侠  施俭 《胰腺病学》2002,2(2):77-79
目的:回顾分析胰十二指肠切除术后发生胰肠吻合口瘘病例以减少手术并发症。方法:对1986年1月-2001年6月62例胰十二指肠切除术病例资料行回顾性分析。结果:62例中,发生胰肠吻合口瘘9例,发生率14.5%,其中1986年1月-1991年12月发生胰肠吻合口瘘5例,发生率62.5%(5/8);1992年1月-2001年6月发生胰肠吻合口瘘4例,发生率7.4%(4/54)。围手术期死亡2例,死亡率3.2%,占胰瘘的22.2%。死因为胰瘘致全身衰竭。结论:要降低胰肠吻合口瘘的发生率,重点在于手术技巧及方式的改进。手术前后的支持治疗、应用生长抑制、控制感染、有效的胃肠减压是必须的。一旦发生胰瘘,若早期诊断,及时采取综合治疗,可以使绝大部分的胰肠吻合口瘘得到治愈。  相似文献   

目的回顾分析胰十二指肠切除术后发生胰肠吻合口瘘病例以减少手术并发症.方法对1986年1月~2001年6月62例胰十二指肠切除术病例资料行回顾性分析.结果 62例中,发生胰肠吻合口瘘9例,发生率14.5%,其中1986年1月~1991年12月发生胰肠吻合口瘘5例,发生率62.5%(5/8);1992年1月~2001年6月发生胰肠吻合口瘘4例,发生率7.4%(4/54).围手术期死亡2例,死亡率3.2%,占胰瘘的22.2%.死因为胰瘘致全身衰竭.结论要降低胰肠吻合口瘘的发生率,重点在于手术技巧及方式的改进.手术前后的支持治疗、应用生长抑素、控制感染、有效的胃肠减压是必须的.一旦发生胰瘘,若早期诊断,及时采取综合治疗,可以使绝大部分的胰肠吻合口瘘得到治愈.  相似文献   

不同胰肠吻合方式的临床效果比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨端端胰肠套入式吻合、端侧胰管空肠黏膜吻合和捆绑式胰肠吻合的临床应用效果.方法:收集本院1999-02/2009-05行胰十二指肠切除术的患者资料157例,其中采用端端胰肠套入式吻合方式61例,端侧胰管空肠黏膜吻合方式66例,捆绑式胰肠吻合方式30例.分析患者胰肠吻合时间、术后并发症各指标、死亡率及住院时间.结果:端端胰肠套入式吻合时间、端侧胰管空肠黏膜吻合时间与捆绑式胰肠吻合组比较差异有统计学意义(35.85±4.73 min,37.18±6.12 min vs 20.75±4.05 min,均P<0.05).3组术后并发症各指标、死亡率及住院时间统计学上无差异.捆绑式胰肠吻合无1例发生胰漏.结论:3种方法均有良好的临床效果及较低的并发症.捆绑式胰肠吻合具有操作更方便、手术时间短、并发症少的优点,值得临床推广  相似文献   

Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure) has been the standard treatment for periampullary and pancreatic carcinoma. A leakage or fistula from the pancreatic anastomosis is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality after pancreaticoduodenectomy. In order to prevent the development of pancreatic fistula, we designed a modified pancreaticojejunostomy called Kissing Pancreaticojejunostomy, by which the pancreatic tube was tightly in touch with (kissing) the jejunal mucosa via a tent tube. We have performed this procedure on 71 consecutive patients and only one patient developed pancreatic fistula. It is a safe, simple and efficient technique.  相似文献   

彭氏捆绑式胰肠吻合术的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
0引言胰十二指肠切除术(Pancreaticoduodenectomy,PD)手术范围较大,危险性较高,并发症多.其中胰肠吻合口漏为PD手术后最常见、最严重的并发症之一.据统计,目前胰肠吻合口漏的发生率仍高达13%左右,大约是17%PD手术患者的直接死亡原因.为了预防,文献报道有20种方法,大体上包括胰腺残端(胰管)结扎、胰管栓塞或外引流、全胰切除、胰腺断面的浆膜化、胰胃吻合[1,2]、胰空肠6-8针间断缝合[3]、胰空肠套入吻合[4]、胰管与空肠黏膜吻合[5]和没有胰管与空肠黏膜吻合的胰管外造瘘术[6].虽然胰肠吻合方法多种多样,但无一能完全避免胰肠吻合口漏的发…  相似文献   

Background: Postoperative pancreatic fistula(POPF) is a severe complication of the pancreaticoduodenectomy(PD). Recently, we introduced a method of suspender pancreaticojejunostomy(PJ) to the PD. In this study, we retrospectively analyzed various risk factors for complications after PD. We also introduced and assessed the suspender PJ to demonstrate its advantages.Methods: Data from 335 patients with various periampullary lesions, who underwent the Whipple procedure(classic Whipple procedure or pylorus-preserving) PD by either traditional end-to-side invagination PJ or suspender PJ, were analyzed. The correlation between either perioperative or postoperative complications and corresponding PD approaches was evaluated by univariate analysis.Results: A total of 147 patients received the traditional end-to-side invagination PJ, and 188 patients were given the suspender PJ. Overall, 51.9% patients had various complications after PD. The mortality rate was 2.4%. The POPF incidence in patients who received the suspender PJ was 5.3%, which was significantly lower than those who received the traditional end-to-side invagination PJ(18.4%)(P 0.001).Univariate analysis showed that PJ approach and the pancreas texture were significantly associated with the POPF incidence rate(P 0.01). POPF was a risk factor for both postoperative abdominal cavity infection(OR = 8.34, 95% CI: 3.99–17.42, P 0.001) and abdominal cavity hemorrhage(OR = 4.86, 95% CI:1.92–12.33, P = 0.001).Conclusions: Our study showed that the impact of the pancreas texture was a major risk factor for pancreatic leakage after a PD. The suspender PJ can be easily accomplished and widely applied and can effectively decrease the impact of the pancreas texture on pancreatic fistula after a PD and leads to a lower POPF incidence rate.  相似文献   

The history of pancreaticojejunostomy in pancreaticoduodenectomy is described. Many types of operations have been devised in search of a more reliable method of anastomosis. To perform a safe and reliable pancreaticoenteric anastomosis it is necessary to understand the organ characteristics of the pancreas. We investigated factors required for a reliable pancreaticojejunostomy and devised a new surgical technique that meets those requirements. We introduce the theoretical substantiation and clinical usefulness of our new surgical technique while reviewing the history of pancreaticojejunostomy after pancreaticoduodenectomy. The unique aspect of our method is approximation of the pancreas stump and jejunal wall by six to eight interrupted sutures. It is speculated that too many sutures and tying too tight in the anastomosis may cause ischemia and necrosis of the pancreatic stump by restricting the tissue blood flow. Our method allows us not only to reduce the number of sutures, but also to avoid some of the complicated manipulations done in any other existing methods. The newly devised pancreaticojejunostomy is an excellent surgical technique with anastomotic failure seen in only two patients and no deaths out of 162 consecutive patients.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess the patency of pancreaticoenterostomy and pancreatic exocrine function after three surgical methods. METHODS: A pig model of pancreatic ductal dilation was made by ligating the main pancreatic duct. After 4 wk ligation, a total of 36 piglets were divided randomly into four groups. The piglets in the control group underwent laparotomy only; the others were treated by three anastomoses: (1) end-to-end pancreaticojejunostomy invagination (EEPJ); (2) end-to-side duct-to- mucosa sutured anastomosis (ESPJ); or (3) binding pancreaticojejunostomy (BPJ). Anastomotic patency was assessed after 8 wk by body weight gain, intrapancreatic ductal pressure, pancreatic exocrine function secretin test, pancreatography, and macroscopic and histologic features of the anastomotic site. RESULTS: The EEPJ group had significantly slower weight gain than the ESPJ and BPJ groups on postoperative weeks 6 and 8 (P 〈 0.05). The animals in both the ESPJ and BPJ groups had a similar body weight gain.Intrapancreatic ductal pressure was similar in ESPJ and BPJ. However, pressure in EEPJ was significantly higher than that in ESPJ and BPJ (P 〈 0.05). All three functional parameters, the secretory volume, the flow rate of pancreatic juice, and bicarbonate concentration, were significantly higher in ESPJ and BPJ as compared to EEPJ (P 〈 0.05). However, the three parameters were similar in ESPJ and BPJ. Pancreatography performed after EEPJ revealed dilation and meandering of the main pancreatic duct, and the anastomotic site exhibited a variable degree of occlusion, and even blockage. Pancreatography of ESPJ and BPJ, however, showed normal ductal patency. Histopathology showed that the intestinal mucosa had fused with that of the pancreatic duct, with a gradual and continuous change from one to the other. For EEPJ, the portion of the pancreatic stump protruding into the jejunal lumen was largely replaced by cicatricial fibrous tissue. CONCLUSION: A mucosa-to-mucosa pancreatico- jejuno  相似文献   

Following the resectional aspect of pancreaticoduodenectomy, three anastomoses are used to reestablish gastrointestinal continuity. The pancreatic?Centeric anastomosis is by far the most problematic, and has been considered by many the Achilles heel of the pancreaticoduodenal resection. Multiple clinical trials have been published focusing on improving outcomes of the pancreatic?Centeric anastomosis, including elements such as the use of prophylactic octreotide, the use of sealants, stenting of the pancreatic duct, and surgical technique. There are two widely used methods to accomplish an end-to-side pancreaticojejunostomy (PJ) after pancreaticoduodenectomy: either invagination PJ or duct-to-mucosa PJ. Two prospective randomized trials have evaluated these techniques, the first a trial by Bassi and co-authors, and the second a trial by Berger et al. In this article we will focus on our current technique for both invagination pancreaticojejunostomy and duct-to-mucosa pancreaticojejunostomy, recognizing that careful surgical technique, surgeon experience, and surgical volume are factors that are important in yielding the best outcomes.  相似文献   

Two-staged pancreatoduodenectomy, including exteriorization of the pancreatic juice and second-look pancreaticojejunostomy, has been recommended for high-risk patients to avoid pancreatic leakage, which often causes intra-abdominal hemorrhage. We present a new technique of interventional pancreaticojejunostomy under both fluoroscopy and endoscopy without second-look laparotomy. A 77-year-old woman with local recurrence and liver metastasis from colon cancer underwent hepato-pancreatoduodenectomy with the external drainage of pancreatic juice via the pancreatic duct tube without pancreaticojejunostomy. Two months later, the jejunum was punctured with the insertion of a 5-F needle-knife into the pancreatic fistula during endoscopic observation of jejunal lumen, followed by the insertion of two 0.35-inch guidewires into the jejunum and the pancreatic fistula. Finally, a 10-Fr stenting tube was placed between the jejunum and the pancreatic fistula. No complications developed.  相似文献   

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