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<正>女,47岁,3年前无诱因发现左额部头皮隆起,皮下可触及骨性肿块,约黄豆大小,局部无疼痛,无恶心呕吐、无肢体抽搐等症状,近期患者发现肿块缓慢增大。体格检查:神志清楚,精神好,左额部局部头皮隆起,触诊可及3.0cm×3.0cm大小的骨性突起,突出约0.8cm,表面光滑,无压痛。实验室检查未见明显异常。影像学表现:CT示两侧额骨、左侧顶骨多发局限性骨质破坏,最大者位于左侧额骨(图1),大小约3.3cm×1.9cm。病  相似文献   

患者男42岁。头部疼痛入院,查体:右后顶部扪及一包块,质硬,不活动,压痛明显。  相似文献   

患者,男性,28岁。因头部多发肿物入院检查。查体:头颅大小及形态正常,前额及颅顶部可触及多个肿物,质坚硬,不能活动,最大者约3.0cm&#215;2.4cm大小。头颅正侧位X光片示:额骨及左右顶骨见多个大小不等的高密度阴影,密度均匀,边缘清楚,轮廓规则(图1,2),诊断为颅盖骨多发骨瘤。  相似文献   

目的:探讨颅骨血管瘤的病理类型、临床特点和治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析17例手术治疗的颅骨血管瘤病例,对其临床症状、影像学资料、治疗方法以及随访情况等进行分析研究。结果:全部病例均行手术治疗。外生型肿瘤3例(15.8%),内生型肿瘤4例(21.1%),混合生长型肿瘤12例(63.1%)随诊12例患者,术后均恢复了正常的工作和生活。结论:手术治疗颅骨血管瘤可以达到明确诊断治愈疾病,延缓神经功能缺损的发展以及美容的目的。  相似文献   

患者女40岁。左顶部颅骨隆起疼痛5月余。摸之质硬欠光滑,触乏稍痛,局部皮温高,头皮毛发未见异常。病人有发热症状,体温38度,X线摄片:左顶骨混杂密度影,骨质密度增高,其中可见多个类圆形大小不一低密度区,边缘欠光整。CT扫描见左顶骨明显增厚,骨质密度增高硬化明显,并可见多个液性低密度区,CT值20Hu,皮肤软组织未见异常。病理检查:满视野脓细胞。  相似文献   

颅骨海绵状血管瘤一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者 男,48岁。外伤后来院就诊。体检:神清。头颅左后顶部稍显隆起,质硬,边界不清,活动度差,触之稍疼痛,外表无红肿。心肺、心电图及各项实验室检查均无异常。  相似文献   

颅骨海绵状血管瘤一例误诊分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孔平 《放射学实践》2004,19(9):690-690
病例资料 患者 ,女 ,42岁。左眼突出并嗅觉减退 2个月余。眼眶冠状位和横断位CT示左侧前颅凹见一直径约 4cm的类圆形肿块 ,边界清楚 ,其内见放射状分布的粗条索样钙化和点线状细钙化灶。点线区CT值 90HU ,钙化区CT值 718HU ,邻近额骨CT值 115 1HU。左眶顶壁、蝶骨体左侧和筛骨  相似文献   

囊性血管囊病罕见,现将我们遇到的一例报道如下。男,57岁。1981年6月27日因椎-基底动脉供血不足于外单位住院治疗。当时,头颅正,侧位片见多个颅骨破坏区。胸部及骨盆片示骨质正常。肝、肾B型超声检  相似文献   

李敏龙  姜萍 《医学影像学杂志》2013,(12):1966-1966,1979
患者女 16岁。因“头部包块进行性长大6^+月”入院。入院杳体:头右前额部可们及一约4cm×6cm包块,可见一条K约4cm纵型皮肤陈旧性疤痕,色呈皮肤色,无渗液,无红肿.质硬.小活动,边界不清未扪及搏动;神经系统无阳性体征。头颅CT平扫示:额骨及右侧顶骨膨胀性骨质破坏,CT值约57~651HU.其内晕蜂窝状改变,病灶跨越中线及冠状缝.向颅内、外膨隆,栩邻额顶叶受压.增强扫描病灶内有不均匀强化(咊1.2);头部C1、血管成像(CTA)相邻上矢状窦琏本闭塞(图3),分界小清,颅内动脉未见确切异常。影像诊断考虑颅骨良性骨肿瘤或肿瘤样病变。  相似文献   

Paget''s disease of bone (PDB) is a progressive monostotic or polyostotic osteopathy with unknown cause. It is associated with the involvement of the nervous system. The cranial nerves, spinal roots, cauda equina, spinal cord, and brain can be affected in PDB due to their close anatomical relation to bone. Hearing loss occurs in 12%-50% of patients with PDB. The optic nerve can be affected at the optic canal. The diagnosis of PDB is radiological by highlighting characteristic lesions like thickening of the cortical bone, hypertrophic and fibrillary bones. Progressive or chronic neurological deficits should be treated with bisphosphonates. We present a rare case of multiple cranial nerve palsies as the first manifestation of PDB.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic pachymeningitis is a rare fibrosing inflamatory process involving dura mater and tentorium. In this report we are presenting contrast enhanced MRI findings of an unusual case of pachymeningitis which presented with a periorbital mass due to dural sinuses occlusion and retrograde filling of periorbital veins through superior sagittal sinus.  相似文献   

患者男,17岁.因晨起后左侧额面部疼痛及麻木、左侧牙痛10余年于2009年2月9日就诊,每次持续10 min缓解,无恶心、呕吐、头痛、头晕及耳鸣等症状.  相似文献   

Primary germinoma of the posterior cranial fossa: a case report   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We describe a primary germinoma arising in an unusual site, in multiple areas on the cerebellar convexity, in an adult man. Received: 26 October 1995 Accepted: 2 July 1996  相似文献   

This report presents the imaging appearances of an uncommon case of intradiploic frontal bone aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) in a 10-year-old girl. ABCs are rare in the calvarium. The radiological and aetiopathological differences between the more commonly occurring ABCs of the long bones and vertebrae, and their rarer counterparts in the calvarium and facial bones, have been discussed. Unique also to this case is the reconstruction performed using the outer table of the bone flap after excising the tumour.  相似文献   

患者男,2岁。左膝肿胀、活动受限1月来诊。查体:左膝内缘股骨下部触及硬性肿块,不能活动,皮温高,左中腹部可触及一包块,位于左肾区。患者父母自述,患儿既往体健,1月来,左膝内下缘肿胀迅速,疼痛,患儿哭闹不安,不能站立行走。X线检查:左股骨内下缘干骺端见溶骨性骨破坏,并突破骨皮质,侵及周围软组织,形成肿块,周缘见放射状骨针,肿块上方后内缘皮质见轻度层状骨膜反应,病变对侧缘骨皮质中断,呈病理性骨折改变;左胫骨上端干骺端松质骨呈筛孔样骨破坏(图1,2),骨纹理稀疏,见细小纵行透亮区。作多部位骨骼摄影:见双侧股骨股骨颈下缘松质骨见筛孔样…  相似文献   

患者男,71岁.因左侧肢体乏力、步态不稳,伴头昏、呕吐9 d入院.体检:血压:160/80 mm Hg(1 mmm Hg=0.133 kPa);左额部稍隆起,无压痛;双侧眼球无突出,眼球各向运动不受限;左侧指鼻、跟膝胫试验欠稳、准.影像检查:CT平扫示额骨左半侧膨胀性改变,其内见多发斑片状钙化影;病变累及左侧额窦,腔内被软组织密度影填充;病变区内外板结构完整并与正常颅骨分界清楚(图1).  相似文献   

Giant cell tumours (GCTs) of the cranium preferentially affect the sphenoid and temporal bones. We report a 19-year-old patient with GCT involving the left occipital bone and petromastoid portion of the temporal bone. CT and MRI revealed a predominantly expansive soft-tissue mass of the posterior cranial fossa. The patient underwent surgery. Permanent histopathological sections and immunostatins revealed the presence of a GCT. The radiological features and method of surgical intervention of this rare lesion are discussed.  相似文献   

Today, there is increasing use of CT scanning on a clinical basis, aiding in the diagnosis of diseases or injuries. This exam also provides important information that allows identification of individuals. This paper reports the use of a CT scan on the skull, taken when the victim was alive, for the positive identification of a victim of a traffic accident in which the fingerprint analysis was impossible. The authors emphasize that the CT scan is a tool primarily used in clinical diagnosis and may contribute significantly to forensic purpose, allowing the exploration of virtual corpses before the classic autopsy. The use of CT scans might increase the quantity and quality of information involved in the death of the person examined.  相似文献   

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