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医院建筑一旦发生火灾,怎样确保建筑内的人员在最快的时间内逃生呢?从消防专业的角度看,安全疏散设施的设计举足轻重. 这是因为,医院建筑功能复杂,人员多元且集中,大多数患者自主疏散能力弱或者完全缺乏,个别患者遇到火灾威胁,只能靠他人担抬、背身进行疏散,这些都无疑增加了医院在遭遇火灾时疏散人员的难度.  相似文献   

医院消防物联网将原本与网络无关的消防设施和网络结合起来,将消防监督管理、防火灭火所需的相关信息进行汇总,可以让医院更加轻松地发现和处理医院的警情信息,降低火灾发生频率。医院火灾的特点医院是人员密集场所,发生火灾时,极容易出现踩踏等问题,进而严重威胁群众的生命财产安全。医院拥有大量贵重的医疗设备,一旦这些医疗设备发生火灾,将带来巨大损失。医院内部老弱病残者居多,发生火灾时,人员转移困难,很多患者由于自身问题难以快速逃生,增加了救护的难度。  相似文献   

“5。12”汶川地震发生后,医院紧急抽组两支医疗救援分队于13日分别到达汶川县城、汶川县映秀镇展开紧急医疗救援。截止6月9日,两支医疗救援分队共抢救重危伤病员336名,手术104例,收治伤病员492名,后送伤病员385名,接诊患者2200余人次。后勤人员通过伴随保障实现了运输保障到位,药材保障随时随地补充,分队队员无一伤亡,无一因病撤离,展示了全面建设现代后勤的成效。  相似文献   

王勇  王强 《医疗卫生装备》2010,31(7):102-102,104
阐述了目前医用空气加压氧舱内发生火灾等突发事件下出现的重大损失,以及应用该系统中的水喷淋消防系统解决了氧舱内火灾发生时的明火燃烧问题,同时应用空气吸入系统解决了氧舱内人员在火灾发生时的呼吸问题,使氧舱内人员避免了在火灾发生时出现窒息、中毒、甚至死亡的危险。该系统的应用使医用空气加压氧舱在运行过程中发生火灾事件时有了安全保障。  相似文献   

目的探讨和分析医疗风险管理对提高医疗服务质量的影响。方法通过制定和完善相关计划来不断加强医院风险管理,比如制定SOP文件,各种应急措施等。加强了医院等医疗机构的风险管理意识,降低风险。结果经过一段时间的医院管理后,医院机构的风险管理意识增强,同时降低各项风险几率,提高了患者的满意度,减少纠纷事件的发生。结论强化医院风险管理,对提高医院各项服务质量有很大的帮助,减少医院医疗纠纷事件的发生,保障患者生命健康安全,同时也提升了医院的整体形象。  相似文献   

手术室在医院发展中是感染高危科室之一,主要承担对患者进行手术和急重症患者的抢救工作。因此,在手术室护理中应加强管理,根据发生医院感染的主要因素,制定针对性预防措施,全面提升医院手术室管理水平,降低医院内感染事件的发生,促进我国医疗卫生事业的发展。本文基于手术室护理的医院感染因素进行分析,提出相应的预防措施,对患者的生命安全提供保障。  相似文献   

火灾是我国常发性灾害中发生频率较高的一种灾害。所以,人们必须增加防火意识,特别是当你遇到突如其来的火灾时,该如何自救逃生呢? 熟悉周围环境。一般人们在长期居住生活的地理环境比较熟悉,若到紧急情况即可迅即撤离火灾现场,因而人员伤亡较少。倘若您来到完全陌生的地方,特别是在商场、宾馆等庞大建筑中,平时应  相似文献   

总结医院危重症患者标准化院内安全转运体系的构建与实践经验。立足于医院危重症患者院内转运的特点及发生不良事件的高危因素,制定符合天水市第一人民医院实际情况的危重症患者院内安全转运作业清单,规范危重症患者院内转运流程,提高医护人员应对患者转运过程中不良事件发生的综合能力,规避不良事件的发生,进而提高医疗护理服务质量,保障患者的就医安全。  相似文献   

肿瘤患者医院感染的预防措施   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
目的为降低肿瘤患者住院时发生医院感染,探讨其预防感染的措施. 方法针对肿瘤患者易发生医院感染的原因,增强对肿瘤患者及医务人员的防感染意识教育,减少侵入性操作,制定肿瘤患者预防医院感染的措施. 结果严格执行消毒隔离制度,提供安全的就医环境,就能降低医院感染的发生. 结论预防医院感染对于肿瘤患者尤其重要.  相似文献   

首先应该想到通过安全出口迅速逃生。影剧院都设有消防疏散通道,并装有门灯、壁灯、脚灯等应急照明设备,用红底白字标有"出口处"或"紧急出口"等指示标志。发生火灾后,观众应按这些指示设施所指方向,选择人流量较小的疏散通道撤离。如安全出口被堵,应选择其他逃生途径。通过窗户逃生时,须用窗帘等卷成长条,制成安全绳,用滑绳自救。绝不能盲目跳楼,以免发生不必要的伤亡。如逃生通道被大火和浓烟堵截,又一时找不到  相似文献   

Every hospital has a fire safety plan, although some fail to update their plans when circumstances change, such as when the facility is refurbished or new fire protection equipment is added, or when new wings bring in additional patients and staff. Others may fail to develop new education programs to heighten staff awareness of what is expected of them during a fire and to train employees to meet those expectations. In this report, we'll examine the new fire safety plans at two Massachusetts hospitals and the revisions they made to address these issues. We'll offer suggestions for effectively evaluating and revising your own fire safety plans.  相似文献   

方舱医院是由体育场馆等临时改建而成的,它的场地空间有限、人员数量较多,并且患者存在畏惧心理,面临着医疗救治、心理疏导、消防安全、饮食安全等多方面的困难。此时,加强党对方舱医院的领导,切实开展党建工作尤为必要。通过对方舱医院党建工作做法的梳理,总结提炼方舱医院党建工作的经验及成效,并提出思考。  相似文献   

M F Anthony 《Hospitals》1978,52(6):105, 108, 110-105, 108, 112
Careful planning can lessen the harmful effects of a strike on any hospital's day-to-day operations. A Baltimore hospital found that the use of contingency plan during an actual strike made the transition to a modified operational mode relatively smooth and that communication was enhanced. Because lines of responsibility and communication were clearly established, management was able to devote more time to negotiation and to making the contingency plan work rather than spending time on rush planning and policy interpretation.  相似文献   

目的 研究PDCA循环方法在医院火灾应急演练中的实践应用。 方法 将PDCA循环与中日友好医院火灾应急演练相结合,检查演练效果。 结果 每年的应急演练按照计划(P)、执行(D)、检查(C)、处理(A)四个步骤进行。在三年的PDCA循环过程中,医院对每一年存在的问题进行了有针对性的改进,完善了演练的内容与目的,医院消防应急工作取得了较大进步。 结论 PDCA循环在医院火灾应急演练中的应用,能够提高应急队伍的火灾应急处置能力,拓宽应急演练的作用。对消防应急管理工作具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

克拉玛依市中心医院是一所三级甲等医院,院区医护人员、工作人员千余人,设有床位750张。因此,统一组织、指挥、协调全院突发公共事件应急工作,建立专项应急预案非常重要。本预案对预防火灾及火灾发生时的信息传递、处理方法及相关的应急管理作了阐述。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Homes in rural areas have a higher fire death rate. Although successful exit from a home fire could greatly reduce fire-related deaths and injuries, little is known about factors associated with behaviors of developing and practicing an escape plan. METHODS: Between July 2003 and June 2004, a baseline survey was administered, in person, to 691 rural households. Information collected included a history of previous home fire, perceived risk of home fire, existing smoke alarms and their working status, and home fire safety practices, as well as home and occupant characteristics. The association of residents' perceived risk of home fire and fire escape plans was assessed. RESULTS: Forty-two percent of rural households reported having a fire escape plan. Of the households with a plan, less than two thirds (56.9%) discussed or practiced the plan. Households with children were more likely to develop and practice a fire escape plan. Households with an elderly or disabled person were less likely to develop or practice the plan. Compared to respondents who perceived low or very low risk of home fire, those who perceived a high or very high risk had 3.5 times greater odds of having a fire escape plan and 5.5 times greater odds of discussion or practicing their plan. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing awareness of the potential risk of home fires may help occupants develop and practice home fire escape plans. In order to reduce fire deaths and injuries, different strategies need to be developed for those households in which the occupants lack the ability to escape.  相似文献   

医疗设备质量控制的根本目的是保证医疗设备高质量地为患者服务,保障患者的安全,提高医院的综合服务质量。建立健全医疗设备质量控制体系,做好设备质量控制管理和维修后的质量监督工作是设备管理部门重要的责任。文章介绍了医疗设备质量控制管理工作的实施方案,总结了医疗设备质量控制工作的运行状况,找出了质控工作存在的常见问题,提出了今后的工作方案和改进措施。  相似文献   

The hospitals selected by or for Medicare beneficiaries might depend on whether the patient is enrolled in a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan. A theoretical model of profit maximization by MA plans takes into account the tradeoffs of consumer preferences for annual premium versus outcomes of care in the hospital and other attributes of the plan. Hospital discharge databases for 13 states in 2006, maintained by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, are the main source of data. Risk-adjusted mortality rates are available for all non-maternity adult patients in each of 15 clinical categories in about 1,500 hospitals. All-adult postoperative safety event rates covering 9 categories of events are calculated for surgical cases in about 900 hospitals. Instrumental variables are used to address potential endogeneity of the choice of a MA plan. The key findings are these: enrollees in MA plans tend to be treated in hospitals with lower resource cost and higher risk-adjusted mortality compared to Fee-for-Service (FFS) enrollees. The risk-adjusted mortality measure is about 1.5 percentage points higher for MA plan enrollees than the overall mean of 4%. However, the rate of safety events in surgical patients favors MA plan enrollees—the rate is 1 percentage point below the average of 3.5%. These discrepant results are noteworthy and are plausibly due to greater discretion by the health plan in approving patients for elective surgery and as well as selecting hospitals for surgical patients. Emergency patients are generally excluded for the safety outcome measures. In addition, the current mortality measures may not adequately represent all surgical patients. Such caveats should be prominently highlighted when presenting comparative data. With that proviso, the study justifies informing Medicare beneficiaries about the mortality and safety outcome measures for hospitals being used by a MA plan compared to hospitals used by FFS enrollees.  相似文献   

The incorporation into Italian legislation of the European Community directives on the improvement of health and safety at work imposes new duties on the department heads of hospital departments. Their level of knowledge and information on several safety problems--occupational infections, exposure to chemical agents, use of antineoplastic and antiviral drugs, use of protective garments and devices, exposure to ionizing and non ionizing radiations, use of electric devices, lifting and loading, fire prevention--was surveyed in a large teaching hospital in northern Italy, via a check-list derived from Italian and international experience. Both knowledge and information resulted rather low, with particular regard to chemical, electric and fire hazards. The ignorance of department heads about common safety and prevention procedures in hospital work does not allow them to carry out their role according to the new requirements of Italian legislation. However, as they "must" know and have criminal responsibility in case of accidents or diseases due to their unawareness, appropriate courses are needed to fulfil law and safety requirements.  相似文献   

Burning issue     
Unions are blazing angry about the anomalies in hospital fire safety regulations which are putting patients and staff at risk. Phil Cohen investigates.  相似文献   

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